Friday, January 14, 2011

CAMBODIA: Buddhist thought for the New Year

January 14, 2011

An article by Dr. Gaffar Peang-Meth published by the Asian Human Rights Commission

As we enter the fifteenth day of the New Year 2011, I would like begin this first article of the year for the Asian Human Rights Commission, with the words of Lord Gautama Buddha (563 B.C.-483 B.C.): "Everything changes, nothing remains without change".

Change is a constant. We can expect change in our lives and in our environment. Some changes will make us smile while others we wish never happened. But change there will be. Facing this inevitability, it behooves us to seek how to influence the change that we would like to see, because "yes, we can." Doing nothing increases the likelihood that we will not like the change that affects us.

"A New Soul"

We, humans, are creatures of habit, of reproductive thinking, of self-piloted, fossilized responses; and yet some wonder why they don't get different results. We are reminded, "When you do what you've always done, you will get what you've always got."

Yet, as many of us like to think of the New Year as new beginnings, an opportunity for a fresh new start, so English writer Gilbert K. Chesterton (1874-1936) wrote, with a new year "we should have a new soul."

Is a new soul possible if we continue patterned thoughts while the world changes?

"What we think, we become"

Buddha teaches, "We are what we think"; "What we think, we become"; "The mind is everything."

If indeed "We are formed and molded by our thoughts," as Buddha says, then what becomes of individuals who engage endlessly in negative thoughts of others, gossiping, and throwing venomous words? What kind of a hostile, angry world are they making?

Buddha refers to those activities as "evil of the tongue," and counsels their avoidance. Buddhists know it but there's the usual disconnect between rhetoric and action.

Buddha teaches: "If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows him. If a man speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness follows him, like a shadow that never leaves him." Buddha reminds, what good will all the holy words you read and speak do, "if you do not act upon them?"

Contemporary Cambodians' struggle against oppression, in pursuit of universally recognized individual rights and freedom, may be explained through Buddha's precept, "We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think."

Our thoughts and behaviors are conditioned by what we learn and by what is expected of us in a society that promotes class, status, rank, role relationships, backed by a culture of asymmetric leader-follower, superior-inferior, master-servant, patron-client practices. Khmer teaching, to "korup, kaowd, klach, smoh trawng" -- respect, admire, fear, be loyal -- has been inculcated in the Cambodian persona for centuries.

In a perfect world, society's teaching, our cultural heritage can actually improve society. But our world is imperfect. It's easy to see, if we are objective analysts, how the culture and the teaching have reinforced the status quo of asymmetry in Cambodia and have promoted the Leviathan's oppression.

Thus, followers follow their particular leader -- rather than a set of rules, high principles, and good thinking -- even if the leader leads them toward the abyss; and those recognized as belonging to society's lower social, political, economic strata are expected to respect, admire, fear, and be loyal to those personalities in positions above them.

Creativity, criticality, innovation threaten the status quo; deviators are nonconformists; those who deviate from the "party line" are challengers, who eventually are denounced as traitors.

Thus, it is easier and safer to conform.

Thoughts that make the world

Buddha says, "All that we are, arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world."

Recall Pol Pot. He believed there was "no gain in keeping, no loss in eliminating" those with "incorrect thinking" -- "incorrect" because it did not conform to his. His solution was "tbaung chawb" -- a hoe blade to strike at the neck of "incorrect" individuals.

And Buddha teaches, "In a controversy, the instant we feel anger we have already ceased striving for truth, and we have begun striving for ourselves." Buddha tells us, "I do not believe in a fate that falls on men however they act; but I believe in a fate that falls on them unless they act."

In other words, one's fate follows one's inaction.

It's not unusual to hear from time to time some individuals assert, not unreasonably, that one person cannot bring about change; millions are needed. I question if such assertion is meant to excuse them for their inaction.

A Khmer saying goes: "Samboeurm tae peark, trokieark slab s'dok," or "Awesome are the words, (but) the hip joints lie dead".

"Work of a Single Man"

Recall Robert F. Kennedy, mortally shot by Sirhan Sirhan at The Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles in June 1968. He made famous a quotation of Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw's: "Some men see things as they are and say, 'Why'? I dream of things that never were and say, 'Why not'?"

Kennedy declared in a speech: "Some believe there is nothing one man or one woman can do against the enormous array of the world's ills. Yet many of the world's great movements, of thought and action, have flowed from the work of a single man. A young monk began the Protestant reformation, a young general extended an empire from Macedonia to the borders of the earth, and a young woman reclaimed the territory of France. It was a young Italian explorer who discovered the New World, and the thirty-two-year-old Thomas Jefferson who proclaimed that all men are created equal."

The young monk was German professor of theology Martin Luther (1483-1546). At age 34, Luther who led the Protestant Revolt, argued that people could have a direct relationship with God. He nailed his famous 95 theses to the door of a Catholic church in Wittenberg; he translated the Bible from Latin so that non-Latin-speaking people the world over can read the words of God. The Revolt unleashed the Thirty Years War between the Protestant and Catholic leagues.

The young general was Ghengis Khan (1162-1227), who started to unite nomadic tribes at a young age, and when he was 44, founded the Mongol Empire, that spread and covered 22 percent of the Earth's total land area, stretching from Central Asia to Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia, the Indian subcontinent and the Middle East.

The young woman was Jeanne d'Arc -- Joan of Arc (1412-1431) -- a French peasant girl who claimed divine guidance for her to liberate her homeland from English domination late in the Hundred Years War. While veteran commanders were dismissive of her, she rallied France's flagging troops against the English and lifted the Orleans siege in only 9 days in 1429, when she was only 17, and had Charles VII crowned King of France. She was later captured, put on trial by an ecclesiastical court, found guilty, and was burned at the stake for heresy in Rouen, France, in 1431, at age 19.

And we have read about the young Italian explorer, Christopher Columbus, who claimed he said he had first gone to sea when he was 10, who docked in England when he was 25, landed at the Americas when he was 41. We also studied the influential American forefather Thomas Jefferson, principal author of the United States Declaration of Independence, at age 32, and promoter of the ideals of republicanism in the U.S.

Of course, it took many people to help Luther in the Protestant Reformation; many to help Ghengis Khan build and spread the Mongol Empire; many to fight alongside Joan of Arc. Columbus didn't sail alone; nor did Jefferson work on the Declaration, alone.

As Kennedy said, "many of the world's great movements, of thought and action, have flowed from the work of a single man."

New Year, New Thoughts?

The often-quoted words of India's pre-eminent Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) say, "You must be the change you wish to see in the world."

He also says, "As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world . . . as in being able to remake ourselves."

For years, I have devoted my columns to discussing how we can "remake ourselves" before we can remake anything else. This holiday season, as I wandered through a store, I stumbled on a piece of wood carved with a Chinese saying: If you want product in a year, grow grain; in 10 years, grow trees; in 100 years, grow people.

If Cambodians want to maintain their nation's survival, they should be busy with growing people – starting with growing themselves. Learning and unlearning does not yield instant results, and I have no illusion that I will see this change in my lifetime, but my children's children will. The time to learn and unlearn should have started years ago. Still, it's better late than never. This New Year is a good time start. And we should begin with Confucius' (551 B.C.-479 B.C.) teaching: "Do not do to others that which we do not want them to do to us."

A "yes can do" attitude makes our tasks easier. It uplifts our spirit, assures that we are less likely to fail. A "no can do" attitude makes a simple task difficult, like a dark cloud hovering over us, and assures us we will not succeed.

There's a true story worth retelling. It's about Andrew Carnegie (1835-1919), who migrated to America with his parents from Scotland in 1848 and resettled in Pennsylvania's Allegheny region. At age 13, he began his life's first job as a bobbin boy, changing spools of thread 12 hours a day, six days a week, in a local cotton factory. He earned .20 per week.

Five years later, at 18, young Andrew took a job at the Pennsylvania Railroad. He learned about the railroad industry and about business in general.

When he was in his late 30s, Carnegie founded the Carnegie Steel Company. The company grew and became the world's largest steel manufacturer in the 1890s -- when he was 55. Carnegie, the refugee boy, became a businessman, an industrialist, and later, the world's richest man, a classic rags to riches story.

Between the ages 66 and 84, when he died, Carnegie donated most of his money to build libraries, schools, universities in the United States, England, and other countries. He famously said something that inspired me: "You cannot push anyone up a ladder unless he is willing to climb it himself."

You Choose

Like the saying, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink," you can choose to maintain your habitual reproductive thinking and reproductive behavior with predictable results, or you can choose productive, critical (which probes to understand, compares to determine options, and selects which is the best) and creative (which generates something new from nothing) thinking and behavior, to reach your vision of the future you want.

Not unlike people in other cultures who have their own myths, Cambodians have theirs. Some wish for the mythical Preah Bat Thoam-moek to emerge to lead them to a better future, and to protect and provide them with safety.

Yet, there are many leaders all around us, in families, at work places, in schools, in non-governmental institutions and groups. As I have written before, there are Cambodian theorists, catalysts, improvisers, and stabilizers, of Linda V. Berens's model; Cambodian peacemakers, organizers, revolutionaries, and steamrollers, of Katharine Giacalone's model; and you can read "Primal Leadership" (2002) and identify Cambodian visionaries, coaches, affiliates, democrats, pacesetters, and commanders, of Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis and Annie McKee's model; amongst others.

There doesn't seem to be a shortage of leaders -- we learned we don't have to have a charismatic leader like Mahatma Gandhi or Martin Luther King, Jr., to fight oppression.

But there is this huge lack of willingness to humble ourselves to reach out to Cambodians for a common goal of liberation, conforming to the Khmers' "A vieach york mok thveu kang; A trang york mok thveu kamm; A sam ro-nham york mok thveu oss dot" -- "Curved wood makes wheel; straight wood makes spoke; twisted-crooked wood makes firewood."

And there is a shortage of understanding that productive and creative thoughts will have a positive impact on our collective future.

To end this article, a Buddhist proverb is in order: "When the student is ready, the master appears."

Happy New Year 2011!
The views shared in this article do not necessarily reflect those of the AHRC, and the AHRC takes no responsibility for them.

About the Author:
Dr. Gaffar Peang-Meth is retired from the University of Guam, where he taught political science for 13 years. He currently lives in the United States. He can be contacted at pean

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About AHRC: The Asian Human Rights Commission is a regional non-governmental organisation that monitors human rights in Asia, documents violations and advocates for justice and institutional reform to ensure the protection and promotion of these rights. The Hong Kong-based group was founded in 1984.


Anonymous said...

Dear KI compatriots,
As one of the strong supporters of KI media so far that have been inspired, a feeling of relief or tearing our heart for the unfortunate Khmer countrymen; KI reliable sources for good or worse news from our homeland, Cambodia we are connected feeling by our Khmers brother and sister back home, the GUN ON THEIR HEAD from authoritarian. Overseas people mostly enjoying life the same as their own home in third countries : U.S, European country, Canada, Australia, S.E Asia..
They barely have forgotten their motherland, Cambodia per se the country of their origin, their ancestors alike...
Unfortunately the leaders of our country sometimes make us ashamed of their crooked leaderships, too hard to be proud of our country ever sought as a great empire inherited as a great gobal admiration of our Art and Culture.

Finally, KI please my little suggestion to you refecting posting Pictures of those Four unhumane persons, H Sen, C Sin, H Rin, H Hong.
To me their pictures are not feasible for so long in here, may be our hero of the month or hero of the year, in fact those four clown they not worthy, just like you do not want to see the wampire pictures and they are not deserved here in our valuable time to look at the most important skill writing of KI teams and to our elite like Dr. Peang, Heng soy, Venerable Doctor Hok Sovann and many other staff writers and editors..
Everyday their 4 pictures are more and more boring and wasted papers when printing hard copy of an important articles for archives;
The printing copies were always showed their 4 duty faces and it needed to be thrashed even sending to recycle you will not want the world accidently see ugly faces of those current idiots leaderships of Cambodia.

Just for a thoughts, KI

Thank You

Anonymous said...

people in cambodia need to understand that changes is inevitable and should welcome it instead of clinging with dear life to old ways all of the times! if we don't embraces changes, how can be compete with the world, how can we be competitive, how can be catch up with the world, how can be adjust to the modern world, how can we learn from the world, etc, etc... just look around us all over the world, there are changes everywhere e.g. skyscrapers suburdan landscapings, more traffic, increase population, natural changes like weather patterns, even people perception and thinking changed too, etc, etc. they important thing is to understand it that it is a part of life, of history, of time, etc, etc... it is not wise to cling on to something by yourself when your the entire world is moving on. people are getting older, getting educated, etc. if we don't understand and don't get out there and see, then we are not learned. yes, like dr. peang-meth is saying, change is a constant way of life, not just in cambodia, but all over the world, for that matter. nothing stays the same forever, especially not attitude, not trait, not character, if we can learn, then do expect changes, etc! god bless all.

Anonymous said...

army Commander in Kampong Cham rigion.

Now comes a new Cambodian steel, Prime Minister HUN SEN.

Let us stop here and everyone should use your own imagination for the future of Cambodia.

Please think of this too: The Chinese ancestors said that the very high tide waves in the wast ocean that can sink the giant ships will disappear when these tides reach the shores.

Anonymous said...

don't mess with nature, you cannot win with the force of nature, no matter how smart, clever, powerful, etc, people are! that's the reality. nature is very powerful, just look at the flood in australia, the katrina in the US, the earthquake in sumatra, the volcano in the philipines, the tsunami in japan, etc, etc, ok! yes, the force of nature is the most powerful on the planet, please respect it!

and nothing set in stone either, changes are inevitable, it's a matter of time, e.g. people aged, time moves on and the world civilization was 10,000 years old, etc... you see!

Anonymous said...

The Tunisian president has abruptly left his country, following violent demonstrations that occurred at this time in Tunisia. when A Hun Sen and his clans are leaving their absolute power for over 28 years. It must that the Khmer people wake up and chase the government of A Hun Sen and clans that sells and steals the wealth of the Khmer people to foreign interests.

Khmer people live! wake up!

Anonymous said...

"a young general extended an empire from Macedonia to the borders of the earth, and a young woman reclaimed the territory of France"?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Anonymous said...

take it easy Doc!!!!!

Anonymous said...

People change, but God never changes.
His laws are as relevance today as it was from the beginning. He has put into effect the laws of cursing and blessing.

He is different then Buddha: He waits for his pupils and not his pupils waiting for him.


1Wisdom hath builded her house, she hath hewn out her seven pillars:

2She hath killed her beasts; she hath mingled her wine; she hath also furnished her table.

3She hath sent forth her maidens: she crieth upon the highest places of the city,

4Whoso is simple, let him turn in hither: as for him that wanteth understanding, she saith to him,

5Come, eat of my bread, and drink of the wine which I have mingled.

6Forsake the foolish, and live; and go in the way of understanding. (Proverbs 9:1-5)

Anonymous said...

របស់មេដឹកនាំកម្ពុជា ទាំងយប់ ទាំងថ្ងៃ មានដូចជា ៖
ពួកអាឆ្កែកញ្ជះយួន ហ៊ុន សែន, ហេងសំ រិន, ជាស៊ីម,
សុខ អាន, ហោ ណាំហុង, ឱម យិនទៀង, ចៀម យីប,
វ៉ា គិម ហុង, ស ខេង, ងួន ញ៉ឹល ។ល។ និង ។ល។
និយាយហើយនិយាយទៀតដើម្បីអោយជាតិ និងអន្តរជាតិ
ដឹងឮ ទូទាំងពិភពលោក។
អោយពួកវាស្អុយឈ្មោះ ស្អុយត្រកូលរាប់ម៉ឺនសែន ឆ្នាំ...!

Anonymous said...

9:04 am,

I am wondering whether you get anything from reading this article? Anything that you can see that you could apply to your current living?

Since I come a cross your comment - it seems that you only call for dispose the bad side of the current govt. And if you continue to do so, you will get the same result!

In this article, Dr. Peang-Meth had mention something that, if you want different result - try to do something for different for a change...thus, if you can change your comment - you might get difference result! Try it for a change...

Anonymous said...

9:28! ever compet in sport runing, swimming, or boxing!

Do not change an give up! keep moving anf pounding! the opponent just ready to give up so do not give up before you complet it!!!!!!

Hold, man just a second more you have a sweet victory!

Anonymous said...

10:49 am,

Ok woman, I can except your point on that..."just a second more you have a sweet victory!"...can you tell me for how many more second that 9:04 should take before s/he sees his her victory? Does the next second is guarantee to come?

Here, once again, Dr. Peang-Meth try to explain which he had quote from Chesterton of "a new year we should have a new soul." - what does it really mean? He had brought a few example to reenfoce his point from the Buddhist teaching - which according to Cambodian official statistic - more than 95 percent of Khmer people follow Buddhist teaching (not necessary believe and pratic). Where buddha said that nothing is stay constant,the only thing that constant is the chang itself! Thus, and if we accept this -- than our "soul" is also change!...So new year can allow us to re-exame our "new soul"? which another thing he said in this article is that "you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink,"...yes, he said that for a new year we should have a "new soul" is up to us to accept that or not...even lord buddha never ask us to believe in his teaching blindly...we don't have to accept of what Dr. Peang-Meth wrote in his column...find out our own...whether we are capable of accepting for this new year to have a "new soul"!

In relation to see whether contemporary Khmer that are stuggle against monocracy regime...he also mention that Khmers do not lack leadership to lead....the main problem that Khmer leaders' society is this "huge lack of willingness to humble ourselves to reach out to Cambodians for a common goals of liberation."

For this being said, also on behalf of Buddhist followers, I want to take this opportunity to thank you Dr. Peang-Meth for wonderful article for our Khmer brothers and sisters of this New Year!

Anonymous said...

12:19PM! You mini strong man!

"can you tell me for how many more second that 9:04 should take before s/he sees his her victory? Does the next second is guarantee to come?" (SIC!)

Life end only when you death if you not death you need to eat, breath, freedome, and other things!

for nation and human-kind the strugle for better of the future is never end untile no human left in the univers or galaxy!

Budhha say every thing change bur no mean chance to a new one but revolve and develop! and you alway have the same SOUL just with more kama! Theb soul end only when you can achive nipeana!

Use your brain to find the truth not lie!

Anonymous said...

12:19PM! There is no supperman! for your right and freedome, We should stand up and fight, not for ONLY yourself but for your children and all human!

With right and fredom that is the NEW SOUL for the world!

Anonymous said...

5:12 pm - this is 12:19,

Hey! I'm glad to get a new title from you "mini strong man" - I hope I can live up to your title...but in order for me to do so ... according to buddha, I have to reach nirvana first.

Go ahead woman, I wouldn't stop you from fighting, boxing, or whatever you are doing...just remember that, that the next second is no guarantee!

I had learn this from one Dr. Peang-Meth's article -it goes something to this effect...if you want to see a fruit of your labor next year, plant rices,if you want it in a decade, plant trees, and if you want to see it in a century, cultivate human being! So there you have it!

BTW, for your information, I have use my brain, but only my brain haven't been use by others!

For 5:57, you are free to understand your "new soul" anyway you want, event lord Buddha himself never tell anybody to follow his is each of us to find our our own "new soul"!

May you all reach your own nirvana in your own way...Sar tout - x3

Anonymous said...

OK! mini Strong man! you and evil Viet not give up so do we!

Live is not a give up looser!

Anonymous said...

4:10 am,

Hey woman! BTW, do you read this article? If you do -- do you understand it? Can you tell me what you get after reading this article? OK woman, the reason I ask is that -- first, you call me "mini strong man" - how do you know that I'm relate to Mr. Sen? Second, can you defind a word "losser" that you are using in relation to reading this article?

BTW, if you keep on calling me "Mini strong man!" - I might like this name...ha..ha...if that is the case, I would want to see you at independent monument during election in 2013 - there a posibility that I can give a high sit in my "mini strong man's regime"!

Anonymous said...

Mini Strong Man! not to the article that I commet but about your stupid comment!

Can you see your stupidity if you stupid to reconize it, my writting is for entertaimen only.

Mini Strong Man! Ask yourself how I know you are a MSM! Go bacl read your own stupid comment!

Anonymous said...

Hey 5:26 am,

This is "mini strong man", I had gone back to the comment, but I haven't see any "....comment"! Please for your own good soul for 2011, please promise yourself not to use the word "s...." that you use on me, or unless you like other people to call you "s....". Well, at least this is what I learn from this article. Don't call people name, if you don't want that name to call back to you!!

Ok woman, enjoy your weekend, don't get so happy with the bloggers in this comment space....keep your anger out before you write.

Hope to hear nicer words from you next time!

Sign off ... "mini strong man" :~)

Anonymous said...

just to curse a stupid toad like you it make me happy! you stupid animal!

Anonymous said...

7:48AM! why you are lazy ti find what is wrong! go back and read not just thing you are right!!!!!!

Do home work would you! People not angry with you without reason! and expect Cambodian to be Budhha!

Do good thing Hun Xen or you face an urgly future! do not think only for today only a dickhead let dick dictatte for the moment!

Anonymous said...

DAILY PRACTICE: Push hard to get better, become smarter, grow your devotion to the truth, fuel your commitment to beauty, refine your emotional intelligence, hone your dreams, negotiate with your shadow, cure your ignorance, shed your pettiness, heighten your drive to look for the best in people, and soften your heart -- even as you always accept yourself for exactly who you are with all of your so-called imperfections.

Anonymous said...

9:25 and 10:37 - This is "mini strong man:~)" I think I start to like this name :~)

Hey women -- if you can't read the long article of Dr. Peang-Meth, than just read comment of 10:55 am - so you don't have to work to hard of thinking with your brain!

BTW, for you information, I am have done my homework for today, I do it for tomorrow, and many more days to comes...I am happy to say the least that I have a new "soul" to work with for 2011, and I hope you do too.

One more thing for your own good...when you are angry, it takes too much of your energy and the energy of the people around you or the energy of the people that come a cross your path! Again, try to think good things, and put out possitive words, it take less energy and the possibility that you would get a good words in return is significantly high:~)

Best, from your
"mini strong man:~))"

Anonymous said...

Drown yourself first or wait after ligtning strike to get your new Soul Mini Strong Man!

Anonymous said...


I don't think this is a good statement. Whatever you said, according to Dr. Peang-Meth's article is like the shadow will follow watch out...hopeful you're not staying in Cambodia...otherwise there is high propability that you could hit by the lightning.

12:00 are hopless and souless...may whichever nimi god that you're follow help you realize that you are capable to be a good person. A good person is person still doing good or say something good, even when no body looking at you or people that do not know you (such as in this comment space KM)!

BTW, I can see your stop using "s..." word in your writing! Good job for your efford!

Just want to know - when you said those words, how do you feel in your soul! Do you expect that the "mini strong man" wouldn't say that the samething back to you?

Anonymous said...

With evil do of ah Kwack Hun Xen and thugs, we will keep our unger till we can joint our unger together to make PEOPLE POWER to greate a ligtning that send your evil's souls to shit with ah Ho CMinh and ah Hok landy!

Anonymous said...

OK 3:36 pm,

If you put it that way, I can understand!

Just make sure that you have a strategies as to who will be replace HUN SEN, for sure I don't think Rainsy is capable of handling Khmer right now! Just look at ministry of Finance while he was a minister - how many his relatives and friends that he had a there!

- Post winning strategies must be put in place! Who doing what, by when, how, and how long? Setting goal - must be measureable. If you get angry--you angry must be measureable too...because if there is no time fram of how long you should be angry...after so many years, you will forget what was your first reason to be angry in the first place....

Pray for peace for our motherland this 2011.

Anonymous said...

1:57 AM! You fool!

Khmer need not to be handling of any kind! You too much braine wash by the stupid communist!

What we need is a real Democracy that wee all (Cambodian) will live as freeman and takare uor destination together under laws and justice !!!

Anonymous said...

3:23 am,

What you mean by "fool" and being a "brain wash by the .... communist!"?

Yes, I agreed with you that Khmer need a real Democracy and all Khmer can live as a free person and as human society!!! - No disagreed on this point!

But - I want to know your plan? How are you going to do that? What stratigy that you have in place? Don't just scream for Khmer to rise up .... rise up for what? Who will be responsible that? When those annocient Khmer facing the Hun's tanks? I had gone through the coup d'etate of 1997, I can see those tanks in front of me. The only thing that I could think of was praying to whoever god that can help me at that time! The horrible experiences that I had, I don't want other Khmers have to gone through that either!! Of course I greed with Dr. Peang-Meth, that freedom is not free -- but at what price? The bennefit have to be greater than the cost of many human life!!!

You and I know, how much Hun's regime is willing to kill Khmers in order to hold on to power! So, that is why I want to know your plan...

Once other thing, don't start to call people don't know me and I don't know you, the only thing that you and I have in comment is that we want to see Khmer live in democratic country and enjoy freedom. So minimizing your label people of being a communist brain wash or something like that. Be constructive in discussion!

One thing that I have learn in American school is that, one shouldn't never assume of anything! because .. you make an "ass" out of "u" and "me" = assume!

So I hope you learn something for today! Don't get angry -- get productive and have "productive thinking":~)

Anonymous said...

3:43AM! WE DO NOT NEED HANDLING! only animal need handling , fool!

Let move for something, better than lost house by house, get kill and prison one by one! Landk kilometter by kilometter!

People will make their own plan need no fools to impose plan and handling us anymore!

You fools anf traitors should move to Hanoi, before it too late!

Anonymous said...

Hey 4:09,

I have good home by Independence Monumment...don't you think I care about my house too! ha ha...

You are not answering my question, instead you still call me "fool"...Let me know when you find somebody better than Mr. Sen...but for sure not you...the way you talk...I don't think Khmer patriate with brain would want to work with you....

Exam yourself...when you are angry...the reader can see through your writing!

I said again, stop calling Khmers' people name...your breaking Khmer unity....the least you can do for Khmer people for now is stop calling other khmers compatriat name...

Somebody better make intervention soon before this person start calling everybody name!!

Don't be happy for a change will you! That could low down your blood pressure for your own health!

Anonymous said...

4:34AM! I want my anger show and so the anger of alot of other Cambodian!

When more of our anger come at the same time and than we all call ah Kwack as a traitor and evil! That the time of what happen in Tunesia come to Cambodia!

We need no man to roule us you FOOL! we need justice and laws that obeiye by all human in the country!

Lost sleep you dickhead!

Anonymous said...

5:03 am,

Since when you become "dickhead":~) I thought your head was normal!

You are hopeless,

Dr. Peang-Meth, how can one get this person claim to be a "dickhead" from getting high blood pressure...he could shorten his life...I am more concern of his health. OK "dickhead" before you try to liberate Khmers from Sen's regime, you better save yourself first! Take some Dr. Peang-Meth advise some time -- it can do you good!

By the way, have you get a "new soul" yet...or are you still continue your yester-year's soul! Men .. don't claim yourself to be a "dickhead", if your head is not "dick" enough. For at least your English is good enough for me to understand!

Why you are so angry with "mini strong man"...