Friday, December 24, 2010

Two Cambodian Experts Amongst Washington's Foreign Affairs Community


Anonymous said...

How useful are they to the Khmer cause?

Anonymous said...

They are more useful than you.

Anonymous said...

I've a suggestion to all the new generations that come to studied OverSeas when your go back to Cambodian don't go their kiss ah Kwack ass ok. Bring your experinces and knowledge to rebuild our country don't be like ah CPP regime alright.

ជនពាល said...

អាគាត់មួយរាងខ្ពស់ មានដំណើរដើរ ដូចមនុស្ស
កើតស្វាយអចឹង ។ ធ្លាប់ជាជួប អាម្សៀនេះម្ដង ។

Anonymous said...

than you, too at 11:35 AM.

Anonymous said...

It's an American investment as a hedge against Chinese's influence.

They are learning how to walk and balance on high wire.

I like them because they are young and a hope for Cambodia...

Anonymous said...

Your azz should even ask if they are useful in the first place you idiot.

Anonymous said...

Prime minister Hun Sen! your lost your land and sea again, next time Cambodian border next to your home, Heng Somrin he lost his entire home village to Viet already but dare to say nothing, Chea Sim is too weak to say anything except prepare himself for judgement day, where is our belove king please get out from closet and give a big slap on Hun Sen face and say louder "why you gave my land and sea to Viet and punish my people hasss!"?, His majesty the king you can not stay in closet for too long, Cambodian are waiting for you to do something, you have no wife no kid must not afraid to die, you will be our hero king forever.

Anonymous said...

and your ass should not even answer if you knew that you were also useless, scumbage!

Anonymous said...

yes, come study more in america. i love america and cambodia.

Anonymous said...

nation in the world should have two parteis one opposing the other for the benfites of the nation,
I derict my idea on leadership only. I used to be SRP member and work very close to sam rainsy, now here is the pionts you know and clearly understand that we wast alote of our time, energy and money to support him, I Spend 300 $ in every communt ellection and much mores, Sam rainsy, he is a good talker, he enjioy working alone he not work well with other, he got weak team work, in 1998 to 2008 he got great chance to wine, he did not see that advatage. If you search a bit you will clearly see, Rainsy he lack leadership skile, he not set clear deriction, and his mentality are not tough to push his team and himeself past the breaking piont to victory. Now looke to the future, most peoples in cambodia they are not going to believe or thruth him any more would you happy with leadershipe like Sam rainsy, he is not stricness, less moral, very bossing, careless for his supporter, In fact he try to make himself become priminister of cambodia that he only care about, not khmer. He lead demostration, and stope foreign donation, he try to kill Hun sen 4 times, I allway call hime street wild act, becouse
he is not the man for you and me to support. if you go to cambodia you will find out that many of his supporter, are involve in crimnal act.

Anonymous said...

if that is true, then my conclusion would also including you, too.

Anonymous said...

can't change anything in Cambodia...won't do any good for khmer people. unless Khmer controlled Khmer and not Youn controlled Khmer. all just a bunch of BS.

Anonymous said...

you fuckin idiot. let me doggy style your sister, daughter, and mother to teach you a lesson.

Anonymous said...

they say when a person is angry, not only he can't think straight, but his dick is also dead. Even Viagra can't help, ah khor pi krouy!

Anonymous said...

I am Prime Minister of Cambodia and I will take North Korea as my role model, I like my son to be my successor, do you know my son Dr and the others not Dr but are training to be leader or businessman in order to control Cambodia, I am not king but I like the word dynasty, as you guy know I have alots of money, I definitely need someone to look after, these person must be my son. I am so worry because my money alots, I lost my count. This is my first experience that I plan to hand my power to my son, unlike North Korean you know they have two generation already. Hu! Hu! I am so worry, am I succeed or not? Oh no silly me I forgot Cambodian still alots of uneducate and easy manipulate and cheat. No no do not say that dady thing have changed they all get smart and smarter. What am I going to do then? I do not know I am afraid too dady.

Anonymous said...

do encourage more bright khmer students to come study at american universities and colleges, etc... don't we all love america! god bless america and cambodia.

Anonymous said...

We fuck cambodian girls for only $1but you try to fuck our vietnamese girls they complain that Cambodians dick are to small can satify at all. Khmer well kown as small dick. Small dick is khmer gene that is why we vietnamese take your country and fuck your khmer girls for fun and cambodian do nothing as usual...

Anonymous said...

What kind of expert are they?
First they have ignored all Peace agreements 1991 which required
-Re-establishemnt of the National army ( all army leaders are free from political affiliated )
-Re-establishement of National police ( all Police leaders are to be political neutral).
-Stenghtenning all National institutions such as King, National assembly, Court ( political neutral), NGOs, Police.
-Decentralisation of power.
-Market economy
-National sovereinity
-Democracy system
-Opposition party
-Fair election ( all candidates of all poltical parties must resign from all public position before joining a political party.
If they are truely academic, they must dare to say what is black and what white =highly integrity )
-Implementation of election system ( a truely party vote system).

Areak Prey

Anonymous said...

China has been developped at a very increditable speed because of their young students from USA, Canada, France, England and many others dared to remove all their old guards and rebuild their country into a very modern nation.
Cambodia will not get into anywhere if Hun Sen, Chea sim and heng sarin are still their leaders.
From my obnservation, Hun Sen has turned Cambodia into his personal property at any cost.
-He tried to export cambodian for slavery workers in Malaysia, soth Korea, Thailand, vietnam etc.. and etc..
-All his closed friends have tried to evict Cambodian from their land of birth in the name of development and land concessions.
-All big companies in Cambodia belong to Hun Sen at least 20% shares.
-He tried to put under his control all minerals, oils, gaz etc..
-All his children will take over every big business in Cambodia day by day.
All internation cooporations now are just for international show. But in reality, Cambodia is slowly sleeping into the hand of Vietnam for federation of indochina.

Areak Prey

Anonymous said...

Very well said Areak Prey!

Anonymous said...

shut up, yall! i love smart people on the planet! cambodia welcomes all smart, clever, intelligent, professional people in cambodia. welcome. god bless the two young men here and the voa and cambodia. i love cambodia and america!

Anonymous said...

That's right we love to fuck cambodian virgin girl for fun!

ជនពាល said...

នែ!​ម្នាល12:51 PM
នេះជារឿងធម្មតាទេ​ ចំពោះ​ការរកស៊ីខាត​ ។ សង្ឃឹមថាលើកក្រោយ ម្នាលឯង​នឹងបណ្ដាក់វិនិយោគទុន​ អោយចំកន្លែងណា ដែលមានអណ្ដូងប្រេងកាត វិញម្ដង ។

Anonymous said...

Small and short dick is cambodian men! Cambodian men are small and short dick. That is why Cambodia was taken by us snice 30 years ago! what are they going to do about it? Chicken shit is khmer men!

Happy New Year "small ugly black short penis nation"

Anonymous said...

Cambodian men are small penis they can't satifaction our vietnamese girl so in order to please her they must give cambodia country to her! That is right because cambodia history is back up my claim!

Anonymous said...

You guy so naive, when I was a student I was always thought about nation, corruption, immigration, patriotism as everyone have thought but when it come to the money I and others have forgotten everythings, you can talk what ever you like but behind close door you guy are all the same as always think about how to get rich and looking for good position (kan leng Klanh or fat place).

you guy train as Nuclear Technician but work as finance, Keat Chhun as an example, Pot Pot studied electrical engineering and work as Communist, Hun Sen son Dr of economy work as military or security and countless of others. The more you guy get smart the more you guy got grazy, Pol Pot,Eang Sary, Kheav Somphon...kill alots of people, Currently so called intellectual person, example Cambodian court, what they have done to our country and put blame on innocent and uneducate person. War, corruption always made by educated person and use uneducate people as a tool. At countryside, I saw peasants make money in honest way and united, everyone was looked after. Unlike the intellectual one are always hunting for money and when ask for support they turn to support the communist, students and intellectual in Lon Nol Regime as an example, Lon Nol Collapsed as result of series of demonstration to support the Communist. if You are not work in the field that you are training for the country will be in trouble.

Study in America come to Cambodia looking for fat place, study in Australia without qualification but act like the one who have, study in Cambodia there no need to research just memorise what in the lecture note or bribe that it.

when come to work in government position 1 or 2 hours then go home or do something else, please do not say because of salary is too low, if you guy all donnot bother to work for the government then the country stand still then the government may consider high salary, because you guy rush to get position thatwise the salary go down.

Anonymous said...

2:36 PM,

You have raised several good points.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Areak Prey - you are well stated! Toward our two young Khmers from Motherland!

One advice to both of them, be humble, "ches ain ouy chren ches kei!". I feel that both of you are very stuck up...just think that only you know the issues...and call yourself the expert! I think Sok Siphana and others could do a better job!

Please be could learn a few thing from others. I hope being in America can open your eyes and to realize that there is more to learn that what you know!

Anonymous said...

Wake up khmer!Go with Mrs Clin Ton,

May Buddha bless you all forever.

Anonymous said...

Ah Youn Vietcong look at who small dicks mother fuckers. Your people is so tiny and midget that why your ass make alots of under ground tunnels to fought with the France and the U.S.A. No body can't get into your tunnels only your little tiny midget people can get into it. If your idiots that small I thinks your dicks must be small too mother fuckers.

Anonymous said...

OK, just my observation, OK. The dude called Vannaridth should learn to walk properly. The dude walks with his heels first and that does not look nice at all. The tall dude has nice walking. Just want to put that out.

Anonymous said...

wonder, any chance we can get our land back once hun sen is gone? i feel very hurtful can't read any thing in ki at all once i see hun face. if i have a chance i will cut both of hun sen hand and poke his other eyes ball to make sure he is completly blind.

Anonymous said...

I do not think the VOA interviewer ask a good question anyway, and the interviewees answer like read the bible, there are no critical thinking, they just say whatever they picked up from pro Cambodian government news. To come to America for few years to learn I do not think they have learned anything, in order for them to have a critical analysis, they need at least ten years continuously study in America or in Australia and had many year experiences then they can talk.

Anonymous said...

What kind of expert are they?
First they have ignored all Peace agreements 1991 which required
-Re-establishemnt of the National army ( all army leaders are free from political affiliated )
-Re-establishement of National police ( all Police leaders are to be political neutral).
-Stenghtenning all National institutions such as King, National assembly, Court ( political neutral), NGOs, Police.
-Decentralisation of power.
-Market economy
-National sovereinity
-Democracy system
-Opposition party
-Fair election ( all candidates of all poltical parties must resign from all public position before joining a political party.
If they are truely academic, they must dare to say what is black and what white =highly integrity )
-Implementation of election system ( a truely party vote system).

Areak Prey

I'm with Areak Prey.Well says.
The 2 guys have no idea (?)
Another 2 parrots of CPP spoken.

Anonymous said...

They have ideas, they are decently intelligent and good looking, and they articulated well what the US and Cambodia would like to hear. They are, like I said earlier, learning to walk and balance on high wire.

They are young, they should learn and absorb as much as they could so that they could reach their highest potentials.

Anonymous said...

i'm a motivator! i like to encourage all khmer people who have potential to go after their dream, to try to reach their goal in life whether it's getting good education, doing business, helping others, etc, etc... wherever you live, do try to understand that society and learn from that society because it's called life experience and very useful when you continue to study in colleges and university in america. share your ideas, learn social skills, speaking skill, etc... in america, especially, there are so much things we all can learn on a daily basis. yes, do learn by any mean whether by engaging in the community, by watching a film, television or by interaction with others, the peers, family, friends, strangers, acquaintaince, etc,etc... always be open-minded when it comes to learning and absorb as much as possible with so much negative thought or negative influence that can hold you back. in the real world everywhere, skill of critical thinking, analysis skill, listening skill and speaking skill are all very important to have along with writing and reading skill, etc... work hard and smart and have fun with it. god bless all.

Anonymous said...

we say in cambodia, getting a good education is one of key to overcome hardship because it's about prestige, achievement, legacy, dignity and all the good things in life. but don't forget to help others and be a force for changes, etc... that's called smart, clever... god bless.

always encourage others to do the right thing!

Anonymous said...

they say two wrongs don't make it right! be the force for changes! cambodia came from a great civilization, we should uphold to that and be proud of who we are, the khmer. don't hate or blame our khmer race, it's not the race, it will be the unwilling, the stubborn, the rigidity, the clinging on to old, outdated ways, etc... so, do understand and know the difference. don't hate khmer because of all the bad experience, instead be proactive and be the force of changes and reforms in our country. we are a great race of people, the khmer of cambodia. let's help to make it better for all! god bless cambodia and all khmer people.

Anonymous said...

our great khmer ancestors can be proud of us. be smart!

Anonymous said...

Areak Prey;

Mr.Vannarith has fully valued the Paris Peace Agreement.

I support him 1000%

Anonymous said...

An expert without integrity is far ignorance than than a monky playing Pahe.

Areak Prey

Anonymous said...

Sorry for our new generation, when they talked about Khmer national sovereignty, independence, and non-alliance, do they think we have all these as guaranteed by the Paris Peace accord? In fact, We are still under Yuon control.

Anonymous said...

To bring America and Cambodia closer is first to bring our people to think the same. Yes, our ordinary people need to know more about the world and more world news need to go into Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

i don't care about viet/youn and definitely not interested them. stop always bring in youn in to cambodia. there are more to cambodia than just viet/youn this or that, etc... people are sick to hear such politically motivated, unfound, outdated political progaganda, etc... viet/youn is just a piece of shit, if you ask me! there are more to the world than just youn, you know! think about it, ok!