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Beauty and the "useless" beast? |
By Tim Ravy
Free Press Magazine Online
Translated from Khmer by Soch
Click here to read the article in Khmer
A reliable source indicated that Samdech Krom Preah Norodom Ranariddh, who wants to get back into politics to lead the Nationalist Party [formerly known as the Norodom Ranariddh Party] as requested by this party leaders and its members, is now eyeing for a diplomatic position at the UN or in Washington DC, USA. The source claimed that the prince does not want to remain as the useless supreme advisor to the king because he used to be famous, and he is now looking to pursue foreign relationships by becoming a diplomat instead.
After living over 2 years in quietness, following his pardon from the king as requested by Hun Xen, Prince Ranariddh, who used to announce on many occasions that he will never return back to politics, has now changed his mind – to the surprise of everyone – to return back to lead the Nationalist Party in order to compete in the upcoming commune election, as well as the general election for the future mandate. The Nationalist Party, which is now led by Chhim Siek Leng, plans to hold a congress to rename the party to Norodom Ranariddh Party again as a first step to pave the way for Ranariddh’s leadership. This time, the prince said loudly that he will work with Hun Xen whom he praised as an intelligent leader.
Political observers in Cambodia said that the return of the prince to politics can only be done because Hun Xen gave the green light for him to do so, and that this is no other than a theatrical show to entertain Cambodians. These observers claimed that the number of votes the prince and his party will obtain will not be much larger than what he got in the past because faithful party members have left to join the rank of the CPP, the SRP or the HRP and they will continue to do so in the future. They wonder whether this is the prince’s strategy to return to his petty power that is in fact granted to him by Hun Xen? Nobody believes that the prince will return back to politics to save the nation, but that he is only doing this for his personal gain.
may he is a useless supreme advisor not only to the king but also to his brotherhood, too!
គួរអោយចង់សើច ចំពោះឆាកល្ខោនថ្មីមួយនេះ!!!!
យើងបានកត់សំគាល់នូវដំណើរជីវិតនយៅបាយរបស់ទ្រង់ នរោត្តម រណឫទិ ឃើញថា មនុស្សម្នាក់នេះ មិឃើញមានប្រយោជន៍អ្វី សំរាប់ពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរសោះ វាឃើញតែភាព ខ្មៅងងឹតឈឹង គ្មានបានការអ្វីសោះ-ចាំស្តាប់តែឪ និង ហ៊ុន សែន ប្រាប់អោយធ្វើ ក៏ធ្វើទៅ ដូចតុកកត្តា-ក្រៅតែពីក្រឡិចក្រលុច ពុករលួយ ប្តូរស្រីមិនឈប់ ដើរតាមគន្លងអាក្រក់របស់បិតាគាត់។ សមាជិកគណបក្ស និង មន្ត្រីជាន់ខ ពស់របស់គាត់ ដែលត្រូវបានពួកហ៊ុន សែន សំលាប់ក្នុងអំឡុងពេលរដ្ឋប្រហារ ១៩៩៧ រាប់រយ ហើយដល់ពាន់នាក់ផង បើសរុបទសងអ្នកតូចតាច យើងមិនដែលឃើញ ទ្រង់ រណឫទ្ទិ ធ្វើពិធីរំឭកគុណ និង វិញ្ញាណខណ ធដល់អ្នកទាំងនោះផង ក្រៅតែពីរឿងប្តូរស្រី និងស្រវាកើបប្រាក់$យកទៅចាយសប្បាយហ៊ឺហារតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ។
ចំពោះរូបខ្ញុំ ជា ប៊ុន មិនខ្វល់អ្វីទេ ថាត្រង់រណឫទិ ចង់លោតទៅធ្វើអី ឬ អ្នកណាចង់បានគាត់អោយទៅធ្វើអ្វនោះ តែអ្វីដែលជា ប៊ុនខ្ញុំខ្វល់នោះគឺ ខ្ញុំខ្លាចមនូស្សមួយនេះយកក្បាលរាស្ត្រខ្មែរ មកដើរជាន់លែង ដើម្បីផលប្រយោជន៍ផ្តាល់ខ្លួនគាត់តែប៉ុណ្ណោះ។
wrong title
the right title "the beauty and the useless"
I don't understand such a little ass country like Cambodian has to many groups of parties. Why don't they make only two groups of parties if your mother fuckers keeps divid it no way you can win from ah slave Youn CPP. Just fucking thinks about our nation first asshole don't just thinks only the powers, money and women mother fuckers making sure who da fuck is win the next election make term limited for president too asshole.
មូលមេដៃបានមួយដំបរស្វារួចទៅប្រាប់វាថា អូរាស្រ្តខ្មែរស្រឡាញ់វាណាស់ចង់ឲ្យវាត្រឡប់មកវឹញ។ទៅហើយមកវឹញគឺឆ្កែតឿ។ហ៊ុនសែនវាចង់ឲ្យអានេះមកបំបែកសម្លេងឆ្នោតពីអ្នកជាតិនិយមខ្មែរ ពោលដើម្បីកុំខ្មែររួបរួមគ្នាកើត។ឪឡូវគេដឹងថាពេលវេលាដែលត្រូវឲ្យវាចូលមកវឹញគេធ្វើជាបើក
Ah Prince traitor of Cambodia and her people.
loser and taken his own staff wife..
she sleep with many peoples before with Ranariddh
Ranaridh is a cheater! Nothing to worry about his political life because his dead already. He is now the pupet of Hun Sen. Hun Sen will use him whatever he wants.
Now you critical of the Prince. Can you all work together to fight and evict HS from his office.
HS is not all that... HS won bec he steal, atleast the great Prince & Rainsy did not stood that low like HS. HS is the one who is dead. He maybe in Power but he is dead.
Cpp supporting Prince R. & Rainsy ...P
Hey the prince of rapist ,did you forget the beautiful peageon from Kien Svai district?Ranorith kept the second place beauty pageon for rape years and years finally you were released her for her freedom ,now she live in Australia.
Watch out for your daughters folks ,this family from father to son and daughter ,they worse than animal,they do not care about country reputation or their own good but the holes.
Good luck holes lover family ,Good Luck
NOT MY FAMILIES,FRIEND who give the trust to the PRINCE HENG SOY.
It is good for him to be in politics. but let think first what kind of politics fit well to Naridh? Love politics, mistress politic etc can be well fit. this man never learn from experience. Still believe he still... Maybe it is legacy of monarchy family.
I dare to bet! he will won 0 seat both commune election and general election.
Enjoy your time Mr. Randaridh.
Run Rith (small hole) is not different from a dog. He comes back when he sees a piece of meat but he runs away when he is hit with a stick on the head. This prince is an idiot.
IF HS was to keep the Beauty maybe HS get rid of her already. She maybe long gone. DEAD.
At least the PRince did not kill her.
Well, the woman maybe wants to be some where also or else she would have "scream" so loud alrady. she got her share - dont' worry about it.
The woman is also for that kind of business as well, who is to blame.
Money is infront of her ass, her ass took it and smiled and ran off.
Watch what you saying.........pp
Norodom Ranariddh= នរោត្ដម ពងក្ដ
New title " Dumb and Dumber"
Looks like grand father and grand daughter. Sick motherfucker.
no more noro dumb. you are done.
""I don't understand such a little ass country like Cambodian has to many groups of parties. Why don't they make only two groups of parties if your mother fuckers keeps divid it no way you can win from ah slave Youn CPP. Just fucking thinks about our nation first asshole don't just thinks only the powers, money and women mother fuckers making sure who da fuck is win the next election make term limited for president too asshole.
12:38 PM ""(SIC!)
You stupid 12:38PM! why you want limitted to people choice? Democracy is first we need no next DICKHEAD!!!! after ah KwaC Hun Xen!!!!
2:37! you dumbhead! evil is an evil stronger or lesser!!!!
Fuck them both ah Kwac hun Xen and ah Ranarith!
May lightning strike the evils!!!!
Hey Ranariddh,you said,"red my lips,I never returned to pilitic."Wecome not to come back,Khmer citizens do not want you to be anything in Cambodia.Be out of Cambodia,live abroad,and never,never come back.Khmer don't need you.monarchy is over.
ពួកអាគណបក្សប្រជាជនវាធ្វើនយោបាយមិនរត់ចោលស្រុកទេ គឺវាធ្វើនយោបាយងាប់ចោលស្រុក
ថាអីក៏ថាទៅ កុំតែថាផល្លាអត់ស្អាតបានហើយ។ បើច្រណែនប្រាប់អោយច្បាស់ ហួសពេលហើយ
កប៉ាល់ចេញចោល។ លាដំណែងប្រធានរដ្ឋសភា...បាន ! តែលាលែងផល្លា...អត់ផ្លូវទេ ទាល់តាយូរណោះ !
10:59 PM, You are a mother fucker, a SOB bastard born from a whore raped by ah Yuon.
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