Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sinatoons No. 3: Hammer


Anonymous said...

បើលោកប៉ែនសុវណ្ណ បានជិះសំពៅជាមួយនិងគេ ប្រហែលជាគាត់សម្ងំសោយសុខ ដូចអ្នកដទៃជាមិនខាន !

Anonymous said...

Just understand that the enemy of our Lord Buddha are:
1.Communist Sihanouk
2.Communist Ho Chiminh
3.Communist Mao
Go and tell ECCC in Phnom Penh the truth.

Anonymous said...

Dear 12:23PM,
You must be for sure YUON and NO QUSTIONS
Thank you for invading our country and then advising us how to be trapped by your startegies, very dirty trick

Anonymous said...

mech louk pen sovann chong norm brocheareas khmer chorl tov prey ma ky he... tov te mnak eang tov...

Anonymous said...

Sam rainsy I feel sorry to those who used to believed in you.
if we consider the statistice or or national census, we have about 5,7 millions population in 1980. for every 20 years it doulbe the number, now 32 years it about 14 million it just right fiquer. yes there are some veitnamese lived in Cambodia but, if like you said 5 million it must 1 of them live next to every Cambodian house, please give sense of fairness. Being exagerate in politice or in convincing some one, smart people they don't do that, wasn't it right? people will find out some day it make you looked like you are a lier. do you have any concret profe or absolut profe to me does Sam rainsy he truly a Khmer compatriot? really? Now looke into the Past, any one heard about Sam rainsy durring darknese period from 1975 to 1992, Sam Rainsy he graduated in 1978, he knew everything happen in cambodia, why we never heard about him. Just say the truth okay, Sam is chinese, chinese Sam is Chines not khmer he try all posible tools to get power and robe more money from Khmer, all of you in here, you should see the only way Khmer compatriot does to his nation is those who build school and educate people, bring peace safty, build strong economy, strong miltary, try to get more invester, and give deriction to security food suply and build more hospital or health care services, now you see who is the traitor and who is the Khmer compatriat, don't you see? thank you for let me know that most believer in SRP are people who have no vission and never responsible anythings they do, and you are one of them. don't you?. sorry for any gentlemen who read this article

Anonymous said...

Mr. Pen Sovann come on get rise up against ah CHHKAE Youn Vietcong if your keeps quite ah CHHKAE Youn will shallows our country for sure in the near future. Now the time for you to do it bring all the people to get rid of ah CHHKAE Youn CPP now.

Anonymous said...

ព្រោះ លោកប៉ែន សុវណ្ណ មិន ព្រមលក់ជាតិ ឲ្យ យួន​ ឯហ៊ុនសែនក្រសោបយកអំណាច ដោយសុខ ចិត្ត ឱនក្បាលកាត់ដីខ្មែរឲ្យយួន ហើយសុំឱ្យយួន ចាប់ប៉ែន សុវណ្ណដាក់គុគ នៅស្រុកយួន ដើម្បី កុំឲ្យ
ទើសទែងមុខខ្លួនឯង ៕
ឥឡូវនេះ ស្វាគិមហុង​កំពុងកាត់ដីខ្មែរសងគុណយួន
ហើយ បន្តិចទៀតក្លាយជាចំប៉ា ហើយ

Anonymous said...

To 12:41 PM

Don’t feel sorry for them. You should feel sorry for yourself for being a dickhead (kbal kdor)!

Anonymous said...

12:41PM You stupid comments is in the wrong column mother fuckers. Ah sucker Youn CPP no one wants to read your useless article in here. The hole world already knew ah CHHKAE CPP regimes is slaving to the Vietcong Killers.

Anonymous said...

is it miky again. sound like you though. from now on i have to ignore you. you ain't worth a piece of shit.

Anonymous said...

Our country will be the next Champa, because not from one person, but from we all. We should blame ourselves, before we blame other.

Anonymous said...

How come2:11PM?
Can u tell us How to get rid Hun Sen?
You know how to build remote control bomb or car suicide bombs?
If we know and you know and we keep silence that would have been our fault.

Anonymous said...

Not bad ,Good and talent cartoonist love it.

Anonymous said...

It's time to crack the egg....

Youn's secret must come out..

Let have a guest.... is it Cambodia for 99 years??,,,or

Free for Youn but the Thai have to pay ???....or..

Are we rich enough said Bun Rarny to Hun Sen...

Anonymous said...

dear 2:56 your comment that what my next action all ar-hun sen bodygard you need to say good bye your wife and your childrence and ar-hun manate you may not find any pice or born of your fucking dad believe it or not

Anonymous said...

dear 2:56 your comment that what my next action all ar-hun sen bodygard you need to say good bye your wife and your childrence and ar-hun manate you may not find any pice or born of your fucking dad believe it or not

Anonymous said...

ar-hun manet your mother fucker you do nothing and you are face with chalence whold your relative must be die believe me

Anonymous said...

Let the old and young Khmer know about what the Communist VC Vietnam is doing in Khmer.

Anonymous said...

We are vietnam ,we will be a great vietnam soon ,we already control laos and cambodia ,we already put our people and our agents every where in cambodia even in government and in CPP,in 1979 we work hard we send our suicide commando to phnom penh to catch samdat sihanouk,we need him stay with us and support us before we push pol pot to the forest,but the china workers at phnom penh catch our commando and destroy them ,but we still lucky because now samdat sihanouk come to support us by himself ,so we have every thing ,we have samdat sihanouk in our left hand and hun sen in our right hand ,we are strong enough now ,china just a tiger wake up from sickness and china use to lost a battle at our north vietnam ,we will be a great vietnam soon ,long life our great vietnam.........

Anonymous said...

Do ma ah Hun Xen! di see ah Hok Landy!

Anonymous said...

Pen Sovann,
Khmer Compatriots and Khmers loving our mothlerland, Cambodia
we salute your bravery wake up on time to tell the world and Khmers being loving Khmers of Cambodia Vietnamization.

Bravo Pen Sovann

Anonymous said...

we viet nam are smart. we make kampuchia fight each other. hanoi very smart, take one not smart kampuchia leader give him gun and power, tell him to kill kampuchia, he do it. hanoi alway win like this. we do that to champa, we do that to kampuchia, very sucessful, very smart style. don't need viet nam to fight kampuchia, let kampuchia fight kampuchia. next, kampuchia fight thailand. thailand same like kampuchia, dumb like kampuchia. we viet nam just watch. when thailand fight with kampuchia, then we viet nam go in, finish thailand and take over. we will do this again and again to make viet nam very big country like china. some day vietnam will be big like china and fight with china. we viet nam go in, and take over. i told you we viet nam very smart. i love my country viet nam. viet nam number one.

Anonymous said...

Please rise up Khmer! Mr. Pen Sovann is right. He knew the plans or tricks or YUON.

Wake up! Make the movement like Tunisia.

Rise up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

21:17AM! only when the righ moment show!

Hun Sen, you still have time, change for the good! man!

Hun manet talk to your father, boy! your father have no PhD!

Anonymous said...

អាយ៉ងក្បត់ជាតិ ហ៊ុន សែន ជាមេឃាតករឈាមត្រជាក់ ហើយក៏ជាមេគ្រោះថ្នាក់ធំជាងគេ បើមិននាំគ្នាកំចាត់
វាចោលទេ ប្រទេសខ្មែរគ្មានថ្ងៃបានសុខសាន្តឡើយ។

Anonymous said...

to the Cartoonist you are too much you have my respect from me very highly.

so cute. so funny. so lovely.

You are so wonderful. What can we do without you.

Love.. and respect...... USA Khmer.