Wednesday, January 05, 2011

The Siamese encroach on Cambodia and yet Kasit threatens Cambodia? Kasit go have a PAD Thai for lunch!

Ties'at risk' if Phnom Penh drags out case

January 5, 2011
By Piyanart Srivalo
The Nation

Kasit wants Cabinet to review relations if no progress in two days

Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya wants the Cabinet to review Thailand's relations with Cambodia unless Phnom Penh makes progress with the case of the seven arrested Thai nationals, including Democrat MP Panich Vikitsreth, in the next couple of days, a government source said.

Kasit told the Cabinet meeting yesterday that he had failed to talk Cambodian authorities into settling the case out of court, because Phnom Penh was angry with some members of the group, especially yellowshirt activist Veera Somkwamkid, who was caught twice in the same location, the source said.

Panich, Veera and the other yellowshirt activists were arrested last Wednesday on Cambodian soil near Sa Kaew's Bang Nong Chan community while allegedly inspecting the disputed border area.

Veera was captured at the same location in August when he and his group crossed the border illegally. He was released shortly afterwards thanks to help from the border police.
This time, though, Phnom Penh is taking the case seriously and is prosecuting the intruders. However, a Cambodian senior security source said Panich might be given bail because he apparently had no intention to provoke arrest.

Kasit said on television that though the government was unable to intervene in the Cambodian justice system, he hoped the authorities in Phnom Penh would speed up the process. Illegal entry is not a serious crime and they do not deserve tough punishment, he said.

"Our relations are improving and I hope Cambodia does not take this minor case of illegal entry so seriously. Otherwise, we would need to review our relations," he said.
Information from the Royal Thai Survey Department indicated that the group had gone just 55 metres into Cambodian territory, Kasit said.

A series of leaked video clips showed that Panich was speaking on the phone with an unknown person and wanted this person to tell Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva that he was walking into Cambodia and wanted them to keep in touch in case "something" happens.

Abhisit said he was aware of Panich's trip to the border area but did not expect him to go that far. He said he had simply told Panich to listen to members of the People's Alliance for Democracy movement, who have problems with the boundary area.

Government spokesman Panithan Wattanayakorn said Panich had told Abhisit that he would visit the border area in Prachin Buri province. "However, he changed the destination. If Panich had informed the prime minister that he would enter Cambodia, the premier would have stopped him."
Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban said the video clip posted on YouTube had put Thailand at a disadvantage.

A Phnom Penh court has charged the seven Thais with illegal entry and unlawfully entering a military base, which could see each of them getting a combined jail term of 18 months if convicted.

Kasit said the Foreign Ministry had provided legal assistance by hiring a lawyer to defend the group and assigned officials at the Thai Embassy to monitor their wellbeing in prison. He said the court would hold the first hearing on Thursday tomorrow and that the group had the right to request bail.

Meanwhile, a group of about 200 yellowshirt protesters, led by former industry minister Chaiwat Sinsuwong, rallied at a border market in Sa Kaew province, demanding that the government help rescue their compatriots.

However, residents of Bang Nong Chan and Non Mak Moon communities were against this gathering and about 800 of them gathered at the subdistrict administration office demanding that the yellow shirts be kept out. They said they did not want their peace to be disturbed and that people on both sides of the border could live together peacefully even though the governments were in a conflict over the boundary.


Anonymous said...

Hun Sen is an idiot,
instead of thinking about to create jobs for unemployed young Cambodians, resolve border with Vietnam..
He looks for trouble with Siams.
That is a distraction, Hun Sen wants to turn Cambodian eyes from where he is not able to do..

Anonymous said...

1:22 AM

Yo can give your opinion for yourselves but not for other.
You sound to have a good knowledge of the international law, also understand well about the bilateral resolution between 2 countries.
I am only an ordinary Khmer and also not Mr. Hun Sen supporter, but in this case, Mr Hun Sen or the Cambodian Government did not do the wrong thing or recreated the problem with the Thai.

Khmer Circle said...

The government is right to stand firm on this trespassing incident, but unless it applies the same level of determination and show the same consistency against border infringements in the east (which are far more blatant and serious, as exemplified by the presence of Vietnamese soldiers appearing on the Cambodian side of the border in an attempt to block Khmer citizens from visiting the controversial border posts) it will always be susceptible to the charge that its blowing hot-and-cold relations with Bangkok over the western border is just a smoke screen exercise by which to deflect national concerns off and away from its complete habitual capitulation in the east.

At least, Bangkok could argue that the seven Thai citizens who trespassed Cambodian territory were unarmed, unlike those Vietnamese soldiers who appeared in Memot recently. So there was allegedly one Cambodian policeman among the Cambodians on the spot, but what report did he send to his superiors at the time about this flagrant aggression by the dozen Vietnamese soldiers? And what response or order(s) did the superior(s) issue to the lone policemen? Further, if the spot was within a disputed/unmarked area (as Mr Va Kimhong alleged), then why only Vietnamese citizens had the right to appear there and not their Cambodian counterparts?

Well, your guess is as good as mine.

Anonymous said...

1:22 AM


Anonymous said...

The Thais have no leverage in Cambodia. I don't think the Hun Sen goverment going to blink on this one unless they hand thenm a fistfull of money.

Anonymous said...

The Thai should declare war with Cambodia - The result would be a win-win solution for both.

Anonymous said...

What these 7 Thais could do in Cambodian soil ? Nothing.
Why we lose our time for that ?
What we earn from arresting these Thais ? Nothing.
Yuons with weapons came in
Cambodia soil to avoid MP from looking at border posting,
you did nothing.
Shukaku is stealing Cambodian lands
in BANGKOK lake
under your eyes and you do nothing ?
You are blind or what ?

Anonymous said...

Stupid CCP and HUN SEN. What happen to Youn crossing the boarder. I hope war break on this shit with Thailand so they cant killed the CCP government! Cant wait

Anonymous said...

Hypothetical speaking, we should steer our attention to this 7 Thais from millions of Youn illegal invasion.?!?!

I think not! I'm not saying not to worry about Thai but Youns is more critical,imminent threat.

Anonymous said...

This situation could be Abhisit political motivation for political gain in Thailand upcoming election that Ahbisit promised to have.

He probably asked or conspired with Hun Sen to have this scenario set up for those 7 Thai to enter Cambodia with secret money flow to Hun Sen (You scratch my back and I'll scratch your back). Ahbisit probably wants to win the election by rescue or negotiate those 7 Thai from Hun Sen and credit it.

Abhisit wants to be Prime Mininster of Thailand. He will let Hun Sen do the same for political gain when there is upcoming election in Cambodia.

It is very interesting to to analyze this situation this way. It is kind of make sense.

Khmer Bangkok,
Charoeun Rongroeung

Anonymous said...

100,000 + Youn Spy soldiers in Cambodia already sine 1979 as civilian & Business person,
They ready to fight when war break up with Thai.If war breaking up with THAI; Cambodia is in deepest to terminated YOUN CANCER is close.
To be smart use Internatinal Law to resolve any coflicts with THAI or YOUN to save our belove Motherland.
Our Priorty resolution in the border is YOUN encroachment and Cambodia Vitenamization.

We have poilitical play to save our country sake peacefully not need to drop a single blood for the Khmers poor people. It will be not SEN, SOK AN, CHEA SIM, SAMRIN children in the front lines to die for it.

Please open eye, Compatriots.

Anonymous said...

3:31AM! you fool is your father was a monky????

Anonymous said...

i wonder why siem parliament took so long to approve anything related to cambodia? and why they have cambodia waited for their parliament, etc?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

To 4:10 AM

I am not the 3:31AM poster, but according to your language I think it is you who are a monkey.

Anonymous said...

Is Kos Trol belong to Khmer?

Why do Mr. Hun Xen and his CPP give to vietnam? Can Cambodian get back Kos Trol? If so , How?

Why doesn't Mr. Hun Xen talk about Kos Trol on TV or Radio or include Kos Trol in education program?

Why king dosen't talk about Kos Trol?

Can KI, Sam Rainsy and patriot cambodian get back Kos Trol?

Rattana Keo,


KI please educate us more about Kos Trol.

Anonymous said...

5:56 AM,

Anonymous said...

to my fuckingself, i think Hun sen should be firm with the ah fucking siamee. do not send Mr fucking Sok Ann to fucking talk with siamee. you kwack hun should stand firm and do not need to talk with siam at all. see mayama do to the ah fucking siam. Mayuma don't event give a shit to abpihit, Mayuma do not event care talk to thai. so we should do the samthing. fuck you Hun kwack kwang sen.

Anonymous said...

you born to cursing to much! that why you never ever work with people, who going to listening your curse so much like that how can you work in the government if your mine just like that?!?!

Anonymous said...

Best solution and peace later on is to go to WAR!

Anonymous said...

siemee is crocodile, and in cambodia, some people eat crocodile! it makes good stew, they say!

Anonymous said...

I never find any good news in this blog. Alway crabs. Who care about the 7 idiots. The Ki team no different than tho 7.

Anonymous said...

I am prime minister concern that Thai can overrun my troops and overthrow me like Vietnamese did to Pol Pot, my son just got promotion and he have not enough experiences. Please help me to find the solution the 7 Thai extremist. Oh my hell I forgot Viet, I have to go and inform Viet now and let Viet prepare their tanks and BM 21. Dump it!

Anonymous said...

WIthin days the Thai will be released without nothing to say (doy kmean vea cha). This is the culture of Hoon Xen.

Anonymous said...

Ka-shit should appologize, not using threat!

Anonymous said...

I think the Government should stay firm on this issue and also the issue between the Vietnam and Cambodia border because they are the same issues.

We don't want to loose our land to either country, Thai or Vietnam.
We also don't want the government only talk about the Thai issue and do nothing about the Vietnam issue.

Please wake up before it is to late .......... Too many ypun in srok khmer aready. Youn is every where in srok khmer so can the government do anything about this or only trying shift the focus on the Thai issue.....

Don't forget that you(Hun Sen) sell alot of national assets to the foreigners for 99 years already that include lands concession, Phnom Bokor, Kos pich, Kos pous, Ankor wat, Beng kok etc...

Now the border issues ? Are you going to sell the land along the border to the Thai and the Vietnam too ????

If not do something about it..

Hun Sen = Mr.99 years = youn every where in srok khmer = politic is family and bussiness.

Chheam Khmer

Anonymous said...

Thailand has two large groups:the
Yellow Shirts and
Red Shirts.
The Yellow Shirts
are royalists and
Red Shirts are
Taksin supporters.
The Yellow Shirts
live Bangkok city.
A lot of them work
in big king firms.
This king has 38bl
Taksin supporters
live in North and
Northeast Thailand.
They are poor Thai
Taksin is a Hun Sen
close friend and
a former Hun Sen
The PAD group is a
greedy hungry land grabber neighbor
in Northwest Khmer.
Thai Yellow Shirts
and Vietnam are our
Khmer invaders.They
are intruding Khmer
along Khmer-Thai and
Khmer-Vietnam borders.
The Preah Vihear Thai still claimed
that belonged to it.
Even land 4.6 square miles,Thai is
holding quietly.
Fresh and hot spot,the seven Thai walked in 55 meters from border into
Khmer land.How foolish they were!
The East side,the Vietnam-Khmer border,the Vietnam govt built border markers far from border,took all Khmer land Svay Rieng and Kompong Cham.
Khmer govt ignored what Vietnam did to Khmer farmers.
Mr Hun Sen threw them in jail.
They could not speak up,claim their own rice fields.
Vietnam govt is pretty close friend to Khmer govt.What kind of friend is that?Friend eats friend,and later it will take the whole Khmer country in the next 30 years.Cambodia will become Champa and Khmer Krom.
Thai and Vietnam are Khmer enemies,but not good neighbors.