Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Four Thais get bail

Anucha Charoenpo
Bangkok Post

The Phnom Penh Municipal Court on Tuesday morning released another four Thais on bail, on condition they stay in Cambodia until their trial.

The decision meant that only Thai Patriots Network coordinator Veera Somkwamkid remains in detention. The court cited serious charges of spying against him as a reason.

All seven Thais have been charged with illegal entry, but Mr Veera and his secretary, Ratree Pipattanapaiboon, also face charges of espionage for allegedly spying before their arrest.

The court cited the serious charge of spying as a reason for refusing bail for Mr Veera.

The seven have been charged with trespassing on Cambodian territory and intruding into a military zone on Dec 29.

The four allowed bail were later taken back to Prey Sar Prison pending their transfer to the Thai embassy in Phnom Penh, where Democrat MP Panich Vikitsreth and Narumol Chaiwaratana, who were earlier freed on bail, are residing.

The date for their trials have not yet been set.

Emerging from the court room, Mr Veera appeared frustrated. He said he would appeal the ruling.

''I will appeal to the Supreme Court. I will fight to the end,'' Mr Veera said.


Anonymous said...

Sam rainsy I feel sorry to those who used to believed in you.
if we consider the statistice or or national census, we have about 5,7 millions population in 1980. for every 20 years it doulbe the number, now 32 years it about 14 million it just right fiquer. yes there are some veitnamese lived in Cambodia but, if like you said 5 million it must 1 of them live next to every Cambodian house, please give sense of fairness. Being exagerate in politice or in convincing some one, smart people they don't do that, wasn't it right? people will find out some day it make you looked like you are a lier. do you have any concret profe or absolut profe to me does Sam rainsy he truly a Khmer compatriot? really? Now looke into the Past, any one heard about Sam rainsy durring darknese period from 1975 to 1992, Sam Rainsy he graduated in 1978, he knew everything happen in cambodia, why we never heard about him. Just say the truth okay, Sam is chinese, chinese Sam is Chines not khmer he try all posible tools to get power and robe more money from Khmer, all of you in here, you should see the only way Khmer compatriot does to his nation is those who build school and educate people, bring peace safty, build strong economy, strong miltary, try to get more invester, and give deriction to security food suply and build more hospital or health care services, now you see who is the traitor and who is the Khmer compatriat, don't you see? thank you for let me know that most believer in SRP are people who have no vission and never responsible anythings they do, and you are one of them. don't you?. sorry for any gentlemen who read this article

Anonymous said...

You stupids comments is in the wrong column mother fuckers. Ah sucker Youn CPP no one wants to read your useless article in here. The hole world already knew ah CHHKAE CPP regimes is slaving to the Vietcong Killers.

Anonymous said...

How are these 4 any different from the other 2? 7 entered on the same time, 7 should be sentence same charges. Confused!

Anonymous said...

To all the parties supporters.

What you did here, you only destroyed your own political philosophies, structure and foundation.

Anonymous said...

This PAD Thai leader Somkhwankid is the only remaining ultra nationalist troublemaker in jail (he was the Preah Vihear protest instigator in 2008). Let him rot in hell in Prey Sar prison and we will have one less PAD trouble maker on the Thai Khmer border.