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Viet troops prevented a group of SRP MPs from visiting the location for a border post in Memot district, Kampong Cham province, on 14 Dec 2010 (Photo: Uon Chhin, RFA) |
By Uon Chhin
Radio Free Asia
Translated from Khmer by Soy
Click here to read the article in Khmer
On 14 Dec 2010, Vietnamese border troops banned a group of about 18 opposition SRP MPs and other party officials – right inside Cambodian territories – from visiting the location where stakes are installed for a border post delimiting Cambodia and Vietnam in Memot district, Kampong Cham province.
The ban took place between the border inspection post in Daun Roath and border post 103 located in Daun Roath village, Roung commune, Memot district, and the scuffle lasted about 30 minutes.
SRP MP Son Chhay indicated that the ban by the Viets show that Vietnam encroached on Cambodian territories because its troops came to prevent Cambodian MPs and officials right inside Cambodian territories.
Son Chhay added: “If the Viet side has secret for them to prevent our delegation from taking a look just at these border stakes, then it creates even more suspicions as to whether what the secret is for them to ban us from seeing these stakes?”
Nevertheless, Hun Neng [Hun Xen’s brother], the Kampong Cham provincial governor, claimed that the Viet issued this ban because the SRP MPs entered the Viet territories and these MPs and officials do not know the geography of this area.
Prior to going to look at border post 103 in Roung commune, the SRP MPs and officials visited border post 108 and 109 located in Dar commune, Memot district. There, MP Son Chhay declared that 14 Cambodian villages in Memot district were lost from the border post planting based on the map used by the Memot district authority and direct interviews with local officials and villagers.
Mrs. Yem Muon, a villager from Dar commune, indicated that she lost 1.5 hectare of her land: “Now that I lost my land, I don’t know what land [to earn my living], I lost everything brothers and sisters! This is the second time already. Last year they already took 8-hectare of my land, now they came and took my [leftover] land for the second time, I lost everything, what land can I use to earn a living?”
Mrs. Som Phy who lives in Daun Roath village, Roung commune, indicated that she lost about 1.5-hectare of her land and that, right now, Viet villagers are cultivating on her land: “The rice field you can see there, the one next to that forest, that’s my rice field, yes! The Yuons took everything, this is the land I have left right now, this is it! This is the rice field I’ve got now! Next to the pagoda fence. This I tell you, nephews and nieces, this is all I have left!”
From France, Mr. Sean Pengse, President of the Cambodia’s Border Committee (CBC), said that the Cambodian government should not ignore the lost of rice fields by local farmers due to these border post plantings. He added: “The villagers are complaining that the Yuons encroached inside Cambodia, this is true from what I know, it’s not just 2-3 hectares at all. In some areas, such as Ratanakiri and Mondulkiri, the Yuons encroached close to 15-km inside our territories.”
Mr. Sean Pengse added that, to preserve Cambodia’s territorial integrity, he asks the Cambodian government to respect the Paris Peace Accords (PPA) on Cambodia, as well as the Cambodian Constitution. Furthermore, the PPA stipulates that all treaties that affect Cambodia’s territorial integrity must be annulled.
របស់មេដឹកនាំកម្ពុជា មានដូចជា ៖
ពួកអាឆ្កែកញ្ជះយួន ហ៊ុន សែន, ហេងសំ រិន, ជាស៊ីម, សុខ អាន, ហោ ណាំហុង, ឱម យិនទៀង, ចៀម យីប, វ៉ា គិម ហុង, ស ខេង, ងួន ញ៉ឹល ។ល។ និង ។ល។
និយាយហើយនិយាយទៀតដើម្បីអោយជាតិ និងអន្តរជាតិ
ដឹងឮ ទូទាំងពិភពលោក។
You're done Cambodia if you don't wake up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You will be the 2nd Champa or Khmer Krom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Vietcong preached brotherly love and peaceful coexistence to AH HUN SEN and this is what the Vietcong do to Cambodian people by taking their land!
How much longer the Vietcong want to hide the truth that they are violating Cambodian sovereignty?
All the border posts will be re-measured to point out any irregularity and the Vietcong government is obligated to abide by international law!
Vietcong naked aggression will not be rewarded!
They hijacked you in broad day light!!!!!!!!!!
How can we let them do this to us on our own land? What rights did they have to cross over, fully armed like that? Where were the Khmer border guards? How can any Khmer stand this blatant violation of their sovereignty? Armed Vietnamese on Khmer land? I though they withdrew?
This is WAR!
What the fuck Khmer around the world going to do? Sit here bark, bitch and blame SRP or Kem Sokha party. Or doing something about it?
Take out Cambodian international map and take out the GPS...Call in the experts to verify the border posts location!
Vietcong naked aggression will not be rewarded!
Use the fucken border posts as target practice!
What a mess in the 21 century Khmer still dumbs waking up ah stupidest CPP when you gonna relized that ah Youn is take Khmer land. This is so sad we been heard those Khmer people complains about the Vietcong stolen our land the stupid gov't act dumb don't even try result anythings for poors Khmer villagers. My good suggestion just stops votes for ah CPP, if wants to saves our land and country from ah Vietcong Killers.
Get the real map and asking the U.N. come to reinspected the border I thinks it should be fairs to both of us. If we let the CPP gov't do alone it not fucking fairs causes ah CPP is under ah Youn control. Ask the France to invole with this cases, causes the Franch they knew everythings about Indochina country.
You're doom Khmer!!!! Your lands are getting smaller and smaller!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Youn chol dei khmer is not illegal because Cambodian is one state among others in Vietname......heheheheheee
Most Khmer should join others to inspect border posts to make it loud for younger generation. Khmer should build patriotism for next generation, go to the border.............
During Pol Pot era any inch of Khmer land got lost to vietnam because the Pol Pot Khmer Rouge was so strong and fierce toward Vietnam. They were not subservient to the viet like the cpp group of Hun Sen, Chea Sim and Heng Sam Rin.
To save Cambodia and to get the lost land back from vietnam, we the
Cambodian people should call the compatriot and courageous Pol Pot Khmer Rouge soldiers to take care the Cambodia-vietnam border. Please
compatriot Khmer Rouge fighters stand up again and help us who are living along the viet border. Thank you. K.Tr.
Just voting for CPP and they will do more for you.
The vietcong has full right over Cambodian people and their stupid leaders because Cambodia is owned by Ah Sihanouk and Ah Hun Sen. If Ah Sihanouk doesn't give a green light to Ah Hun Sen to give land along the border to Ah Vietcong. Ah Vietcong can't get it. Khmer leaders are all assholes and never protect Khmer interest, but their own interest.
Now Ah Sen gave Youn most of the land. What ah Kwak needs to do is to give more land to China because China has the right to take over Cambodia as well.
Oh! Ah stupid Khmer leaders let Youn do whatever they want.
What they get every night is Ah Youn pussies for all Ah CPP members.
I bet Ah Kwak fuck Srey Youn every night along with Ah Sihanouk.
Ah Khmer people are stupid who still follow Ah Ranarith. What are stupid Khmer people who do not know who is good for the country.
Sam Rainsy needs to take all Ah CPP members to Prey Sar and take Ah Youn to international court to claim Kampuchea Krom back for Khmer. Only Sam Rainsy can solve the Khmer problem.
we have so stupid leaders. It's ashamed. How come it can happen? I want to hear those usually comment when Thailand invaded the 4.6km2. I want to hear your voices too. Cambodia belongs to every Cambodian, not just you and your group. You are so stupid leaders in the world. I still say like until there is independent investigation on the issue and prove that the land is not lost. Everyone in the world also think you are so stupid.
I love it!
The Viets sent just a few border troops and no Khmer soldiers dared showing up to stop them. Now I know soon Thailand will get back our temple. Khmers will be too chicken to do anything about it!
You Khmers should eat shit!!
Proud Siam
Folks, There is no more Cambodia !!
Welcome to the country of Vietcamlao.
Aren't you a proud citizen of your new country?
Dear all: I just came up with some stupid question: We lost the whole Khmer Krom to Youn and Sihanouk never dare to claims for it and on top of that he helping these to fight American, and Youn enchroach 1 hecta here and 2 hectars there, do you think this HS government is care about it? maybe not, so this lost land are going to merges together with Khmer Krom land. Then just helping Khmer Krom to get those land back, it much easier.
Good work CPP and HUN SEN
Dear friends
Cambodian land lost to youn:
Whole Khmer kampuchea Krom;
.About 15 million population there
,Koh Tral......
now most of the land along the villager along the border have been taken by youn.Thousands hectars of khmer land was hired for almost a hundred years.
You have to know youn are profesional of land stoler.(Champa nation was out of the world map,look like another country of laos will be disappeared soon(Just only name).Now Cambodian had been almost swallowed by youn again and again (Another method of stealing).Youn brain(From the baby to the oldest) never ever stop with their greedy.You think world or united nation can solve the problem.
All khmer anywhere in the world must stick ,unite together.Make sure you donot lost with their trick,to make khmer fight with khmer and kill each others.
I think the onlyway to protect oursel to be united strongly, before to let our nation, people to become a colonised country ,or disappear from the map.
kur oy kdai chet nas....
Hun sen loke min kur mok tve kwack doy luy muy kack muy cene ro-boss youn soss.
If Vietname boarder troopers step into cambodia's territory to prevent SRP MPs from inspecting the position of the boarder posts.
This is clearly an act of invasioned as they have no right to steps into Cambodia soil. The in-action from the CPP and Hun Sen Government clearly indicate they accepting and supporting the Vietnamese Boarder encroachment and it invasion of illegal immigrants. This is clearly portrail those MPs in the CPP especially Ah Hun Sen as a TRAITOR. Worse is CPP MPs who dont make a stand against Hun Sen are as a risk of loosing their land too...One day all Cambodia houses will be the same case as Heng Samrin...!! We must act swiftly to remove leader such as PM Ah Hun Sen and his familes from Cambodia if we are to survive these Vietnamese invasion viruses.
Ah doggy hun neng, when khmer people enter a bit to yuon land, he defends yuon, but when yuon invades Cambodian soil, he said nothing, ah silly bloody hand and brother of ah hun xen.
before: CAMBODIA
currently: ÑĂṂBỢĐỈÂ
before: LAO PDR
currently: ḶĂÔÑÂṂ
future: ṬHÂỈÑẶM
Heng Samrin is a monkey, why he agrees to give everything to Yuons.
Chea Sim is also a dump, why he agrees to give everything to Yuons.
BUT Hun Sen, he looks smarter, why he agrees too ???
Hun Sen, history will remember:
Hun Sen gives Khmer lands to Yuons.
Hun Sen is 2010 Chey Chetha.
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