Saturday, January 08, 2011

A Cambodian adventure


Anonymous said...

sam rainsy coviction was he kbot jeat, whil we prepared for war withe nermy Siam ,madness Rainsy he go to veit boder. you clearly see how stupide rainsy dumpes it is?. youn and Siam are not good but we all Khmer must reunited, but idoit Ransy always deviding Khmer, you make kmher weak give great advantage to SIam.what have you done to Cambodia rainsy. SRP company make alote of cheating money from stupid people like all of you in KI, you thinks Idoit Rainsy capable to lead cambodia, he can't controle your stupid street wild team how he control the whole nation.

Anonymous said...

12:58 PM,

Stop your stupid political discussion for a while, will you?

This is about Cambodia as a country with its richness in culture and tradition.

Why don't you write something good about your country so foreigners would love to go and visit the country you claim to love rather than discuss politics when the subject has nothing to do with the crazy Cambodian politics.

Politics here and politics there, soon you will have no place to call home.