Friday, January 14, 2011

Do Cambodian men like to wear “Gangsta-like” jewelry? Neay Koy seems to be like that

Chuong Chi aka comedian Neay Koy

The preferred attire for some Cambodian men?
Neay Koy robbed in full daylight

Thursday 13 Jan 2011
Kampuchea Thmei
Translated from Khmer by Neay Oss Dey

Phnom Penh – Chuong Chi, also known as comedian Neay Koy, was robbed in full daylight (12:30 PM) by armed men on 13 January 2011. The robbery took place at Garage Sok Chamroeun, located along Street No. 261 and the intersection of Street No. 186, Tuk La’ak 3 commune, Tuol Kok district, Phnom Penh city.

The police indicated that Neay Koy was robbed by 4 armed men in 2 motorcycles, they used two handguns to point at him and rob him of 2 diamond rings, 1 diamond wrist chain and 1 diamond necklace. The cost of the jewelry robbed is approximately US$40,000.

The police indicated that prior to the incident, Neay Koy took a commercial-type vehicle to fix at the garage above and left it there several days earlier. On the day of the incident, he was driving a Toyota Landcruiser to the garage to check out the status of his other case, then the robbery took place.

Neay Koy complained to the cops before leaving immediately to Siem Reap to perform in a show there.


Anonymous said...

Ah Koy look down at khmer oversea, he said, khmer oversea working like a dogs? This bastard also said, he's rich and he has couple villa in phnom penh, lands, and he can pick any girl he like...He onec tole me that Khmer oversea's home like pig-Nest?? I used to play guitar with hello band...that's what he told me...

Anonymous said...

4:53AM! so what just a guy opinion! and he have a right to but not to say it too personal you may get punch!

Anonymous said...

wout you like to live in nice house built with bloody dirty money?

Anonymous said...

These fucken karaokee, movies craps people came to US and talk bunch of shit! I used to heard them saying shit about people overese...too! I wonder why those stupid people took a picture with them and also give them money..?? Don't you know these fucken people are rich back home...? They rich because they took someone belonged...from Lon Nol's time, that's why they rich? They are not rich because they work for it..? HellllllllllllllllNO???????

Anonymous said...

I meant they rich...because they work for it? They fucken stealing??

Anonymous said...

People work hard will be rewarded. It's not ashame for working hard. However, people who exploit from the hard working one are rubbish and live in dirty lives.

Anonymous said...

Thats what i'm trying to say yall..? These people like Ah koy for example! He came and took someone property and became rich...but he shouldn't say shit about khmer oversea...or calling khmer oversea SLAVE? Whats happening if he came to live abroad like khmer oversea..? He will be working his ass off like a slave in the WEST too..wright? Just don't look down on khmer each! Son of a bitch is lucky that he became rich by took over someone property...? To me, its doesn't meant Shit! because you rich because of someone else stuffs...shit man!

Anonymous said...

I believed in working hard...It does meant a lot! Became rich because of someone else different from robbed and stealing? Ashamed..

Anonymous said...

I reall don't mind...if he didn't said shit about other people...? Its good that he became rich without backbreaking work...Just don't look down and saying shit about other people...I'll kill your ass over night, if i could!

Anonymous said...

I ran to this asshole at Heng Lay restaurant, i went to the table and trying to shake hand and said HELLO! This mother fucker acting like he on top fo the world man..? I was regret...that, i shouldn't, you know its hard, beacuse you use to greet and very friendly when he came to US for the event...?

Anonymous said...

People overseas including working hard citizen even the King Billionaire of PC Software, Bill Gate he's working hard and paying taxes to Uncle Sam, no cheat.
Former U.S Presdents and The current U.S president do not have much Billion or Millions $$$$ moneys like Khmer PM and his cronies....stole from the Khmers people moneys..
Overseas Khmers applied the same standard of the dream of teir life for Liberty, Freedom, equlity, justice for all like their own home.
But khmer in their own home do not have the same right like youns having money and power in Cambodia.
Khmers treat like second class in their own home if dare to confront youns invasion.
Many Rich Khmers like to show off in the the eye of the unfortunate people have nothing but their stomach hungry...
Please be awake...

Anonymous said...

4:59am to robe someone is wrong, these people for some how working hard but I want to share with you part of it, that Many of the femal actress or comedians gotting in Cambodi most of them are working double duty, behind the sean is up holding legs, it's mean TaTa's misetress then getting news stuff.
Now at least 10 TaTas have been resigned from their duties becase of new law require them to declare their whelts. becaues they afread of Misstress suing them exclude of property.

Anonymous said...

He ripped off customers and now get robed. What goes around comes around

Anonymous said...

Ah "Chab Chean" is the worst..! People used to call him a SA PHEUNG PROS? WHORE-MAN? If widow-srey me mai from abroad or in Srok khmer too, want to have fun, just contact him for pleasure...charge your ass..$$money? My friend work for dept. of interior, he' told me they trying to catch his group, but they kept relocated...changing location all the time! This monster even paid the young khmer boy and have sex to experience...?

Anonymous said...

Why khmer girl in here US, Canada, Australia, French, they'r so fucken happy and jump up and down, inorder to take picture with these mother fucker and even paid money...? You know when these movie star arrive in cambodia or on the plane, they laughing their ass off..and talk shit behind khmer overesea? Don't yall know that too?

Anonymous said...

Telling yall the truth! If they showing respect to me...YES! but if they don't FUCK YOU! Cuz i ain't gonna give you money for taken that picture...? HElllllllllllllno...bitch! I'll tell them suck my dick first...bitch!

Anonymous said...

Koy you have a lot, OK to give some
to the poor.

Anonymous said...

ជាធម្មតា អ្នកនៅស្រុកខ្មែរ​ច្រើនតែបង្អួតដាក់គ្នា បើឃើញអន់ពេក ក្រែងគេមើលងាយ។
មនុស្សស្រុកខ្មែរ ចូលចិត្តមើលងាយគ្នា គេសម្លឹងតាំងពីស្លៀកខោអាវឡើងទៅ។

Anonymous said...

ស្រុកខ្មែរ មានវណ្ណៈច្រើនពេក
ទ្រង់ ឯកឧត្តម លោកឧកញ៉ា អ្នកឧកញ៉ា លោក
ទម្រំដល់បងប្អូនកម្មករ គេជិះ៥-៦ជាន់។
ម៉្លោះហើយ ម្នាក់ៗត្រូវតែប្រឹងប្រជែង ដើម្បីរស់ ដើម្បីរកមុខមាត់។ អ្នកខ្លះ ប៉ះក្បាល ស៊ីក្បាល ឆ្អិនកន្ទុយ ស៊ីកន្ទុយ រករស់នៅដោយសុខពុំឃើញទេ។

Anonymous said...

តាមចិត្ត ធ្វើឱ្យផ្កាយមួយជុំនួនមិន សប្បាយចិត្តឥឡូវកំពុងតែគិតគ្នា
ដកតេជោវិញចាំមើលទៅ ទោះជា
កូន ហ៊ុន ម៉ានេត​នឹងកងការពារ
Ngop tov ah koy ey pro se cheang nov bom re youn and ah Hun Sen.

Anonymous said...


Ah nis nov ros samnang huy ah neang.
Kom tae knear ah Hun Sen samlab chole noss vear pi sess nass huey...

Ah nung huey merl ngeay khmer nov Krao brotes. Sro lass tov..!

Anonymous said...

6:57 AM

ឮថានៅស្រុកខ្មែរឱ្យតែមានមុខងារជា...ស្ដេច, សម្ដេច, លួង, ឯកឧត្ដម, លោកជំទាវ, ឧកញ៉ា, នឹង បណ្ឌិត...សុទ្ធតែមេចោរលក់ជាតិ,ក្បត់ជាតិទាំងអស់តាំងពីសករាជ តាត្រសក់ ផ្អែមមកម្ល៉េះ!

Anonymous said...

That's the problem in Cambodia. You might want to live in there but how safe is it?

If you middle class or first class no matter you are not safe.

YUON making us Cambodia or Phnom Penh a city full of unsafe society.

Khmer PoiPet,

Anonymous said...

Ah Koy Ah Krem Ah Chab Chean all are acting like sitting on top of this planet..? these son of a bitch came to collect money from khmer people living abroad only..! They don't care, if you have money to give them, they will interested in you...Don't expect these people welcome you when you are in cambodia? They don't even look at your face dude? I already met some of them, they think we are nothing....FUCK THEM MAN!!

Anonymous said...

The guys who come to perform oiverseas are normally befriended only by Khmer people of uneducated or peasant background. Those educated or classy don't normally go near them. That is whyn they got to observe the dirty, stinky houses of those overseas Khmer. But if they turn up at the houses of classy, educated khmer, they would be surprised.

Anonymous said...

All I can say is that Ah Koy deserved to be robbed.

Anonymous said...

Cambodians look up to Blacks as their role model??? Or Blacks culture???

Anonymous said...

hhahhaa....I'm not surprise...most Cambodians in Cambodia they like to show off their status and wealth by wearing these jewelleries...I often told and questioned my relatives why they need to do this in a country where people can't even put food on their table? the reply was you can't mix with people.....etc...etc....I told them it could cost them their's not worth to show off.....

Anonymous said...

If you have $40,000 of jewelry for everyone to see, don't walk around in Tuol Kork. Ah lngong.

Anonymous said...

Not just cambodia, if some idoit love showing off their jewelery, soon or latter their ass gonna get robbed and stabb to death! Most of people today have no jobs, they will robbing your ass pretty cleans!...they don't care your wallet has $10 dollar in there.. fool! I agree in Srok Khmer too many fuken people love showing off their wealth! Villa, luxury car, stuff like! Some guy told me that cambodia keep asking for donor money to do this and do that?, but villa bungalow blooming like wild flowers everywhere..?

Excellency Bandit General Oknha Achar Knoy said...

I am unsure Neay Koy jewellery which were robbed of USd 40,000....As I know most of Stars(Dara) always handle the Fake jewelery....
(Pich Long)........

Excellency bandit

Anonymous said...

I am unsure Neay Koy jewellery which were robbed of USd 40,000....As I know most of Stars(Dara) always handle the Fake jewelery....
(Pich Long)........It should be USD 400.00

Excellency bandit

Anonymous said...

I seen one family lived next to my aunt house, this family lived in a hut, but they have brand new Honda moto bike 2010..? To me its seem doesn't fit at all..? Living in the HUT-HOUSE driving new car, brnd new MOTO bike...Its showing robber a good steak meat to eat...!

Anonymous said...


So what if Khmer men wear jewelery? It can be signified as as being part of a family tradition. Some jewelery maybe passed down from elders. Why do you people at KI-Media have to be stereo typical by refering to Khmer men as gangsters? Is it because you cannot afford jewelery? Do you refer your child as a gangster if you bought your child a set of jewlery? Get your mind checked and stop stereo typing certain Khmer families!!!!

Anonymous said...

It was 2-3 year ago on Valentine day I went to see Chhom Chhor-vinn. I beg her to sing me (Odor Mean Chey by Mao Saret).
When Chhorvin started to sing I also started to cry too.After Chhorvin finished singing I gave her a red rose and I left. I told Chhom Chhorvin the reason I came to see her, because I wanted to hear the "Odor Mean Chey"

Anonymous said...


អ្នកប្លន់​ អា កុយ ថ្ងៃនេះគឺជា​ក្រុមភេរវកម្ម និងប្លន់​ប្រដាប់អាវុធរបស់ក្រុមខ្លាហោះនៃកងពលធំលេខ៩១១ ដែល ហ៊ុន សែន ចិញ្ចឹមទុកសម្រាប់ធ្វើ ភេរវកម្ម, ប្លន់, រំលោភ, បាញ់សម្លាប់ និង ដុតផ្ទះ ខ្មែរស្លូតត្រង់ ។

ប្រភពសម្ងាត់ : ភ្នំ ពេញ

Anonymous said...


អ្នកប្លន់​ អា កុយ ថ្ងៃនេះគឺជា​ក្រុមភេរវកម្ម និងប្លន់​ប្រដាប់អាវុធរបស់ក្រុមខ្លាហោះនៃកងពលធំលេខ៩១១ ដែល ហ៊ុន សែន ចិញ្ចឹមទុកសម្រាប់ធ្វើ ភេរវកម្ម, ប្លន់, រំលោភ, បាញ់សម្លាប់ និង ដុតផ្ទះ ខ្មែរស្លូតត្រង់ ។

ប្រភពសម្ងាត់ : ភ្នំ ពេញ

Anonymous said...

9:18AM! if you spoice your chaildren with ganster style like Hun Xen nephews we call your who are parents as tupid wanabe gangsters!

Any way your stupid children will become gangsters of your stupidity!

Anonymous said...

I knew, we are all suffered from these actors and actresses and comedian as they are arrogant. Before they became rich they were very soft but when they rich they are arrogant prig.

Lady and genttlement who live in Cambodia and overseas stop give them money (Ang Pao = Gift), stop act stupid, we are worked very hard to earn dollars and cents, these guy look down on us who earned living with decency. In Cambodia they live like king, at overseas they are after money. I used to give them a lots of money, when I were in Cambodia they completely act like Ok Nha.

Yes I completely agreed with you Mr 4:53 AM. These Khmer comedian are not a role model to Khmer people they use abusive and bad language.

Anonymous said...

I agreed with Mr 6:03 AM because these ladies were desperate. They should learn how to behave better than this.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

let that be a rude awakening for being too showy! people should be humble and low-profile, not showy and boasting that they are rich, or whatever! not wise because it only attract thieves when you wear too much jewelry!

Anonymous said...

in america, rich people are humble and keep very low-profile, unlike in cambodia. reason? well, if people know they are rich, they can get sued for anything that happened to the other people, so that's a good reason to keep low-profile, really! i think khmer people should not be too showy of their wealth or whatever! because you will attract unwanted attention. learn from the movie stars and famous people in america, they all keep low profile when they go places, etc! wake up, people!

Anonymous said...

i think, all ah khmer oversea choy mray should stop sponsoring ah khmer entertainer,comedians and singers alike in srok khmer, to the U.S. If everyone behave so badly toward us like ah chhkuot koy.Beside ,his show is the worst.Their show is profane and nasty.

Anonymous said...

Next time, the headline would say "neay koy trov chor plon bat koy"... hehehehh

i just totally dislike men or women who excessively accessorize. particularly, the ones who, with no matter what amount of gold or diamond in the world, would make them look prettier or smarter. i don't see Warren Buffet wears anything close to what Mr. Koy lost as jewelry.

Anonymous said...

9:53AM, Hun Xen Regime is known to be a gangster regime. Hun Xen, Heng Xamrin, Chea Sim does not wear jewelery. If this regime is regarded mostly as a gangter regime then why criticize or take aim at people who wear jewelery? Don't be jealous or hate the people who wear the jewelery, hate the people who make the jewelery!

Anonymous said...

wear whatever they want, however, they are not using their brain because the point is they can attract unwanted attention like robbery, jealousy, lawsuit, etc, etc! use common sense for your enjoyment, that's all, ok!

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Neay Koy or Heng Soy is more handsome?

Anonymous said...

Asian people like to show off their wealth with diamond and gold jewelry. It is nice to be rich and humble. Some rich bustard are just the pain in the butt. They are too busy to stick their nose in the air. They for get how important it is to give to the poor.

Anonymous said...


អ្នកប្លន់​ អា កុយ ថ្ងៃនេះគឺជា​ក្រុមភេរវកម្ម និងប្លន់​ប្រដាប់អាវុធរបស់ក្រុមខ្លាហោះនៃកងពលធំលេខ៩១១ ដែល ហ៊ុន សែន ចិញ្ចឹមទុកសម្រាប់ធ្វើ ភេរវកម្ម, ប្លន់, រំលោភ, បាញ់សម្លាប់ និង ដុតផ្ទះ ខ្មែរស្លូតត្រង់ ។

ប្រភពសម្ងាត់ : ភ្នំ ពេញ

Anonymous said...

oy, count me out! i rather dress in bikini than that flashy clothing, not for me, you know!

Anonymous said...

in entertainment, i think it is ok to dress funny, but not in job interview. fortunately, it's not a problem with majority of khmer people because we know how to dress up appropriately for the occasion, etc. so, khmer have no problem with dressing in beautiful khmer clothes like hool and pamoung and mini skirt and high heels for me. i like dressing up sexy for myself only, not for you, ok!

Anonymous said...

I like it most when my woman wears almost nothing! That is when she is the most sexy! you know...

Anonymous said...

no money, no condom, no way! me khmer lady, you know!

Anonymous said...

You all should know that ah koy is a slave of ah hun xen. He;s rich because of stealing properties of Khmer and he fucks many vergin girls by using his dirty money. He's has rank like police or military. How a comedian has power like ah silly prime minister.

Anonymous said...

12:14 PM,

you're no real khmer lady; you're just play-play only .(

Anonymous said...

all hun sen singer hum si vorn ,phan minh[prom man] etc. they will soon die by hun sen cpp youn 's Nom Pen there are alo of youn secret [youn gangs watching U Quys]they can kill U Quys anytime they want.

Anonymous said...

Koy comedy is very very cheapest, rudest and bring all cambodian cultures down. He used abusive words in his performance everyday. He is detroying khmer culture with his style.

Anonymous said...

Ah Koy is a fucking rudest comedian. Yes he bring khmer culture down with his cheapest, rudest, abusest words.

Anonymous said...

Wow, didn't realize this fool is on everybody's hate list. Met him once in front of Phnom Penh hotel and this son of a bitch acted like he's all up there...when he's only a stupid comedian. I couldn't undertand why a comedian would need a bodyguard....but now I know. When you have that many people hating you, u obviously need some sort of

Believe me, even Khmer here hate this dude. His shows at the restaruant Heng Ly was dirty and cheap. I went there twice and he never seems to amuse me with his silly, nasty jokes. Seems like that place is running out of business. Soon he will have to go beg else where for his money. He makes a lot of money cuz he goes around and beg those rich people.

Anonymous said...

Education people dont talk like this fucking Comedian..You can say or have all the money $$$ you want in Cambodia. But you Lived like shit there. They dont lived freely like Khmer oversea. Cant go out at night without thinking if you going to get robb or urs family getting kidnapp!

Anonymous said...

he deserved that shit...welcome to the real world pals. Your Hun Sen created that environment!

Anonymous said...

Koy is very rude and he brings khmer culture down to hell as he used abusive langugue and activities in his cheapest performend. He is un khmer romodel

Anonymous said...

Ah Koy is ruin khmer culture as his performance well respresent to the communuities.

Anonymous said...

I don't want to watch and support Koy anymore cause he is ruin khmer cultures.

Anonymous said...

rules in Srok Khmer is u don't walk around flashing everything you have...unless you want part of your body that is wearing it cut off.

I saw a lot oversea people, mainly the older ones come to Cambodia and put on their best clothes and all that they have saved up and walked around... even in the markets. They really gave me goosebumps. To what purpose are they doing that for ? To show everyone here that..."look at me, i'm from oversea and I'm rich???" lol They have no idea what they're getting themselves in.

Anonymous said...

Cambodian singer Noy Vaneth wears alot of jewelery also, so I guess KI-Media will label him as a gangster as well. This is the most absurd article on KI-media lately. They must be running out of things to gossip about in their own culture.