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Ranariddh (Photo: Tin Zakariya, RFA) |
By Tin Zakariya
Radio Free Asia
Translated from Khmer by Soy
Click here to read the article in Khmer
In the eastern border problems between Cambodian and Vietnam, border activists have accused Vietnam of encroaching inside Cambodian territories.
Norodom Ranariddh, president of the NRP, indicated his clear stance in defending Cambodia’s territorial integrity and avoiding any loss, especially along the eastern borders with Vietnam. He said that he regrets very much that the government border commission gave false maps to former king Norodom Sihanouk, then the leader of the Supreme National Border Committee, in 2005.
The declaration was made by Ranariddh, the former prime minister and former president of the National Assembly, who left politics about 2 years ago. On 14 December at his residence in Phnom Penh, Ranariddh accused sVar Kim Hong, the chairman of the government border commission, of lying to the former king about the use of the official maps of Cambodia which were agreed upon: “However, Vietnam should recognize Cambodia’s current borders as clearly shown on the 1:100,000 scale maps by the [French] Service Géographique de l’Indochine [Indochina Geographic Services, or SGI]. Why didn’t we negotiate with Vietnam by using these as bases, because then, Vietnam and the Vietcong already recognized them, but it was such a disaster when the king wrote in his own hand [based on what] Var Kim Hong duped him by telling him that they were maps from the Sangkum Reastr Niyum [SRN] era, whereas in reality, they are not from the SRN era.”
Ranariddh’s accusation came at a time when SRP MPs traveled to visit the planting of border posts between Cambodia and Vietnam in Memot district, Kampong Cham province. Local villagers claimed that border post no. 109 was planted inside their orchards.
Var Kim Hong reacted by saying that Ranariddh did not tell the truth because the maps he handed over to the former king was based on the maps deposited at the UN in 1964 at a scale of 1:100,000 and prepared by the SGI. The SGI maps include 26 sheets and the Supplemental border treaty signed with Vietnam in 2005 is based on these maps also: “Furthermore, as the president of the Funcinpec party which was allied with the CPP, we reported to him all the way to the Funcinpec party headquarters. He agreed to everything, he understood all that we used as our basis, but what he just said earlier, he didn’t say it right, he said that we took 1:100,000 UTM scale maps, but in reality they were 1:50,000 UTM maps prepared by the US.”
At the beginning of December, the joint border commission between Cambodia and Vietnam announced a public bidding in order to select a company that will print border maps between the two countries. A total of 5 companies competed for the bid.
Nevertheless, Mr. Sean Pengse, President of the Paris-based Cambodia’s Border Committee, explained that maps prepared during the French colonial era were the most perfect and they can be used to easily find the old border posts with the help of a GPS device. He indicated that the Cambodian government does not put to use these old maps because of the 1985 treaties with Vietnam, therefore new maps were adopted with strong influence by Vietnam.
KI: At least he start talking about the truth, don't you think? Why can you just give people some thump up if they tries to wake up or move to the right position or your job is only knows how to punches people in the face? and when are you going to learn some things in life instead of every bodies except SR are wrong???? I am try to learn some thing good and true from here but some time you guys are too much negatives on every single thing.
Hmmmm is this the nature of KHMER?
KI: At least he start talking about the truth, don't you think? Why can you just give people some thump up if they tries to wake up or move to the right position or your job is only knows how to punches people in the face? and when are you going to learn some things in life instead of every bodies except SR are wrong???? I am try to learn some thing good and true from here but some time you guys are too much negatives on every single thing.
Hmmmm is this the nature of KHMER?
Finally AH RANARIDDH Spoke against AH YOUN! WHAT ABOUT AH LOP KHEM SUCKAA! Where is he???
From a Cambodian in the street: Ranarith makes big mistake to come back in politics, he does not learn from "his 18 months red card" given by Hun Sen. If this is his decision one thing that he should do is to resign from his position of supreme King advisor. At least he should think that his little brother King needs protection and the monarchy as well.
Last time when we saw Ranarith and Phalla coming to pick up their son at Lycée Descartes, everybody wished them good life and prayed that they will be not tempted by politics again, we all know that if they come back to politics this time again, God only knows what will be their fate.
9:22 AM,
Kem Sokh is licking Hun Sen and Hanoi's butts.
He'd been born from tamarind seeds in human stools.
របស់មេដឹកនាំកម្ពុជា មានដូចជា ៖
ពួកអាឆ្កែកញ្ជះយួន ហ៊ុន សែន, ហេងសំ រិន, ជាស៊ីម, សុខ អាន, ហោ ណាំហុង, ឱម យិនទៀង, ចៀម យីប, វ៉ា គិម ហុង, ស ខេង, ងួន ញ៉ឹល ។ល។ និង ។ល។
និយាយហើយនិយាយទៀតដើម្បីអោយជាតិ និងអន្តរជាតិ
ដឹងឮ ទូទាំងពិភពលោក។
The Khmer leaders abowe, sometime in the future will be killed by their boss(Yuon GOV'T in Honoy)with the viruses or by poisoning them one by one. Actually they're playing such a userful roll for them(Viet Govt), they're now compare to a stool or the majig Bow's arrows to kill Khmer people silently, and then keep the Khmerland Just for Yuon people.
Watche out! the traitors, soon or later these useful stools will be burned to boil the Thea Ong.
Lao today is not laoooo no more! Today Lao is Laonam! Soon Cambodia will be Nhambahn!
Yuon can see Hun Sen headed toward Chen.
Yuon have prepared the good bullet for Hun Sen already.
9:56 I agree with you! Maybe Hun Sen wants to get out of AH YOUN YOKE! Maybe AH Hun Sen is doing the right thing after all! King SHitnamoni needs to tell China that AH Youn is invading China's backyard!
Var Kim Hong lied to the former king,does it mean Var kim hong treat the former king well?.
It is in fact an insult not just to Cambodians that he considers that they are ignorant but the current king as well.
Noranaridh states that vietnam should regcornise the current cambodia's border of 1:10,000 scale.Since when you DO not know Vietnam intention?Do you read history?.
Var Kim Hong lies to every Cambodian including you,Mr professor.In fact he is a traitor under constitution prescribed.
Without the back up from Vietnam and the three puppets,Var Kim Hong would NOT dare to blatantly lie to cambodians,Authority and the former king and current king.
It is ashamed that RGC continues to deny the visual encroachment, not to mention about a very wrong technicality.
The puzzle is what are we going to do about it,with this real traitor?.
LONG LIVE VIET NAM.. and good work Hun SEN and CPP..
SOON Cmabodia will be our province and you all will be promote
It is shocking for me to learn that something important as the border issue and the Cambodian King in the past or in the present take some motherfucker's words such as AH SVAR Kim Hong as the truth without checking the source?
The fact is AH HUN SEN motherfucker got the King under his thumb and he didn't give a fuck about any Cambodian King when dealing with the Vietcong about Cambodian-Viet border issue! If Cambodian King didn't like AH HUN SEN motherfucker way of dealing with the Vietcong master and the least AH HUN SEN could do is to abolish the monarchy in Cambodia! But why the Cambodian King care so much more about monarchy than the very existence of Cambodia? It is because stupid Cambodian King has greed, lust, and power! The stupid Cambodian King thinks that only AH HUN SEN can save monarchy from extinction with the help of the Vietcong master?
I just hate it when Cambodian King continue to play dumb, stupid, and all the above and never take responsibility!
It is such a joke that even if AH HUN SEN was to abolish the Cambodian monarchy then there would be no King! Didn't AH HUN SEN turn himself into a King? ahahahah
Even if all the stupid Cambodian Kings including AH HUN SEN were to die tomorrow and the fucken problem of the Cambodian-Viet border issue will never go away!
What belong to Cambodia will belong to Cambodia including the Khmer Kampuchea Krom under international law! What belong to the Viet will belong to the Viet!
Tell me where is the fucken "white zone or the no man land"! The fucken Vietcong used the fucken word to describe the border between Cambodia-Viet!
The fucken "white zone" certainly didn't located on Cambodian farmland or Cambodian orchard!
Tell the Vietcong to fuck off!
We need to kill these motherfuckes traitors. If I were the Leader of Cambodia, all these border problems would have been resolved already including Khmer Krom. I would take this all the way to the international court. I will support Khmer Krom and gave them all the resources that they need to make Viet miserable. There are over ten million khmers that lives in Prey Nokor. Its more than enough to claim for independence from the VietCong.
It's not the first time Khmer royals and non-royals in power have been deceived by those secretly working for the Vietnamese, nor the last.
The Cambodian body politics has not evolved much in the last three hundred years. The Vietnamese simply exploit this archaic political reality and use it to advance their cause over both Laos and Cambodia.
The future belongs to those who anticipate it well. Despite changes in ideological tone over the last 50 years the nation has been firmly at the mercy of a few self-styled, self-approved autocrats taking their turn to run a country built upon rickety foundation. In such a closed, autocratic political governing system, human errors, follies, gullibility etc. are easily swept under the carpet before the citizens have the chance to have their say - nay, such a chance does not exist.
No man is so blessed with wisdom or omnipotence that he will unfailingly dispose of all his social, public responsibilities or exercise such functions to the good of all his fellow men. In private life, our family or friends could bear the brunt of our mistakes, but in national leadership we could witness the country being raped and plundered and yet we would be powerless to arrest the crimes committed before our eyes simply because such 'disasters' as painful as they are, are placed well out of our collective reach and reason, which constitute the bedrocks of a healthy civil society and democratic establishment.
So spilled milk, it is!
These traitors will be shot by lightening,that's what I have been paying for them ( Hun Sen, Hoa Kim Hong, Chia Sim and Heng Xem Rin)They try to bow their head to the master. As we all know even the greeting banner is Viet Namese language on the top of Cambodian language.
What's stupid of these leaders! They were really born to the wrong planet.
It is interesting to note that one of AH HUN SEN CTN news anchorman dare to say that "Should we develop the people first or Should we develop the land first?" "If we develop the people first then they can protect the land." What does this motherfucker is trying to say? So it is okay for the Vietcong to steal even though Cambodian farmers are developing the land to feed their family?
I bet this fuck face news anchorman motherfucker can't even tell the different between the Vietcong thieves and his mother! It seems that this fuck face news anchorman motherfucker is willing to condone the Vietcong criminals to steal what belong to Cambodian people!
Here is a simple logic! Without the land Cambodian would not have the voice at the United Nations and without the voice at the United Nations and Cambodian people will die in silent! Just learn from the Khmer Krom people and that is why they are fighting so hard to have land to form a country so that they have a voice at United Nations!
If you don't want to learn from the Khmer Krom people just learn from the Jewish people and why are they so determine to create country!
" After Storm Is Silent" A few months ago,there were many politians and associations tried to demonstrate around world,mainly because of Cambodian-Viet Nam borther issues.
Where are they now? They just form demonstration for their famous or by season (Like flower blossome) Please wake up and keep doing that to let the world's attention.
When the election comes close (Cambodia), there are uncountable political parties trying to compete each other,when the borther problem raising, they are supper quite.
Preah Ang Mchas Runrot is so boring and broke after longtime of quietness/silence.. he has to return to his Poli-Business(Political Business) because of the need of money to feed his Phalla Runrot.. Phall Ranaridth will leave him to find out another one... if Runrot remains broke like this...
Other Parties will not reconciliate with Runrot party because of his bad behavior..
Flip-flop the best way for is to join directly to CPP and ask for a position and money included.....
(this so-called Royalist=Royal Shit=cheaper than Ach Ko/ox fece which is more useful to make soil fertised good for crop)
Excellency Bandit Phd Doctor General Oknha Achar Knoy(=Achar wat)
Let’s say that the king is no expert in reading the map, so why did he not use his advisors who had the expertise before agreeing on anything.
Did Var Kim Hong put a gun on his head to get the consent?
when you was strong enough Hun Sen will disappear for a long time ago, I know your father Sihanouk play as artistin Khmer policy, he hate communist but he work with communist ? That is why we lost 2 million dies and khmer border today. During the cold war has the king on Earth cooperated with communist ?, please anser. I still believe to the prince but his father is the first problem.
Hello Prince,
If you are the son of king (but not Sihanouk) you must talk what find out for our Khmer blood. If you died or are in prison we will always respect you as the last prince against Viet. Your name will write in the Khmer history and you are real prince followed the khmer king blood. If not, you are nothings. Why? because hope on you if you stay calm then you are "NGY".
God bless the prince
before: CAMBODIA
currently: ÑĂṂBỢĐỈÂ
before: LAO PDR
currently: ḶĂÔÑÂṂ
future: ṬHÂỈÑẶM
រណ ឫទ្ធិកំពុងចោទប្រកាន់រាជរដ្ធាភិបាលហ៊ុន សែនតាមរយៈវ៉ា គិមហុង។
ដូច្នេះរណ ឫទ្ធិ ត្រូវទទួលខុសត្រូវចំពោះមុខ
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