Sunday, January 02, 2011

07 January Formula - Ho Chi Min's Strategy

Formula forwarded by Anonymous Reader


Anonymous said...

That's true and kind.

"Words have the power to both destroy and heal. When words are both true and kind, they can change our world."Lord Buddha.

Anonymous said...

These so called Ho Chi Min formula had known long times ago, why did not khmer find anti virus or anti formula to prevent this happenning? were we Khmer stupid as they are always say? if yes how are we going to change and get a little smarter, if no why let it happen?.

We're Khmer good at critise others of doing something wrong and put blame on each other. We do not have plan, strategy, and learn to be smart, I myself kept blame our neightbour but the true is we never learn our history or may be our races as they're say dumb!. We tend to tire, lazy easyly when come to negotiation, strugggle, defence, from 30 million population in Angkor period to 50,000 population in Chak To Mok period. We tend to give up everything with the foreigner but for Khmer we never give up anything.

Instead of blame, we must have plan and good strategy and change our behave for the better, smarter as Israel for example '6 million Jew defent ageainst 400 million Arab'. We are Khmer you and me and including all prople and the king, the prime minister must act in the interest of the country rather than own personal ambition. The foreigner come never want to leave that we must have the plan now and urgent before everything is too let, wake up Prime Minister!.

Anonymous said...

Ho Chi Minh's Vietnamese Pineapple soup recipe + Chinese Communist hot pot recipe> exterminate + rescue + swallow Cambodia = January 7

Anonymous said...

Come on join together with SOUN SEREY ROATHA

Anonymous said...

we are as stupid as can be because of our greediness. Even the King and Queen have no heart for the Khmer.

ask king father why he did what he did!!!

thing happens for a reason better believe in it.....

Anonymous said...


The plan: Anaconda chasing it’ s prey

• To install Khmer government which would obey your orders
• Poison all high level of government ministers with luxuries-villa/expensive cars/young girls
• Flood the country with VN immigrants
* Set upVN association/schools/super markets/.hospitals/farms net works
* Move VN agents/armies disguised as employees all these areas including
* Pressure Khmer government to give all illegal VN proper ID and land titles.

Anaconda squeezing it’ s prey:

• Creating law to ban Khmer people to own any weapons so they can not fight back in the name of safety and security.
• Banning any huge public gathering so they can not revolt against any things that imposed on them in name of safety and security
• Pressure Khmer government not to give their own people any land titles they own so they can be easy be evicted from their own property and give their lands to VN people


• Start purging Khmer government ministers and replaced them with VN who can speak some khmer - eliminate them if they resist.
• Every body must speak VN to work for the government in the name of serving VN people who can not speak Khmer
• Limit Khmer language in school and increase VN’ s.
• Ban it completely later on
• Limit Khmer culture activities and increase VN’ s just like we do in Khmer Krome.
• Ban it completely later on
• Open the border to allow VN to flood Cambodia – just like China has done to Tibet.


Anonymous said...

If the king father gave up all his land to foreigner, and where he is going to live even he has his own accomodation in Beijing, is he comfortable with all his family have no home like Cham?. Under his majesty there were a lots of corruptors but unlike the present prime minister who support corruptors, the king father jailed those corrupted, and his majesty never beg foreigners like present prime minister. The question is does his majesty like to live under Vietname or Thai and feel comfortable, I don't think so, he better under the France rather than Viet or Siem. Of course his policy let to 3 million Khmer disappear and let the present prime minister in power for more dacade to come he must be brought to justic but not just him, all the killers and the corruptors from old generation to youngster generation must be brought to justic, is this too much for the nation? if it is not then go and rise up bring him and the prime minster down and declare other regime which will bring new face of generation corrution.

We had tried republic, harddline communist, moderat communist, colonial, do we still have not enough experience?. By comparison to Thailand and VIet and Laos we are the most experimental society so we do not need advice from these countries. Now what we are going to do next? go back to history or move forward? if we move forward how we are going to achieve and if we move backward which model are we going to take Pol Pot or else ?

We're Khmer have a lots of experiences in the world what we have to do know is to prevent the flow of Vietnamese to Cambodia and to strenthen our economy, including the prime minister if you do not do it now Cambodia will become a blood bath, the prime minister and his subodinators will be perished if ingore.

Anonymous said...

shut the fuck up! motherfucker Son Of the bitch! 6:24am motherfucker motherfucker motherfucker .i'm a Trieu Chau i use to fuck the mother pussy of my enemy before i kill them ok? youn whoere son 6:24am.

Anonymous said...

long live viet nam... good work hun sen and cpp

Anonymous said...

It's the true formula

Anonymous said...

Mr 6:24 AM has very good point and have analytical skill if I am not wrong Mr 6:24 AM try to tell me that the Vietnamese are doing to the Khmer. Sometimes hypocrisy is good ,like Khmer poem (BANDAM KROM NGUY or TON CHEY).

Anonymous said...


6:24 AM

It is so scary when I read your common, but it seems that Cambodia is heading into that direction if we are as Cambodian don't do anything to prevent it from happening. so the question is what can we do to stop this?? There is one thing we can do that is to pick a special day and protest all around the world. remember a ripple of the water will turning into a big wave as long as we all stand together thing will happen.

Anonymous said...

7:25AM, the role will be reversed soon, just watch my words

Anonymous said...

Mr. 6:24 AM,
Your comment is exactly right.
I am with you and I appreciated it!
Thank you,

Anonymous said...

I agreed with all blogger,except one.
I am 73 years old now.I knew what you knew.It was true and keen.
Khmer must protest all over the world now.don't be late.
Khmer must organize groups in every continent against Hun Sen,Sihanouk,and Vietnam govt now.
Sourn serey Ratha,you could lead
all Khmer.Khmer country is in danger.

Anonymous said...

អាយ៉ងក្បត់ជាតិ ហ៊ុន សែន ជាមេឃាតករឈាមត្រជាក់ ហើយក៏ជាមេគ្រោះថ្នាក់ធំជាងគេ បើមិននាំគ្នាកំចាត់
វាចោលទេ ប្រទេសខ្មែរគ្មានថ្ងៃបានសុខសាន្តឡើយ។

Anonymous said...

អ្នកជួយក៏ជាអ្នកសម្លាប់យើង !
ដេញពួកកញ្ជះចិននិយម ។
ខ្លៅល្ងង់បានធំភ្លើនភ្លេចជាតិ ។
សម្ដីហួសមាត្រខ្វះពិចារណ៍ ។
នរណារំដោះពីអង្គការ ?
ជាមនុស្សតែម្នាក់ជាក់នរណា ?
តាំងខ្លួនអង្គការសម្លាប់ខ្មែរ ។
ខំប្រឹងទាល់តែបានទាំងស្រុង ។
ចិត្តខ្មៅទ្រនង់មិនយោគយល់ ។
លាបធ្យូងឲ្យជល់ក្នុងសំបុក ។
អង្គការកូនអុកផាសក្រញ៉ាំ ។
នៅតែបេះបោចមិនឈប់ឈរ ៕
​​​ ២៩-១១-២០១០