Friday, December 24, 2010

MERRY CHRISTMAS! ... from all of us at KI-MEDIA

Merry Christmas Song by Vogel Students, Ratanakiri, Cambodia 


Anonymous said...

Many thanks KI teams for your hard works and dedication in bring us the latest news, excellent job. All the best in 2011 and onward...Merry X'mas and Happy New Year.

Anonymous said...

good job ki-media love ,good wish for the year to came from me Canada and to all who is love ki-media may god bless you all

Anonymous said...

happy holiday to all KI-media teams ! U R my second king Sin Sa mouth.

Anonymous said...

Many thanks to you KI for DIVIDING Khmer. Keep it up! JOB well done!

Anonymous said...

i wish Ah Choy Marai ah hun sen family , Ah choy marai ah Va kim hong family ,Ah choy Marai Ah ho Nam hong family ,ah choy marai Ah all cpp 's family will perrish at the end of this year. they 're fuckin youn'sdogs ,Siem'sdog.they don't fuckin care poor cambodins lives.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

12:01 PM
Wishful thinking at best.
Dream on, it can't hurt.

Anonymous said...

May God bless KI MEDIA members!
may God bless positive and negative bloggers!.The good guy and the bad guy always gets together and never misses each other.
May God bless Khmer oversea and around the world,including Khmer in Cambodia!

Anonymous said...

I kind wondered is KI is a christian
or Buddhism?.KI has raised about Khmer nationalism.They said Ah Hun Sen serve Viet culture how about KI?
Is that really Khmer culture that has posted?.I thinks Khmer has lost
it spirit and soul for a long long long time.Please stop bring somethings that pollute Khmer any more.Ah Youn and Ah Seam did it all.KI if you really Khmer than bring real Khmer culture to Khmer
will you.

Anonymous said...

hey A-yorn!

Why do u curse at your own people when you are also a Vietcong? "THANH" is a Vietcong name. You are a disgrace to your people. U should be proud of your own race, not curse them. hahhaha

Anonymous said...

i love christmas celebration. it's one of the happiest moment in my life. i love the christ songs, the christmas carols, the sounds of the music, etc... i love america and cambodia. god bless america and cambodia and all our beautiful khmer people and citizens.

Anonymous said...

Prime minister Hun Sen! your lost your land and sea again, next time Cambodian border next to your home, Heng Somrin he lost his entire home village to Viet already but dare to say nothing, Chea Sim is too weak to say anything except prepare himself for judgement day, where is our belove king please get out from closet and give a big slap on Hun Sen face and say louder "why you gave my land and sea to Viet and punish my people hasss!"?, His majesty the king you can not stay in closet for too long, Cambodian are waiting for you to do something, you have no wife no kid must not afraid to die, you will be our hero king forever.

Anonymous said...

chas, soursdey noel!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

if Hun Sen and sVa Kim Hong would like to know who is Heng Soy - that's him, lazy azz on the hammock by the bitch! Go get him as sVa Kim Hong!

Have a Merry Christmas to KI-Media!

Anonymous said...

dou mer 10000 Uncle HO CM

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

You guy so naive, when I was a student I was always thought about nation, corruption, immigration, patriotism as everyone have thought but when it come to the money I and others have forgotten everythings, you can talk what ever you like but behind close door you guy are all the same as always think about how to get rich and looking for good position (kan leng Klanh or fat place).

you guy train as Nuclear Technician but work as finance, Keat Chhun as an example, Pot Pot studied electrical engineering and work as Communist, Hun Sen son Dr of economy work as military or security and countless of others. The more you guy get smart the more you guy got grazy, Pol Pot,Eang Sary, Kheav Somphon...kill alots of people, Currently so called intellectual person, example Cambodian court, what they have done to our country and put blame on innocent and uneducate person. War, corruption always made by educated person and use uneducate people as a tool. At countryside, I saw peasants make money in honest way and united, everyone was looked after. Unlike the intellectual one are always hunting for money and when ask for support they turn to support the communist, students and intellectual in Lon Nol Regime as an example, Lon Nol Collapsed as result of series of demonstration to support the Communist. if You are not work in the field that you are training for the country will be in trouble.

Study in America come to Cambodia looking for fat place, study in Australia without qualification but act like the one who have, study in Cambodia there no need to research just memorise what in the lecture note or bribe that it.

when come to work in government position 1 or 2 hours then go home or do something else, please do not say because of salary is too low, if you guy all donnot bother to work for the government then the country stand still then the government may consider high salary, because you guy rush to get position thatwise the salary go down.

Anonymous said...

12:34PM, KI is neither Buddhist nor Christian. They are ATHEIST. "Divider" don't have a religion.

piriformis pain said...

Merry Christmas KI-MEDIA! I wish your team the best!!

Anonymous said...

Khmer empire and up to now were/are multi-cultural believes.
Khmer empire belived in Hindu,Buddhism,(Hinayana,Mohana)and in natures and somethings aroung.They had rights to believe.
Christianity spread to Cambodia since 15-16 century by Portugal and Span.
So,someone here,don't care about relions,but learn to listen,love,care,respect,work hard,discuss to find the good ways to free from dictators;help each to provide good ideas to the readers and to the bloggers.

Anonymous said...

i know, who cares about different religion. be careful with those individual those want to advocate for some strict religion because that is the real dictator, not the current administration that seem to allow an open-minded society in cambodia. yes, watch out for some dictator-minded people in cambodia; make sure to see the right one and don't vote for the evil ones. they say watch what people are cynical about, and one can often discover what they lack, so true! that's called critical thinking, analysis and the like... god bless all.

Anonymous said...

I wishes that they would have a song or make a song for some of the khmer religions holidays, but what do I know. Just saying, maybe in 5 more years, the western special events will out due the khmer celebration event in cambodia. By the way is this KI Media a friend of SRP, because there are many more oppositions party and they are as good as SRP and maybe better, but doesn't seem to get any support from KI, but everything about SRP, it is on KI.

Anonymous said...

11:00PM. I don`t care about the foreigners from other country who
always spread out their culture ,
religion and their mighty sphere
for the sake of themselves.It`s normal for them as they are obligated as citizen to serve their
own country.As a matter of fact,
it worry me most to see Khmer like you who brought these to Khmer on
their behalf.My thought was if we are Khmer we should know how to preserve and to protect Khmer
entity as the other Khmer are doing so hard to keep up the practice as Khmer citizen.Wake up
Khmer included KI-Media too.Would
you please Anet Khmer Poang!.

Khmer Israel said...

The God of Israel did not create many different religions... it' man lost to the truth of the living God so they came up with their own religions. Man made religions brought miseries to its own making.

All false religions branched off from the One True God - the Holy One of Israel.

How ironic when it comes to politic, a dictator is as good as a democratic or a republican. Its a matter of choice not an absolute. It all how you view your beliefs.

If being a Democratic society is the only way a nation should rule itself, that would be put freedom in bondage. So, if Hinduism is right, Buddhism is right, Christian is right and I'm wrong I choose Communism, that too is good.