Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Agriculture Ministry Issues Guidelines for Export to China

Chun Sakada, VOA Khmer
Phnom Penh Tuesday, 18 January 2011
"The guidelines will help reduce poverty in rural areas by increasing their export potential."
The Ministry of Agriculture on Tuesday began circulating a new procedure for the export of rice and cassava to China, in an effort to bring cleaner and higher-quality production to meet import requirements.

The new guidelines focus on the elimination of insects, hygiene standards, proper documentation and other requirements for export to China.

Kith Seng, an undersecretary of state for the Ministry of Agriculture, said the new circular was meant to "protect Cambodia's interest" as well as its trade partner in accordance with an export agreement signed between the two countries last year.

The guidelines will help reduce poverty in rural areas by increasing their export potential, he said.

Cheang Kim, director of the Bayon Rice Trading company, said the requirements are not complicated and represent "good news" for farmers.

Cambodia produced a milled rice surplus of nearly 2.5 million tons last year, and officials hope to increase its export potential in coming years, especially in trade agreements with China.


cheap deal said...

if it go on equal with cheap and cheapest ,khmer farmer will be face slavery without comment .

Anonymous said...

the time come soon!

Anonymous said...

I don't know any country that sells natural resource (raw materials) become wealthy unless they sell black gold or drug!

Just watch...the Chinese turn those cassava and rice into cookie- cereal -and instant noodle and export it back to Cambodia which make more money than these dirt poor Cambodian farmer sell their raw material in the ton and ton for a few hundred dollars!

The rich will be rich and the poor will be poor!

the folly said...

1.50 am ,perfectly you said that period of china spread their influence of communist ,they alway point all things to western treat on poor khmer farmer ,to mean and kill each other and china walk away without comment about killing field .now who said u s a is paper tiger is china .the fool and foolish under their minding

dy thuong said...

sonds good that Cambodian farmers are able to export rice to whatever countries but the fact is that most cannot farm to feed their stomuch because they either do not have land or are depried of land. remember old peom for khmer poor farmers- twoeu sre muoy pi-tim ko nhi si min krub kroan- meaning cultivate on a few piece of land using singe female cow to plow. now it is even worse than then. for the most khmer farmers there is nothing to happy about rice export.

Anonymous said...

Ah kwac and dey samdach tear!