Wednesday, January 19, 2011

200 march in Philly to protest deportation of four Cambodians

Tue, Jan. 18, 2011
By Michael Matza
Philadelphia Inquirer Staff Writer

Linking their demonstration to the human-rights theme of Martin Luther King's Birthday, about 200 members of pro-immigrant groups marched Monday from Center City to the regional offices of Immigration and Customs Enforcement to protest the pending deportation of four Cambodian men.
Outside the office at 1600 Callowhill St., they festooned a fence with placards - "Stop Tearing Families Apart" - and hundreds of yellow ribbons.

"Education, not deportation," they chanted.

Rallying the crowd through a bullhorn, Desi Burnette of Media Mobilizing Project, a co-organizer of the march, said the men facing deportation were "heroes" to her because they made serious mistakes and learned from them.

The four were born in Cambodia or Southeast Asian refugee camps after their families fled the Khmer Rouge and the Pol Pot regime. They and their parents were admitted legally to the United States as refugees about 25 years ago.

As youths and young adults, they committed aggravated assaults and other crimes. They were convicted, served time in prison, and now face expulsion. ICE agents arrested them last September.

Authorities say they are "criminal aliens" and by law must be removed. Their defenders say they are rehabilitated and deserve another chance to remain in America.

Demonstrator Steve Scaffone, pastor of Living Water Church in the city's Logan section, said his congregation of about 50 people is mostly Cambodian. He said he found it "ironic" that he learned about the four men on the same day that Eagles coach Andy Reid announced that convicted dog-fighter Michael Vick would be his starting quarterback - saying in effect "that our country is all about second chances."

After the four Cambodians were detained, their supporters formed the One Love Movement to Keep Families Together.

One Love cofounder Joe Hanzsum said he hoped that when ICE officials returned to work Tuesday they would see the ribbons and "take another look at these cases."

"Are they really a threat to society? If they are, I'm with you: Deport them," he said. "But if they are not, give them a second chance."

The protest included the Asian Student Association of Philadelphia; Central High School's Students Against Unjust Deportation; the United Taxi Workers Alliance; and other groups.

Citing King's famous 1963 "Letter From Birmingham Jail" - in which he wrote about the difference between just and unjust laws - the demonstrators released a Dec. 4 letter from York County Prison written by 30-year-old Chally Dang, one of the men facing deportation.

"I entered the United States as an infant, made my mistakes as a juvenile and was punished for those mistakes as a young adult," he wrote. "And as I now embrace life as a reformed, tax-paying civilian, the actions of my past still haunt me with what my fate might be. I can only implore mercy from a system in which I trust forgiveness and second chances still exist."


Anonymous said...

It' s strange that illegal Mexicans come to have a lot of babies in United states and those babies become US citizens and tax payers have to support them through welfare system until they are 18 yrs and. Their illegally parents can not be deported because they don't want to tear their family apart but those Cambodian who are in the US legally can be deported without thinking that their family is torn apart as the Mexicans

Anonymous said...

These dumb khmers have lived in the USA for about 25 years, did they or their parents ever bother applying for citizenship? Too busy committing crime? How stupid? Hope they've learned the lesson and start applying for citizenship soon after arriving in Cambodia - that way at least they're a citizen of some country even the country as shitty as Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

they are too busy listen to rap songs and pretend to be black and hang out with the negro. When will khmer kids ever learn that it is not good for your own future to talk and walk like black people.

Anonymous said...

9:40 AM
Before you sent that kind of comment, you should read the immigration and applying for citizenship code of the USA.
As Khmer born and Khmer descent, they are Cambodian Citizen, since they were born. Please read the Cambodian constitution.

Anonymous said...

Mother fucker we don't know this gonna happen. When we first in the U.S. who knew we gonna deported back to slave Youn country even me too. When you committed a grimes it hard for us to apply for the citizenship. When I first arrived in the early 80 alots of races they were mocks on us especialy ah Nigers and the Rednicks. That why alots of Khmer people they forming the gang to protected these people and community.

Anonymous said...

why would you want to keep the dumb ass criminals? Free tickets to your homeland! You don't need to pay back, really!

Khmer in D.C. said...

Deport these bafoon fools from Phili, Long Beach, Lowell, etc. etc.. You do the crime you pay! Learn tell the rest of the Khmer community to learn and take the citizen test! SEND them BACK!

Khmer RacerX