Thursday, December 16, 2010

What kind of religious cooperation can you boost with Vietnam? Communism? Oppression? Censorship?

Vietnam and Cambodia boost religious cooperation

VOV News (Hanoi)

Head of the Vietnam Government Committee for Religious Affairs, Nguyen Thai Binh received a delegation of the Ministry of Cults and Religions of the Kingdom of Cambodia led by Minister Khin Min, in Hanoi on December 16.

Both sides compared notes on religious issues in their respective countries and the implementation of a cooperation memorandum of understanding (MoU) signed in 2007 in Cambodia.

In his address at the reception, Mr Binh said Vietnam treasured all beliefs and religious culture (sic!) is part of what creates the sense of national unity and feeds the people’s spiritual needs. This position is clearly stipulated in the 1992 Constitution (revised) in which, belief and religion are considered one of the people’s basic rights. All religions in Vietnam are equal before law. Using religious activities to incite violence and create divisions among the people within the nation as well as superstitious practices are strictly banned, stressed Mr Binh.

Mr. Min Khin urged the two sides to implement the MoU effectively to tighten their relations.

He reiterated that Cambodia always pays attention to people’s rights to freedom of belief and religion which are specified in its constitution, while adding that his country wants to tighten its cooperation with the Vietnam Government Committee for Religious Affairs.


Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Read comment posted by Thanh: we (deceitful yuons) are sorry for your (Khmers) suffering and lost, but no matter what we still have to eliminate you.

Thanks for telling us Thahn, but we already know that! That's why we're happy to become a province of China.

Anonymous said...

currently: Thaibodia)))KHMER(((Nambodia

Anonymous said...

Before Kingdom of Cambodia. Now

thailand<<***CHIBODIA***=>>vietn<<OCEAN WATER

Wow, even the mother nature is against the deceitful yuons.

Anonymous said...

Do ma!Anh give Ah Teovong to ah Hu XEn! tha anh oot chooy!!

Anonymous said...

Cambodian can teach them black magic haha and Cambodian can start wearing gray rope

Anonymous said...

I wonder if all of you who hate Hun Sen gov., notice that No Vietnamese in this blog said bad thing about Viet. Gov., but instead they helped KI media to point out bad thing about Cambodia Gov.

Why is that ???????

Can any body answer this question ?????????

Anonymous said...

Beware...The Viet almost in full control of Cambodia. Our country motto says: KING, NATION, RELIGION. However, our king is youn, our nation is under youn, and now they are in control of Tep Voung.

Anonymous said...

Khmer Krom has been forced assimilated for decades.Spies are employed in so many temples in Kampuchea Krom.

Since when Vietnam become open society?.

What does Vietnam want?
Enforcement in controlling religious body,in Cambodia?

That is how to kill a nation.

Anonymous said...

Khmer when are we going to learn from this shit. Youns and Khmer cant never get along! we dont have the same religious, believe or thinking.....

Anonymous said...

shit man, we need new leader in Cambodia...Hun Sen got to go...we need a changed khmer your parts and get rid of the CCP. They are selling the country!

Anonymous said...

This is the reason why I say just let Cambodia become a China province! It's better than the YOUN SHIT VIET DOG EATING RACE!

Anonymous said...

Beware...The Viet almost in full control of Cambodia. Our country motto says: KING, NATION, RELIGION. However, our king is youn, our nation is under youn, and now they are in control of Tep Voung.

3:47 AM said,

Tep Vong has been a communist puppet before and after became a Buddhist monk. He has enjoyed and exercised the title of supreme patriarch, to preach his communist ideology through his means of propaganda with his official religious cleric. He has always adopted the term "AKATEH" a key word which is also being used by the lead monkeys in the CPP to condemn others who dare to oppose to them. Therefore Hanoi has been in control and held great influence on Buddhist religion in Cambodia since the CPP came to power.
If we examine the way Cambodia practice the religion, they have only follow the Khmer tradition not the principles of Buddha teaching. Case in points, HS used techniques to have fake monks and Pagoda boys infiltrated the temples and applied violence to fight with other monks during demonstration. Tep Vong wrongly used his power to support action of disrobed Venerable Tim sakhorn. HS and his wife have officially practiced the BUOUNG SUOUNG ceremonies and exploited the yellow robe image to show case to the Khmer ignorant with the genuine Buddha's principles, with their attempt to be genuine Buddhists.
The communists have never have faith in any religion, what they have been doing is to exploit from the religion which many of our people are wrongly perceived to the way they pleased to practice without following the true teaching and concepts of its original principles. The CPP and Hanoi have installed the monkeys as Tep Vong, Buth Savung and other ignorant religious leaders to confuse our desperate followers who translate NIRVANA to HAVEN which the terms are totally opposite contrast. And this is a havoc to our people's spiritual and moral responsibility to conduct their ways of life.

Yeay Tep

Anonymous said...

I think Yeay Tep is right! (4:47AM)

Anonymous said...

I just came back from Cambodia and believe it or not in Phnom Penh, all you see is Viets and Chen. All over Cambodia, there are Viets everywhere. Only in the countryside you will see mainly true Khmer blood. The Viets and Chen usually stay within the city limits. Believe me when I say this and take notes, the Khmer government is full of Viets including the police. When we talk about puppet government, it truly is a puppet government under Viet control in all aspects of the government. And about the border problem in Kampong Cham right now, you wonder why the Khmer police don't carry a gun and the Viets do, it's because the police is a Viet disguised as Khmer in a Khmer police uniform. You can also tell by the appearance and facial structure. If you take a good look at a true Khmer and a disguised Viet you can tell the difference. Many of the Viets in Srok Khmer know how to speak both Khmer and Viet fluently and you can tell by their accent too. They speak their language freely and act like they are the owners of the country. They change their names to Khmer names and become one of us but in reality they are the disgraced Yuon dogs. Think about what i just said, i only speak the truth my fellow Khmer brothers and sisters.

Anonymous said...

KI and most viewer in this bloge has same attitud, street wild thug, you Sam rrainsy give me the list what you have don for khmer coomunity 1 to 5 what is it? except rainsy you are master at criticising, excellence in blaiming, and great job in spread hatreat, you are so wrong rainsy. rainsy you soround yourself with street wild pal, how you convince people to support you, if your team are so goofing off, and so disorganizing.