Friday, December 17, 2010

Hey, Heng Soy, are you Viet spies working against China?

Comment posted by Kouprey on KI-Media

So Heng Soy and co. are no Viet spies after all, Heh?

It's an age old practice of killing the messenger for delivering the 'wrong' message!




Anonymous said...

Sam rainsy wast alote of time beating Hun sen on criticing, and hatreate for his good looke in people mind, that nonsense he lose his mind who will appreciate him that good in blaiming other, flawless sam rainsy.
that is true Sam rainsy should chang, he have to show people good sample or role model for people to beleive on his leadership skill, I lke him and alway wanted to see him stronger than this, he must stope taking it is time to act properly and efficiency. he must chang himself to better perfoment, Sam rainsy sofar he not well cooporate with people he will fail if he not going to chang

Anonymous said...

you're a fool for thinking KI is sam rainsy or that KI would restrict themself to such individual. YOu're also giving Sam Rainsy way too much credit for something he has no control over, and that is the irate feelings of free Khmer both in Cambodia and in the free world who uses KI-Media as an outlet to express their frustration and as a platform to bring for corruption evidences against the seller of Khmer nation!

KI is an open journalism if you think about it, taking contents from anywhere and everywhere, even posting exact copies of government reactions, rather than writing summary on what he said/she said and twisting, which is the job of CPP's PRQ unit AHAHAA!

Anonymous said...

Hi Nation Brother KI, How are you?
I am very proud of you that can find the hottest news to show about the situation in Cambodia that currently happen.
You have very greatly punch on the traitors face, that's they are angry on what you have done. But 100% I support your actions. And I hope we can unity to fight Ayoun out of our Cambodian land. And wish your team work has successful with all kinds works whatever you wish to do. At the last I want Nation Brother KI link my site to your block too.
Best regard
Sar Sothea

Anonymous said...

you are talking nonsense now, gay bandits KI team, go suck cocks, man

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Is it a fight? I do not expect the the fight within this KI team. What's happening? don't we all love and work toward Khmer development?

I do not think it is a disadvantage of being anonymous to your co-team. Enlighten me...

Anonymous said...

This is the attitude of the nation treason man named Hun Sen, he she like to silence everyone except his master Vietnam and his clans. The more you try to silence us the more noises and actions will heard.
Tee nah mean kar jis joan, tee nous mean kar reuh bomrass (Where is the the oppressing ,there will be the standing up)

Anonymous said...

HS can shutdown this sit, but there is always alternative to access to this web. Mr. Sen, do you know that Ki team do not accept your give of noodle and monosodium, thus, you can't tell them what to do.

Actually, do you know that you just give an advertizing free for Ki media..heee,eeee. Thanks, now you make KI more popular.

Anonymous said...

Hi folks! it is a tradition, evil people never want to hear the truth, they like to hear false speech, but the truth just appears itself.

Anonymous said...

Khmer Gov't(Mr.hun,Mr.Hor and Mr.Chea) will ask Siamese Princess Seriquith how to do the coup attemp bringing down K-I Blog, because she has experty in Thailand, when she did against Thai priminister Mr.Taxin sinavatra.

Anonymous said...

Heng Soy should open news paper co. call Derm Pom Pit next to Soy Sopheap Derm Ampil so you can wake up Khmer leader to defend Cambodia and let Soy Sopheap kissing ass.
Khmer Poit Paet live in US.

Anonymous said...

Get this fucking countdown clock out of my face.

Anonymous said...

Cambodia Town
Long Beach, California

You're guy from KI were embarassing, disturbing. You should do some respect on your content toward our great leader.

New Phally

Anonymous said...

Hay New Phally,

Don't kiss Sen's ass and condem Ki Team man! Why do you put your name here.

You want to get piece of shit from the Sen's regime at the expense of the Khmer majority? Do you have Khmer's heart? I don't think so - you have heart of money at other Koun Khmers' expense. By the Way - don't give Cambodian Town a bad name...I don't think all your member support your your back man...

Anonymous said...

To all Khmers soldiers: You all should point your weapons to these traitors, because if you are all still stupid Ah Hun Sen and his crooks will give your lands to Youns then you will be suffering under Youns. just look at Khmer Krom my friends.

Anonymous said...

Sihanouk,Ho chiminh,Mao setong are guilties,please UN hurry Up.Don't them free to kill people khmer any more.

May Buddha bless all people khmer who suffered since 1970.

Anonymous said...

Don't let them free

Anonymous said...

monkeys can only do clown. they can't do anything real jack!

Anonymous said...

Ah New Phally ah pler merl min jear. Lol.Great leader my azz, ah pler. ah Kwack is the number one bully against the Khmer people, ah pler. Lol. However, ah Hun Sen is the number one cocksucker of ah YUONs. Chea Sim is a dogmeat eater as ah YUON. Heng Samrin is a baboon. Svar Kimhong is the number MONKEY who wants to plant border posts on the sky as ah Thais. Lol.

Anonymous said...

KI will be dead as its master Sam Runsy. The more you jump too high when you fall back it hit you very painful. KI is belong to SRP and it is also SRP propaganda machine to insult to Cambodian government and the CPP. KI is created by a coward and shamless SRP supporters.

Anonymous said...

New Phally, go tell Lee Kwan Yew how great your leader is, man!

Just a bunch of hillbillies,imbecile, vietminh residues!

Stealing state properties and selling them off, and extorting money from greedy investors do not make any imbecile a great leader...

Anonymous said...

CPP does not need KI Media, it is completely reliant on ah Soy Sopheap and Minister Khiaaeu Canh-arith for top notch imbecile journalism...

Anonymous said...

របស់មេដឹកនាំកម្ពុជា ទាំងយប់ ទាំងថ្ងៃ មានដូចជា ៖
ពួកអាឆ្កែកញ្ជះយួន ហ៊ុន សែន, ហេងសំ រិន, ជាស៊ីម,
សុខ អាន, ហោ ណាំហុង, ឱម យិនទៀង, ចៀម យីប,
វ៉ា គិម ហុង, ស ខេង, ងួន ញ៉ឹល ។ល។ និង ។ល។
និយាយហើយនិយាយទៀតដើម្បីអោយជាតិ និងអន្តរជាតិ
ដឹងឮ ទូទាំងពិភពលោក។
អោយពួកវាស្អុយឈ្មោះ ស្អុយត្រកូលរាប់ម៉ឺនសែន ឆ្នាំ...!

Anonymous said...

Why not be against China? If your a communist lover and supporter your sorry ass should go live in China and bring all your communist with you and out from Cambodia you dumb bastard!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

9:36AM you value Sam Rainsy too much. Its mean he did and does the right things. CPP would not worry if he did and does the wrong things. I don't think CPP would advice Sam Rainsy to do the right things and would want Sam Rainsy get stronger than CPP/Hun Sen.

Anonymous said...

KI find new web asap.

Anonymous said...

Cambodian government will shutdown KI-media until the end. Create a new web takes time to set up but shut it down is too easy. How many million webs you are going to create KI? Your stupid and extremely idea has no room in Cambodian society.

KI will be dead, longlive KI. Haha

Anonymous said...

Why Cambodian government is waiting until 31 December to shut this arshole KI down? They must shutdown now as a Christmas's gift to SRP.

Anonymous said...

Only the creator of KI-Media(Sam Rainsy) has the key to shut it down.

"The shutdown of KI-Media by the Traitors of the Nation"... that means the creator of KI-Media(a.k.a. Sam Rainsy) is the traitor of the Nation?

Sam Rainsy is non sense.

Anonymous said...

that old yuon monkey fart could not even read map or shut off the computer, how will those hillbillies shut down a blogspot? they are expert at blocking, though. they have successfully blocked a whole bunch of poor, innocent cambodians from seeing and understanding how their ancestral land is being exploited for gains of the vietminh cliques.

អ្នកស្រែអស់ដីព្រោះមេដឹកនាំអប្រិយកាត់ដីអោយយួនដូអំណាចក្នុងទ្រុង said...

ពួក​អាឆ្កែ​CPP អស់ហ្នឹង​តើវាមាន​លឺពីសម្រែកឈឺចាប់របស់រាស្រ្តនៅព្រំដែន​ដែល​បាត់បង់ដីស្រែទេ?ថា​អាហ៊ុនសែន​ទៅ​ភ្នែកវាខ្វាក់វាមើលមិន​ឃើញចុះ
អាឆ្កែប៉ុន្មានក្បាលដែល​តែងតែព្រុះក្នុង KI ដែលភ្នែក​នៅល្អម្តេចក៏ធ្វើមើលមិនឃើញ។​ស្រុកខ្មែរ​គឺ​ជារបស់ជនជាតិខ្មែរ​ទូទៅមិនមែន​កម្មសិទ្ធផ្តាច់មុខរបស់​អាខ្វាក់ឯណា?ជាពិសេស​ពួកអាឆ្កែរបស់អាខ្វាក់ប៉ុន្មានក្បាលនេះទាល់តែថ្ងៃណាមួយរឿងរ៉ាវអយុតិធ៏មអស់ទាំងនេះធ្លាក់លើក្បាលវាបាន​វាស្គាល់ថាការឈឺចាប់នោះវាយ៉ាងណា។

Anonymous said...

MP Son Chhay and MP Mu Sochea, you don't deserve to be part of SRP. You should join a better party or create your own party.

You deserve more than being puppets of Xam Rainxi.

Anonymous said...

If Hun's regime is really going to shut down KI just show to the world that Hun's regime is really a dictator - worse than Burma! While Burma only use house arrest against their opposition, Hun regime want to shut down Koun Khmers' freedom of speech, freedom of expression, and freedom to determine to protect Khmer's land!

Anonymous said...

To my boy New Phally

Good boy and good job, you are excellent in kissing my ass and while you are at it why don’t you suck my balls too.

Hun Sen

Anonymous said...

Ah Va KIm Hong is youn, ah na pler merl men deng. I am learning on how to use sniper, soon I will go to kill them.

Ah youn chear puk ah kro per ro merl kon, after he use Hun Sen, he will kill him and all khmers. mech kor Hun Sen pler mles ort deng ke chong som lap hery nov men ngeak tov rork China teat.

Anonymous said...

Hey New Phally,
You should call yourself such as Bally,Rolly poly, Whisky etc.

Are these Svar fucking good leader?
Your mother must be a Viet whore from Hanoi!

HS' Knee......................PP said...

My uncle HS wants to shut down this website. Woa! wait in a minute, this website is to serve me everyday that I consume its vicious news that Uncle HS created to tie his own neck.

What is the idea here!

Uncle please has mercy for me! Do not shut this down, it is my only source that entertain me from being committing suicide under your regime, Uncle!