Friday, December 24, 2010

"Chnam Chas, Chnam Thmei" a Poem in Khmer by K C


Anonymous said...

Small and short dick is cambodian men! Cambodian men are small and short dick. That is why Cambodia was taken by us snice 30 years ago! what are they going to do about it? Chicken shit is khmer men!

Happy New Years "Small black short dick Nation"!

ជនពាល said...

សូមផ្ដល់ពិន្ទុអោយ ៧/១០ ៖
ដោយសារតែ ៖
១៖​ ចាកប្រធានបទបន្តិចនៅវគ្គ ទី៣
២៖ ពាក្យមិនស៊ូវជាប្រដេញគ្នាប៉ុន្មានទេ
៣​៖ អត្ថន័យ មិនស៊ូវទាក់ទាញអារម្មណ៍

Anonymous said...

Cambodian men are small penis they can't satifaction our vietnamese girl so in order to please her they must give cambodia country to her! That is right because cambodia history is back up my claim!

Anonymous said...

You guy so naive, when I was a student I was always thought about nation, corruption, immigration, patriotism as everyone have thought but when it come to the money I and others have forgotten everythings, you can talk what ever you like but behind close door you guy are all the same as always think about how to get rich and looking for good position (kan leng Klanh or fat place).

you guy train as Nuclear Technician but work as finance, Keat Chhun as an example, Pot Pot studied electrical engineering and work as Communist, Hun Sen son Dr of economy work as military or security and countless of others. The more you guy get smart the more you guy got grazy, Pol Pot,Eang Sary, Kheav Somphon...kill alots of people, Currently so called intellectual person, example Cambodian court, what they have done to our country and put blame on innocent and uneducate person. War, corruption always made by educated person and use uneducate people as a tool. At countryside, I saw peasants make money in honest way and united, everyone was looked after. Unlike the intellectual one are always hunting for money and when ask for support they turn to support the communist, students and intellectual in Lon Nol Regime as an example, Lon Nol Collapsed as result of series of demonstration to support the Communist. if You are not work in the field that you are training for the country will be in trouble.

Study in America come to Cambodia looking for fat place, study in Australia without qualification but act like the one who have, study in Cambodia there no need to research just memorise what in the lecture note or bribe that it.

when come to work in government position 1 or 2 hours then go home or do something else, please do not say because of salary is too low, if you guy all donnot bother to work for the government then the country stand still then the government may consider high salary, because you guy rush to get position thatwise the salary go down.

Anonymous said...

Are you Yuon or Yuon's stooge? You said Cambodian yuths are as chicken's shit. How about you? I think you are not Yuon and not Khmer But Yuon's shit. A Khmer's shit!Because your name is very very bad smell like shit!!! You are overjoyed on the other suffering, you are evil men then the result will come to you soon and you will be suffered more than us.White and black, good and bad still remain in this world. So don't be so overjoyed and proud of your bad deeds! Think again then talk!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Yeah right so did the Khmer Rouge, they claimed that their regime would last for a thousand years.
At the current rate there would not be any Cambodia left to rule in 2099.
So keep on dreaming idiot.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen said," I will rule Cambodia until I will be 99 years old".
So,today you are so glad,tomorrow you'll be dead.
Change your mind,correct yourself on time;you'll be a Khmer hero; your name will be famous than Jayavarman VII.
You don't want to be like Pol Pot,Eang Sary,Nuon Chea,and Samphan.