Sunday, December 19, 2010

Think outside the box

Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imagination, our possibilities become limitless.

- Jamie Paolinetti


Anonymous said...

KI your great effort in missed leading news, how large have you been spread hatreat, divident and criticale your Khmer community, KI great hatreat culture among Khmer, your team are master in managing jealousy, and hatreat. If you change to educate and share wisdom you are may be my hero. But most of Sam rainsy people in and out are just like that. gosh team magnetish criticising (garbage) to yourself and people around you.

Anonymous said...

you steal and plunder and you blame KI for putting a mirror up for all to see?

and look at all the educational materials published by KI, free of charge, all volunterr work.

and you have millions of PUBLIC money for education but you steal to buy Lexuses and weekend trips to Singapore or raping children at karaoke bars on expensive high octane alcohol.

yes, you are the honorable one? hahahahahah

Anonymous said...

I can see KI you are smart and gentle and I clearly see you have strong believe in your commitment to help Khmer. News (media) are more destructive than Nuk, People will risk their life macth to war if you make them believe in some things. Now I can see, you may not try to take advantag from Khmers, now You see yourself MR.Rainsy was outragoust and get himself deeper, deeper, and deeper in spread out negatives concept. most of his MP, SRP member and follower hundred thousand of them listen and learn from hime, they believe him, Why can't you and me instruct him to preach people positvely, have you know any westerner win ellection by Criticing. it giant gosh if we criticise or jealous or hatreat, anger attitud, its a loser attitud, Now you know, aren't you?