Sunday, January 02, 2011

Between Two Enemies

Sunday, January 02, 2011
Op-Ed by MP

(NB: to the reader(s) who helpfully suggested I should include a Khmer language version of my comments, it is also an idea that has crossed my mind. Unfortunately, my overall mastery of the Khmer language may not be ideal for this purpose. However, hopefully, someone somewhere could be kind enough to take up the challenge one day! My sincere thanks for reading and commenting).

To those who hold the view that Phnom Penh is doing the right thing by allying with either Hanoi or Bangkok in order to minimise their combined pressure and counter their respective threat, it is worthwhile to appraise this ill-fated stance and try to find a more reasoned approach. To seasoned observers and critical minds, Vietnamese hegemony over Cambodia and Laos is beyond debate. However, there are still doubters among many Khmers even though their concerns and intentions for their country are not, perhaps, in question.

The opinion that Cambodia needs to turn a blind eye to what takes place in the East in return for Vietnam’s assistance in response to the threat posed by Thailand in the West would not be disturbing if it comes from a non-Khmer person. If it does comes from a Khmer - and for what a Khmer nationalist is worth - it is both naive and dangerously misguided. That said, it would not be surprising that so many Cambodians have been easily manipulated into taking this self-defeating view. Both Hanoi and Bangkok have identified this weak spot in the Cambodian elite's mindset for several centuries and have taken turns or exploited this mindset to their own advantage simultaneously, taking both territories and populations as additions to their expanding spheres at Cambodia's expense.

Possibly, it would be harsh to blame Khmer kings for their tendency to run into the arms of either of the two neighbouring states whenever either of them put military or political pressure upon their kingdom. Apart from those Kings' restricted, feudalistic world views and their antiquated understanding of the nature of the threat posed by their ancestral enemies (Sihanouk would be in the category of the kings mentioned here) there were no international mediating institutions or forums of any substance from the end of the Khmer Empire around the 14thth century up to the end of the European colonial era in the first part of the 20th century, to which countries like Cambodia could refer their grievances and demand just resolutions or arbitration. That means of support had become available much later even if international relations has still been hampered by the competing interests of the super powers, as the small but politically effective anti-Vietnamese resistance movement backed predominantly by Western powers and China would seem to indicate.

This kind of scenario - whereby Cambodia is over run completely by foreign power(s) and yet her elite refusing to buckle under the pressure and accept foreign suzerainty or yoke, instead clearly knowing and recognising that such a domination would eventually see Cambodia reduced to another Champa or Kampuchea Krom - however grim this might be, still offers the best possible alternative to solving the country's geo-political dilemma without chopping parts of its legs or arms off in appeasement and/or in return for external military intervention. A sound and strong defence, even for a relatively small country backed by international support of the world community might just be what is needed to neutralise the threat posed by either Hanoi or Bangkok in the longer run.

Moreover, if the CPP leadership are concerned with preserving national identity or protecting national sovereignty, they are doing and going about it in the most destructive, suicidal manner possible. Knowing that the Paris Peace Accords provide their country the legal basis upon which to defend Cambodia's interests, they have chosen instead to ride roughshod over these mechanisms by sweeping them under the carpet. Even their generally repressive tendency in relations to domestic and civil issues such as freedom of expression and information as well as political pluralism clearly illustrates their perception that patriotic nationalism - the single most vital force required to overturn the nation's decline - is a liability rather than an asset to their immediate personal political survival; something quite distinct from that of their compatriots or nation.

No matter how many schools or universities are built to educate youngsters and prepare them for future roles, as long as Cambodia is not in control of her own affairs and not be enabled to determine her own destiny by way of surrendering that responsibility to external powers, she would always be trapped half way between complete national oblivion and de facto enslavement. Educational institutions could function as places of learning and discoveries, but deprived of civic independence and self-regulating discipline or discretion, they could also be fronts for internalising partisan values and ideologies deemed instrumental to the advancement of a repressive state and its prerogatives only. One of such prerogatives is the notion that ‘nationalism’ is disruptive of ‘progress’; that this progress equates or be synonymous with the well-being and stability of the State (i.e. the Empire or Vietnam-dominated Indochina) as a whole.

Therefore, beware of those who to questions raised about the losses of national sovereignty oppose these questions with seemingly progressive, neutral notions of social-economic imperatives (the need for schools, hospitals, roads, bridges and general increase in the standard of living or ‘poverty reduction’ and so forth) even whilst more and more of the country’s natural assets and economic resources are not within the influence or under the control of indigenous mastery or management (subject nations). In any case, the loss of even an inch of national territory is equal to the loss of the entire country. And no amount of payment received in compensation over the losses of Cambodian lands or villages, in financial or material terms, could ever justify or fully compensate for those losses, all of which in their inseparable totality form an inextricable dimension of the Khmer Soul.

No one could dominate a nation without its consent.


Anonymous said...


Thank you very much for your thought on Cambodia and her future.

It is indeed true that a nation cannot be dominated without its consent or rather its citizens's consent.

Anet Khmer

Anonymous said...

Correction: its citizens'consent

Anonymous said...

One can also argue that the Khmer leaders of the past and the present did and do know how to face the usual threats from the two aggressive neighbours, in this current case, by the use of the Paris Peace Accord to solve the confronting problems, but the reality is that the majority or most of the Khmer leaders tend to think of themselves or their interests first instead of those of Cambodia and her people and for that reason they will sacrifice Cambodia and her people simply just to maintain their power even though it is a subjugated power existing only to serve the interests of the masters.

Are we, as a nation, so short of the real and true leaders that it seems only the bad ones are in power?

Anet Khmer

Anonymous said...

Thank you Yay tep, let don't take side, war was take an eas in 1998, we realy enjoy peace since years 2000, yes the truth was 31 years MR. Hun sen had acheived somes progress and some mistaken and Mr Sam rainsy he did some good things by try to inspire, strenthening democracy, He sam rainsy also make some mistake too. I like you, you being fair, now please help me to help you understand my piont here, what my wants and needs is to elliminate the culture of hatreat, criticising and anger, let me repeat it agian we must wipe out the to zero the culture of hatreat,criticising, and anger it been failure for business and ruined everythings in our life. it is the law of nature, what we forcus on its expand and come back to us. I want you Yay tep to inspire people in positive way, visualize bring people into futur make people see and believe in themself more success more resouceful, beyond thier life circumstances. Looke at white, youn, Siam, or spainess, they help each other left and right, but we are Khmer lost that kind of CULTURE. from the beganing to the end, I like both MR HUn sen and MR. Sam rainsy, like I said if Mr. Sam rainsy surounded himselfe with those post comments in KI, they are looked selve distructive behavior, I can't afford those people around me.
Best regards, Mike

Anonymous said...

Can potato be called something else, but potato?

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen and the CPP should stop mistreating the poor innocent Cambodians first if he expects Cambodians to stop cursing him and his party.

Anonymous said...

Hun Xen killed alot of patriots khmers such as at 1997 more than 5000 khmers have been murdered by Hun Xen but why is he still there talking and powering?

Can anyone please explain that to me ?

How many cambodians life has Hun Sen taken so far in his life?

Can KI , Sam Rainsy and Kings find justic for them please ?

Anonymous said...

Mr. Mike, Don't kid yourself. You like both Hun Sen and Sam Rainsy? Please give me a break, these two are as different as day and night in terms of their appeals, backgrounds, civility, and visions.

You can't have both pork and meet, you have to make up your mind, so the Khmer story goes; a monk was invited to two parties, one offered beef and the other offered pork. The monk liking both, and unable to make his decisions, kept one leg on one road and the other in a different one. Eventually the road split became so wide, he ended up getting nothing at all and instead cripples himself.

That is what you're doing Mr. Mike, cripling yourself. By letting others decide for you what you want.

Secondly, you act as though KI and others who comment on this are all supporters of Mr. Sam Rainsy. As though we are like yourself, who believe that to express a certain idea, could only be coming from a certain individual. We have freedom of consciousness, what we feel, comment, and believe, we believe it through our five senses.

Give me a break! Sam Rainsy is just a figure of the opposition party! Readers of KI, however, are generally Khmer people and the general Cambodian population both in and oversea. Neither Sam Rainsy nor Hun Sen represents us nor do we represent them in our opinion.

Learn to distinguish between individuals. I think that is the most important advice for you to take for yourself before you go around accusing others.

Lastly, I am sorry, I don't mean to be rude. But, it is offensive to me, and I don't speak for others but I am sure some may feel the same way. It is offensive to have someone assume things like you do Mr. Mike, that either we represent Sam Rainsy or Sam Rainsy speaks for us. Or that Mr. Hun Sen speaks for Khmer or Cambodian speaks for Mr. Hun Sen.

I take opinions and bits on a individual level because everyone has conscious and can own up to their own opinion.

Keo C.

Anonymous said...

I don't see the Siem and the Viet as a fucken problem! But what I see the fucken problem is the Cambodian leaders themselves who are colluding with the Siem and the Viet to stay in power, to gain wealth, and recognition!

Cambodian politic full of distraction and chaos cause by the Siem and the Viet to destabilize Cambodia! For those Cambodian who dare to oppose the Viet and the Siem are viewed as extremist especially by AH HUN SEN government!

Under AH HUN SEN regime Cambodian people will never know what does it mean to be Cambodian because Cambodian are being equated to extremist, critical, hater, instigator, inciter…and other fucken negativity on Cambodian people!

Just take a close look at Cambodia and tell me why Cambodian people feel that way! As human being Cambodian people have the right to express their feeling and emotion regardless of what AH HUN SEN has to say!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Keo C.,

I agreed with you 100% on this one! Mr. Mike has no rights to assume that those who come to this space are all opposition supporters...I myself can attest to that - I am just Khmer that concern about my country future and just happen to come across Ki media that I find some of them have commen values, understand, and interest about Cambodian's future (of course at the same - we have to put up with those people think with small mind and use bad words...)..hopefully that Keo C. will put you inperspective Mr. Mike...

May 2011 bring you a better vision beyond your eyes can see...should allow your mind to see as well...that could be a change for you!

Anonymous said...

Thai invade Cambodia Mr.Hun Xen won't go to UN but only 7 Thai invade Cambodia Thai goverment go to UN. Why dosen't Hun XEn care about his country and people like Thai do? I think Hun Xen afraid of losing his power than losing his Country and cambodians.

Why dose Hun Xen scream about 7 millions vietnamese in cambodia? It is nearly 40% of total cambodia population already.

Rattana Keo,

Anonymous said...

Mr Hun Sen likes to murder khmer nationalists. Because his soul is YUON.

Anonymous said...

Very well said MP, and I totally agree with your point: " No one could dominate a nation without its consent."

I don't need to make further comments on the issues, but to draw upon the Khmer proverb which describes the situation as follow:
"Tuorl teh Khmorch Khnong oy dai teub baan Khmorch prey vear hien chol mork".

There is no need for me to respond to Mike as my answer would be very similar to Keo C and 2:07PM (Thank you gentlemen), who have presented very clear with their individual comments in relation to Mike.

Yeay Tep

Anonymous said...

Prime minister Hun Sen! your lost your land and sea again, next time Cambodian border next to your home, Heng Somrin he lost his entire home village to Viet already but dare to say nothing, Chea Sim is too weak to say anything except prepare himself for judgement day, where is our belove king please get out from closet and give a big slap on Hun Sen face and say louder "why you gave my land and sea to Viet and punish my people hasss!"?, His majesty the king you can not stay in closet for too long, Cambodian are waiting for you to do something, you have no wife no kid must not afraid to die, you will be our hero king forever.

Rattana Keo,

Anonymous said...

we are khmer krom support your cartoon .now Hun Xen can't leave from his power because he's afraid Preysor(prison).it always welcome Hun Xen atfer he leave his power!
we will see !

Anonymous said...

We are vietnam we will be a great vietnam soon ,we control everything in laos and cambodia .In cambodia we already put our people and our agents every where even in government and in CPP, we control every thing ,in 1979 ,we work hard we send our suicide commando to phnom pehn to catch samdat sihanouk before we push pol pot to the forest,we need samdat sihanouk stay with ue and support us ,but the china worker at phnom penh cath our commando and destroy them ,but now samdat sihanouk come to support us by himeself ,so we have samdat sihanouk in our left hand and hun sen in our right hand ,not to long we will be a great vietnam ,china just a tiger stand up from sickness ,and china use to lost a battle at our north vietnam.

Anonymous said...

God will punish Mr. Hun Xen and his family soon because of his sins that he and his family created in their life.

He and his family can't escape ethernity punish in hell. He can't bribe God with his wealth at all. You killed alot of people, you make alot of people suffer and you know God do has eyes. God will punishing you for ethernity and lock you and your family in hell forever.

When you and your family die they can't bring that billions of dollars to bribe Hell at all.

Hun Xen, the people that you killed they come to you and your family every night.

Rattana Keo,

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen forces everyone that work at TV station, Radio station and News paper to pro him only even he do very very wrong things for the Nation, Cambodia and Cambodian. The media in Cambodia must say nice thing about him even He killed and chop the whole Cambodia give to Thai or Viet. Today Mr. Hun Sen imports over 5 millions Vietnamese into Cambodia legally with make up to 40% of Vietnamese in total Cambodia population. Soon Vietnamese will declare Cambodia belong to them.

Hun Sen is killing Khmer nation. Hun Sen murdered over 5000 Cambodians at 1997. He is a criminal against Humanity. Hun Sen makes real Cambodians suffer everyday.

You have power and kill a lot of Khmer but you are powerless fighting against your own ageing everyday. Soon your time is over and you can't escape death at all. Your power, your wealth and the people that kiss your ass won't help you at that time.

Rattana Keo,

Anonymous said...

After looking carefully at this cartoon,reading all words on it,I could read Bunheng Ung mind.
This what I am going to say is:
someone could read person sign by physical attitude and mood;he could interpret his knowledge by verbal character;then he could predict his talent by his experience.
Could I read Bangkok,Nom Benh,and Hanoi minds?
Who succeeds over Hun Sen?
Hun Sen is a Hanoi slave.Hanoi got three kingdoms of Champa,Khmer Krom,Lao,and Cambodia.
Khmer lost country and Khmer soul forever.
Dai Viet was a china slave,now it becomes Vietnam Empire.
Sihanouk,Hun Sen,and his clans must responsible for the loss of Cambodia.
Khmer oversea and Khmer citizens,are you ready to stand up against Sihanouk,
Hun Sen,and Vietnam?

Anonymous said...

to tell you honestly, khmer people do not like neither of them, i.e. youn and siem! there's a reason for it.

Anonymous said...

My great impression as one of the Killing field survivors even though nowsdays, my family and I living standard have been doing beyond average middle class family, happy life, children success in school.
The unforgettable suffering of our unfortunate Khmers blood in Cambodia,poverty the poorest country in line with Etiopia Africa, Banglades, Nepal in India. Some 60 % of khmer parents sold children to be sex slave in order to fill their hundry stomach never happened before in cambodia only Youn were doing that,Sex traficking, alleged crimes against huminity like K5 , unjustice social against powerless by KUNGAROO COURT, Gun on people head.
Hun sen claims created a thousand schools in cambodia why sending as many thousand students a year to study in HANOI to be brainwashed to accomplish Vietnamization.
Do not spend a single blood of Khmer poor to fight for the Rich and millionnaire, billionaire $$$ a few in cambodia. Plaese send those thousand big STAR ***** children to fight in Preah Vihear worthless to fight for poor Khmer kids indeed use International court like LA HAYE or 1991 Paris Peace agreement to resolve peacefully wit THAI.
The SEN manipulating HERO politic maneuuving the conflict with THAI, but in the contrary blindfold the big risk in the EAST with Vietcong, Vietminh swalloving our soul, spirit by sending millions illegal YOUNS, and Vietcong forces hidden with civilian already inside khmer lands and including land encroachment along YOUN border.

Please awake Khmer Nationalists
We are not the frog in the well.
People power can make the differences to save our Homeland from Vietnamization and even the peace solution with THAI through international Law...

Anonymous said...

tell that to youn siem as they were the one they took advantage of cambodia preoccupation with civil conflict, softness, etc... plus, i can accept changes in cambodia to some degree. i think changes are good in many ways, espeicially in the gov't system, the public institution, the society, etc. that said, of course, there are certain aspect of khmer beauty, unique culture, heritage, etc that ought be forever preserved as well. but by all means, do embrace some changes for the sake of global competitiveness, better standard of living, better economy, better infrastructure, new thinking, new ways of seeing things and in beliefs, etc, etc. all is good, i think. it is smart and better to look around the world for changes, for better ways, for new concept, for development ideas, etc, etc..., you know! khmer people deserve better after all that trauma and suffering, etc..., really! yes, there are more to cambodia than meets the eye!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Not everyone who is sharing in front of their PC sreen with KI having political affiliation with political parties of SRP or HHRP or CPP or little intention to share any governemnt positons in cambodia for now or in the future.
We love our country much that know wrong and wright, left or right, Dependency or politic and economic controlling of Youn, Chinese and the west and specially concerning our Motherland sake and her people suffering in daily life, you can not hide to justify the Red cross Charity of Bun Rany and Sen demagogy of bridge, road tied up people future that were not their...schools that will not resolved many unemployment of the poor youth.
Many of my friends and I are getting enough enjoying life but can not sleep good to see the big problems for cambodia in long term.

Two popular Professors Khmers elite of an old time in the year 60, Professor Noun Khoeun title " Vietnam journey Westward" proven him right that Vietnem fait accompli will be too dangerous for Khmers if not wake up on time.
And also the late Professor Sin Kim Suy a litteratue Doctor in Paris who had reminded and predicted to a group of his compatriots in 1995 that if Khmer will not seek economic and political independent from the East or West alike Khmer will repeat the same history like in the 60.

We must learn from mistake and change for better.

Love khmer

Anonymous said...

To 2:01 PM

For your information, China did take over Cambodia once for 4 years through Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge. They were the Chinese slaves. And why do you want Cambodia to be taken over by another country, don't you want to see Cambodia on the world map?

Anonymous said...

អ្នកជួយក៏ជាអ្នកសម្លាប់យើង !
ដេញពួកកញ្ជះចិននិយម ។
ខ្លៅល្ងង់បានធំភ្លើនភ្លេចជាតិ ។
សម្ដីហួសមាត្រខ្វះពិចារណ៍ ។
នរណារំដោះពីអង្គការ ?
ជាមនុស្សតែម្នាក់ជាក់នរណា ?
តាំងខ្លួនអង្គការសម្លាប់ខ្មែរ ។
ខំប្រឹងទាល់តែបានទាំងស្រុង ។
ចិត្តខ្មៅទ្រនង់មិនយោគយល់ ។
លាបធ្យូងឲ្យជល់ក្នុងសំបុក ។
អង្គការកូនអុកផាសក្រញ៉ាំ ។
នៅតែបេះបោចមិនឈប់ឈរ ៕
​​​ ២៩-១១-២០១០