Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Lack of Police 'Professionalism' Found in Bridge Disaster

A female victim of the deadly stampede, on Monday November 22, 2010, is carried onto a rescue truck, by Phnom Penh police. Hou Chanthy, 47, lost her daughter, said, "I'm thankful for the donations, but the donations will never compensate me.” (Photo: by Heng Reaksmey)
Chun Sakada, VOA Khmer
Phnom Penh Tuesday, 30 November 2010
“The accident is our largest experience for the government and the authorities." [... but not when it comes to accountability!]
The government committee investigating last week's bridge disaster has said the police and military police must now be better trained for crowd management to avoid future incidents.

The investigating committee stopped short of placing direct responsibility on police, city or Water Festival authorities, after thousands of people stampeded on a crowded bridge, killing 351 and injuring 395 people Nov. 22.

Prum Sokha, secretary of state for the Ministry of Interior and head of the investigating committee, said the crowded situation on the bridge exceeded the “preparedness and capacity” of security forces. He recommended a “build-up of professionalism” for police and military police to better handle large crowds in the future.

Council Minister Sok An, who is overseeing the investigation and response to victims, said the Diamond Bridge tragedy was an experience the government intended to learn from.

“We must prepare a plan for the future to avoid a stampede like this,” he told reporters. “The accident is our largest experience for the government and the authorities. We must hold a meeting to deeply consider the experience and to increase the professionalism of authorities like the police and military police.”

The government will study better methods of crowd management, security response, emergency response and other aspects of disaster preparedness, he said.

Prime Minister Hun Sen said on Monday no one would be fired as a result of the disaster, and that no single person deserved the blame for what he called an accident caused by “carelessness.”

Meanwhile, families of victims have begun to receive donations from the public, the government and the owners of Koh Pich island. Each family is expected to receive a total $12,000 each from donations raised by television stations and other groups.

Hou Chanthy, 47, lost her daughter, Soung Channy, a garment worker, in the bridge stampede. She said she had so far received $5,000 and expected to receive more in coming days, through several distributions.

“I'm thankful for the donations,” she said. “But the donations will never compensate me.”


Anonymous said...

now the killers walk free..

let us have one last revolution...


Anonymous said...

អសមត្ថកិច្ច នៃរដ្ធាភិបាលអាឆ្កែកញ្ជះយួន ហ៊ុន សែន ដែលមាន ទាហាន ប៉ូលីស ប៉េអឹម ពេល ដែលបញ្ជូនទៅរៀននៅស្រុកយួន យួនមិន ដែលបានហ្វឹកហ្វឺនផ្នែកជួយសង្គ្រោះជីវិតទេ
យួនគិតតែហ្វឹកហ្វឺនផ្នែក បាញ់, កំទេច,សម្លាប់, ពិឃាត, ប្រហារជីវិត, ផ្ដាច់ជីវិត, បំផ្លាញ,ច្បាម, ឆក់, ប្លន់, ដណ្ដើមយក, កៀបសង្កត់, សង្កត់សង្កិន, ជិះជាន់, បង្ក្រាប, វាយ, ទាត់, ធាក់ ។ល។
បើមិនជឿសួរ ពួកអាមកពីហ្វឹកហ្វឺន ពីស្រុកយួន ១០០ ថាដូចគ្នាទាំង ១០០ ។

សូមប្រសិទ្ធិនាមកោះពេជ្រ ជា :

"កោះពេជ្ឈឃាដ ស្ពានមរណៈ"

Anonymous said...

Next year and years we come to die again to receive compensate from Hoon Xen government.


Anonymous said...

Cheyo Ah Hun Zin, you are such irresponsible stupid leader, even your own Khmers have died these much you still don't care at all, I will vote for you again and again until you go to HELL.

Anonymous said...

Piece of shits regime CPP never responsible for anythings only denies and never fucking resign for did anything wrongs fucking bullhead gov't. If your people keeps vote for them I thinks all of your must be stupidest.

Anonymous said...

អាឆ្កែកញ្ជះយួនបីក្បាល ហ៊ុន សែន, ហេងសំ រិន, ជាស៊ីម
បើគ្មានសមត្តភាពទេ ល្មមចុះចេញពីតំណែងទៅ ទុកឱ្យ លោកសម រង្ស៊ី នឹង លោកកឹមសុខា ធ្វើវិញម្ដង។

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen has more Crimes than any other in Cambodia.
His Crimes Such as :

1)- Brought Yuon to Invade Cambodia.

2)- Created K-5 plan.

3)- Bombast in front of the old ASS.

4)- Coup D'etat 1997

5)- Koh Pich Murder

All these crimes are enough evidences for International Prosecution.

I ask all khmer to file International lawsuit against Hun Sen for his "Axis of Evil" on Khmer People. And make The CASE "OO4" for KRT. backed by United Nation.

Anonymous said...

OMY, khmer gov't is very slow in everything they do. Why can't they learn from other nations about; security,law and order,infrastures and social functioning. All they care about is their wealth and power, what about rights and justice for all? since everyone is equally important!. One dead is too many!. Imagine each person is your, son, daughter, brother, sister, aunty, mother or even yourself. How would you like to be treated. It is this simple with love, compassion, caring and understanding following with the ten commandments, if we all want to live forever with God. Do the right thing for the righteous will live forever and the wicked will be terminated, Amen!. Wisdom

Anonymous said...
មេដឹកនាំ​កូរ៉េ​ខាង​ត្បូង​ បង្ហាញ​រូប​តាម​កញ្ចក់​ទូរ​ទស្សន៍​ ព្រម​ទទួល​ខុស​ត្រូវ​ ដែល​មិន​អាច​ការ​ពារ​អាយុ​ជីវិត​ប្រជា​ជន​ ដែល​ត្រូវ​បាត់​បង់​ជីវិត​ពី​ហេតុការណ៍​កូរ៉េ​ខាង​ជើង​ បាញ់​កំា​ភ្លើង​ធំ​ ដាក់​កោះ​ យ៉ន​ព្យុង ...


Anonymous said...

This all is about RESPONSIBILITY!

Nobody is responsible when something go wrong in Cambodia!

Who is responsible bridge?

Simply the owner of the bride.
Who is the owner of the bridge and island?
Why nobody make him personally responsible as the had to take care for this?
He had not trained the security staff at the bridge which failed.

Nothing will change to better in Cambodia as no one is there to take responsibility.

Not for the dead people and not for the country cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Put Tom Neay: Hoon Xen will be killed in 2012 by the people. All Cambodia will rise up to make this Put Tom Neay happen.

Hun Sen Thok

Anonymous said...

oh i see that police laugh. if the victim is his relative, i guess he will never treat in that way!

Anonymous said...

គេកែនប្រជុំថាទោសគ្មាន ។
សុទ្ធមារយាទបង់ ប៉ិនចំណាប់
មិនមានចងចាប់មន្ត្រីណា ។
ខ្មែរស្លាប់ម៉ឺន សែនលានក៏ដោយ
ក៏មិនស្ដាយក្រោយ ឬខ្លោចផ្សា
អត់ច្បាប់មាត្រាណាចោទបាន ។
ទើបខ្មែរសុខសាន្ដនៅគង់វង់ ។
២៩.១១.២០១០ ម៉ោង២២

Anonymous said...

What I don't understand and outrage is this image is showing the guy with laughing or smiling toward the dead body.

Wow, is this ony happened in Cambodia when he sees the dead bodies and laughing??

He didn't show any emotional and sharing condolences or grieving at all..


Anonymous said...

Looking at this image is very sad and found myself not happy because one of the officer (police) in this image is happy when he carrying the dead body. Why this event made this guy happy? Is this only happens in Cambodia when people are dead, other people doesn't show any grieves. How come?
Instead of showing an emotional or sharing condolences this guy is laughing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To absurd!!!

Anonymous said...

Fcking police cant even controlled a one way street...