Friday, November 26, 2010

"Who is responsible for the Koh Pich tragedy?": Incompetence of the authority, the police and the hospital

Survivors of Monday's stampede lie on a bed at Preah Kossamak Hospital in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Wednesday, Nov. 24, 2010. Thousands of people stampeded during a festival in the Cambodian capital late Monday, leaving over three hundred dead and scores injured in what Prime Minister Hun Sen called the country's biggest tragedy since the 1970s reign of terror by the Khmer Rouge. (Photo: AP)

Hello VOA Program with interview of the eyewitnesses


Anonymous said...

Incompetence, incompetence.. The whole asshole government officials should step down and let competence people to run the government.
This is an asshole government.

Kulen Monorom said...

Your Majesty Samdech Ta former King Norodom Sihanouk,

Prime Minister Samdech Hun Sen,

Thank you for your both kindness and understanding.
What we need is prevention methods, not to let this type of accident happen again in the future.

It also makes me very worried to see so much alcohol allowed to enter or be produced in our beloved Kingdom of Cambodia? What about “ YA BA “ and other types of DRUGS from Thailand and Vietnam?

Can His Majesty Samdech Ta and Samdech Hun Sen stop all sorts of drugs coming to Cambodia? The accident may not be related to drugs and alcohol but just some thing that I could not sleep peacefully from now on to the future, in the names sake of true Khmer citizen.

Can Samdech Hun Sen kindly ask all 5 million Vietnamese illegal immigrants to peacefully return to Vietnam, so Koh Pich will not be too crowded more and more every day, every month and every year to come.
All Vietnamese illegal immigrants can easily come in and settle inside Cambodia even though they already have their own country Vietnam.

When Cambodia is too crowded, definitely we Khmer people can not go to settle inside Vietnam, can we?
Please Vietnamese, you said you came to rescue us from Pol Pot, and you don’t want to return home, it is not right according to 23rd October 1991 Paris Peace Agreement, can all of you go back to your country now.

Vietnamese illegal immigrants, you see because 5 million of you are inside Cambodia, it makes us too crowded and we wasted our lives at Koh Pich without good reasons.

Your Vietnamese Communism expansionist mind in Cambodia, is to give an excuse to China mainland to occupy your Spratly Islands, Parcel Islands, the whole of your Eastern sea border and perhaps the Northern border sooner or later.

5 million Vietnamese illegal immigrants in Cambodia, please go back home to defend your country from Chinese mighty economic invasion.

May I pray to God and the Lord Jesus Christ that those who have lost loved one will be comforted.

My condolences to all the victim's family.


Kulen Monorom
(The rice farmer's son)

Anonymous said...

The owner of KOH PECH is responsible of the tragedy,
he must pay all of the damages to all of victims families.
Not $1000, not $5000, at leat $50000 per death.

Anonymous said...

ដឹងហើយតើ​​​​​​ ពួករដ្ឋមន្ត្រីហ៊ុនសែន គ្មានចេះទទួលខុសត្រូវទេ បានន័យថា៖ គេទទួលតែរឿងត្រូវទេ ឯរឿងខុសគឺអត់ទទួលទេ។
ដូចកាលរឿងដឹកគ្រឿងសំណល់គីមី ចូលមកតាមគំពង់សោម មកចាក់ចោលក្នុងស្រុកខ្មែរ។ ទីបំផុត គឺអ្នកតូចតាច ទៅវិញទេ ជាអ្នកខុស។
រឿងកោះមរណៈនេះ លោកកែបជុតិមា និង លោកទូចណារដ្ឋ ត្រូវតែចុះចេញពីដំណែង។ ហើយនគរបាល ដែលប្រចាំការនៅទីនោះ ត្រូវតែឡើងទៅឆ្លើយនៅតុលាការ។

Anonymous said...

The responsible of the stampede is the guy who created the panic on the bridge.

Anonymous said...

In the Phillipines, after 8 Hkong Tourists Lost... the Municipal Police Chief Resigned....and some were suspended for research/probe.
In S Korea, following the North firing,,, The South Defence minister quits....
In Cambodia ?????

Our authority just knows how to prtect the protesters... they use all kind of means...
But in case of Koh Picg Stampede they did reponse fast...
They should have proposed the riak assessement... Managed the People movement.. they have alot of Materials : human resource many stars.. many camaras radio telecom.. monitor the movement of people.. why they take less action to prevent they lives..
Some high Ranks: Major,, National festival Committte Chief down to Municipal Chief need to resign.....


Anonymous said...

Corruption at all level over years by Authority,Police, hospital and the CPP government have clearly contributed to the life losts during this sad part of Cambodia history.

But dont expect thing to get any better if the core or root cause of corruption culture is not fix by the government...

I say this because when a country it corrupt it take away the base benefit and checking machanism so "people" who suppose to do their job turn a "blind eyes" and ignore thing and NOT do thing the proper way. Over time this get worse and worsed it become impossible to change just like impossible for people to change the CPP government.

A change in a government leadership is the root cause as it changes the "vision and blue print" i.e destiny of a country.

Say for example CPP never have and pracmatic or ractional solution to any problem. Say the border issues, when Vietname planted a board post in Cambodian soit instead of taking the fight with Vietnam it TOOK a stand against it own people and put the land owner to Goal.

I would expect every cambodia to react opposit to that if someone came to your place/property and claimed it was there own then you would defend and fight that claimed at all cost.

coming back to Koh Pich, it is an incident which can be or should have been preventable. There is no point crying and knowing that if the government does their job instead of sleeping these incident would be minimised.

If the government used the donated international money to build better hospital and train doctor well you have better chance to saving those people life.

I can write a hold storey by the essence is the CPP government and it leadership is poor and have no idea of how to run a country...what to expect if you have FAKE Phd. Every a high school kids is more qualify to do this role and do it well.

Anonymous said...

The government. Water festival is the government sponsored event and the government and PP municipality have the responsibility to keep everyone safe. period.

Anonymous said...

fuck the government. It the police...why cant they do anything when they saw the problem. Instead they started running too. I blame the police, no real life experience and techniq

Anonymous said...

Lok Tum Pek Kep Choy Ta Ma & Tum Pek Kon youn fake khmer Toi Na Rout must resign ,khmer's lives are not cheap as you quys talking shit!ok ? U Quys R incompetent. Must resign xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

the only thing that dr look at is the money. they need money to fuck in their mouth and stick in their shit. if we have a good government, we should never have any kind of acident like this, bcause of the fucking hun sen family and the cpp, fuck you ah sen. cut your dick for female dog and cut your head for crocodile. keep body no dick for me bonrany.