Monday, January 03, 2011

PAD calls anti-Cambodia rally

Bangkok Post

Members of the yellow-shirt people group and the Thailand Patriot Network will hold a protest in the eastern province of Sa Kaew on Tuesday, Jan 4, to call for a the release of detained seven Thais, core leader of the network Chaiwat Sinsuwong said in a press conference on Sunday.

The yellow-shirt supporters of the People’s Alliance for Democracy and the Thailand Patriot Network are now staging protest against the government in front of Government House for failing to rapidly seek the release of their leaders and colleagues being jailed in Cambodia.

Mr Chaiwat said the Tuesday rally against Cambodian government will be held on Sripen road in Sakaew province.

“The yellow-shirts will continue rallying in front of Government House on Monday, Jan 3, and on Tuesday, they will regroup at the venue in Sa kaew as planned”, He said.

He expected at least 5,000 yellow-shirts would join the planned anti-Cambodian government rally.


Anonymous said...

It is laughable idea to see Thailand want to invade Cambodia!

Does Thailand knows how much does it cost to occupy Cambodia???

Here is the fact! It cost the Vietcong government over 1 million dollars a day with the backing of the Soviet Union! For 10 years the Vietcong endure in Cambodia as if their military occupation done no harm to their economy!

I frankly don't like Hun Sen dictatorial government but Siem should consider themselves lucky to deal with Hun Sen...But I welcome any Siem invasion of Cambodia and this will be the opportunity to drag Thailand in hell like Vietnam!

Cambodian must learn how to kill again!

Anonymous said...

To release the 7 Thai intruder try to continue to make trouble and steal more land...Cannot be replaced of the innocent Cambodian life that were killed by the civilisation thailand every months,year.They claimed the land in that area belong to them .Who are Khmer sorin, Khmer sisaket, Boreiy Ram, Obun(about 5 -6 millions. and further than that. Our previous leadership after angkorian, used to allowed them to steal our land, because their weakness toward the neighbour. (Khmer from, large land and peoples)About 10millions
Our nation leader now must defend our nation. Stop let them. Good neighbour friend are friend.Donot give your nation land to them like in the past.
That why our children Khmer krom, sorin .Sisaket, (some of Thai people have our ancestor blood as khmer) suffering until now


Anonymous said...

Cambodia must do what it has to do to protecting its own interest. PAD Thais are the trouble makers; they are known around the world for it. The world condemn them but they just don't say it out loud.

Anonymous said...

pad thugs, cambodia is not thailand, ok!

Anonymous said...

MR. Rainsy your mentality is not tough (ladyboy), you are weak very weak and you got a avery, very and weake teams, you suround yourselfe with most ignorance people the only skile you and your team has is master in managing criticising, hatreat and anger to divide khmer ahte each other. how do you expect to win, you clearly see yourself you will faile evry ellections. most people they clearly I mean cristale clear see you Mr. Sam rainsy you make a living on SRP party. you don't have political party you set SRP for your own business with a agroup of your weakness people. Let looke at futur, Kem sokha will take over soon, and you Rainsy may bege Hun sen to joint new gov'e. you want to bet with me, your leadeshipe skile is nothing compared to hundred thousand of Cambodian people they are much smarter and higher talented than you are Rainsy. stope being supperior you only see yourself that way, now you forget many Cambodian people they have many PHD. honesely you got bunch of ignorance very skileful in criticising, you are weakness ladyboy that why you attract only weaker people around you, I can't afford to have those people with me. you Rainsy not even have a management skile.lived with your mess and stope cheat people money for your breat and better.

Anonymous said...

Only seven people jailed, not yet died, could make many arise to protect for justice. But Many Khmer shot to die nearly every month, there is no any movement for finding justice for them including Phnom Penh Government.

Anonymous said...

Comparison between Sam Rainsy and Hun Sen:

Hun Sen is a former Khmer Rouge and Sam Rainsy is not!

Hun Sen is a Vietcong slave and Sam Rainsy is not!

Hun Sen is a dictator and Sam Rainsy is not!

Hun Sen was hand pick by the Vietcong government as Prime Minister of Cambodia and Sam Rainsy is not!

Hun Sen owned everything in Cambodia including the court, the military, the police, the schools, the roads...including Cambodian King! and Sam Rainsy doesn't own anything!

Hun Sen want Cambodia to remain the same and Sam Rainsy demand a change!

As you can see the different between Sam Rainsy and Hun Sen are too great to be compared!

It is so easy to blame Sam Rainsy because he doesn't have the power to make a change. For those who praise Hun Sen because every fucken time they turn on the fucken television and they see Hun Sen as their father figure who is preaching in a one way communication to Cambodian people as if Cambodian people are so dumb to understand what the hell he is preaching about! Hun Sen doesn't need to instill fear in Cambodian poeple and if he want respect and he must earn it!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Sam rainsy we like you you help alot of garment worker lost their jobs, and you help closed 76 factories, and you help Siam to acttack Khmer, remmember while we prepared for war durring The enermy Thai waging war you go straight to veit boder. to stope Veit from helping Khmer, you are agood boy that what Thai said.

Anonymous said...

To 1:30PM

Oh? Sam Rainsy help close 76? ahaha
If you like dirt poor Cambodian workers to work as slave and who is stopping you and other dirt poor Cambodian workers to work as slave? And why do these dirt poor Cambodian workers have to go on strike to demand a better pay? Who would have thought that these dirt poor Cambodian workers are paid less than the prisoner in their country! The more you work and the poorer you have become!

As for the border issues and what is a better way to bring attention to the Eastern border with Vietnam?
It is only right that if AH HUN SEN is so concerned about the Western border with Thailand and why not with Vietnam too and after all these are Cambodian territories that we are talking about!

Remember! The Thai government never afraid to go straight to the United Nations to free their criminals from Cambodia but for AH HUN SEN he is so afraid to go to the United Nations to tell the world of the Thai and the Viet naked aggression on Cambodian sovereignty!

Anonymous said...

Hey PAD , even you burn your house to protest the arrest of those 7 Thai , nothing is going to change .The broke the law they have to do the time just like anyone else. Those 7 Thai were lucky because we didn't kill them like Thai soldiers did to Khmer people who crossed the border in 2010 .

Anonymous said...

Hey 12:36 PM
How much did Hun Sen pay you to post the message against Sam Rainsy here ? The article here has nothing to do with Sam Rainsy . Everyone knows that CPP supporters like you will do anything for money and Hun Sen will pay anyone to hurt or kill anyone that he doesn't like .

Anonymous said...

Should burn 2 coffins with a picture of Panich Vikitsreth and PAD co-leader Veera Somkwamkid on it instead.

Should burn 2 coffins with a picture of Panich Vikitsreth and PAD co-leader Veera Somkwamkid on each.

Should burn 2 coffins with a picture of Panich Vikitsreth and PAD co-leader Veera Somkwamkid on each .

Should burn 2 coffins with a picture of Panich Vikitsreth and PAD co-leader Veera Somkwamkid on each.

Anonymous said...

Cambodia,are going to be crushed like a meat grinder with viet,thai,that it especially viet.