Friday, December 24, 2010

"Samnork Mada" (Continue) a Poem in Khmer by Ung Phiny


Anonymous said...

Ah S'va Kim Hong
Oy Yuon Chrep Lung
Tarm Me Kh'bot S'mom
Ph'naek Taol BonDit
L'nung L'ngit Het Phaom
Toul KonThaor Naom
KanhCheas Chor Yuon

Ah KIm Hon S'va
Kh'bot Cheat Khemara
Puoch Chor Peak Duon
SamSei Muk Mort
Chh'bas Sot KOne Yuon
Ah "Sen" Kh'nhom Yuon
Taing Kh'luon Taing Kh'bal.

S'dach Ov S'dach Kone
Tra Kao Sou Yuon
Pouch Trosok Peal
York Srok Do Krum
M'kot S'va M'real M'real
Pouch Ah S'dach Peal
SamLap Reas Aeng.

Ah Kh'bot Cheat "Sen"
Pouch Luoch Ko Daen
Khmer-Yuon Pee Ta
RoHot Dol Ov
EiLov "Sen" S'va
Chor Lourk Khemara
Th'voeu M'ha SaeThei.

Preah PakRa Muk
Ah Ngorp Chaol Srok
Ah Kh'nhom SroKei
Ngorp Chaol Mae Ov
Taing Kone Pros Srei
Ah Kh'bot Lourk Dei
Ah S'lap Tai Haorng

Anonymous said...

3.khmer must love khmer, live togather, developpe country togather, stop insult some one, do solidarity for our country,..
if u insult our country u are not khmer, u are not hero, u are not partriote, but u are kbot chaet.
come to camboda to developpe,
if u still insult khmer, other country laugh u, they will say crazy or stupide khmer...
please stop do that

4.why do Khmer citizen love to accused or fool to each other? i don trust all parties in Cambodia. Khmer oversea and Khmer home-town are the same. so mean everybody that love Cambodia have to stay in Khmer and fight and y u don ask leader go to war battlefield as well. we should share ideas and learn how to accept the righteousness and justice that would be the best idea. everybody will know exactly what is going on in Khmer Status quo. we has a ton of problems that nobody can resolve besides keep blaming on each other such as: corruption, bribery, bad affiliation between government and business. i know some pp love to pro government and some support the anti party. but i just want to clarify about one point only: if the government do want to eliminate the corruption, let the chief of the corrupted ministry announce their property and wealth first. i just feel wonder only much the governor earn monthly? why do they can buy or build mansion or spend spree everyday without caring of future source. discuss more is not important...we should be together and share what should we do to help our beloved country? one has more experiences just share each other and file against the government. we should ask for universal human right first and justice in the court system first before move on to another point.

Anonymous said...

1. Respont to your comment...I do agreed with you, nation in the world should have two parteis one opposing the other for the benfites of the nation, And you also said I am pro CPP or... ok you are right. I wish to reafirm and make it clear about my conccept, I derict my idea on leadership only. I used to be SRP member and work very close to sam rainsy, now here is the pionts you know and clearly understand that we wast alote of our time, energy and money to support him, I Spend 300 $ in every communt ellection and much mores, Sam rainsy, he is a good talker, he enjioy working alone he not work well with other, he got weak team work, in 1998 to 2008 he got great chance to wine, he did not see that advatage. If you search a bit you will clearly see, Rainsy he lack leadership skile, he not set clear deriction, and his mentality are not tough to push his team and himeself past the breaking piont to victory. Now looke to the future, most peoples in cambodia they are not going to believe or thruth him any more would you happy with leadershipe like Sam rainsy, he is not stricness, less moral, very bossing, careless for his supporter, In fact he try to make himself become priminister of cambodia that he only care about, not khmer. He lead demostration, and stope foreign donation, he try to kill Hun sen 4 times, I allway call hime street wild act, becouse
he is not the man for you and me to support. if you go to cambodia you will find out that many of his supporter, are involve in crimnal act.

2.right now...we cant trust any parties...we should use our freedom of voice that stated in the supreme law to fight with recent politic. if all Khmer pp be together, our voice can set up the new direction or negotiate with the government. the new election is coming so if we don go to vote, the government will become a caretaker only. thus, they don have any power besides waiting for another election. behalf of Citizen not party leader can go and find a solution for our right. i don want any party to get advantage of our struggling and demonstration. i respect the CPP cos they save our lives during the PolPot but the real leader of CPP was killed.this present leader is installed so i cant pay my respect at all. if we go on the huge demonstration or strike against the government in case of strictening or limit our freedom that is stated in the supreme law, we might be able change something. don feel hopeless or fool each other. be together...cos right now lots of vn want to know our plans or reaction against the government. it might be in danger to chat here... don care of party..i just want all everybody be together and go on the same guideline is human right..right of citizen that we all miss it in the present time.

Anonymous said...

What I still don't understand is this, why Khmers always give lands to Youns and Siems? even in the 21st century which there is UN who can help but stupid Khmers leaders still give lands to Youns.

Anonymous said...

Very wonderful poem. Please, accept my sincere appreciation to the this poet.

Mae or Khmer motherland here is our heart and soul.

Anonymous said...

Thank you UNG PHINY.
What a wonderful poem!
Spread this poem all around Khmer people.
Please post it again in the next few weeks.
So,wake up,stand up,be brave,be united,dare to die for motherland.
Khmer surin,Central Khmer.Khmer Krom,and Khmer oversea around the world.
Please sacrifice your body;speak up;express your ideas; donate money to your groups to support the importent such as the groups that go out to protest,or need help.

Anonymous said...

Prime minister Hun Sen! your lost your land and sea again, next time Cambodian border next to your home, Heng Somrin he lost his entire home village to Viet already but dare to say nothing, Chea Sim is too weak to say anything except prepare himself for judgement day, where is our belove king please get out from closet and give a big slap on Hun Sen face and say louder "why you gave my land and sea to Viet and punish my people hasss!"?, His majesty the king you can not stay in closet for too long, Cambodian are waiting for you to do something, you have no wife no kid must not afraid to die, you will be our hero king forever.

Anonymous said...

I am Prime Minister of Cambodia and I will take North Korea as my role model, I like my son to be my successor, do you know my son Dr and the others not Dr but are training to be leader or businessman in order to control Cambodia, I am not king but I like the word dynasty, as you guy know I have alots of money, I definitely need someone to look after, these person must be my son. I am so worry because my money alots, I lost my count. This is my first experience that I plan to hand my power to my son, unlike North Korean you know they have two generation already. Hu! Hu! I am so worry, am I succeed or not? Oh no silly me I forgot Cambodian still alots of uneducate and easy manipulate and cheat. No no do not say that dady thing have changed they all get smart and smarter. What am I going to do then? I do not know I am afraid too dady.

Anonymous said...

How this Dumb khmer king can do???

His mother Mee Kh'nich is YUON.

His father Sihanouk had Viet blood from his real biological father, Viet secretary of French resident in Phnom Penh. N.Soramaritj had a DIABETE could not impregnate Kosomak, Sihanouk's mother.

Anonymous said...

We fuck cambodian girls for only $1but you try to fuck our vietnamese girls they complain that Cambodians dick are to small can't satify at all. Khmer well kown as small dick. Small dick is khmer gene that is why we vietnamese take your country and fuck your khmer girls for fun and cambodian do nothing as usual...

Anonymous said...

Small and short dick is cambodian men! Cambodian men are small and short dick. That is why Cambodia was taken by us snice 30 years ago! what are they going to do about it? Chicken shit is khmer men!

Anonymous said...

fuck VN girl no need money, drink 1 coffe ok fuck and fuck VN miss

Anonymous said...

Yes you fuck our vietnamese girl you have to give your country to us as your fucken history show. Our girl value more than your country if you don't believe me please ask your mother about cambodia history listen after your fucken Angkor.

Anonymous said...

Cambodian men are small penis they can't satifation our vietnamese girl so in order to please her they must give cambodia country to her! That is right because cambodia history is back up my claim!

Anonymous said...

You guy so naive, when I was a student I was always thought about nation, corruption, immigration, patriotism as everyone have thought but when it come to the money I and others have forgotten everythings, you can talk what ever you like but behind close door you guy are all the same as always think about how to get rich and looking for good position (kan leng Klanh or fat place).

you guy train as Nuclear Technician but work as finance, Keat Chhun as an example, Pot Pot studied electrical engineering and work as Communist, Hun Sen son Dr of economy work as military or security and countless of others. The more you guy get smart the more you guy got grazy, Pol Pot,Eang Sary, Kheav Somphon...kill alots of people, Currently so called intellectual person, example Cambodian court, what they have done to our country and put blame on innocent and uneducate person. War, corruption always made by educated person and use uneducate people as a tool. At countryside, I saw peasants make money in honest way and united, everyone was looked after. Unlike the intellectual one are always hunting for money and when ask for support they turn to support the communist, students and intellectual in Lon Nol Regime as an example, Lon Nol Collapsed as result of series of demonstration to support the Communist. if You are not work in the field that you are training for the country will be in trouble.

Study in America come to Cambodia looking for fat place, study in Australia without qualification but act like the one who have, study in Cambodia there no need to research just memorise what in the lecture note or bribe that it.

when come to work in government position 1 or 2 hours then go home or do something else, please do not say because of salary is too low, if you guy all donnot bother to work for the government then the country stand still then the government may consider high salary, because you guy rush to get position thatwise the salary go down.