Thursday, December 23, 2010

"Economic adviser" to Obama charged with forgery in Cambodia

Ray Dam (C) and Suos Saroeun (R) (Photo: The Phnom Penh Post)
Dec 23, 2010

Phnom Penh - Police in Cambodia arrested a man claiming to be an adviser to US President Barack Obama and head of an international finance organization that stores its assets in caves and sunken ships.

Ray Dam and associate Soush Saroeun were charged with forgery Monday after being arrested at Dam's home in Phnom Penh. They were accused of forging documents alleging connections with HSBC Bank, the US government and the United Nations.

The pair had been operating a self-described international real-estate consultancy known as Asia Real Property out of modern offices in the Cambodian capital.

Asia Real Property's promotional materials identified the firm as a subsidiary of a group called the Office of International Treasury Control that claimed to be 'the largest single owner of gold and platinum bullion in the world,' holding cash and treasure in a variety of clandestine locations.

'Much of the treasure is buried in tunnels, bunkers and caves and in sunken ships,' the group said in an investment presentation. 'Further treasures are hidden all around the world.'

Dam is identified on the group's website as the 'sole arbiter ... of the Tripartite Gold Commission,' which was a post-World War II organization that searched for gold stolen by Nazi Germany and was dissolved in 1998. The website also said Dam was an adviser to Obama and his predecessor George W Bush.

Police said Dam and Saroeun had been advertising financial services to foreign joint venture partners in company documents claiming a connection to HSBC Bank. If convicted, they face a maximum of 16 years in prison.

According to an investigation report from police, Dam was born in Cambodia, fleeing the country for the US in the 1970s before returning in the early '90s. US embassy officials said they had been unable to confirm whether he holds US citizenship.

Officials from Cambodia's Ministry of Finance lodged a complaint against Dam and Saroeun after learning that the pair were operating without a real-estate licence. A government spokesman said Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen had ordered an investigation after learning that Dam had been posing as an adviser to the president of Cambodia's Senate.


Anonymous said...

LIETH MENG trying to meet with him but was denied and try to force and threat Mr. DAM to hand him and hun sen all the moneys and power to them but he denied . So KiTH Meng and HUNSEN play a dirty trick by sending them to jail ..

Welcome to monkey kingdom

Anonymous said...

Prime minister Hun Sen! your lost your land and sea again, next time Cambodian border next to your home, Heng Somrin he lost his entire home village to Viet already but dare to say nothing, Chea Sim is too weak to say anything except prepare himself for judgement day, where is our belove king please get out from closet and give a big slap on Hun Sen face and say louder "why you gave my land and sea to Viet and punish my people hasss!"?, His majesty the king you can not stay in closet for too long, Cambodian are waiting for you to do something, you have no wife no kid must not afraid to die, you will be our hero king forever.

Anonymous said...

Why they can do like this because this kingdom is all for sale (houses, soil, young girls, justice, ...
When someone Dollors, diaments, power can bye all in Cambodia. That is the case.

Anonymous said...

Is this a joke?

What's the story behind these two clowns?

Anonymous said...

KI MEDIA can you please re-post the one article about finding relationship and ask if he or she wants to live in Cambodia. I am looking for a partner who willing to go live in Cambodia also.

I am interested - please re-post if you can.

thanks in advance

Anonymous said...

now verry clear, see the 3 comment, they dont understand nothing, sameone said monkey kingdom, he insult 14milions cambodia are monkey so he is not khmer, KI must understand ur membet, i am khmer i dont support cpp, but u said monkey kingdom meaning i am monkey too, fuck ur mother and ur sister.

Anonymous said...

Is a man, alias CHAMROEUN, a crook, living in Florida,
pretending to be a REAL ESTATE DEVELOPER and
steals millions of dollar from Khmer-Canadians and Khmer-Americans ?

Anonymous said...

មិនមានខេអាយក៍ដាក់គុកដែរ ប្រហែលគាត់ឡើង
បុណ្យតាមជាស៊ីមហើយមើលទៅ អស់លុយហើយ
ជាប់គុកទៀត ។ប្រហែលគាត់មានស្រីខ្មេងច្រើន
គេប្រចាន់គ្នាគេចេះតែចោតទៅ ៨០០រយលាន

Anonymous said...

Ambition, when it goes to far beyond limitation, bring you deep trouble. There must be a fire, that's why the smoke's rising.

Anonymous said...

Those men are KI Media heroes also. Don't forget to post their pictures on the right side of your page!

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, DOG EATS DOGS..
Hor Namhong is on the road to replace Hun Sen because Hun Sen is too close to China, when they went to China, Hor Namhong did not let Hun Sen visit Sihanouk alone, Hor was also with them.

Anonymous said...

9:17PM! you stupid dog! KI know what to do! go tell your mother stop do it with monkey! to bring hibrid like you out!

Anonymous said...

Va kimhong or Hor Namhong That vietnam want to replace dekjo
hun sen? I think it not to long is he keep going to china.

Anonymous said...

You ugly dark skin asshole, Is your mother a monkey that why you look like that? Go kill yourself!

Anonymous said...


Idoit! Is KI Media your mother that's why you worry about it? You stupid khmer rougue.

Anonymous said...

Jail that son of the bitches !
These khmer Cheaters are fuck up in the USA now spreading into Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Here is their website:

I wonder what went wrong with this company. There has to be something gone wrong. But I doubt these two are associating with Washington DC not to mention directly with Obama Administration. We shall see what will happen to these two individuals. I wish them the very best if they are being accused for false accusation, but if it holds under the law of Cambodia where forgery is a crime then these two must be imprisoned to the stift penalty the law allowed. These two gave a bad name to Khmer people from America.


Anonymous said...

It’s better come up with proposal… it will help nothing from such kind of your comment. It is good opportunity that we have the website to share our idea but use it properly for better achievement. I don’t blame them may be they have some difficulty to do so. Remember when we are separate our strength is not strong anymore.

Anonymous said...

What do you think about this one?

Even though sources are not real reliable, so consider on your own.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

បើចង់ថា មិនត្រូវថាតែម្នាក់​ ឫពីរនាក់នោះទេ គឺត្រូវថាម៉ាក្រុមវាណ្នឹង។ មិនដឹងថាយ៉ាងណាទេ មួយថ្ងៃៗ គិតតែពីពិបាកចិត្តអង្គុយតែជេរ៕​ បើជេរសមស្រប ចេះតែជួយគាំទ្រខ្លះៗ តែដល់តែជេរជ្រុលពេក ជេរតាំងពីពូជឯងឡើងបែបនេះ គ្មានអារម្មណ៏ចង់អានសោះ។​

Anonymous said...

12:30 AM,
you are telling us that

Anonymous said...

Việt sống lâu! Hun Sen sống lâu!

Giáng sinh vui vẻ và năm mới hạnh phúc đến tất cả năm hàng triệu người Việt tại Campuchia.

Anonymous said...

ធ្វើ មិនត្រូវ ជេរ

ធ្វើ ត្រូវ មិន ជេរ

មិនចង់ឲ្យជេរ កុំធ្វើ

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i told you people, corruption has no boundary and no place. so stop being biased and pick on just cambodia, ok! instead help to rid or discourage it in cambodia as well, ok! don't be so stupid, ok!

Anonymous said...

They want to be rich and famous like some in Cambodia.
The Kingdom of Wonder jungle and the land of Wild Wild East. People have to be smart, know connection well, willing to act like parasites, develop a charater of manipulator, change the camouflage when the time is right, and grabbing by the tail and/or neck and suck dry without Mercy... That's all Cambodia is about.

You speak soft but carry a big stick and willing to stab someone in his/her back after a good smile with him/her. Sleeping with enemy...

Steal $1 million, donate to Pagodas and Combodian poors for 1% then you all set, but don't forget to set aside 10% for Angka Leu, you know what I meant Angka Leu!!!

Anonymous said...

Khmer people living inside of cambodia please stop the Khmer parasite from the outside spreading their fraud and con artist disease to Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Every Khmer that visit Cambodia should be judge and label as: SRP supporter, Outsider, Invader, Con-Artist, Criminal, and so on ....

Anonymous said...

why people like to label a group or people as the same? don't they understand that people are individuals! is it the asian way? one has to be inquisitive all the time, you know! no wonder asian is not like american, the world greatest country on the planet! god bless america and cambodia.

Anonymous said...

It looks like the Vietnamese love to come to this site to trash Cambodia Kingdom.
KI serve these Vietnamese well !!!

Good job KI !!!!!

I hope your Khmere parent are proud of you !!!!!

Anonymous said...

The right to label and the right to judge anyone entering Cambodia create a process and to prevent mistake from happening again.

Again I encourage the Cambodian government to train immigration offcial to judge and label Khmer entering Cambodia as: SRP supporter, Outsider, Invader, Con-Artist, Criminal, and so on ....

Anonymous said...

Sam Rainsy must know these guys because he use to be a Finance Minister before.

Anonymous said...

Has Has ha,,,, one of my comments about KI Media slogan PRO Sam RainSy was removed. So what do you think when my right of expression was denied on KI Media?

Anonymous said...

Hey 8:19AM
Ki media will never deny your expression. if promises stop eating dogs.

Anonymous said...

Refreshing KI Media Slogan: Dedicated to publishing PRO SAM RAINSY PARTY information about Cambodia.
All views and commenters MUST ask yourself first: What am I going to write for, PRO or ANTI Sam RainSy? Keep your head up right....!!!

Anonymous said...

please correct! One Man is right side is Police.

Anonymous said...

imagine with the rule of law, policy, ethics, etc, people like this will go corrupt all the time, not just in cambodia, everywhere in the world, you know!

Anonymous said...

Soush Saroeun has no mistake to be arrested. If he agree to give the money as a bride to powerful men then he is not arrested. I hope Samdach Hun Sen would not believe Kith Meng and Khieve Kahn Nharith with all things. I Believe Samdach Hun Sen will aware on this issue and Solve it out with Justice.
From CPP members

Anonymous said...

Why the problem of Ray C. Dam and Saroeun is not reacted by the United State?
Cambodia is a Kingdom of Wonder and It is also a Kingdom of Wondering( Doubt). The International Bussinessmen should be ware on this and do not forget that some powerful men will play trick to get your money.

Hope the government will know about this and solve it out for harmonization for people.

I love CPP but I don't love some black heart people in the Country.