Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Court hears bail plea today

January 18, 2011

The Cambodian Appeals Court will open today to hear a new request for bail by five Thais held for illegal entry, Foreign Ministry spokesman Thani Thongpakdi said yesterday.

The ministry hoped the five people would be released once the court considered their case, he said.

Seven Thais including Democrat Party MP Panich Vikitsreth and yellow-shirt activist Veera Somkwamkid were arrested near Sa Kaew's Ban Nong Chan while inspecting a disputed border area on December 29.

They were charged with illegal entry into the country and a military zone.

They could face 18 months in jail if convicted.

Veera, who was briefly held in the same area in August, and aide Ratree Pipatanapaiboon were later charged with espionage for collecting information that could undermine Cambodia's security. They could be sentenced to up 10 years jail.

Panich and Narumol Chitwara-tana were granted bail last week on health grounds, according to the Cambodian Foreign Ministry. It also said the court was still working on the other five detainees' cases. Thani said the Cambodian court was expected to rule on the illegal entry charge this week, but he still had no idea when the decision on Veera and Ratree's additional charge would be made.

A group of Thai lawyers led by Karun Sai-gnam, who has close connections with the yellow shirts, wants to participate in the case and has asked the Foreign Ministry to help them gain access to the Cambodian court.

The Foreign Ministry could not facilitate such a request, as foreign lawyers could not do legal work for Thai defendants in a Cambodian court, the spokesman said. The Thai defendants had the right to change lawyers if they wanted, but had to use Cambodian lawyers, he said.

If the Thai lawyers wanted to help the five, they should contact the Cambodian defence lawyers directly, as the ministry could not help, he said.

The Thai Embassy has engaged two Cambodian lawyers to represent the seven Thais.

The Cambodian issue has become a political headache for Abhisit Vejjajiva's government as Veera's group, calling themselves the Thai Patriots Network, has been staging a protest in front of Government House.

They allege that Abhisit's government is weak and lacks the ability to free the Thais, who they believe were taken captive on Thai territory where a Cambodian community has been living for more than 30 years.

The protesters have blocked the road to Government House and refused to reopen it.

They have called for Abhisit, Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya and many officials at the Foreign Ministry step down for "failing" to help the seven Thais.

The group would also lodge a petition today with the Royal Household Bureau, asking His Majesty the King to help get the seven Thais released from the Cambodian prison, leader Chaiwat Sinsuwong said.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

court by traitor alway come this way ,if HUN said let them go ,no way to denied word from those monkey judge .

Anonymous said...

*Please God Help him by my requested.

Anonymous said...

Sam rainsy I feel sorry to those who used to believed in you.
if we consider the statistice or or national census, we have about 5,7 millions population in 1980. for every 20 years it doulbe the number, now 32 years it about 14 million it just right fiquer. yes there are some veitnamese lived in Cambodia but, if like you said 5 million it must 1 of them live next to every Cambodian house, please give sense of fairness. Being exagerate in politice or in convincing some one, smart people they don't do that, wasn't it right? people will find out some day it make you looked like you are a lier. do you have any concret profe or absolut profe to me does Sam rainsy he truly a Khmer compatriot? really? Now looke into the Past, any one heard about Sam rainsy durring darknese period from 1975 to 1992, Sam Rainsy he graduated in 1978, he knew everything happen in cambodia, why we never heard about him. Just say the truth okay, Sam is chinese, chinese Sam is Chines not khmer he try all posible tools to get power and robe more money from Khmer, all of you in here, you should see the only way Khmer compatriot does to his nation is those who build school and educate people, bring peace safty, build strong economy, strong miltary, try to get more invester, and give deriction to security food suply and build more hospital or health care services, now you see who is the traitor and who is the Khmer compatriat, don't you see? thank you for let me know that most believer in SRP are people who have no vission and never responsible anythings they do, and you are one of them. don't you?. sorry for any gentlemen who read this article

Anonymous said...

7 Thai got locked up in jail in Cambodia because they stepped into Cambodian soil while they were inspecting the border between Thailand and Cambodia , Thai people and their government will do anything they can just to get those 7 people out of jail. But Cambodian goverment will do anything to stop PM from Opposition Parties from visiting the border between Cambodia and Vietnam . See the differnce between Patriotic and dictator ? I am wondering what Phay Siphan will say about these these two cases.

Anonymous said...

6:39 AM
I am so sorry that a smart man like you can act soooo stupid . Sam Rainsy has nothing to do with this article.

Anonymous said...

6:39 AM
You are practicing English in the wrong room dude. The more you type the more you show your hatdred and stupidity. I wish I cna help you because I don't want to see you running around and acting like a turkey .

Anonymous said...

PS . In case you dont know what I meant . Turkey is a bird that got a big body but a very small head . That means , its the tupidest bird in the world .