Saturday, December 11, 2010

Cambodia: The Kingdom of Wonder-ful ... Corruption where 84% have to pay bribes

Source: Transparency International

The following is a summary of the TI report on Cambodia:

Institution perceived by Cambodians to be the most affected by corruption: judiciary, followed by the police, public officials/civil servants and the parliament. The least affected by corruption: religious bodies and NGOs

The group of countries paying the highest petty bribery levels also includes Cambodia

84% in Cambodia report paying a bribe to receive attention from at least nine different service providers in the past year. Cambodia holds the top rank in Asia Pacific and is third worldide after Liberia (89%) and Uganda (86%)

In the past three years, how has the level of corruption in Cambodia changed:
  • 30% say it has decreased
  • 27% say it stayed the same
  • 43% say it increased

How do Cambodians perceive their government’s actions in the fight against corruption:
  • Ineffective: 15%
  • Neither: 14%
  • Effective: 72%


Anonymous said...

Clearly there is a discontinuity between reality and expectation, between reality and perceptions.

Khmer are at a crisis here; overall, they experience 43% increased in corruption activities, yet at the same time they rate the government's fight against it at 72 percent!

This survey I think exposes another problem in srok Khmer today and that is people are willing and honest about their experiences, but apprehensive and conforming when it comes to judging and evaluating their experiences.

It's okay to say, yesterday a police charged me 100 dollar for no reason what-so ever. Or last month, a judge made me pay 25,000 riels, but not okay to make the next leap and say that the government is incompetent!

The data is right there, but the conclusion cannot be drawn!

Anonymous said...

The problem with the Cambodian people is that they are relatively too passive and are too afraid to speak their mind.

When you do a survey in Cambodia, they may not trust totally that you do not work for the government and for that reason they will answer in such a way that there will be no repercussion later to them or their families and that is why 72% of the people say that their government’s actions in the fight against corruption is effective.

Hopefully, time and education will change the Cambodians in such a way that they will one day fight for their right and freedom. Imagine what the Americans would do if Hun Sen were to be the President of the United States.

Anet Khmer

Anonymous said...

The problem with the Cambodian people is that they are relatively too passive and are too afraid to speak their mind.

When you do a survey in Cambodia, they may not trust totally that you do not work for the government and for that reason they will answer in such a way that there will be no repercussion later to them or their families and that is why 72% of the people say that their government’s actions in the fight against corruption are effective.

Hopefully, time and education will change the Cambodians in such a way that they will one day fight for their right and freedom. Imagine what the Americans would do if Hun Sen were to be the President of the United States.

Anet Khmer

Anonymous said...

Moi, je commence à détester toute la famille, sinon la dynastie de Sihanouk, maintenant! A mon avis, cette dynastie de Norodom ne vaut pas la peine d’être vécue (point final)!

Qu’en pensez-vous?


Anonymous said...

There is not much different between Obama and Hun Sen Anet Khmer. Mr. Obama is knocking down all barriers from preventing him to take America to a Socialist Country.

Anonymous said...

You commie @ 8:23 AM is making an arse out of yourself there bucko!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

8:23 AM,

Oh come on! I can't believe you think that Obama is the same as Hun Sen.

You must be kidding! So are Americans the same as Cambodians when it comes down to holding the government responsible for their action?

Anonymous said...

This is called Kingdom of Wonder!

Anonymous said...

CPP = Cambodian PIRATE Party, pirating natural resources, state assets, etc

Anonymous said...

Is it not assume that you can pretty much tell of a person character by the company he keeps? I'm not naive to whom Obama likes to keep company with. Obama's ideology is pure Communist ideology. Obama is the president of a "Republic" country but he has a socialistic agenda. He was educated as a communist and a communist he is even if he pouts about freedom. His education was paid for by the Saudi Royal family. He does obeisance to king Adullah, (whoever is the ruling king in Arabia).

Beside, Obama was bought and paid for by special interest groups to be put in office by them, not the people. Yeah, voting was all rig by the popular media to get him elected. A lot of money came from the Muslim countries. Some people's freedom of speech has been censored by this administration. Obama is the enemy of the true American spirit. He's been catering to false spirits - anti-America people.

Anonymous said...

8:22 AM,

A ma part cette famille royale de Sihanouk est un VAUT RIEN,

Et c'est le DESTRCTEUR de la Nation Khmere.

For my view this royal family of Sihanouk had NO VALUE FOR Khmer people.

It's a Family born to destroy Khmer Nation.

Anonymous said...

43% says corruption increase in the past 3 years; yet, 72% says government's action against corruptions is affective.
Does it make sense? Except perhaps the CPP propaganda of fighting against corruption is working.

Anonymous said...

43% says corruption increase in the past 3 years; yet, 72% says government's action against corruptions is affective.
Does it make sense? Except perhaps the CPP propaganda of fighting against corruption is working.

Anonymous said...

The more they get bribes,the more they get failed from power.
Khmer citizens are fighting back.
Khmer people are not blind,deaf,and mute.
They are speaking up against you,Hun Sen.
You'll be dead soon.