This time, we have to condemn Var Kimhong for his intellectual design to change the history of Cambodia suitable for neoimperialism of Vietnam over Cambodia. We all have to condemn Var Kimhong as Cambodian traitor though we are not sure about his political tendency. We couldn't understand his political mentality, but at least he is abusing political power and is betraying Cambodian people. He could not use the excuse of building exact border line and map for Cambodia. This is the act of denying the past of Cambodia and drawing new history for Cambodia. His political rhetoric is just a political manipulation to lie those few Khmer less educated leaders such as Sihanouk, Hun Sen, Heng Samrin and Chea Sim etc.Op-Ed by Khmer Young
We are knowing very well that under the provision and guarding of the United Nations and international communities, Cambodia can obtain legal leverage to negotiate with its neighbors to fairly delineate its border line and as an independent state like Cambodia, we cannot kill ourselves by denying our recognizable border line from the past. Var Kimhong has denied the legitimate and recognizable border line of Cambodia by planting new markers and drawing new map...this act is the act of treason for Cambodian people and their nation.
The recent move of Var Kimhong to draw a new map of Cambodia is significantly contradicting to the existing status of Cambodia recognized by the United Nations and international communities in this aftermath of past chaos. According to political analysts, Cambodia is strong and stable because of the internationally recognized agreements such as the Geneva Agreement and importantly the Paris Peace Agreement in 1991.
The plan to draw new map led by Var Kimhong is another continuing attempts to delegitimize the Paris Peace Agreement and to legitimize the 7 January 1979 when Vietnam invaded Cambodia. The political drama is well designed in pressuring Cambodian people who have waken up from Khmer Rouge regime and their past trauma is still overwhelmed. The supplemental border treaty with Vietnam in 2005 has been endorsed by the continuing border-marks planting, and especially the plan to draw a new map.
Exactly, in order to legitimize the invasion of Vietnamese troops in 1979, many tactics have been implemented including the ignoring or delegitimize the Paris Peace Agreement, the supplemental border treaty, the border markers planting and this drawing new map etc. All these are good for "co-existing policy" of Vietname who is needing time to implant their population as well as to increase employees of their nationals to work within Cambodian government. More than this, Vietnam can possibly hide themselves from the staring eyes of China.
This time, we have to condemn Var Kimhong for his intellectual design to change the history of Cambodia suitable for neoimperialism of Vietnam over Cambodia. We all have to condemn Var Kimhong as Cambodian traitor though we are not sure about his political tendency. We couldn't understand his political mentality, but at least he is abusing political power and is betraying Cambodian people. He could not use the excuse of building exact border line and map for Cambodia. This is the act of denying the past of Cambodia and drawing new history for Cambodia. His political rhetoric is just a political manipulation to lie those few Khmer less educated leaders such as Sihanouk, Hun Sen, Heng Samrin and Chea Sim etc.
We are knowing very well that under the provision and guarding of the United Nations and international communities, Cambodia can obtain legal leverage to negotiate with its neighbors to fairly delineate its border line and as an independent state like Cambodia, we cannot kill ourselves by denying our recognizable border line from the past. Var Kimhong has denied the legitimate and recognizable border line of Cambodia by planting new markers and drawing new map...this act is the act of treason for Cambodian people and their nation.
We don't care what is the background and plan of Var Himhong in dealing with border issue of Cambodia. We are concerning that Var Kimhong is one among other Cambodian leaders who are abusing their own power by receiving pay-cheques from the Cambodian people but serving the Vietnamese interests.
We all condemn the treasonous act of Var Kimhong!
We all condemn the treasonous act of Var Kimhong!
We all condemn the treasonous act of Var Kimhong!
We all condemn the treasonous act of Var Kimhong!
We all condemn the treasonous act of Var Kimhong!
We all condemn the treasonous act of Var Kimhong!
We all condemn the treasonous act of Var Kimhong!
We all condemn the treasonous act of Var Kimhong!
We all condemn the treasonous act of Var Kimhong!
We all condemn the treasonous act of Var Kimhong!
We all condemn the treasonous act of Var Kimhong!
We all condemn the treasonous act of Var Kimhong!
We all condemn the treasonous act of Var Kimhong!
We all condemn the treasonous act of Var Kimhong!
We all condemn the treasonous act of Var Kimhong!
We all condemn the treasonous act of Var Kimhong!
We all condemn the treasonous act of Var Kimhong!
We all condemn the treasonous act of Var Kimhong!
We all condemn the treasonous act of Var Kimhong!
Khmer Young
not change history, but make history, for the better though!
This time, we have to condemn Var Kimhong for his intellectual design to change the history of Cambodia suitable for neoimperialism of Vietnam over Cambodia. We all have to condemn Var Kimhong as Cambodian traitor though we are not sure about his political tendency. We couldn't understand his political mentality, but at least he is abusing political power and is betraying Cambodian people. He could not use the excuse of building exact border line and map for Cambodia. This is the act of denying the past of Cambodia and drawing new history for Cambodia. His political rhetoric is just a political manipulation to lie those few Khmer less educated leaders such as Sihanouk, Hun Sen, Heng Samrin and Chea Sim etc.
We are knowing very well that under the provision and guarding of the United Nations and international communities, Cambodia can obtain legal leverage to negotiate with its neighbors to fairly delineate its border line and as an independent state like Cambodia, we cannot kill ourselves by denying our recognizable border line from the past. Var Kimhong has denied the legitimate and recognizable border line of Cambodia by planting new markers and drawing new map...this act is the act of treason for Cambodian people and their nation.
What is better you mean when Cambodia is losing its legal status and be suitable for Vietnamese imperialism.
someone got to care enough to stand up for cambodia! enough with the greedy neighobrs already! cambodia calls for a competent leader(s)! unity is better than division!
better in terms of thinking, seeing things, seeing the world, etc... of course, we cannot stand to lose khmer lands, territories, etc like during the dark ages, you know! of course, everything they do must conform with baseline map, the international law, etc... secrecy will not be tolerated when it comes to borders of cambodia, really!
He Var Kim Hong is betraying Cambodian people.
I condemn you Mr Var Kim Hong
PAILEN, Battambang
He Var Kim Hong is betraying Cambodian people.
I condemn you Mr Var Kim Hong
PAILEN, Battambang
This Traitor want to chang our history!!!He is the Traitor under the dictator Taraitor Hun Xen!!!!!!
He Var Kim Hong is betraying Cambodian people.
I condemn you Mr Var Kim Hong
PAILEN, Battambang
He Var Kim Hong is betraying Cambodian people.
I condemn you Mr Var Kim Hong
PAILEN, Battambang
people always attack those who think differently and who did not help them. nobody ever attack those who give help, really! it's a human thing, i guess! it's also psychology, you know!
I hope Hun Sen, Chea Sim and Heng Samrin will know the ill plan of Var Kimhong and stop supporting this Vietnamese guy.
Var Kimhong is not thinking differently, but he is doing differently to favor his ancestors and raise himself as an hero comparing with Uncle Ho.
you can bell what you wanted but the real will never believe you, Svar Kim Chiv.
if he's that incompetent, demand questions and answers from him and demand his resignation from his position, really! remember, nobody is above the law, you know! or it should not be tolerated anymore, really!
My suggestion to KI-media:
Don't wait for Om yen tieng to do the corruption probe. It s not going to work. I think KI-media should create a kind of Khmerleak that would simply declare all the secret wealth of those gov't official online. I think it is one of the think that would take public attention both inside and outside Cambodia. And the corrupted person would never stay comfortable again.
it is questionable when we hear only from one side of the biased media. i wonder what would var kim hong had to say about all of this? for me, it only fair to be able to hear both side of the story. hey, afterall, this is natiional issue, not any one personsal issue and shouldn't be treated as such, really! wake up, people! be up-to-date in your thinking, etc, ok! cambodia and the world is now advanced and so should our thinking, etc, ok!
ពួកអាឆ្កែកញ្ជះយួន ហ៊ុន សែន, ហេងសំ រិន, ជាស៊ីម,
សុខ អាន, ហោ ណាំហុង, ឱម យិនទៀង, ចៀម យីប,
វ៉ា គិម ហុង, ស ខេង, ងួន ញ៉ឹល ។ល។ និង ។ល។
និយាយហើយនិយាយទៀតដើម្បីអោយជាតិ និងអន្តរជាតិ
ដឹងឮ ទូទាំងពិភពលោក។
អោយពួកវាស្អុយឈ្មោះ ស្អុយត្រកូលរាប់ម៉ឺនសែន ឆ្នាំ...!
now are they changing the shape or the map or are they just modernized the details of the border map? that's two different things! nobody has the right to change the shape of the map of cambodia! i think they are just modernizing the detailings of the map so we all can recognize and see the border areas well in order to prevent neighbors from stealing our lands, etc! of course, this is a hot issue form most khmer people!
Dear All,
I am strongly believing that we need United Nations experts to work for all Cambodian border decarmation with our neighbours. With this independent organisation, we will have no problem with our neighbours and with people of all countries involved. This idependent organisation will need to work not with the governments, but with local people. Only local people would know where is our boundery.
Areak Prey
My Khmer Compatriots,
The Arm uprising is the best solution for getting rid of Hanoi's puppet Regime of Hun Sen and its cronies as our ancestors had been done in 1835-1840 during the reign of Ang Mey, Té-Ong, and Vinh-té canal. (Kraok kap Yuon ខ្មែរខាងលើ, ខ្មែរខាងក្រោម, ខ្មែរខាងកណ្ដាល ក្រោកឡើងទាំងអស់កាប់យួនយកដីជីដូនជីតាយើងមកត្រឡប់មកវិញ )
But why we, as their descendants, won't do it again???
Hanoi will eliminate all Khmers by all means, demographic with over 5 millions Viet illegal immigrants, Lands concession from Khmers owners of the country, Yuons depleted all khmer resources, fish stocks, all mineral ores, gas, forests, petroleum, and Gold etc...
I called to Khmer compatriots to rise up with Axes, Swords, Sticks, Knives, Spears, Arrows, and possible grenades, B40-B41 hand Guns, shot guns to riot and kill THEM for your Freedom and liberate your country from the vietnamese yoke.
Cambodia: Khmer Empire reigned by King Jayavarman.
Nambodia: The Great Nyugen reigned Dai Viet wiped out Champa, South Vietnam, ASAP W. Kampuchea Krom.
For 4:02AM
Only the people who have the brain worst than a dumb monkey should want to hear both side of the story. Is it not obvious enough for you to understand that he is realy a traitor? To my opinion, he is more than that; he is also a Yourn Kleng Klourn Chea Khmer; and I think I'm right!
I thought I never say this....but 4:26 AM, I am ready to give my life up for such a cause!!!
When the movement starts....I will be there in a heart beat...Count me in!
The only way to make Khmer survived is we have to get rid of those people, the traitors, very very soon. Please all my brothers and sisters Khmer compatriots wake up, everybody have to stand up together in order for us get rid them; we have no other choice. I am very sure that if we do stand up together, we will have a support from the international later.
យើងឆ្ងល់ថា៖ រឿងយួនចូលលួចដីខ្មែរសព្វថ្ងៃ តើយួនខ្លួនឯងហ្នឹងបានគិតទេថា វាចំណេញបាន ប៉ុន្មាន បើប្រៀបធៀបទៅនឹងកិត្តិយសរបស់យួន នៅពេលដែលខ្មែរក្រោកស្រែកទាំងអស់គ្នាឡើងថា៖
"អាយួន អាចោរលួចប្លន់ទឹកដីខ្មែរ" ពេញទាំង ពិភពលោកនោះ?។
ដែលហៅថាក្បត់ជាតិ គឺជា មនុស្សលាក់ការពិតនឹងជាតិឯងជា
មនុស្សអត្តនោម័តិ មិនស្ដាប់យោបល់
If ah CHHKAE HUN SEN do all the border with ah Vietcong do we still have a chance to relcaim Kampuchea Krom back from ah Youn or what? I told your b4 ah Youn a don't have any border with khmer mother fucker why we bother to do the border with the enemies for.
why viet/youn want to steal from cambodia so much? why? it's not right, you know! this is not the dark ages, really!
That we don't have to say now, but we will do it later!
don't you know i hated viet/youn thieves for stealing from cambodia!
5:07AM! instead of only hated them! let find some way to stop them to do it again and a gain!!!
It pain on the bud shihanouk and ah Hun Xen!!!!
But when we have more words, we have action one day for sure!
Down with imperialism! Khmer people must stand up and unite, so that we do not become “tools of the Youn colonialism.” Fight to protect our motherland from Khmer traitor, and the age of Youn imperialism will end. Will we continue fighting to the end in the face of imperialism?
All Khmers that vote for this Government-គឺខ្មែរគ្រប់រូប ជាអ្នកក្បត់ជាតិ ព្រោះជាអ្នកផ្តល់សន្លឹកឆ្នោតឲ្យគណបក្បនេះ។
No one to blame.
to all our brother and sister
ដើម្បីឲ្យបានសម្រេចនូវវត្ថុបំណង ដែលកូនខ្មែរ
យើងគ្រប់រូបប្រាថ្នាចង់បាន សូមស្ដាប់នូវសម្លេង៕
Can't you see that Var Kim Hong is Vietnamese in blood but Khmer on the outside. Like I have said before, there are millions of Viets in Srok Khmer and many more will come into our country illegally because of our Viet puppet government that has plagued our country starting in 1979 invasion of the Viets. Every government in Srok Khmer is if I had to guess the numbers correctly, maybe more than half working with our Khmer government but in reality works for the Hanoi government. These Viet impersonators can speak, write and understand our language inside and out. They even speak their language in public with no shame in Srok Khmer. They are working for our government, including police and military. Why do you think most of the border police don't carry guns? Because they are Viets in a Khmer uniform portraying to be Khmer but in reality they are not you think they are. Believe me when I say this!! It's the truth and I seen it first hand when I was in Cambodia this past November 2010. In conclusion, Var Kim Hong is not working for the Khmer people because in blood, he is not Khmer but Viet. You figure it yourself and tell me if I'm making this up. I am Khmer to the fullest and I represent my people. I understand what Srok Khmer and the true Khmer bloods are going through. That's why Hun Sen needs to step away and let others such as Sam Rainsy Party to take over the Prime Minister leadership. Hun Sen and his gang are not doing Cambodia a favor by giving more land to the Yuons. Thanks! Khmer Pride fo Life!!
Does anyone think "Hun Sen" is Vietnamese? Look at him and his dad more vietnamese look like than Cambodian, don't you think? His wife too is more vietnamese than khmer look. I think that is why he give the cambodia country to vitenam and give vitenam alot of profit from cambodia resource and if Vietnamese kill khmers he happy but khmer kill vitenamese he angry and kill khmer more and more. also If cambodian talk about the border he kill them badly Why? he must be Vietnamese born, don't you think! He is bollying cambodian and the nation of cambodia everyday about the border. He must be Vietnamese for 110% sure. He killed alot of innocent cambodians when god is going to take him to hell so far he n his group is getting richer and richer that is really unfair! God please open your eyes for the murderer of Cambodians...God please take him to hell as soon as possible and god please lock him in hell for ethernity please! God please take his family and his group to hell too and lock them for ethernity as slavery and burn in hell for ethernity! thanks God! Thanks all angels!All angels and god in the world please taking them to hell burn and lock them in hell for ethernity!
Did anyone know what schools Var kim hong had attended from grade school on?
It is an insult to point out the proposed map under the different scale to Cambodians ,real khmer officials,our PM and our king.
1:25,000 scale makes Cambodia looks bigger,relative to 1:100,000scale.
Come on our intellectuals,do the calculation if area of Cambodia remains the same with calculator,or GPS system.
If the area is the same= Var kim Hong is Khmer nationalist and heroe.
And if areais NOT the same or less=
Var Kim Hong is a true traitor by treason to Cambodians.
And let's Cambodians decide his fate.
I am not sure Var Kim Hong is Khmer anymore, does his name and appearance look like Khmer? if he has just a little bit of Angkorian gene he would not do that, look at our top leader families do they look like Khmer? excepted parliament's president and senator's president look like ethics minority from alien land (Viet), hopefuly judgement day will come for those who responsible for land lost will be punished harshly
Hello All,
Thank you Ki-Media trying to post the news updated. This a serious problem to our nation.I,personally,support Ki-Media to end of my life like King Sihanouk has supported Hun Sen, as well.Only the difference is King Sihanouk supported a Youn back-government(Pupet government)and ignored the bother issue and I encourage to all Khmer peole not to be quite.
Here is my opion to all cambodian:
We should form a mass peacefull demontration to let the world know that we disagree with the current updated map that Hoa Kim Hong is going to issue it.
Hoa Kim Hong is a master traitor.
Do not file a law sue against me!!!" Let me alive to see you die"
See you all.
My friend told me Mr.Svar's history teacher was Ho Chi Minh.
អាយ៉ង ហ៊ុន សែន ជាមេឃាតករឈាមត្រជាក់ ហើយក៏ជាមេគ្រោះថ្នាក់ធំជាងគេ បើមិននាំគ្នាកំចាត់
វាចោលទេ ប្រទេសខ្មែរគ្មានថ្ងៃបានសុខសាន្តឡើយ។
Svar Kimghong is the second Uncle Ho for Vietnamese people.
Do not wait until the map prepared we already knew that the land was solved to power. People live on the border as witness.
Wow all the PHD works on Cambodia's territory over the years is presented & releases in 1 A3 print-out, can anyone see when our boarder line is??? I need electro manifying glass...here
Where are all the GPS coordinations and narration?
Tell where did Vietnam gain of Territories over Cambodia from top to bottom, reason and justification of those losses, how these losses benefits Cambodian/Khmer people?
Tell also where did Vietnam lost any Territory to Cambodia, if any and by home much, reason why it the "lost" is selected in that are if any?
I'm waiting....
Cambodian farmers are very gentle and not agressive. Anywhere that many Vietnamese population are settling, many Cambodian families will escape away.
In this matter, GPS or expert Namhong talked about border is shit as Cambodian poor farmers are continuing to cry about lossing their farms to this border marking.
You don't need to wait mr. blind 9:00am
Ah Svar Kim Hong is a traitor.All blogger wrote on Ki Media,including myself.
All of us should put into action.
Wake up,stand up to protest against ah Svar Kim Hong on treet everywhere in the world.
what, can we talk like an educated person, please! be civilized, ok! this is not the dark ages anymore, ok! what planet are you from, anyway? stop the paranoia, ok!
Why don't we all stand up and kill A Sva Kim Hong?
Sir Hun Sen And Sir Var Kimhong are Vietnamese! They are real hero for Vietnamese people. We are Vietnamese respect him very much they are real patriot of Vietnam. He will do anything to build Vietnam to be a better place and bigger country. Thanks you Mr. Hun Sen and Mr. Va Kimhong you are the best of the best we will never forget you at all in our heart! Long live Sir Hun Sen And Sir Var Kimhong! We are Vietnamese always support and back up you.
What are you going to do about it if you know so ? Look at your Khmer youth, they are shit very weak youth they even sell their mother if they have too that is why we Vietnamese talking your land and your resource and Cambodian youth do nothing as usual. We are Vietnamese, we proud of Sir Hun Sen And Sir Var Kim Hong. They are best of the best Comrade for Vietnam! They patriot like Uncle Ho!!! Cambodian Youth are weak as Shit. We like to call them Shit Youth anyway.
Look at Cambodia Human resources are shit can't compare to Vietnam Human resource. Cambodians are chicken shit that why they allow Cambodia like these. Fuck khmer youth shit! Chicken shit Khmer youth. Chicken shit is khmer youth today! Ha Ha Ha Long Live Uncle Ho and Sir Hun Sen And Sir Var Kim Hong! Fuck Cambodians Youth they are chicken shit
Mother Fucker Khmer Youth still stupid idiot as usual that is very good News for us. We took your lands, your sea and Kos Trol and most of Cambodia resources for over 30 years already they still don't know and idiot as We called khmer are idiot and stupid shit. Don't just take my words look at your fucken history after your fucken Angkor wat. Long Live Uncle Ho, Sir Hun Sen and Sir Var Kim Hong! Fuck all khmer youth as you are shit and useless as shit. Look at our Vietnamese youth very very strong! if you don't believe me come to take our land please and let'see from that but if we take Cambodia lands or sea cambodians youth and Khmer army do nothing as easy as that Ha ha ha Long lIVE uncle Ho , sir Hun Sen and Sir Var Kim Hong.
Sir Hun Sen và Var Kimhong Sir là người Việt Nam! Họ là những anh hùng thực cho người Việt Nam. Chúng tôi là người Việt Nam tôn trọng ông ấy rất nhiều mà họ đang thực sự yêu nước của Việt Nam. Ông sẽ làm gì để xây dựng Việt Nam là một nơi tốt hơn và quốc gia lớn hơn. Cảm ơn bạn ông Hun Sen và ông Va Kimhong bạn là người tốt nhất của tốt nhất chúng ta không bao giờ quên bạn ở tất cả trong trái tim của chúng tôi! Long sống Sir Hun Sen Và Sir Var Kimhong! Chúng tôi là Việt Nam luôn luôn hỗ trợ và sao lưu bạn.
Thank you KI. By reading the common on this page it tell me that the majority of Cambodian are really hurting. I hope that we as the Cambodian stand up to the Hun Sen Government to make them change their mind about the border.
Who can shut down KI -Media ? Because KI is the web site of Hanoi .I don' believe that all of comments are 100% from khmer people .Hanoi create KI just pushing khmer people to fight each other ,and they show the picture of 4 traitors in KI ,because Hanoi think the 4 traitors will be fruitless for hanoi ,so Hanoi want to put the bad paint on them before Hanoi kick the 4 traitors out and replace by the other servants ,this is the way that Hanoi use to do from before until now .
We are vietnam ,we will be strong , we don't believe that china is stronger than us,china is a tiger just stand up from sickness,china use to lost abattle at our north vietnam,now we already control laos and cambodia ,we already put our people and agents everywhere in cambodia even in government and in CPP ,we tie every thing ,in 1979 we send the suicide commando to phnom penh to cath samdat sihanouk ,because we need him stay with us and support us before we push pol pot to the forest ,but the china workers at phnom penh catch our commando and destroy them,and now samdach sihanouk come to support us by himeself it's good luck for us ,now we have hun sen in our right hand and samdat sihanouk in left hand ,we will be a great vietnam,long life vietnam.
The Vietcong uphold AH HUN SEN to illegal border and friendship treaties! Tell me what does AH HUN SEN uphold the Vietcong to? Nothing! Or rape me some more!
The inability of AH HUN SEN to make the Vietcong uphold to international law is outrageous already and to make matter worst AH HUN SEN doesn't even uphold illegal ordinary Viet people under Cambodian law! So what is becoming of Cambodian people protection under Cambodian law or even Cambodian constitution under AH HUN SEN leadership? Cambodian people become a victim under Cambodian law and Constitution!
AH HUN SEN will answer before Cambodian people! If he is lucky enough and he will find other country to call home before he ran out of power!
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