Friday, January 14, 2011

Bangkok: Protest Against Arrest of Thais in Cambodia


Anonymous said...

Cambodian government and the judge, please do not release the seven Thai, let them protest all they want. Thai knows that they are wrong in illigallly entered into Cambodian territories to spy on Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

yes...please Khmer do the same to protest Hun Sen for land grabbing

Anonymous said...

Siam stars open fire, killing Cambodian who across into Thailand illegally. Thai (Thailand) will not stop killing Khmer citizens..All Khmer should be aware of this now, since they are getting mad with the Cambodian government and judge. Thai has been killing Cambodian almost all the time since I have been following the news. Also, they have been killing the past as well.

Anonymous said...

I was amazed by The PAD leader who banged a drum with a hammer on the street during a protest against the Cambodian gov't in regard the detained Thais in the 5-star Prey Sar hotel.To me, it looks like he prays for the Chinese DF21-D bombs on his head. According to the recent Bangkok news, A Thai Maj-Gen, Walit, said that he is ready to defend his country along the Thai-Cambodia border by using the military means, Buraphy forces at any moment if the Abbhisit's government would order him to do so. But as a Thai journalist has continued to ask him with more questions such as if the Thai army discouraged by the Cambodian troops along the 805km border, he says, "well, I don't want to experience a painful lesson once again after got an injured leg during the grenade blast of the army crackdown at Khok Wai.Attention to all Cambodian folks, please note: Thailand is in trouble politically and its army is unavoidably shrinking soon or later. If the Thailand's army chooses to wage a war with Cambodia, Thais will lose their lands: Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Burma and Malaysia will definitely cut and share Thailand apart.

Anonymous said...

Dear Heng soy
Yes Hun sen did some mistake and got some credit, but in one time we can't open two batle, as you mention above now is the most importance time that we all must collaborate, we all have to be one, one we are one, to dealt with the great threat from our enemy. stop divission, and stop focus on negative from all parties. regards Mike

Anonymous said...

Distraction on the west side, watch out on the east side of the border....creeping deeper inside Cambodia

Anonymous said...

These TPA fool must dreaming. They think they can do whatever they want from their government and Cambodian gov'ment. What a fucking joke!!! Lucky we didn't kill your stupid seven dumbass. Get lost Biatch!