Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Call off rallies at the border

Bangkok Post

The splinter group that flatters itself with the name Thai Patriots Network (TPN) should get a better grip on its actions and improve its understanding of good neighbourliness. This spinoff from the People's Alliance for Democracy has called for an unfriendly public rally at Sa Kaeo today. The target of the protest is Cambodia and its government. The "patriots" are demanding that Phnom Penh release their core leader and six other Thais who were arrested last week for illegal entry into Cambodia.

The protest is wrong on several levels, and should be abandoned so that reason and diplomacy can prevail.

The first and greatest reason to call off this and other anti-Cambodia protests is that they are wrong-headed. In fact, it is well known that Prime Minister Hun Sen and his government hold a specific contempt for the PAD and its offshoots. It is laughable that the Thai Patriots Network might believe that a relatively small protest could influence Hun Sen and his government. If anything, given the Cambodian leader's public statements, protests by yellow shirts only will increase the probability of continued detention and trial for network leader Veera Somkwamkid, Democrat Party MP Panich Vikitsreth and the other five Thais arrested inside Cambodia after having crossed from Sa Kaeo's Khok Sung district into Cambodia on Dec 29.

The leaders of the PAD should also reconsider their stance towards this branch group, and stop providing them with political shelter. Most supporters of the yellow shirts have little sympathy for the Thai Patriots Network's strident campaign against both Cambodia and the government. An outspoken critic of the Phnom Penh authorities himself, Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya is highly qualified to judge whether border agreements with Cambodia have violated Thai sovereignty. Like almost all Thais, he strongly insists they have not.

In fact, a string of Thai governments dating back to the prime minister Chuan Leekpai have carefully studied and negotiated border agreements with Cambodia. Without a word of dissent, every prime minister and foreign minister has agreed that the border documents are in order, and completely in line with international law, bilateral relations and Thai sovereignty.

The claims by the small and noisy Thai Patriots Network that Cambodia has been handed Thai territory appear baseless to all experts involved.

In addition, the armed forces and other security agencies have agreed with the successive governments. Top Thai commanders have been in regular touch with Cambodian counterparts and understand as well as - or better than - most citizens the exact state of border security. No responsible, informed border security agency or officer agrees with the PAD group that our borders are endangered by Cambodian pacts and treaties.

After years of protests, and months of increasingly provocative border incidents, the Thai Patriots Network would do well to back off. Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva and others can handle both the border relations and the mini-crisis over the Phnom Penh Seven. There should be no rally at Sa Kaeo, or provocations anywhere near the Cambodian border.

It is not credible that a small political group can be right, and all governments and armed forces officers wrong about Cambodian border security. In the interests of better border relations, Hun Sen should recommend against pressing charges against the arrested seven men. This is a case where the government should be allowed to handle the matter.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

thai gov't has creditial to deal with international issue, etc, not this small pad thugs or whatever they called themselves! glad to read this sound comments! yes, cambodia and thailand have their own law, so, it's not up to the pad thugs group to decide, really! i'm sure cambodia understands this all along, while thai gov't is understanding this or not is questionable, especially if they give support to the pad thugs rowdy, emotional group of senile elderly, etc...

Anonymous said...

Abhi-Shit GOV't always using the Yellow shirts to incite Khmer by ignoring what is Khmer bolonging inside Khmer's territory because:
1- Abhi-shit Gov't want to conquer Khmerland by force that he beleive he'll have chance to occupy the area where Siamese claiming then set up the border with Khmer.
2- He assure that Thais's milatary will win by this mean not the international LAW.
3- Abhi-shit needs this mean badly but he's not dare to start first, though, what he can do is using all means to provok Mr. Hun Sen to start the war first.

Down to you Abhi-shit your yellow shirt biger boss won't be able to see what will be happening to you, because the remaining day is number.

Anonymous said...

he looke like kteoy, bige cheater, you call yourself a leader Rainsy you are no deference from any body, million of peopel are smarter than you Ransy, SRP futur, I doubted it, May belong to Kem soskha, SRP member are not interested with rainsy any more, they became poore and poore, all the support moneys is never enought for Sam rainsy. tone of money we support from USA, Rainsy kept it all, he never spend for any salary, he never paid the bill in SRP head quarter, he never buy anythings for supporter in vilage. how he used 670000 per years. Here we call fungtion corrupt.

Anonymous said...

This Bangkok editorial is correct. The fucken PAD Thai patriotic front wants to use "loss of Thai border land including Pheah Vihear land" as an excuse to incite Thai hatred of Khmer. These PAD Thai thugs want to show that they are the smart people and the Khmer or the Thai governments are stupid. Let us lock up these bastards(the 7 Thai intruders) in Prey Sar prison for a long time.

Anonymous said...

Who gives a fuck about these seven pad thai thugs. I said kill these mother fuckers and send them back to border and let their clan bury their buddies.

Anonymous said...

Thai children learn and claim that Siem Reap,Battambang,and part of Pursat were usually belonged to Thai.
Thais never give up;She wants to get them by force or by international laws.Thai lost this piece to French in 18 century.
How Abhisit Vijjajiva used seven Thai as trick to take over this piece of land?But Thai always like this since after Khmer empire.
The argument Thai-Khmer on Preah Vihear,Thai used nun and other Thais too.
The Thai tricks and Vietnam tricks are different from what we have known along the way.
The Vietnam tricks used with Sihanouk,Khmer Rouge,and Hun Sen,Vietnam govt accomplished it goals by taking over the whole Cambodia.
The Vietnam govt continues to take over Thai by using Hun Sen and Taksin to beat Thai again.
Is Cambodia an independent state?
No,Cambodia is a province of Vietnam.

Anonymous said...

Why do Mr. Hun Xen and his CPP give to vietnam? Can Cambodian get back Kos Trol? If so , How?

Why doesn't Mr. Hun Xen talk about Kos Trol on TV or Radio or include Kos Trol in education program?

Why king dosen't talk about Kos Trol?

Can KI, Sam Rainsy and patriot cambodian get back Kos Trol?

Rattana Keo,