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Cambodia was amongst several Asian nations deemed to be "not free" in the Freedom House report. Credit: RFA |
Radio Free Asia
Cambodia became increasingly restricted in 2010, while several other Asian nations ranked at the bottom of a global freedom index.
Cambodia was among 25 countries whose freedom levels plunged in 2010 amid an erosion of civil rights and political liberties in the tightly-ruled Southeast Asian state, according to an annual survey released Thursday by global watchdog Freedom House.
North Korea and Burma were ranked among the nine “worst of the worst” countries by the Washington-based group while China was singled out for the continued imprisonment of Nobel laureate Liu Xiaobo, and harassment of his family and supporters in what was seen as the “most notorious case” of events challenging global freedom in 2010.
Freedom House designated Burma, Cambodia, China, Laos, North Korea, and Vietnam in a group of countries deemed to be “not free” in its Freedom in the World report.
"Cambodia received a downward trend arrow due to the government’s consolidation of control over all aspects of the electoral process, its increased intimidation of civil society, and its apparent influence over the tribunal trying former members" of the genocidal Khmer Rouge regime, the report said.
Sarah Cook, Asia research analyst for Freedom House, said civil rights and political liberties of Cambodians took a tumble.
“On civil liberties it was related to this point of freedom of assembly, kind of an increased crackdown on protests and limited space for demonstrations. While on the political side, it had to do really with this kind of government intimidation of opposition leaders like Sam Rainsy being pushed out of the country and essentially marginalized,” she said.
‘Worst of the worst’
On North Korea, Cook said the nuclear-armed and reclusive country remains “deeply” within the “worst of the worst” category in Freedom House's ratings and is “arguably the most repressive regime and country in the world.”
While Burma held its first elections in two decades in November last year, the report said that the electoral process was controlled to ensure a victory by the military regime's proxy party. Nobel laureate and democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy opposition party boycotted the polls.
Still, the report noted that Burma's new electoral laws allowed for the registration and participation of 37 opposition and independent ethnic minority parties, several of which won election to the new assembly.
“It was kind of this balance between a situation that was far from a free and fair election, but nonetheless in terms of political rights scores, there were several small score improvements, given the ability to really mobilize and organize and as political parties running up to the election,” Cook said.
In China, Freedom House was critical of the Communist Party's massive censorship campaign, especially online, to try to limit the circulation of information about Nobel laureate Liu, Cook said.
The report highlighted Internet censorship, violent forced evictions, questionable judicial procedures pointing to political intervention, the enforced disappearance of rights lawyers, and new regulations curtailing the activities of NGOs as major obstacles to freedom this year in the world’s most populous nation.
The Chinese government also maintained harsh conditions for ethnic minorities, including Uyghurs and Tibetans, and persecuted house church members and other non-sanctioned religious practitioners, the report said.
While the ranking of Laos did not change much from last year, Cook said the government’s treatment of the ethnic Hmong, who fought in a secret war with the U.S. against Vietnamese-backed communists during the Vietnam War, became increasingly worse in 2010, Freedom House said.
“One thing we did note was actually more of a crackdown on the Hmong, in the sense of increased discrimination and repression," Cook said.
Some of the Hmong recently deported from other neighboring countries were not allowed to meet journalists, she said.
In Vietnam, a crackdown on activists in advance of a Communist Party Congress created “a climate of self-censorship” on political topics, Freedom House said.
Cook said that the Vietnamese government also tightened restrictions on general dissent in 2010.
“Particularly as the Internet spreads and the blogosphere becomes more influential, and people are using these technologies to campaign and to mobilize" [around issues, such as land rights,] you see an increasing crackdown on bloggers and on online dissent.”
Written by Joshua Lipes and Richard Finney.
I live in Phnom Penh, each morning before I left home for work my wife reminded me: don't talk politic, don't criticize government officials, do your work and come back home.
She will probably collapse by fear at once if I tell her that I read KI Media or listen to Radio Free Asia. Yes good morning freedom in Cambodia.
Congratulations Kingdom of Wonder !
Cambodia under Yuon-Hanoi oppression.
Khmer Rouge said :
"In our Democratic Kampuchea people have freedom to eat & work "
....So does today, the regime of those Evils' CPP & Yuon-Hanoi.
Saddly, but thailand is surrounded.
They better start helping cambodia, and not fight with.
Rainsy it ok, you never see yourself as inable person, and you are good at seeing in other people mistake. Like I said befor, you put Khmer nation interest in the trush, and start to act like street wild beast, very desrtuctive and provocative against your own nation. your greedy and imbitouse grabing power for bunch of your SRP company people.
Did you remmember,a Mass demonstartion 1998, 100 of demonstration ayear, you try hard to stope foreign donation, you agianst your own poorly hunger Khmer, you did it . Didn't you? Now it easy to remmember 76 factories closed. How much it pain when Khmer just about to get up, You Rainsy put them right back to the darknese and claim yourself compatriote. My freind at Suntex factory your people burn his factory down to the ground, Here he told me, I invest 2.300.ooo dollars if I did know early Cambodia are such risky, I would never think about doing any business in here. In CDC meeting with Japan invetor They siad We Japan see alot of portential in Cambodia, But we not invest here, we can't risk our capitale. Now we clearly see you Sam rainsy are killing your nation economice, Now didn't you?.
In thailand Japan invest all electronic and assemby car that produce 16 billion in revenue contribute to Thai Eco. Kick Japan and Viet out from helping Khemr didn't you?.
I ask you stop preten to talk nice Rainsy but you act very delussion dirty trick, to put Cambodia down to the floor. Your leadership skill are not good enought for even make a living very survive, survive in your smale family. don't ever think to run Cambodia. Mike
Dear KI,
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-Real Khmer
Freedom is a source of economic and social development. Without freedom, most people would be living like hell and like animal.
In this article, author has compared Cambodia to China, North Korea and Burma. I am fully agreeing that Cambodia is about comparable to Burma, lao and North korea but millions miles to China. The social and economic development of China would clearly demonstrate that China has sufficient freedom already. Without freedom China wouldn't grow as today.
We must distinguish what kind of freedom.
It is important that each country has freedom of economic participation, freedom of speeches and freedom of movement.
China has only lacked of freedom of creating new political party. But China has allowed their citizen to involve with political participation by challenging within their communist party. China authority has employed 26000 public servants who are not member of communist party from local government up to central government. And China has openly allowed their citizen to participate fully in all areas of economy.
Look at Cambodia ! Have we got this kind of freedom? All lucrative businesses belonged to CPP tycoons. If you are not member of CPP, you cannot make any profitable business at all and if you dare to do it you will be end up with arrest and confiscication.
Come on, we must write in corect story so that Cambodian can learn something usefull.
Areak Prey
For my opinion,Areak aprey, I think that the author means China has influence on those countries.Look at the red. Red represent China's big empire full of blood, power and dictator and more that I have read and learned from China's history.
I have been visiting China many times and I recently came back from China. It's not much different for ruling the country between those countries in red, because Chinese mentality has influenced them, especially their economy are in the hands of Chinese people.
នៅកម្ពុជា សូមកុំចង់បានសិទ្ធសេរីភាពទូលំទូលាយពេក ព្រោះថា ប្រជាពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរភាគច្រើន នៅល្ងង់នៅឡើយ ។ មនុស្សល្ងង់ គឺងាយនិងជឿតាមការញុះញុងរបស់គេណាស់ ដូច្នេះពពួកមនុស្ស ដែលសម្បូរទៅដោយកលល្បិច អាចឆ្លៀត ឧិកាសនេះ កេវប្រវាញ់ គ្រប់ផ្នែក។
ជាក់ស្ដែង ដូចយើងឃើញស្រាប់ហើយ ចាប់តាំងពីប្រទេសកម្ពុជាយើង បានរៀបច្បាប់និតិរដ្ឋ ដោយប្រកាន់យកនូវរបបប្រជាធិបតេយ្យរាជានិយម អាស្រ័យរដ្ឋធម្មនុញ្ញ ស្អីគេនេះមក គឺមានប្រជាពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរ ជាច្រើនម៉ឺននាក់ បានបាត់បង់អស់ដីធ្លីសម្រាប់ធ្វើស្រែចំការ ។ រីឯនាយទុន មួយចំនួន ពួកគេបែរជា មានឡើង
ៗ ពួកគេមានដីរាប់ពាន់ហិកតា មានកោះ មានបឹងបួរ មានឆ្នេរសមុទ្រ សូម្បីតែជួរភ្នំតូច
ក៏ជាកម្មសិទ្ធរបស់គេដែរ ។ នេះហើយ ដែលគេហៅថា a fake democracy !
Areak Prey, don't tell the lies, Chinese entrepreneurs treat their own people(employees) very badly like slaves. Did you read about Human right in China. I agree that Chinese people work hard and much more harder that Cambodians, that's why their economic grow, but it doesn't mean that people are treated fairly in China like Western Society. Everyone know that China is the 2nd World economic. However, people life style are still low.
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