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"Fortunately, I am back now": Prince Norodom Ranariddh speaks during his interview with The Post last week. (Photo by: Sovan Philong) |
Neth Pheaktra and Sebastian Strangio
The Phnom Penh Post
To begin with, what are your motivations for returning to politics?
There are two main reasons that I have returned to politics. First, since I returned to live in my home country [in 2008] I have been invited by members of the Nationalist Party, the former Norodom Ranariddh Party. More than 11,165 petitions have been sent to me.
The second reason is that though there have been many royalists in our kingdom – in Nhek Bun Chhay’s clan, Keo Puth Reaksmey’s group, and at Chhim Siek Lieng’s side – they have been unable to unify all of the royalists. The royalist group has been divided into hopeless pieces, like children who have no parents. So I believe I must return and gather all the royalists.
I realise that my post as president of the King’s [Supreme Privy Council] is a great and honourable position, but if I cared only my own honour, my own comfortable living, and collecting the three million riels of my salary, it would not be possible to return to reunite the royalists. If possible, we will merge the two [royalist] parties into one.
Doesn’t it all come a little too late, given the parlous state of the royalist movement at the moment?
I don’t think it’s too late for the upcoming commune election in 2012 and it isn’t too late for the national election in 2013. However, what we must do is be honest among the leadership, and follow the royalist purpose and aims in order to establish a new party. Recently, I proposed to resume leadership of my lovely Funcinpec, merging it [with the NRP] into Funcinpec 81 – referring to the year 1981, when the group was founded by the King Father. But the new [party] has been rejected by [Funcinpec Secretary General] Nhek Bun Chhay.
How are the reunification talks progressing now?
I will still continue the unification – at least on my own side, the NRP – if Funcinpec 81 is not accepted. I am confident of the reunification because there is still a connection between the NRP’s members and Funcinpec’s members. I am waiting for Nhek Bun Chhay. If he listens to local members, if he is one of the royalists, if he really wants to see unification, the door is still open for negotiation. I gave him a turn to kick at the ball, but he hit it over.
Some are suspicious that your return to politics is just a ploy by Prime Minister Hun Sen to divert attention away from the punishment of opposition leader Sam Rainsy, who you said has received a “red card” of 12 years in prison. What is your response to this?
I have given a very clear reason for my return to politics. It’s not that I am a pawn, a tool to confuse national and international opinion. Moreover, if we listen to Samdech Prime Minister Hun Sen, he seems not to want my return to politics. Recently, he stated clearly, as did [CPP lawmaker] Cheam Yeap, that Hun Sen likes Nhek Bun Chhay from Funcinpec: he does not need the NRP.
You’ve said that you are seeking a coalition deal with the Cambodian People’s Party, yet have also said that you’d like to remain independent. How do you intend to strike this balance?
In Cambodia we have only three possibilities in the political field. One is the CPP, another one the opposition. But I do think we have a middle path. I don’t like the word “collaboration” – collaboration sounds like during the Second World War when Petain of [Vichy] France collaborated with the Nazis. I rather like to talk about cooperation. I share some concerns with the opposition parties; only the approaches are different. I believe that if we cooperate with the ruling party in the same system, maybe it will be more efficient.
What is the middle way? It means that we gather royalists under one party. This force shall convert into seats at the commune councils, at the districts, provinces and municipalities, and later, in July 2013, it will convert to more seats in the National Assembly.
When we win seats, what will we do with them? This is important. The opposition party has been opposing for four mandates already, and I respect it. In a multiparty system, the opposition is needed. But in Cambodia, the culture of the opposition party is only to oppose. I’ve never seen any actual results of any proposal from the opposition party. Corruption is still an issue, land is still an issue, so is the independence of the judiciary. There are many issues which remain the same – the CPP still rules.
Human Rights Party President Kem Sokha has said that if your policies don’t change, then he won’t lend you his support. But given your rather turbulent relationship with Prime Minister Hun Sen, would you challenge him as you did before he ousted you in July 1997?
When I use the word “oppose”, it means that I am entering into the opposition group. I prefer to choose the new phrase “contribute to addressing national issues”, which implies that flexibility is not always a good thing. For example, in the past I was very unsuccessful at being flexible. We [Funcinpec] were partners, but most of our ministers applied a flexible theory: when they saw others get involved in corruption, they did so as well. They forgot their basic values and origins and political approach. This was our big mistake.
Therefore, I ask Kem Sokha to wait and see how I am doing, but not to hope that I’ll become an opposition party, nor that I will serve as the front of any party opposing the CPP. I will not do it because I am a son of the King Father, who is siding with Hun Sen. The King Father wrote on December 10 that he would continue to support Hun Sen 100 percent until the end of his life. Norodom Sihamoni is the King of Cambodia and Samdech Hun Sen is prime minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia – how can I stupidly do that alone?
Some critics – including the prime minister – have said that royalist parties risk dragging the monarchy into a dirty political game and sullying its reputation. What is your response?
We have to separate two things in a very clear manner. One: His Majesty the King must be politically neutral, meaning that he must not have any political party. The second thing is this: I do believe that in a country like Cambodia – even like in Thailand – [royals] should have a big political party.
I’d like to remind you that my father, in 1955, after independence, saw that the monarchy of the Kingdom was in a very difficult situation, politically and socially. So, he abdicated, he stepped down, to form a movement – the Sangkum Reastr Niyum – and he successfully resolved the problem. And may I remind you that Samdech Hun Sen did not say, “Prince Ranariddh, you must stop making politics”. I helped him to resolve critical problems, I made him prime minister three times, in ’93, ’98 and 2003. He didn’t say anything at that time – he took advantage of this.
It is my position that the royal family should not be a pariah of politics. Our constitution says very clearly that our citizens have a sacred right to have political activities.
In the 1950s and 1960s, peasants and villagers would go to the Royal Palace with their grievances. Today they go to Prime Minister Hun Sen’s doorstep. How do you see the role of the monarchy today?
My father was called the “pink Prince” – la prince rose – because at that time he was very close to the socialists. It was by necessity, you see, but inside, his socialism rather meant social justice, and he opened up the doors of the Royal Palace for all of the people to come and to submit to him their difficulties. I remember two families even went to the Royal Palace because their dispute was about one palm tree!
But for the time being, people feel that the real power is held by the Prime Minister instead of by His Majesty the King, and the King likes to show that he is politically neutral, and that by law, in a parliamentary system, the one who has the substance of state power is rather the prime minister.
How did growing up under your father’s regime shape your political outlook?
For me, the Sangkum Reastr Niyum was a golden era of Cambodia: 15 years of peace when you had wars all around. It is one of the greatest achievements of my father. Secondly, he developed the country without a lot of assistance from outside. And thirdly, I think his real power was based on the people. You could say maybe “people power”, but the participation of the people through a lot of mechanisms: you had the [National] Congress, you had the royal audience, etc.
I think the SRN is a model of the unity of the nation. I think this is most important: unity between the leadership and the grassroots, and if you don’t have it, you won’t be able to solve the real problems of the country. You see, for my father, the priority was the country, and secondly his own party, and thirdly, the members of his party. But I’m afraid that now, the first [priority] is the members of the parties.
We were struck by a comment you made a couple of weeks back, when you said politics was as “addictive as opium”. What are some of your more personal motivations for getting back into politics?
Politicians can’t really abandon politics, but there are in my opinion two types of politics. One, to satisfy yourself. Another one is to really serve the country. So if the opium is to really serve the country, I think it’s good to have that opium. For me, the opium is to be with the people and to serve the people.
What do you think about the current development of the country, and how has it changed since you last had a prominent role in government?
Firstly, I must say I did not have enough time to serve the country, to [put] the country on the way of progress. But I’d like to remind you that according to the report of the World Bank in 2003, which I used for my electoral campaign, in terms of FDI, the best years were from 1993 to 1998. In 1997 I was toppled. The investment law of 1994 – I was the architect of that law, which was able to attract a lot of investment to Cambodia.
My assessment is this: Cambodia has made progress, but not enough compared to the other countries in the region. But you have to create an atmosphere conducive to creating investment. I think that the lack of transparency, the lack of a real independent judiciary create an atmosphere not favourable to attracting serious investment to Cambodia, but I’m not hopeless. I think we will be able to improve the situation.
What do you think history will say about Prince Ranariddh?
Fortunately, I am back in politics, otherwise history would write about me that I wasn’t a real prince of the people. Fortunately, I am back now.
I knew ah Youn that live in Orange County, Ca. They told me that our country the Vietcong almost swallow the hole country. If Khmer stupid and don't wake up on time I bet we don't have home to call. What are you waiting for waking up ah stupid CPP don't be so dumb and so greedy about money and powers too much thinks about our people and country too asshole.
River generally flows away and rarely returns. If it returns, it will return with bad water.ទឹកសំអុយរលួយ
Ranariddh is a dog.
it is a satellite of Hun Xen,
what it needs is only money, power, and exchange its wife - just like TA TRO SOK PA-EM.
in fact, I don't like monarchy at all. Monarchy only think about its advantages, satisfy Hun Xen in return for power, living in a good way, money.
Ranarriddh is worsen than dog!
I Personally do not think the Dr Prince can deliver good outcome for Cambodia, he had a chance before but he mess with it, his followers are money hunger, inability, not capable, mismanagement, disloyal, arrogant and most important dishonest. Cambodian may look at his policy, how to deal with corruption, immigration, border and economic before consider him, however people pray for him to sucess because at least he show of courages and has a little bit of democracy in mind
គ្មានបានការ !!!
ស្រី លុយ សំរាប់សប្បាយ ចូលចិត្តលើកជើងដូចបីតា ជាជំនាញរបស់អ្នក!
Dr. Prince was betray his loyal suppoter in 1997. Thousands of them were killed by CPP but he can't even find justice for them. Dr. Prince only care about his wealth and his beautiful young wife (like doughter and daddy). Dr. Prince used to talk alot and promise alot in the past but he has never been delivered at all. He is a betray prince unlike prince of England that they rather die in the name of protect their land and people. Dr. Prince loves money very much. People of cambodians voted for him to became the first prime minister but he fell them badly because of his greedy and stupidity that put his loyalt troops die for nothing in 1997 (thousands of them died 1997 ). Yes his follow also money hunger too, that is why CPP look down on them badly because they are just animal no loyalty to anyone. or we called opportunitist! but at leaset he show us some courage to talk about cambodia border and may be democray mind abit. well let's see Dr. Prince what he can achieve for cambodians and cambodia. Good luck Dr. Prince!!!
Ranarriddh wants to involve in politics to misunderstand Khmer people in exchange for girl, money, power from Hun Xen, or he is just like a chain of his generation TA TRO SOK PAEM - only think about girl, money, power.......
what a shit!!! Ranarriddh has no value to Khmer people.
But he is valuable to Hun Xen to boost and strength his power
Ranarriddh is shit
Please you all... give Prince a break! You never know, if he is returning it means something is good is going on. DO not give up hope. Do not give up on anyone whose ambition is benefit all Khemr people.
Support him if not HS.
we all deserve 2nd chances!
In my mind, second chance is avaible for private life, for own things,
but for whole nation, it is different. one private life cannot be compared with one whole big nation.
s1 does sth wrong, it affects only their private life, but if s1 does sth wrong to a nation, it affects to all people, cannot be compared
The failing family,it doesn't how hard you wanted to try you are still fail as usual,you lack of common senses ,you do not know how to fight to be a winner ,everything got it made for you but you are the loser
Should we give Pol Pot a second chance??????
stop barking, you stupid royal idiot. You are a wast of space!
Oh, this idiot prince has so many chances before.
You said yourself Norodom,
Nhek, Keo and Chhim are not able to agree with each other,
how can you use those men ?
They are dump, forget them, use other men, more educated..
I am not a Anti Royal family but I have no doult with Prince Ranaridth. Traditionally, my family clan are trusted with royal but till now I've not see the strong khmer royal, only weak as proof. During 1993 election, we lost 3 members from our families, those were killed by CPP. Why? because we supported royal. God bless the prince but to be strong, not like the old time.
Hun Sen likes money 1000 times more than Ranarith..
Hun Sen likes women 10 times more than Ranarith..
Hun Sen likes to be ass kissed 100 times more than Ranarith..
Make your choice !
sa-ey teat hoey ah sdach thaok nis vil mok rok ngoab ey teat. mok noam khmer aoy slab doch kal ngay 5,6 chhnam 97 teat reu.
A tool of CPP
Ah sadach krom chkaer...stop barking!
Ngorp heuy A Rannariddh klach a Hun Xen nas.
A Ranariddh is so afraid of A Hun Xen, when he sees A Hun Xen, he pees in the pants.
The opium monarchy is over.
There are some private stuff monarchy or prince holders.
Mr.Riddh is still holding ah Hun Sen dick.
Hun Sen is the king of kings and the Lord of Lords;the monarchy, Sihamoni,Sihanouk,monique,princes and princesses are under Hun Sen control;they can't survive without Hun Sen.
If Hun Sen will be dead in 2013,monarchy will be dead too.
Why does Mr. Riddh come back?
To save himself,to save monarchy.
Exactly,he tries to save Hun Sen staying in power;so he can lick in Hun Sen administration next election.
Come on folks!If all of your posted
Ideas either plus or too negative ,do you all have any guts with
with the best solutions or come out to save our nations?.Doing
nothing but seating on your
ass at your comfortable room
with young chicks and complaining
every thing that Khmer are trying
to find some good path to save our
beloved country.Come out and show
us to see if you can have some supporters at least 5 to 10 people
to support you I personally will
admire you most.Please come do something good for Khmer.
Khmer Thnout
Bullshit...fucking kings useless
i don't think cambodia cares he came; it's his rights as long as he does not abuse his power by taking too many position as advisor, politician, prince, etc... if it's create conflict of interest, he should know better not to do it, even for his personal interest, etc; however if he is well educated, reformed and view the world in conform with the modern world that is, then i think it is ok! it is the one who never learned that we should worry about! also, let the votes speaks for itself! as much as we love to hate, only time will time. one thing i should sayd is that it is sutpid if he doesn't learn from history, reformed, etc... that's all! of course, there are more to cambodia than that, you know!
everyone of us is good at something. what is your ambition?
Teuv Heuy mok vinh hav tha... ah sakheh boun cheugn (dog four legs).
2:11AM! My ambition is to have my people live free, peace, and democracy! AND kick on the head of the traitors and corruptors!
ណ្ហើយ! ដេកស្រមើស្រមៃបន្តទៅទៀតទៅ។
anis yo still a kim sokha. if he wants to do politic let it be hwy he needs to say are thousand petition requested him to reenter politic. he use kem sokha style, then he is a dog of hun sen like kem sokha.
Hey bang pha aune roum cheat. I'm back again and I'll will go once more again after I stole more wife from my good colleaque is that alright with you?
Does anyone think "Hun Sen" is Vietnamese? Look at him and his dad more vietnamese look like than Cambodian, don't you think? His wife too is more vietnamese than khmer look. I think that is why he give the cambodia country to vitenam and give vitenam alot of profit from cambodia resource and if Vietnamese kill khmers he happy but khmer kill vitenamese he angry and kill khmer more and more. also If cambodian talk about the border he kill them badly Why? he must be Vietnamese born, don't you think! He is bollying cambodian and the nation of cambodia everyday about the border. He must be Vietnamese for 110% sure. He killed alot of innocent cambodians when god is going to take him to hell so far he n his group is getting richer and richer that is really unfair! God please open your eyes for the murderer of Cambodians...God please take him to hell as soon as possible and god please lock him in hell for ethernity please! God please take his family and his group to hell too and lock them for ethernity as slavery and burn in hell for ethernity! thanks God! Thanks all angels!
blood of TA TRO SOK PAEM is still inside Rannariddh
Royal family are the ones who trying to misunderstand Khmer people for their own advantages.
Royal is suck
Are we all Khmer people 14 millions allow traitor of the nation such as Hun Xen, Chea sim, Rannariddh and more.... destroy our nation???
an emerging dog, Rannariddh
royal = yuon-hanoi = communist chinese = north korea
sihanouk is a big fan of north korea, and communist chinese
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