Sunday, December 19, 2010

X'mas and New Year Greetings Message?

Dear KI-Media Readers,

Like previous years, KI-Media offers to post your Christmas and/or New Year Greetings message on our website free of charge and free of threat to shut you down. Please send them early in case Phnom Penh succeeds in shutting us out. Please send in your messages in PDF or JPeG format to

Please refrain from using obscenity or profanity.

Thank you!

(somebody called us the ants that bite the elephant
we think we are more like bed bugs and you may argue that we are bad bugs)
PS: If Phnom Penh indeed succeeds in shutting us out, we will still post your messages on our mirror websites.

PS(2): If you are a CPP supporter, you do know that CPP leaders love to read our website, so please send in your messages to your leaders, we will post them for you also. Please make sure to indicate which CPP leader you want to address your message to.


CPP said...

Funy! Funny! funny!

Do you think Hun Sen can block this website?.....

I can't wait to see! how many days more KI? Can you please tell us now?
I dare HS too? He is scared and worry so much because YOUN will "chum rears ban chee chea muy HS"

cpp tasar!

Anonymous said...

A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to Mr. Heng Soy and all of you at the KI Media!

Justice and a deep love for one's country shall prevail.

KI Media team, you shall be blessed by the spirits of the Angkorian Khmers.

Have a wonderful holiday and thank you very much for all the hard work throughout the year of 2010!

Anet Khmer

Anonymous said...

Have a safe and a wonderful holidays, everyone.

Thank you KI-Media for an excellent work.

Merry Christmas!


Anonymous said...

A potent ant that is fatal to the blobby crazed elephant, that's why the CPP is scared. Hahahahahah

Go KI!

Anonymous said...

It's a kind of emotional farewell, but I don't think it's the case.
I will send a proper wish later next week just before the dateline. In the meantime, I have divided my wishes in two parts.

One, to every genuine reader and contributor, who provide their concerns, suggestions with professionalism and skills, to support the concept of community building capacity with strong defense of democracy and human rights; may they all be blessed with happiness, successful future and prosperity with their commitment to change the world for a better place to live.

Two, to every parasite, traitor to Cambodia and betrayer to Khmer people who have been exploited the sweat and blood of millions innocent people through their selfishness, greed, ill intentions and actions; may they all be punished with their bad deeds and suffer with detrimentally lost to all accounts they have been investing in every resource attached to them.

Last but not least, my special wish to all KI Media team, may they be blessed with prosperity, long life with full of the new charge of energy, inspiration, confident and every success to their endeavor to carry this patriot campaign until we will achieve our ultimate goals, which are to bring peace, freedom and integrity to Cambodia and Khmer people.

Yeay Tep

Anonymous said...

Merry Chrismass KI & Heng Soy.

Thank You for all your best and hard works to provide us information.

Anonymous said...

May I take this opportunity to wish all KI media team with good health, happiness and prosperous future.
I wish to all of those who have contributed positively for a better Cambodia with good leaders for their prosperous future with their family. For those who have negatively attacked Ki media team, for their vision and their mentality be changed so that we can make a strong Cambodia society together.

Areak Prey

Anonymous said...

Yeay Tep without P. from long Beach? Now, that sucks!

Merry Xmas to both Yeay Tep and P. from Long Beach!

Love til it hurts...

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Ahnet Khmer and Yeay Tep have been trying hard to make a name for themselves here on KI-Media, why can't KI-media make them the member of the team?

Anonymous said...

Ok here I am,

It is almost another year comes to an end. I really enjoy to come to Ki's blog, and come to know a few bloggers (comment values) that I'm really looking forward to read their comment, thus, I would like to sent special wishes to: Koun Khmer, Yeay Tep and GP-LB for all your constructive comment and encouragement; in addition many good wishes to Ki team for all your hard work and commitment to bring news from our motherland to share with all of us.

Last but not least to all bloggers that had been use a lot of bad words on this blog, may 2011 bring you and your family joy, peace, happiness and stop using bad words on Ki's blogs throughout 2011.

Happy Holidays to all....May 2011 bring each of us to realize our full potential...

With my regards,

I remain

Anonymous said...

Yeay tep,

You better say something! GP-LB is not posting music anymore! Did you say something to make GB angry?

GP-LB, I am really looking forward to your songs posting - what happen - did Yeay Tep say something to get you angry?

Anyway, wishing you have a wonderful holidays,

Anonymous said...

Merry Xmas and happy new year Ki Media ...stay on we gotta take down A SEN 2012 Election without KI Media it's gonna be hard with out media ....but keep on going A True Khmer Patriot never surrender die fighting..... From KHmer CAnada

Anonymous said...

Dear KI..i wish you, your team, your visitors a merry christmas and i am thankful for your hard work especially the videos, they are undeniable facts....allowing people to be their own addition, i'm also thankful for Dr. Gaffar Peang Meth's comments...his contribution to KI has inspired me, one them "let learn and relearn"

ps please insert a video youtube of vietnam's soldiers scuffling with our people below PM Hun Sen's picture on the left of the front page..the truth!
khmer youth

Anonymous said...

KI your great effort in missed leading news, how large have you been spread hatreat, divident and criticale your Khmer community, KI great hatreat culture among Khmer, your team are master in managing jealousy, and hatreat. If you change to educate and share wisdom you amy be my hero. But most Sam rainsy people in and out are just like that. gosh team magnetish criticising (garbage) to yourself and people around you.

Anonymous said...

11:11 am,

Think what you want - evidence are here. Ki's team is only bring the new for public at large! If you want to read all the ass kissing the Sen's regime - you have plenty of those CTN, Bayon - that one even own by his daughter, and others...No one invited you to come here - you come here at your own free will...if you can't stand for the true....than stay among the ass kissers and blood suckers from Khmer people of your own kinds. Remember it is your freedom to come to this blog as well as your freedom to leave this blog...which remind me the reading from Dr. Peang-Meth's is could be by chance that you come to this blog, but should be your choice whether you want to return to this! If this blog has no beneficial to you - why wast your time?

By the way - anything that you are interest to come to this blog?

Anonymous said...

Yeay Tep without P. from long Beach? Now, that sucks!

Merry Xmas to both Yeay Tep and P. from Long Beach!

Love til it hurts...

9:39 AM said

My dear 9:39AM and 10:14AM,

No, I did not say anything to GP-LB to upset him at all. May be he is too busy to complete his x-mas shopping list and to search for more good songs for us, or too depress with the dateline to shut down the KI?
Let us sing him Im Song Souem and Ros Serey Sothea's "Rong Cham Meul Teh Pleuv" to cheer him up. Hopefully he would reply and explain his absent :-( or I will send him Andrea Bocelli's Time To Say Goodbye (Con Te Partiro)so we can bid our farewell together before the 31/12/2010.

9:50 AM Thanks for your kind words but I don't need to be inducted with this very efficient, talented and capable team. I just enjoy my communication with all compatriots through the forum to share and exchange our knowledge and ideas, when I am free from the busy schedule of meditation and helping our poor people who come to get assistance with their incense, candle and flowers.

BTW 10:08AM, Thank you very much for your well wishes.

PS: Love unconditionally but wisely.

Yeay Tep

Anonymous said...

To KI, Is KI a best team? how Sam rainsy alway have Media team like that, Voices of youth, Khmer conciouse these newpaper and KI are exacly the same wild attitud. I wonder Sam rainsy are the same if so, Rainsy absolutely no leadership experienced.
KI you are great effort in missed leading news, how large have you been spread hatreat, divident and criticising your Khmer community, KI creat hatreat culture among Khmer, your team are master in managing jealousy, and hatreat. If you change to educate and share wisdom you are may be my hero. But most of Sam rainsy people in and out are just like that. gosh team magnetish criticising (garbage) to yourself and people around you.

Anonymous said...

Dear KI team, I can see you have don alote of favor to Rainsy, most of you have great education in the west, to nigh in the bed time please visaulized see yourself see Sam ransy management sofar, very flaw and disorganizing, now can't you?

Anonymous said...

11:39 AM

Sorry but your post was really close to garbaged, literally, I can't read it.

But, being a smart person as I am, I am been able to decipher some of your cryptic thoughts.

So you say KI "are missed" leading news and only creat hatreat and divident of Khmer community! Got it!

You also wonder if Sam Rainsy is this way, and that KI is Sam Rainsy media. Got it!

If KI don't report on the truth who will exposed your double faced traitorous heroes Kwak Hun Sen and Youn Spy Sva Kim Hong or Ho Brahm TayHong?

If you cannot accept the truth, go read Soy Sopheap paper. Leave people who wants raw truth and can make use of the data to read KI. Those who cannot use facts, data, and images to draw their own conclusions have Soy Sopheap newspaper to articulate, opined, and interpret news and events for them.

For us Khmer, nothing is further from the truth then actual videos, images, interviews from citizens, statistics from global NGOs, and raw datas from organizations inside Cambodia and from reporters of every nation.

KI sources come from BBC, AFP, CNN, ABC, Aljazerah TV, Global Witness, Human Rights Watch, LICAHDO, ADHOC, UNHCR, Khmer Citizens, Labor workers, Factory Workers, Farmers, Prisoners, Sex Workers, Tux Tux drivers, Monks, Students, Lawyers, Political Analyst, Professors, U.S Diplomats, Foreign Dignitaries, WikiLeaks,....

And your unity news 11:39? CTN(Hun Sen), TVK(Hun Sen News), Bayon(Hun Sen Daughter News), Soy Sopheap, Soy Sophea, Soy Sopheap!

I'm sorry, did I miss something?

Anonymous said...


You make me laugh so hard to wake my dog that sleep on my feet.

Bravo, bravo and bravo for helping to relieve my frustration with this writer who acts a Khmoch Tia Bay (A ghost demands pieces of rice).

Anonymous said...

Merry Christ and have a happy new year and filling with wisdom to all of KI team members that serving Khmer people.
God bless you all.

Anonymous said...

I can see you are smart and gentle and I clearly see you have strong believe in your commitment to help Khmer. News (media) are more destructive than Nuk, People will risk their life macth to war if you make them believe in some things. Now I can see, you may not try to take advantag from Khmers, now You see yourself MR.Rainsy was outragoust and get himself deeper, deeper, and deeper in spread out negatives concept. most of his MP, SRP member and follower hundred thousand of them listen and learn from hime, they believe him, Why can't you and me instruct him to preach people positvely, have you know any westerner win ellection by Criticing. it giant gosh if we criticise or jealous or hatreat, anger attitud, its a loser attitud, Now you know, aren't you?

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas and happy New Year to sucker CPP in Phnom Penh :
you will die by Power of the People.
A new generation of khmer kids will
end your future.
The justice will kick you out of the power.
All of your CPP are dum Brain and brainwashed by dog viet (ah youn).
Showing your love to your own People by saving land to your Khmer People.

Anonymous said...

ចៀសវាងកុំអោយមានរឿងច្រើន ​បងប្អូនទាំង
ឡាយ សូមកុំផ្ញើ Email ទៅក្រុម ឃេអាយ មេឌា ឲ្យសោះ ។ ព្រោះIPរបស់អ្នក អាចនឹងត្រូវស្គាល់ជាមិនខាន ។ រកស្មានមិនត្រូវ​ ក្រុម ឃេអាយ មេឌា នេះ ប្រហែលជាសកម្មជនអាថ៌កំបាំង​មួយរូប ដែល
ធ្វើការឲ្យ ហ៊ុនសែន ផងក៏មិនដឹង ​។ ព្រោះថា ហ៊ុនសែនធ្លាប់រៀនយុទ្ទសាស្រ្តពី ខ្មែរក្រហម ។ ហើយក្នុងហ្នុង មានក្បួនមួយ ដែលគេហៅថា លលកស្រុក ទាក់លលកព្រៃ ៕

Anonymous said...

CPP and its supporters think that KI is the voice of Sam Rainsy. What they don't realize is that we are the voice of majority oversea Khmer and we stand for freedom and liberty. We know our right, we enjoy it every day, and we want to pass it on to all Khmer EVERYWHERE. Those against KI are the oppressors of innocent Khmer and they do not want the people to understand their god giving right as human being. However, Khmer in Cambodia are obviously getting messages. That is why CPP and their Veit boss are getting scare and are trying to shut you down. Keep it up KI for you are achieving the objective. Happy holiday to all and long live Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

KI,we love your persistance in dealing with all critisism.We wish you could continue to spread the news so we can see what is happening in the world ,especially in the hot spot of Cambodia:Bravo les amis d' expression libre! I am so sad to learn that your web will last no longer.Ki is disapparing,people lost their place to live,human right is shaking and what else for tomorrow?

Anonymous said...

I am so curious and I wonder why all stupid guys did not see the killing of many khmer people at the border inside Phnom Penh town. Why they have no eyes and brain to think about this. timber cutting, forest destroying, mine selling, land grabbing are only for that silly prime minister and his gang to fill up their pocket with dollars.

Keo Cham said...

Hun Sen, Hussein, Gadafi, Taylor, Gbagbo, Mugabe

Good for nothing dictators.

My name is Keo Cham, I live in U.S, and Kampong Cham is my hometown. Find my IP address and come sue me Sva Kim Hong and Hun Sen.

Anonymous said...

PS: Love unconditionally but wisely.

Yeay Tep

11:29 AM

Yeay Tep,

I can understand love unconditionally, but what do you mean by "wisely"? - Do you mean love follow you head more than your heart? How about risk it all for love? And how do you know "true love"?...just don't want to bordering you in your meditation period, but when you get out....please teach this elementary person on subject of love.

Thanks Yeap Tep...I hope to learn this before next year...if not, maybe 2011 I will learn of course from our wise bloggers to Ki media...teach me some elementary lesson on so call "love"...yes, I listen to songs like had been posted by GP-LB, sound nice, but complicate to understand! I don't learn much because it still call me back to statistic put out which state about 50% of people who get marriage will end up divoce before their 5 yrs anniversay!yany!

Is there such thing as eternal love? By looking at H.R. Ranariddh, even after 30 of marriage...still turn out to be bad...what an example of a living history of love....

....yeay you make me thinking about "wisely"...

Anonymous said...

Yeay Tep,

Are you try to protect GP-LB? Is it possible that you give him to much pray that his egoes become inflated?

Yeay Tep, anyway, let me stop calling him GP-LB, I might as well call him Ta tep...! OK yeay tep...don't inflate Ta tep's egoes, he might miss took it for real - ah, that will be dangerouse!

Anonymous said...

My dear 3:50 PM

....yeay you make me thinking about "wisely"...

The term "LOVE" has been defined by individual experience, from romantic sweetness to a revolting extreme. We hear so many incidents involved with one extreme to the other, and yet we are not afraid to LOVE, even our enemies.
I don't believe in eternal love, but there are stories to prove its definition.
To make the story short, I was inspired by a woman who confided her love life to me and we discussed at length about what LOVE means when the other party do not return your LOVE as to the level 'You gave it all'. She then summed up her experience from being hurt and becoming stronger and wiser to keep 20% for herself instead of giving 100% to whom she loves. And she found happiness in the way she's very well deserved.

3:50PM,You are not the only elementary person to deal with the subject, most of us are just like you, including me. I don't pretend to be a wiser person for I am aware there are many wise persons out there who have more experience and knowledge on the subject, but just want to share the thoughts with you all. Until one day we have to deal with our own predicament with this subject, only then we will know how it could change us. That's why I refer to the term "wisely" as to keep this to be a regular reminder to us all. I hope this would answer to your curiosity.

Yeay Tep

Anonymous said...

Ah rorleay KI Media, don't you have a better news to post?

Anonymous said...

Yeay Tep,

Thank you for your answer of no answer (which, I mean that it doesn't help me much).

I was planning to read books on love story, but I never have enough patience to read more than a few pages (no patience in love story). But I have to addmite that I have patience in other areas. For example, I was angry with my father of crticizing me all the time - so I want to understand him "why" - I spent a semester to study psychology...

The US economy is in recession, but my understand of love in not just in recession, but in depression....

Anyway, thanks Yeap Tep for your time,

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year...and may your love in the surplus in 2011:~)

Anonymous said...

Yeay Tep,

Let me just clarify some words I said in there(11:34) as to why I understand of love in recession and depression.

between recession and depressin
When I said the word depression - it remind me one of my professor - how to understand the economy in recession. He said when economy in recession - it is your neighbors lost their jobs, while economy in depression when you lost your job. So that how I draw the parallel story of how my understand of love story to economy!

When love in recession is when my friends lost their loves, but when love in depression that when I lost my love...that is why I refer to my understand of love depression is the lost of my understand love, which similar to my love is in depression!

When read your writing, It seem that your love is in surplus - of how much you writing has impact on Ta manage to impact him to post all these beautiful songs which we able to enjoy by many bloggers! So I think you have a lot and lot of experience in love! And which I hope to learn a few thing from! But according to Dr. Peang-Meth, one can learn and relearn of anything! But in this case - can love be learn?

I can google to read defination of love just like I google to learn about swimming. But is not the same as it from the realy experience and that one that had gone through it already...

Once again Yeay Tep...still looking for Ta Tep to come out an explain to you! He don't want to post anymore songs for you:)

Anonymous said...

What does the word,"UNITY" means to a community, an organization,and a country?
Each group of the three above should have good leadership,management,and responsibility of its duty.
The" Never give up" or persistence should put to use in its group.
If a bed bug leader sacrifice it physical,verbal,mental,and knowledgeable attitude to serve bed bugs,they can suck the feroce lion blood to death.
So,all brave blogger should continue to express their opinions.