Friday, January 14, 2011

My Rights, My Responsibility (Constitution) Series

Constitution of Cambodia (Sept. 1993)

Chapter III
Rights and Responsibilities of Khmer Citizens

Article 38:

The law guarantees there shall be no physical abuse against any individual.

The law shall protect life, honor, and dignity of the citizens.

The prosecution, arrest, or detention of any person shall not be done except in accordance with the law.

Coercion, physical ill treatment or any other mistreatment that imposes additional punishment on a detainee or prisoner shall be prohibited. Persons who commit, participate or conspire in such acts shall be punished according to the law.

Confessions obtained by physical or mental force shall not be admissible as evidence of guilt.

Any case of doubt, it shall be resolved in favor of the accused.

The accused shall be considered innocent until the court has judged finally on the case.

Every citizen shall enjoy the right to defense through judicial recourse.


Anonymous said...

Sam it ok, you never see yourself as inable person, and you are good at seeing in other people mistake. Like I said befor, you put Khmer nation interest in the trush, and start to act like street wild beast, very desrtuctive and provocative against your own nation. your greedy and imbitouse grabing power for bunch of your SRP company people.
Did you remmember,a Mass demonstartion 1998, 100 of demonstration ayear, you try hard to stope foreign donation, you agianst your own poorly hunger Khmer, you did it . Didn't you? Now it easy to remmember 76 factories closed. How much it pain when Khmer just about to get up, You Rainsy put them right back to the darknese and claim yourself compatriote. My freind at Suntex factory your people burn his factory down to the ground, Here he told me, I invest dollars if I did know early Cambodia are such risky, I would never think about doing any business in here. In CDC meeting with Japan invetor They siad We Japan see alot of portential in Cambodia, But we not invest here, we can't risk our capitale. Now we clearly see you Sam rainsy are killing your nation economice, Now didn't you?.
In thailand Japan invest all electronic and assemby car that produce 16 billion in revenue contribute to Thai Eco. Kick Japan and Viet out from helping Khemr didn't you?.
I ask you stop preten to talk nice Rainsy but you act very delussion dirty trick, to put Cambodia down to the floor. Your leadership skill are not good enought for even make a living very survive, survive in your smale family. don't ever think to run Cambodia. Mike

Anonymous said...

Hi friend,
We are not fans of Mr.Sam Rainsy, but we like him.Rainsy criticised Hun Sen due to hun sen is puppet of vietcong.

Cambodian economy is plunged, not related to Rainsy. Some gvt officials from cpp ( installed who trained in vietcong or khmervietminh called traitors) founded by Nguen minh yang or son nguc minh or acharya mean which was under appointment of ghost ho chi minh became fake Buddhist monk disguised young brother of son nguc thanh( hero), then sent to Khmer krom and central Cambodia, he founded insecurity in Cambodia until killing fields and January 7.

You guy attack Sam Rainsy, may be you Yuon derogatory terms for ( vietnamese).

Some of my friends told me that high ranking offficials from CPP demand alot of dollars from campanies to put into their own pockkets, some companies just have been running, some officials require them to pay for their pockets. Many of companies were closed because of Hun SEn or Sam Rainsy.

Hun sen is the head of ruling gvt Cambodia, he have not really known what 'economic reform' he knows only reform in their family sell land to Yuon, land grab of people, inflow vietnamese into Cambodia to support him in election, sell natural resource of ancestral Cambodia to foreign investors to Yuon and china.

Hey guy, how stupid you are!!! you have no eyes!!!

chao preah bhleung ta khmao
