Thursday, December 23, 2010

GPS survey to settle Vietnamese-Cambodian border [-Will it follow exactly the 1964 Cambodia maps or will it just follow the Viet-imposed maps?]

Geoff Norris

An extensive GPS survey has been commissioned to define the highly-sensitive shared border between Cambodia and Vietnam.

The governments of the two South East Asian nations have announced a joint project - to be carried out by a specialist Danish team of surveyors - that will update the current maps of the border, which are more than 60 years old.

Due to the advanced, satellite-based surveying equipment available for the project, what would have once been a very time and personnel-intensive mission, will now be carried out in less than two years, with a budget of under £1 million (approximately US$1.5 million).

Nguyen Hong Thao, deputy director of the border committee of Vietnam, said the topographic map was an important step in fully realising a border treaty signed between the two nations in 2005.

"Producing a border land map of both countries will help transform the borderlines to become cooperative, peaceful and friendly," he said.

The Cambodian government has come under fire recently from one opposition party, which has claimed that Cambodia has ceded certain tracts of territory to Vietnam at a number of points along the border. Government officials have said the new maps will meet stringent international standards, and allow the two countries to moderate any potential border conflicts.


Anonymous said...

hopefully, with this international experts working to help demarcate the international borderlines of cambodia and our neighboring countries, we all can stop the blame, the political attack, the biased view, etc... this way, i believe, trouble-making individuals will have not good reason to point fingers, to blame, to curse, etc because everything will be official and on black and white all spelled out and so forth. but in order to do that, make sure the team of international experts like this danish map-making company, the border committee of both countries, etc have used the official map, and one map only, that was official recognized internationally and with the UN, with cambodia, etc, not a strange map or unofficial map, to base this international map survelance. this way, politicians can't look for reasons to blame each other for their poltical gain, we all know was the case all along, really, ok! the expect team should consult with our khmer experts as well as our official map from the 1964, etc... when it comes to khmer names for villages, towns, cities, landscapes such as rivers, lakes, etc, of course they should consult with cambodia; this way, the khmer names, etc will be properly spelled, labeled, etc; otherwise, it is questionable! that's all! yes, think smart, ok!

Anonymous said...

Sound like evaluate ah kwack Hun Xen's defected brain by ah Kwack Hun Xen with PhD of no education himself!!!!

Do ma ah Kwack satupid!!!!pleu, pleu, lop, lop!

Anonymous said...

After Khmer empire,many Khmer leaders lacked of Leadership,management,and lacked to accomplish their duties.
If a prince wanted to be king,he must get help from Thai king or from Vietnam king.
These evil attitudes of Khmer king has untill today.
Look at Sihanouk in 1970,he asked Viet troops to invade Cambodia.
The China,The Russia,North Korea supported Vietnamese troops.
To get power back,Sihanouk needed Viet troops.
Should Khmer people keep monarchy or abolish it?

Anonymous said...

ស្រុះគ្នាមែន !!!!
វ៉ា គិម ហុង ប្រុងជើងការ ថាមិនបាត់
ទោះ១ហត្ថ បាត់ឲ្យយួន ជួនចំណេញ
បង្គោលខណ្ឌ មានចេញចូលមូលប្រ
តាមខ្នាតពេញ​​ ចំណេញខ្មែរ ដែរទេតើ
តែខ្មែរយំ ទន្រ្ទាំជើង ភ្លើងឆាបឆេះ
ដីអត់បាំង ខ្មាំងក៏ចូល បង្គោលដើរ
បាត់កម្មសិទ្ធិ ពិតជាអស់ គ្រោះ
ព្រោះយួនធ្វើ ស្នើអ្នកធំ ខ្ញុំកញ្ជះ ។
ពួកអះអាង កាងសំដី លៃអារកាត់
ថាមិនបាត់ ខ្ចាត់ទឹកដី​ស្ដីមានះ
ចាំមើលចុះ ស្រុះព្រមគ្នា ថាយកឈ្នះ
បើប្រទះ ខ្វះទឹកដី ខ្វៃវាទៅ !!!!!!។

Anonymous said...

តែខ្មែរយំ ទន្រ្ទាំជើង ភ្លើងឆេះខ្លាំង
ដីអត់បាំង ខ្មាំងយួនចូល បង្គោលដើរ
បាត់កម្មសិទ្ធិ ពិតជាអស់គ្រោះធ្លាក់លើ
ព្រោះយួនធ្វើ ស្នើអ្នកធំ ខ្ញុំកញ្ជះ​ ។

Anonymous said...

3:46! who are you questioning! want to be real go ask Hun Sen!

Anonymous said...

$1.5 millions are enough for Danish company to carry out?, make sure this company does not rush to make faulty map as both goverment require, make sure base on French map

Anonymous said...

This is an excellent news. GPS company is stepping in to help resolve the border dispute between the predatory Viets and the ancient peoples of Cambodia. Yeah. stop stealing more Khmer land, you devilish little Viets.

Anonymous said...

viet/youn with small penises, stop stealing from cambodia, ok! next time, we'll chop your penis off for doing that, ok!

Anonymous said...

Is the term "international stardard" used by CPP is understood as Vietnamese's standard? Koh Pich is "build to international standards"..look at the outcome to the quality of the works..who is the looser?

Who police these?
It should be conducted by a nutral stakeholder like the UN with the members of the 1991 Paris agreement in a committee to survey and audit all the boarder posts accross Cambodia and it neighbours.

Having the UN performing these role is not Bais unlike the current approached. And the decision by the UN should be and expected to be nutral, hence to prevent conflicts between neighbour.

Whatever the CPP Hun Sen and Vietnam government agreed in doing. they arecooking some more dirty tricks.

Dont forget many CPP MPs have/hold Cambodian name, speak and write Khmer well, but there origin is Vietnamese and their interests is Vietnam NOT cambodia. We already at great lost and disadvantages due to the legacy of Vietnamese invasion and occupaction of Cambodia until today. Thanks to the dedicated traitors...

Anonymous said...

Khmer will get rid of Vietcong Var Kim Hong, the thief of a century for good this time. If he refuses to go back to North Vietnam, Khmer will put
him in a gas chamber.

Anonymous said...

I totally agreed with 7:39 AM

Anonymous said...

Please understand, the company get pay to do a certain job they will do that job. So for Danish team of surveyer get pay to get a GPS loacation and draw the map acording to the new post that already been installed, ofcourse they will draw the map according those posts to be able to get pay, I would do the same. If they get pay to survey the border post already planted with the map that we all agree with, the outcome would be different.
The other word is, here you are, we Viet want this much the post already planted draw the map according to this new posts and let hope the uneducated Khmer happy with the free border post.


Anonymous said...

isn't the new posts have to be the same as the borderline with the official map of cambodia. i don't think they are stupid to do it illegally at the expense of cambodia. i don't think khmer gov't is that stupid to give away lands, territories, etc to viet/youn when we still remember koh tral, mekong delta, khmer krom, etc... from what i know, i don't think khmer gov't is that stupid, ok!

Anonymous said...

Cambodian will re-check the accuracy border markers once the puppet regime collapse. We will not let the VietCong steal our land. If the border markers are found to be located inside our territories we will destroy it immediately.

Anonymous said...

Yes Sir OK, I completly agree with you,"I don't think khmer gov't is that stupid to give away lands, territories, etc to viet/youn when we still remember koh tral, mekong delta, khmer krom,"
For the borderline it will not be the same as the official map because our traitor Svar Kimhong already admmited that some part of the new borderline will be deep into Cambodia as much as 5Km and some part will be into Yuon 5Km and same as admmiting that Svar Kimhong has no ability to just put the post there where it should be. I think the government should spend money and resource to get it right first the publish a map. Is the government that stupid? yes the government is that stupid!!


Anonymous said...

Prime minister Hun Sen! your lost your land and sea again, next time Cambodian border next to your home, Heng Somrin he lost his entire home village to Viet already but dare to say nothing, Chea Sim is too weak to say anything except prepare himself for judgement day, where is our belove king please get out from closet and give a big slap on Hun Sen face and say louder "why you gave my land and sea to Viet and punish my people hasss!"?, His majesty the king you can not stay in closet for too long, Cambodian are waiting for you to do something, you have no wife no kid must not afraid to die, you will be our hero king forever.