Monday, January 31, 2011

"Prum Daen Khmer Seam Kamroeuk Chea Thmei" a Poem by Hin Sithan


Anonymous said...

f-16 will fly over hun sen house

Anonymous said...

In the past Pharmacist are great career but today Pharmacist profession is the same as Accountant Graduate. They are facing unemploy and the wage is keep going down hill at Australia as well as United State. Most Pharmacist are part time empoly only, No sick leave, no holiday pay, work as casual who say Pharmacists are rich is very wrong. Actually register nurse is even better than Pharmacist profession in term of wage and working condition. Please don't tell your kid to become pharmacist that is very bad idea.

Pharmacist in real working world is like a sell men or sell women. The boss push the pharmacist to increase sell or the Pharmacist has to terminate by the boss. Customers don't respect pharmacist at all, Pharmacist do everything in the small shop including cleaning, put stock away, invoicing, marketing for front shop, kiss ass customers everyday so hope they would come back.

Pharmacist hardly advice customer to use the medication properly because time is money.

Most pharmacist really on MIMS software to check interaction. Pharmacist read the MIMS from the computer before they advice customer. If the customers ask hard question Pharmacist refer to Doctor.

Please don't push your children to be Pharmacist. It is not that great profession because everyday Pharmacist meet sick,rude and crazy customers and the wage is going down hill nowaday.

Anonymous said...

Dear Dr. Hun Sen and Ten Thousands stars Dr. Hun Manet,

Why do you and your relatives give Kos Trol, sea and lands to Vietnam? Why? and Why?

Why do you and all of your relatives involve a lot of murder cases in Cambodia? Why? Why?

Why do you murder Cambodian K5, 1997 events and so on and so on with lost count? Why?

If you are so good why do you and your families murder Cambodians? Why? And Why?

If you are so good, why do above 90% Cambodians are so poor but you and your relatives are billionaires and millionaires? Why? Why?

Why do you try to kill people from telling the true? Why? Why?

What is the difference from Khmer Rough and you, Sir?

If you are so good why do you block KI from Cambodians?

If you are so good, why do you steal all Cambodian life such as well being, health, cut down Cambodians life expectancy as well? But you and your small group are eat well, sleep well, exercise well, have oversea doctors and best medical treatment from high class private doctors from oversea. Most Cambodians that have no money, your healthcare system left Cambodians patients to die in front of your hospital. Why? Why?

If you are so good why more than 6 millions Vietnamese are living permanently in Cambodia, right now? Why, Dr. Hen Sen? And Why

Everywhere, I walk in Cambodia I see Vietnamese speak Vietnamese every where, why? Why?

Don't you and your families scare of hell for eternity?

When you die can you bring all of your power and money with you?

Dr. Hun Sen and Dr. Big ass lady and his beloved Dr. Hun Manet Please don't put us in jail or kill us for this! We want to live like you and your families do!

Khmers victim of 1997 and K5


If Dr. Hun Sen and Dr. Hun Manet remove the tablet it is show they are extremely coward and his star are just joy stars given by his daddy not by patriotism. Dr. Hun Manet is very coward as his daddy they only aim to kill innocent Cambodians that all. Dr. Hun SEn and Dr. ten stars Hun Manet are very great at bullying Cambodians and killing Cambodians but cowardly toward Thai and Viet.

CPP are not just corrupted, CPP are extremely corrupt. They are even sell the country such as Kos Trol, Seas, lands, Cambodian people, Cambodian health and well being, all resources in the Cambodia…with lost count. You name it!

Seriously where is the win win policy of Dr. Hun Sen represent? The country is getting smaller and smaller and shame by Dr. Hun Sen and Dr. Hun Manet and his families, his relatives and friends.

Anonymous said...

ឃើញតែដាក់បណ្ដាសារឲ្យសម្ដេចរាល់ថ្ងៃយ៉ាងនេះ ប្រហែលមិនយូរទេ។ អ្នកដាក់បណ្ដាសារច្រើនពេក ខ្ញុំជាយមរាជកត់ត្រាឡើងឈឺដៃទៅហើយ សំណុំឯកសាររបស់ជនពុករលួយមួយក្រុមនេះ ជិតផ្ទុះហើយ។ កុំបារម្ភវាគង់តែងាប់ឆាប់ទេ។

Anonymous said...

ក្រោកឡើងខ្មែរគ្រប់គ្នាដល់ពេលវេលាហើយត្រូវប្រើកាំបិត, ពូថៅ, ដាវ , ខ្វែវ, ផ្គាក់, ព្រួញ, សរ, ច្បូក,លំពែង,ធ្នូ,ដំបង,
ព្រនង់, កាំភ្លើង, គ្រាប់បែក, បេសែសិប, បេសែមួយ, មីន, មីនកន្ត្រាក់, មីនបង្កប់, មីនក្លេម័រ, មីនតោន, កាំភ្លើងធំ, កាំភ្លើងត្បាល់, ក្រោកឡើងជាមួយយុទ្ធភ័ណទាំងអស់នេះ បាញ់និងកាប់ក្បាលអាឆ្កែកញ្ជះយួនសងសិកអោយខ្មែរ

យើងខ្មែរទូទាំងប្រទេស ត្រូវតែនាំគ្នាក្រោកឡើងបះ
ធ្វើមហាបាតុកម្ម ឬកុប្បកុម្ម វ៉ៃបណ្តេញពួកអាឆ្កែ
កញ្ជះយួន ហ៊ុន សែន, ហេងសំ រិន, ជាស៊ីម,
សុខ អាន, ហោ ណាំហុង, ឱម យិនទៀង, ចៀម យីប,
វ៉ា គិម ហុង, ស ខេង, ងួន ញ៉ឹល ។ល។ និង ។ល។
វ៉ៃបណ្តេញឱ្យពួកវាដួលរលំរត់ទៅចៅហ្វាយរបស់វានៅ ហាណូយ ដែលជាប្រទេសម៉ែ ឪទី២របស់ពួកវា។

យើងខ្មែរទូទាំងប្រទេស យកគំរូពី ប្រទេសទុយនេហ្ស៊ី
ទៅ ប្រទេសអេហ្ស៊ីបជាគំរូ...!
