Friday, November 12, 2010

Youth See Volunteerism As a Means to a Jobs

Pich Samnang, VOA Khmer
Phnom Penh Thursday, 11 November 2010
“If they don't do volunteer work with an institution or community, they will probably be unable to find employment opportunities.”
With unemployment still high among Cambodian youth, some have begun to seek volunteer opportunities as a bridge to decent jobs in the future.

More and more graduates have shown an interest in volunteer work, which helps them gain experience and expand their networks, said Som Monorom, a project officer at Cambodian Volunteers for Society.

“If they don't do volunteer work with an institution or community, they will probably be unable to find employment opportunities,” he said, adding that most volunteers came from poor or middle-class families.

There are hardly any youths from well-off families who want to volunteer, because most of them have a lot of money, so they do not care much about job opportunity,” he said in an interview Wednesday.

Cambodia has the highest per capita population of youth in the region: those between 10 to 24 years old make up 35 percent of the populace.

But with an estimated 250,000 youths entering the employment market each year, and the main industry, garments, only supplying a total 300,000 jobs, work opportunities are scant.

That means greater competition for the jobs that do exist.

“Today, getting a job requires work experience,” said Pen Sophal, youth media officer for UN Volunteers. “Even though you graduate from a university, you'll find it hard to get a job without work experience.”


Anonymous said...

Hanoi killed Moslems and took Champa.
Hanoi killed Khmers Krom and has controlled.
That is Viet’s nature as thieves and crocodiles.
That is Viet’s nature as thieves and crocodiles.
Down Vietnamese expansionism!
Vietnam will be wiped out by hurricane!
by Volcano!
by earthquake!
by tsunami!
and by….!
Vietnam will be wiped out from the map!
Vietnam will be wiped out from the map!
Vietnam will be wiped out from the map!
Vietnam will be wiped out from the map!
All Moslems wake up then be united to take CHAMPA back!
Vietnam will be wiped out from the map!
All Moslems wake up then be united to take CHAMPA back!
Vietnam will be wiped out from the map!!
All Moslems wake up then be united to take CHAMPA back!
Vietnam will be wiped out from the map!!
All Moslems wake up then be united to take CHAMPA back!
Vietnam will be wiped out by hurricane! by Volcano!
by earthquake! by tsunami waves ! and by….

Anonymous said...

United among all of Khmer is very important.

Knowing our enemy who really is also important.

Our enemy is Ho Chi Minh Indochina Federation.

We should help Hun Sen and CPP to be liberated from Vietnam. Yes we can. 1979 to 1991 yuons had fully controlled Hun Sen. We killed them a lot and kicked them out. I don’t think that Hun Sen wants to live under Yuons.

We must be united. We cannot fight among ourselves as Khmers and Khmers. This is the only one theory of winning against the enemies from west and east.

Do not stand on Republic and blame King. The vast majority of Khmers in Cambodia highly respect King. That is the fact. King Sihamoni has been highly respected by international leaders from around the world. That is the fact, too. King Sihamoni is far and far better than Thai king in every aspect. He is straight and firm. No one around can manipulate him. This king is different from other king.

Sam Rainsy Party is too far to the right. This party should be moderate or more liberal. This is the way toward unity and winning for the KHMER EMPIRE.

No one is perfect. But must be one is a better leader who is able to unite the vast majority of khmers?
Who is a better ?

Anonymous said...

Volunteering to work for the Community is good for the youth. It raises awareness among Cambodian youth about Cambodian society, about people problems. It also helps youth shape their mind and to become a good citizen, useful for the Country.

Anonymous said...


Province of Viet Nam

Nation Religion KING..

1. You idiot khmer have no nation it is all belong to vietnam now.. we run your country and our brothers and sisters are all over your country and in every level of government.

2. You have no religion becuase look at you even your own country to betrayed look at Hun SEn- CPPP we control thme -- how can they have religion becuase soon will be vietnam province

3. KING what KING-- he can not beg us to keep him there-- so he have to bring his mother which she work for our interested with hun sen and cpp.. then his father to beg us for keep him...

what a loser race. you all should dies and wishes you will never born.. better born as vietnamese you might be a little smarter and maybe love your own kind ans country better..


more money from china is good for our vietnamese brothers and sisters
that hold every level of officials in cambodia that control cambodia.. will use this money to further control cambodia... it is us that the king of cambodia to to beg us the viet nam to keep him there.. good work hun we have more money from china

Anonymous said...

that's smart! usually you get the foot in the door first, then if they want to hire you you can stay, otherwise move on. also, university and colleges in cambodia should have a career center to help their graduates find employment, internship, etc. and some people even start their own businesses, etc. there are so many ways to be successful nowadays; keep doing research to learn about different ways out there, you know! best of luck!

syeds said...

People should be educated well to understand what they are doing...then only they could help Cambodia to become an identical country.

Media Education Requirements