Saturday, December 25, 2010

Strongman today, toast tomorrow: Used and tossed away by Hanoi

Bousaone Bouphavanh, the sacked Lao prime minister (Photo; AFP)

Bouasone Bouphavanh attending the CLV meeting in Phnom Penh with Hun Xen and Nguyen Tan Dung earlier this year (Photo: CEN)


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Prime minister Hun Sen! your lost your land and sea again, next time Cambodian border next to your home, Heng Somrin he lost his entire home village to Viet already but dare to say nothing, Chea Sim is too weak to say anything except prepare himself for judgement day, where is our belove king please get out from closet and give a big slap on Hun Sen face and say louder "why you gave my land and sea to Viet and punish my people hasss!"?, His majesty the king you can not stay in closet for too long, Cambodian are waiting for you to do something, you have no wife no kid must not afraid to die, you will be our hero king forever.

Anonymous said...

That is right Mr. Hun sen kicks cambodians out of their home and Hun Sen builds big houses and give big lands to vietnameses! Now 5 millions vietnamese at Cambodia but Mr.Hun sen planes to welcome another 5 millions vietnamese from vietnam that is the reason why he kick cambodians out of Phome Phen as soon as possible to make space for his vietnamese people in the next 5 years. Another big reason is more vietnamese in cambodia mean more vote for him. He can hold power longer and stronger.

Anonymous said...


99 years lease!
10 years rented!
90 more years!


Anonymous said...

Like your uttering will make any different!!! Do something instead of yapping to help the country.

Anonymous said...

No one in power for ever! Hun Sen does not exception. Recently, he bought some tanks to protect himself, not Cambodia because he afraid VN overthough him. Be prepaire to open democracy door for Hun Sen, he shifting away from VN. Hun Sen have strong support from Cina, (CN and VN always enemy), when he get along with Thailand in the west, he will confront VN in the east. He can not fight two enemies at the sam time.

Anonymous said...

The one thing Viet can do is sending more troops and illegal Viet immigrants to Lao and Cambodia.
All these Viet can vote for her puppets.
Later these two countries become Viet land automatically.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Long live Indochine
because Frence has created it.
My Sam Rain Sy live and study in Frence, long live SRS and Indochine

Anonymous said...

Dear Cambodians,

We are Vietnamese will make Mr. Hun Xen become King in the next ten years and his belove son will be a strong prime minister of cambodia. So please make way for us to migrate to cambodia. Don't be jealous for our success. We will make khmer become aborigine.

Kind regards
Vietnamese patriots,


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all!

Anonymous said...

You knew I am Hun Sen, you guy have taught me all the time, I learn the lesson from previous regimes such as Songkom Reas Niyom, Lon Nol, Pol Pol. you knew they all corrupt including my regime but the different is my regime I gave everybody have a chance to corrupt so when everyone corrupt no one are going to blame me instead they are support me that is my strategy.

Those previous regimes ware not smart they corrupt only group of intellectual and the power holders, secondly I made those people mistrust each others so they mind their own affairs, all my colleagues I gave them good position and they make money for me too. Thirdly I can not lost my power you know already I do not want to explain to you guy again and again, I have cling to power untill the end of my life, you know when I lost power my faith will like Sadam Husen or Duch. Please be understood. You can not curse me or criticise me, my face are thick and numb already. Other thing do not try to kill my family as you knew I have strong support and accomodation in Viet like King Father has his in Bejing.

Next time when you have power make sure you look after people well and do not use my strategy, and I hope no one corrupt but if turn to not what people expect then your faith will be the same as Nol Nol, Sangkom Reas Niyum, Pol Pot. But you guy may have no chance as I said early I Like the word dynasty

Anonymous said...

Vietcong dog eating culture and naked women worshipper is not compatible with Cambodian culture!

AH HUN SEN is no leader! He just a fucken slave and that what he is and as being a slave he has no right to do anything!

Indochina federation mother fucker and it will be just another Yugoslavia federation! heheheheh

Anonymous said...

Dear VN
bravo graet VN, I whis u long live VN long live communisme, go away democtate frome VN, we need Commusite for ever whit Indochine long lie VN-Communisme-Indochine
Kind regards
Commusisme patriots,


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all!

Anonymous said...

10:57 AM,

I like your attitude, man! Your Yugoslavia analogy is right on, bro.

They have to treat and respect Khmers as an equal neighbor. No one, the vietcongs are no exception, would want to be a second class citizen under any colonial power.

Anonymous said...

no problem with regular yuon citizens, but forever hate the vietcong doctrine and expansionism.

Anonymous said...

worse than the vietcong doctrine and expansionism, is the slave mentality of the shameless puppets.

Anonymous said...

Myabe khmers ate lucky that their villages are now part of vietnam.
Better hospitals and schools in vietnam and not so much corruption,

Anonymous said...

Dear All Cambodians,

We very understand you’re feeling toward us Vietnamese but you have to understand if you can’t defeat us. Than joint us, so you will live longer to see your grandchildren grow up. If you can’t defeat us, please don’t again us because we Vietnamese people are kind and good heart people. We don’t want to see you guys get killed or misery. Please joint us and we like to make Cambodians live happy and rich in the future. We Vietnamese love to live at Cambodia, you should be proud of that. At the moment we only have five millions at Cambodia, we plane to get more our Vietnamese to Cambodia. Do you know what is it mean? It is mean Cambodia will be more population and that is very good for Cambodia’s economic when Cambodia’s economic grow all Cambodians will be rich and free from suffering. Cambodia will become a developed country.

We hope you will rethink and reconsider again for what you are trying to do because what you are trying to do is killing yourself only. There are no way out at all.

Best Regards
Vietnam Patriots