Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Smuggling remains rife at borders [between Cambodia and Vietnam]


VietNamNet Bridge - Smugglers have been capitalising on the duty-free store at Moc Bai border gate with Cambodia to traffic a variety of products to nearby HCM City while officials struggle to check the situation.

Tay Ninh Province's Moc Bai Duty-free Superstore, which is around 500 metres from the border gate, has become a magnet to smugglers shopping for wine, cigarettes, mobile phones, electronic goods, chemicals, cosmetics and car accessories.

Shoppers can easily rent identity cards allowing them to buy more than the VND500,000 (US$25) a day limit.

They can also collect car accessories at open-air markets in Cambodia, then divide them into small batches which they can transport them through the border gate without customs duties.

These batches will converge at some locations along national road 22 which links HCM City with Phnom Penh and be transported to the city by buses.

Boxes of Heineken beer are priced at VND500,000 ($25) by traders that hang around the super store, while the same box of beer costs VND140,000($7) more in HCM City.

Cambodian-passport holders usually buy as much as they can, given that they are not under an imposed value quota. They end up bringing goods across the border then selling them to smugglers who will transport them back to Viet Nam.

According to a garage owner in Binh Chanh District, who spoke on condition of anonymity, some drivers just drive their cars across border to have their accessories replaced before driving back, in the process avoiding the 40 per cent import tax.

Smugglers employ buses shuttling between the border gate and HCM City's Ben Thanh Market with stops at other wholesales markets, to transport their merchandise.

"We're not allowed to chase suspected vehicles as chases are dangerous and would probably cause accidents," said Do Van Sua, a manager of Moc Bai Checkpoint on the national road at Go Dau District.

"Smuggling buses usually run at high speed," he added, noting that smugglers are usually warned of checks in advance.

"We're not tight enough on security," he complained.

Vo Thanh Phong, head of the provincial department in charge of market monitoring and a member of the anti-smuggling steering committee, said that anti-smuggling forces cannot check every passing vehicle as they are worried about causing traffic congestion, especially during rush hours.

"In fact, we're allowed to search any bus provided that we have clear evidence of smuggled goods to avoid bothering drivers in the road," he explained.

He said that three mobile task force units had been brought into play in an attempt to capture elusive smuggles.

"Each team has from three to four members. One is stationed at a border bus station and the other two at locations along the road," he said.

They monitor the loading of goods at the station and inform teams along the road to stop suspected buses for searches, he added.

"The forces stationed at the bus station are too small to deal with a large number of smugglers there," he explained.

Smuggling is on the rise as the Tet (Lunar New Year) holiday approaches, he said, but is has showed signs of slowing in terms of alcoholic beverages in particular.

"Domestic consumers are now more alert due to concerns about counterfeit wine and beer," he explained.

However, smugglers still risk bringing cigarettes into the country given high consumer demand, even though cigarettes are already listed as forbidden goods leaving importers open to facing criminal charges since the beginning of last September, he said.

"Cigarette smugglers usually travel in groups at night. They just run behind big trucks so they're not spotted by police."

"We will bring to court four major cases involving more than 1,500 packets of cigarettes each to deter other smugglers," he added.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade's new decree that banned the sale of petrol in separate containers has helped contain petrol smuggling into Cambodia given the price margin between the two countries.

"Violating gas stations will face strict penalties, including revocation of their business licences," he said.


Anonymous said...

Looke at KI, Unity, not didvision very few people interested, but Traitor, Ah young Yourn, or Sakava catoon, all of things like this are cheapest commodity on earth, was ambraced by many of readers, indeed its amazed me. it was absolutely not smart, wasn't it?
do we understand the law of spirit, if you focus on negative, it come ruin to only you. If you hate war, pro peace,and if you hate Youn or Siam pro Khmer, what Sakava, and those who finger piont traitor, kbot jeat, or Ah. Ah. Ah.pler, chkot, that how you preach and practice daily, will people believed you? will people accept your idea? will people fight for you, people would not respond to that, wouldn't they? sam rainsy and Ki please changs this street wild stratergy, it going to ruin yourself, Hun sen and CPP they don't read your article only you attract and managtized thos giant of garbage back to you and your family. stop self destruction behavior please if you can't control this mess please don't tell me you are Khmer patriot leader or successfull leader. Why not we looking to Mr. Sam rainsy Supperior, or Mr. hun sen superio, or Your freinds superior side, if you that then you will feel harmony in dealling with each other. Regards Mike

Anonymous said...



30 years = 30%

Anonymous said...

This happen everywhere near communism country. NK Cuba Laos and, Russia the VC theft youn.

Anonymous said...

We are vietnam, we will be a great vietnam soon ,we already control laos and cambodia ,we already put our people and our agents every where in cambodia even in government and in CPP,in 1979 we work hard ,we send our suicide commando to phnom penh to catch samdat sihanouk ,we need him stay with us and support us before we push pol pot to the forest but the china worker at phnom penh catch our commando and destroy them ,but now samdat sihanouk come to support us by himself so we still lucky ,whe have samdat sihanouk in our left hand and hun sen in our right hand ,every thing in our hand ,we storng enough now ,china just a tiger wake up from sickness and china use to lost a battle at our north vietnam,we will be a great vietnam soon ,long life our great vietnam............

Anonymous said...

stop cheating khmer customs, you idiot viet/youn! must pay taxes in cambodia, ok!