Saturday, December 18, 2010

BLOM Geomatics AS of Denmark awarded contract to draw Cambodia-Vietnam border map

sVar Kimhong showing the border map to journalists during a press conference.

By Khmerization
Source: DAP News

BLOM Geomatics AS of Denmark has been awarded a two-year contract to produce topographic surveys and border maps between Cambodia and Vietnam, beating proposals from IGN France International, Kokusai Kogyo Corporation (Japan), Samboo Engineering Company (South Korea) and Pasco-FINNMAP (Japan/Finland).

During a press conference at 4 p.m on Friday 17th, Mr. Var Kimhong, chairman of Cambodian Border Commission, said after many meetings between Cambodian and Vietnamese border committees from 1-17 December, both sides had agreed to accept the cheapest bidding from BLOM Geomatics AS (Denmark) which had put a tender $1,528,000 and which is much cheaper than other companies’ bid of more than $4.5 million to produce the maps.

He said, from 10-14 January 2011, representatives from the two countries will discuss further details with BLOM Geomatics AS (Denmark), and if agreements can be reached, the contract will then be signed. He added that the maps will be drawn using 1:25,000 scale.

The opposition parties cannot be reached for comments on the matter at the time of this article going to press. However, in the past they said Cambodia already had internationally-recognised maps and had accused the government of complicit in the cession of Cambodian territory to Vietnam by using newly-drawn maps.


Anonymous said...

Even 1mm of land won be lost to Viet. you r joking, be a hero of the nation not a trator brave man!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ah sva kimhong yok libech mok banlop pracheacheat ah kbatcheat ah spie youn ah traeiv krap ah ronteasbanh ah slap tayhoong

Anonymous said...

ah sva kim hong ah kbatcheat ah kbatcheat ah kbatcheat ah slap tayhoong ah kbatcheat

Anonymous said...

Don't waste money! sway Kim Hong with your group Traitors. you are not Khmer brain. you do everything for Yuon Hanoi and you've been cutting Khmer land to your nation(viet). Khmer people around the world condemn you and your group Traitors until all of you will be a ghost, hunger and hell forever.

Anonymous said...

ជាការល្អ ! ឲ្យតែដីខ្មែរនៅសល់ ១៨១ ០៣៥ គម២ ដូចដើម នោះ
វ៉ា ឯងមានកិត្តយស និងមានភាព
រីករាយលើទឹកដីនេះបាន បើបាត់បង់
ឯងក៏បាត់ដីកប់ខ្មោចឯងដែរ ។
ឃើញមុខ ។

Anonymous said...

I don't know why HUN SEN is not firing this Sva Kim Hong! He is very useless to Cambodia.

It is showing me clearly that HUN SEN is not serving national interest!!!!!!!!

Khmer Circle said...

What is there to draw when all that's left is a map?

Mr Kim-Hong should be explaining how those 15 plus Khmer villages come to be on the other side of the markers.

Opposition MPs must press for the full account of the demarcation procedure, and convey this onto the Khmer people and the international media.

We need to know precisely how delineation process works and where exactly the areas of Vietnam the new markers intrude into, as claimed by Mr Hong. The public also need to know the identity of specialists and surveyors working under Mr Kim-Hong. As public servants none of them should have the need for remaining anonymous.

They must all be answerable before the Khmer people - it is their country.

Anonymous said...

A one eye sdech chkout ,asva 5 hong when they lab gnob ,a chong rai
kbot cheat

A one eye sdech chkout ,asva 5 hong when they lab gnob ,a chong rai
kbot cheat

A one eye sdech chkout ,asva 5 hong when they lab gnob ,a chong rai
kbot cheat

Anonymous said...

A one eye sdech chkout ,asva 5 hong when they lab gnob ,a chong rai
kbot cheat
A one eye sdech chkout ,asva 5 hong when they lab gnob ,a chong rai
kbot cheat
A one eye sdech chkout ,asva 5 hong when they lab gnob ,a chong rai
kbot cheat
A one eye sdech chkout ,asva 5 hong when they lab gnob ,a chong rai
kbot cheat
A one eye sdech chkout ,asva 5 hong when they lab gnob ,a chong rai
kbot cheat
A one eye sdech chkout ,asva 5 hong when they lab gnob ,a chong rai
kbot cheat
A one eye sdech chkout ,asva 5 hong when they lab gnob ,a chong rai
kbot cheat
A one eye sdech chkout ,asva 5 hong when they lab gnob ,a chong rai
kbot cheat

Anonymous said...

Like Son Chhay said, if +/-5km on the border why the hell those Cambodian commented that the loss the land? If you lost -5km where are YOUN villagers cry over this? I only see Khmer cry over their lost!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

បក្សប្រជាជន អោយ ដីខ្មែរ ទៅយួន


បក្សប្រជាជន ដាក់គុក ខ្មែរ

បក្សប្រជាជន ក្បត់ជាតិ

Anonymous said...

Ah traitor Hun Sen and his clans CPP has wrongfully alleged Sam Rainsy of falsifying the Cambodian map.why,
now, Ah Sva Kim Huong begins to redraw a new map which has,obviously ,violated the Cambodian constitution.
We Khmers in and out side of the Kingdom need to condemn and execute Ah Hun Sen Viet slave from the planet and he must be hanged to dead
like Sadam Hussein for his traitorous actt.period.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

why don't some smarters khmer do somethings...

just like play ok(chess) if lost than try to win and play agains till win

those traders khmers leaders has sign more land and going to give all khmer land to the future to youn AS ALLOWING ALL YOU PEOPLE COMING TO KHMER

WISS all khmer traders dies soon and protect khmer coutry including who supports the traders those is a traders also

Anonymous said...

របស់មេដឹកនាំកម្ពុជា ទាំងយប់ ទាំងថ្ងៃ មានដូចជា ៖
ពួកអាឆ្កែកញ្ជះយួន ហ៊ុន សែន, ហេងសំ រិន, ជាស៊ីម,
សុខ អាន, ហោ ណាំហុង, ឱម យិនទៀង, ចៀម យីប,
វ៉ា គិម ហុង, ស ខេង, ងួន ញ៉ឹល ។ល។ និង ។ល។
និយាយហើយនិយាយទៀតដើម្បីអោយជាតិ និងអន្តរជាតិ
ដឹងឮ ទូទាំងពិភពលោក។
អោយពួកវាស្អុយឈ្មោះ ស្អុយត្រកូលរាប់ម៉ឺនសែន ឆ្នាំ...!

Anonymous said...

Dear KI,

Please post an online petition for every Khmers to sign protest against the new map, then send the petition to BLOM Geomatics to pressure them not to publish the map.

Anonymous said...

មកសាកមើល, លមើល…បើមិនងាប់ពាយទេ អញឲ្យយកជើងជាន់អាចម៍ធាក់ក្បាលអញ…!

Anonymous said...

any forme of criticism, jealous, anger,and hatreat are destructive and the most devastated gosh that most people have in the head please avoid all these form, since I love your bloge sofar,

Anonymous said...

hope they will do a good job. can't wait to see the new map in details!

Anonymous said...

អាយ៉ង ហ៊ុន សែន ជាមេឃាតករឈាមត្រជាក់ ហើយក៏ជាមេគ្រោះថ្នាក់ធំជាងគេ បើមិននាំគ្នាកំចាត់
វាចោលទេ ប្រទេសខ្មែរគ្មានថ្ងៃបានសុខសាន្តឡើយ។

Anonymous said...

Scale 1:25,000 will make our border/territory in the new map appeas to bigger.
The 1:100,000 scale provides more details to our border,and the fact is that stated in our constitution and accepted internationally and also demanded nationally,except a bunch of CPP.

The scale is 4 times smaller,that would make our land looks bigger.
This is the trick to mislead khmers all levels including the king,the former king and those in the government.

Now I can see that RGC compromises with the loss of the land, contradicts to its claim and national interests and constitution,for the sake of making peace with East neighbour.
I wonder why Thailand cannot sit still without having any,under the so called Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).

In transition,Vietnam gets closer to control Cambodia with its integrated human resources.

We,cambodians are loosing so much your Highness,king of Cambodia.


Anonymous said...

kbott jeat kbot jeat

Anonymous said...

The thing that need to be redrawn is AH SVAR Kim Hong mother fucker face and his fuck face Vietcong bitch motherfucker is undermined Cambodian independent as a nation and Cambodian sovereignty! AH SVAR fuck face is not the sole person in Cambodia to decide what he can and what he can't do with Cambodian map otherwise this fuck face mother fucker will pay with your life for destroying Cambodia!

Cambodia will maintain its sovereignty by upholding the internationally recognized map according to international law regardless of what AH SVAR fuck face has to say!

AH SVAR fuck face is playing with fire and now he is pouring gasoline into the fire to destroy Cambodian sovereignty!

What belong to Cambodia will belong to Cambodia and what belong to the Vietcong will belong to the Vietcong!

Anonymous said...

Somebody put this Vietnamese dog to sleep..!!

Anonymous said...

Dear, 4:30AM.
I don't want to be borne as khmer again be cause of your Highness.And i was so shamed to be called khmer. Because of your blind leader.(SAM DACH MOHA SIJO HUN SEN).Our khmer nation has been looking down because of CPP clans.More samdach, more PHD,more general,and stars.And more khmer farm land will be lost to VIET NAM.khmer continue to suffer more and more while CPP clans enjoyed more power, more money ,and more sex.

Anonymous said...

Ah little Sva 1 nes, Ah Yaak Hun Xen and Ah sva King Sihanouk threated to shut down KI. Sorry pouk a sva, its ain't gonna work!!!

ខ្មែរ F. N. A. said...


Anonymous said...

ផែនទីដែលស្វាគិមហុង កាន់នេះ វាបាត់ដីអស់ច្រើនណាស់។ ជាផែនទី ដែលយួនគូរឲ្យមក។

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ah sWa Kimhong Ah Thorrany sroob.Ah sWa Kimhong the earth will sock you a live soon,or lightning will strike you.Ah Kbotceat,Ah Kbotcheat,Ah Kbotceat I and all Khmer people DAK THOMNEAY OY AH;condam you that you ever, ever, never be born in humen life will be born to be animal forever.

Anonymous said...

It is interesting to know that AH SVAR Kim Hong have serious doubt about the accuracy of Cambodian international map than the Vietcong map! This is something new that I learned from the interview of AH SVAR Kim Hong with Radio France Internationale.
AH SVAR is even have doubt about the use of GPS for measurement! In addition, As usual AH SVAR fuck face even blame Cambodian farmers for illegally settle on the land belong to the Vietnamese? AH SVAR think that the Vietcong government was so stupid to allow these Cambodian farmers to farm and grow orchard on the Viet land without go to jail or get kill? I want to know what planet AH SVAR came from? really! This SVAR is bullshitting himself!

Nobody is asking AH SVAR to reinvent the wheel to measure the map of Cambodia! This is what AH SVAR need to do from now on is to stay away from the map of Cambodia! Whatever the fucken border treaty agreement that you have with the Vietcong are illegal!

As far as I am concerned the map experts can use the GPS to measure Cambodian geography from the ground and from the air the airplane will be used to measure and from space the satellite will be used to measure Cambodian geography again! Then all three technique of measurements will be combined to see where the error of the measurement and by how much!

Now if AH SVAR know the fucken border demarcation process from the beginning and why the fuck AH SVAR fuck face allow the Vietcong to plan their fucken border posts on Cambodian farmland and orchard first? And now AH SVAR demand the draw of a new Cambodian map according to the newly installed Vietcong illegal border posts on Cambodian land!

In any border demarcation process, AH SVAR fuck face need to understand that it is the measurement that come first and second come the installation of the border posts!

I want to know why AH SVAR fuck face got the process of demarcation reverse? The installation of the Vietcong border posts then come the drawing of a new Cambodian map?

AH SVAR must be come from planet Ape!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

We are Cambodian inside and outside should organize a peaceful protest not allow terrorist svar hong's plan to destroy our country borders.
second things we should report this terrorist act to the U.N as soon as possible.
Thank you to all our compatriots.