Friday, December 17, 2010

Cambodia should not have been accepted into ASEAN: Lee Kuan Yew on Wikileaks

WikiLeaks: Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew disdains Myanmar leaders

Dec 15, 2010

Singapore - Singapore politician Lee Kuan Yew in a confidential US diplomatic cable released Wednesday by WikiLeaks expressed his scorn for Myanmar's military regime, saying the generals were 'stupid', 'dense' and difficult to deal with.

Recording a supposed meeting between Lee and US diplomats in Singapore in October 2007, the cable published by the whistleblower website quoted Lee as saying that dealing with the regime was like 'talking to dead people.'

Singapore's former prime minister and now minister mentor said China had the greatest influence over the Myanmar junta and it was worried that the country could 'blow up,' according to the cable.

Lee also said he was wary about some members of the Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN), noting that Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam should not have been accepted.

He said that stability in the region would be enhanced the more ASEAN was able to 'get its act together,' according to the cable.

'However, ASEAN should not have admitted Burma [Myanmar], Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam as members in the 1990s, Lee argued,' it said.

The older ASEAN members shared an antipathy to communism and common values, which had been 'muddied' by the newer members, Lee was quoted as saying.

The economic and social problems of the new members made it doubtful they would ever behave like the older members, he said according to the US diplomatic message.

ASEAN comprises Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam and Thailand.


Anonymous said...

The way it never do as they agree and sign for! Ah Kwack hun Xen government of Cambodia should not allow to be a member of UN or any other human organization.

AH Kwack belong in a zoo or lockup for insanity!!

Anonymous said...

រឿងដែលគួរឲ្យខ្ពើម ហើយដែលពួកវាមិនចេះខ្មាស់មាត់ត្រង់ពួកវានិយាយថា ​តែ 1mm គ៏ពួកវាមិនឲ្យបាត់ដែរ ចុះអាបាត់រាប់រយ hectare ទៅយួនពួកវាថាមានបាត់អែណា។ឧិ អាអើយអា ចុះពួកអាអ្ហែងអស់ហ្នឹងវាកើតរោគអី?។

Anonymous said...

HunSen is so bad, he behaves like a pirate.

Someone draw his picture as a pirate please. Its fits him very well.

Anonymous said...

I think Hun Xen is rabist rat!!!

Anonymous said...

Barbarians at the gate.
Some stupid countries opened the gate by mistake!

Anonymous said...

I've agreed with Lee Kuan Yew. Why ASEAN let these poor or lack of human rights admitted in the ASEAN. I'm really wonder everyday. Espcially Vietnam and Laos, since they are a communist states why let them in. Democracy (Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia states) shouldn't let YUON and Laos in!!

If they want in they must be clease and with respect. Now it is too late..

Anonymous said...

I wish ah chamkourt 4 heads on the left die soon so Khmer can work together for great properity.

Anonymous said...

Country with bad Human Right record should not be allow to join ASEAN. Espcially Vietnam Burma and Laos. China too! LOL Yep this old fart leader Hun Sen and it his slave to Youns all need to step down.

Anonymous said...

Dear KI Media,

I am not a supporter of the current regime but insulting any public figure personally is not just by any democratic societies. The fact that Hun Sen is one eye blind is non of anyone business. Please censure any comments made for the good of your website.

From Melb, Australia

Anonymous said...

This time insulting these 4 public figure personally is always just by democratic societies. The fact that Hun Sen is one eye blind is not Khmer's business if he is not sell land to Yourn.
3:48AM, You are a stupid person, get out from my face.
You are the same type of people?

Anonymous said...

I am terrified by a person claiming to have lived in Melb, Australia, and to blame Ki-Media or Mr Lee Kwan Yu for making their comment with regards of Cambodian leaders. I don't think you are truely in Australia. If you are truely there, you should know that what should all politicians in Australia and New Zealand should act themselves before taking public office. They have to come out with following conditions;
1-clean themselves first with no criminal activities such as associated with criminal groups, tax avoidances, drugs used, family etc.
2-Resign from all other public position
3- No record of misused of public funds.
4- Facing with punlic scruitinner.
5- High integrity
6- Be ready for accepting all medias questionnaires.

Cambodian present leaders are like death people with thick skin and ion heart.

Areak Prey

Anonymous said...

Please do not get angry by the comment leaked,if that is true?
But adopt our strategy and policies to acceptable standard.

Poor human rights and corruption are the big downturn of Cambodia.
Get used to criticism and its merit,to achieve better outcomes.

Working in government in developed countries as public servants are hard works.In Cambodia,it is in contrast,power is making money for each individual living.
Be prepared to work harder and for the national interests,officials!
So,we will no longer looked down.

Praise for good work many achieved.


Anonymous said...

I think hun sen need to retire so the young cambodian can have a chance and all of these old fart cambodian need to retire or die who give fuck they all stupid fucker anyway

Anonymous said...

Ah Sva Kimhong is a trator, he acts for Youn's interest, and spy. Lets finish him off for good Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

គឺជាបក្សប្រឆាំងសម រង្ស៊ី ដែលតុលាការជាន់ខ្ពស់បាន
វិនិច្ឆ័យទោសឱ្យមេវាជាប់គុក ជាប់ច្រវាក់ ចំនួនដប់ពីរ ឆ្នាំ។

សមត្ថកិច្ច នៃរដ្ធាភិបាលខិតខំប្រឹង ការពារទឹកដីមិនឱ្យបាត់ ១ មីលីម៉ែត្រឡើយ សុំកុំជឿពួកអាចោរសាមាន្យគណៈបក្ស
សម រង្សី ល្ងង់ខ្លៅ, អវិជ្ជា មិនស្គាល់ប្រវត្តិសាស្ត្រ វង្វេង
ផែនទីអស់នេះអី ។

Anonymous said...

For a good Cambodia, Ah Sva Va is a Youn blood, a spy, a trator we must finish him off for a great and fair for Cambodiann who living a long east border. Lets have a public debats and find out the true. Look at his fucken face, he s fucken 100% Youn. Ah Sva should fuck and resign now or finsh this trator off for a fair and nice of Khmer people.

Anonymous said...

បើសិនជាគ្រាន់តែពួកបក្សប្រឆាំងនិយាយថាយួនលូចដីខ្មែរ អាហ្នឹងវាមិនគួរឲ្យជឿមែន ។ប៉ុន្តែសូម្បីតែប្រជារាស្រ្តធម្មតាដែលជាអ្នកបាត់បង់ដីស្រែថាយួនបង្ខិតព្រំដែនទៅហើយ គឺជារឿងពិត្រ ហើយចុះពួកអ្ហែងនៅរឹងក្បាលថាមិនបាត់អែណា​អាក្បត់ជាតិ។ស្រុកខ្មែរ ដែនដីខ្មែរមិនមែនជាស្រុករបស់ពួកអា CPP អែងម្នាក់ទេ កុំច្រឡំ។

Anonymous said...

In a free society or free world or democracy world, people have their right to express freely if you (leader) done noting wrong.

The individual didn't physically hurt HUN SEN!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


That was the reason why Pol Pot started to kill a lot from Phum Peak Bopea "eastern zone" because those inflitrated YUON like Sva Kim Hong existed a lot during Pol Pot era. Pol Pot didn't finish them all because YOUN knew that their spies and infiltrated groups got kill by Pol Pot and YUON afraid that they can't no longer blend in and continue kill Khmer. Pol Pot knew better. When Pol Pot killed almost of their spies and infiltrated groups, YOUN got to started war and conspired with HUN SEN, Sor Phim, Heng Samring etc.,

That was why they made a full scale invasion. Think about this, they only took one week to advance to Phnom Penh because eastern zone soldiers under Sor Phim let them in easy and it took YOUN for almost 6 months to reach Porsut.

Khmer Battambang,

Anonymous said...

To my boy @ 5:08 AM

Good boy and good job, you are excellent in kissing my ass and while you are at it why don’t you suck my balls too.

Hun Sen

Anonymous said...

យើងឃើញច្បាស់ហើយថា ដល់ដំណាក់កាល
អាល័យរបប ប៉ុល ពត ដូច្នេះគេខំប្រមូលគ្នាជា
មួយក្រុម KI media ដុតសង្គមខ្មែរអោយឆេះ
ជាភ្លើងគំនុំ ដើម្បីខ្មែរធ្លាក់ចុះរបបប៉ុល ពត ទីពីរ
ម្តងទៀត។ ពួកនេះមានតែគំនិតច្រណែន ជាង

Anonymous said...

So clean your messy asses, trators and quit your job. No questions about that. It s not about Sam Rangsyism. It s about Nationalism and about every Cambodian, about the Country of Cambodia and Cambodia's interests which is any Cambodian obligation is love and devote and protect the country from any fucken foreign invasion. That s why we Khmers call ourself Cambodian. That is serious.

Anonymous said...

KI you and your Sam rainsy Pal both are very good at copy from other, what do you realy have your own, is it master at blaiming, or is it master at criticising or is it excelence in spread hatread what is you realy do anything constructive to Khmer? what is it? sam rainsy go to bed to night and see yourself a fragile personality, you don't beleive yourself what is goal a crystal goal ? and let people understand your goal sofar was non, how you see yourself a leader, see yourelf stand near my 5 grade kid I think my kid get more discipline than you and KI. Sam Raisy you are a madness man

Anonymous said...

"sVar Kim Hong said briefly on 16 December: “I asked the government to shut down this website on 31 December, soon.”

Oh! AH SVAR Kim Hong commands AH HUN SEN government to shut down KI on 31 of December? It seems that AH SVAR is far more powerful than AH HUN SHIT after all! Since when did this Vietcong double agent in disguise have so much power in ordering Khmer leader to do shit for him? Tell me who gave this Vietcong double agent the power to command Khmer people?

AH SVAR Vietcong double agent doesn't have any expertise and his only real expertise is to create chaos and injustice for Cambodian people!

Anonymous said...

If you are talking about any policy issues, I might be ignored and stick my head on the sand but when is about the the invasion, border manapulations and about Khmer innocent living along the border lost their land. I wont have a good sleep at night. Fuck ah Youn and all the slaves, specially ah Sva Va.

Anonymous said...

យួនយកដីខ្មែរ​វាគួរតែខ្មែររួបរួមគ្នាកាពារ។ផ្ទុយទៅវិញ វាទៅជាយួនមានអាខ្មែរក្បត់ជាតិឈ្មោះCPPចេញមុខកាពារជំនួស។បែបពូជសាសន៏នេះត្រូវរលាយបាត់បង់ពីភូមិសាស្រ្តពីភពលោកឆាប់ៗហើយមើលទៅបានជាបណ្ដាលឲ្យមានវិបល្លាសរបៀបនេះកើតឡើង។

Anonymous said...

របស់មេដឹកនាំកម្ពុជា ទាំងយប់ ទាំងថ្ងៃ មានដូចជា ៖
ពួកអាឆ្កែកញ្ជះយួន ហ៊ុន សែន, ហេងសំ រិន, ជាស៊ីម,
សុខ អាន, ហោ ណាំហុង, ឱម យិនទៀង, ចៀម យីប,
វ៉ា គិម ហុង, ស ខេង, ងួន ញ៉ឹល ។ល។ និង ។ល។
និយាយហើយនិយាយទៀតដើម្បីអោយជាតិ និងអន្តរជាតិ
ដឹងឮ ទូទាំងពិភពលោក។
អោយពួកវាស្អុយឈ្មោះ ស្អុយត្រកូលរាប់ម៉ឺនសែន ឆ្នាំ...!