By A. Gaffar Peang-Meth
My last column wrapped up 2010, with a recounting of a taxicab driver's "Law of the Garbage Truck." It compares some individuals to garbage trucks that run around full of garbage, full of anger and disappointment. As the garbage piles up, "they need a place to dump it and sometimes they dump it on you."
The cab driver's advice: Life is too short, don't spread your garbage to other people, and don't let the garbage trucks take over your day!
In that column, I quoted the great Chinese teacher, Confucius: "Do not do to others that which we do not want them to do to us." I suggested this is a good place to start as we conduct ourselves in the new year.
Then came an e-mailed greeting card that inspired me to write today's column.
New year, new soul
Classical Greek philosopher Plato, founder of the Academy in Athens, the western world's first institution of higher learning, said, "The beginning is the most important part. ... For that is the time character is being formed."
When is that beginning? If the past is gone, there's nothing we can do to change it. The future is not here, and there is no reason to worry about what has not yet happened. I would like to think of the beginning as the here and now, as character is shaped and molded.
English writer Gilbert K. Chesterton said: "The object of a new year is not that we should have a new year. It is that we should have a new soul."
The great American essayist and poet, Ralph Waldo Emerson, whose thoughts and writings grabbed my attention and directed my curiosity since I first set foot on an American college campus almost 50 years ago, wrote: "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."
That's what Chesterton called "soul" -- a new year, a new soul.
Playwright and literary critic T.S. Eliot was bold: "For last year's words belong to last year's language and next year's words await another voice."
Leave it to Catholic friar and preacher St. Francis of Assisi , who urged: "Start doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; suddenly you are doing the impossible."
'The mind is everything'
Some people think "We are what we think" is just a cliche. Rather, it's an eternal truth.
Here, again, the West and the East meet.
Lord Gautama Buddha, the "awakened one," taught: "All that we are is the result of what we have thought," "We are formed and molded by our thoughts," "We are what we think," "What we think, we become" and "The mind is everything."
Buddha's words find a parallel in "Je pense donc je suis," or "I think, therefore I am," by the great French philosopher and writer Rene Descartes. Just to wonder whether one exists is already proof that one exists.
Later, the often-quoted words of Mahatma Gandhi: "A man is but the product of his thoughts, what he thinks, he becomes."
Is it a wonder that a "no can do" attitude assures one does not succeed, and a "yes can do" assures one does not fail?
It's not unusual to find a disconnect between words individuals say and their actions, and what different individuals do after their mistakes. One wonders what becomes of people who engage endlessly in negative thoughts of others, denouncing and throwing venomous words and racial slurs.
I see hurtful words by anonymous bloggers; I see blogs by "wingnuts" on both sides of the political spectrum across cultures, devoted to what the Daily Beast's senior political columnist John Avalon dubbed "hydra-headed hysteria" -- cut off one accusation and another emerges in its place -- and in hyper-partisan talk and pathological hatred
"Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else," Buddha said. "You are the one who gets burned."
'Your own salvation'
Buddha's teaching, which may be found in other major religions, said: "No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path."
Yet many individuals not only decline responsibility for any unpleasant thing that occurred, but point fingers at others to absolve themselves of accountability.
Buddha advised: "Work out your own salvation. Do not depend on others."
"However many holy words you read, however many you speak, what good will they do if you do not act upon them?" Buddha asked.
And so, here we are in 2011. Let's start our beginning creatively and positively.
"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment," preached Buddha.
I would leave readers to ponder Descartes' question: "An optimist may see a light where there is none, but why must the pessimist always run to blow it out?"
Happy New Year!
A. Gaffar Peang-Meth, Ph.D., is retired from the University of Guam. Write him at peangmeth@yahoo.com
Every wisdome has it place and time!
Not every one was or is Buddha!
With no leurning from the past and think about the futur that one should call animal!!!!!
Be a fish Doctor so you are not animal!
Happy New year!
Some animal remember the past and keep food for the short future!
May be you should be a shitworm! so you would care of nothing but present!
drown yourself in shit you MAY get a new sole!!!!!!!
3:12AM! he is talking a bout soul ot shoe!!!!!
Dear 2:53, 2:12, and 3:29 am,
Each of us need to know who we are, the "soul" within us of what we want to be? What kind of "soul" we have? Self actualization is a long process like tending and cultivating our garden...it takes commitment, dedication, attention to detail and of course with good intention to see the flowers of your garden given the beauty of your hard work. Your soul is the the same if you continue to collect garbage into your "soul" what is your soul will be come? Will be full of garbage - your "soul" is not capable of producing the beutify of the flowers, because you never cultivating your soul to be a garden!
Dear 2:53, 2:12, and 3:29 am, May 2011 allow youself to realize that your're capable to cultivate the "soul" within you to become a beautiful garden, rather than collecting the garbage and being a "Garbage Truck"...
May whoever God you believe in allows you to be the one that light up the candle, rather than the one who always go to "blow" it out!
4:30AM1 with thout 'Garbage Truck" people will would live in a fealty world!
I would sacrify for a clean better society!
Enjoy your guardan and don't step out of your house you may step on many unpick guabage!
Some posters don't know anything better to say to contribute or to reflect on an article, so they just say what they know...garbage!
Keep it to yourself shiet head.
5:53 am-- you are one of them... brainless specy.
To those who come to share this space - may someday you will have more gratitude than attitude and that come to realize that your "soul" is capable to share the beauty of the world rather than just a garbage!
While one cultivate the garden within...you have to belief that you are capable of cultivate the garden outside youself and around your space - may 2011 give you the courage to step out side...and do the "random act of kindness"..."give people hope because it might be all that they have"...hope...
Thank you 6:23 AM.
From 5:37 AM
Your welcome 5:37 am
I think that Dr. Peang-Meth has many good ideas to share with us. He share his time and knowledge - thus, whoever comes across his articles - should at least spend 10 minutes of your time - read it and think through of what you could learn from it. In addition to see whether you can apply to your daily life.
If one had gone through college, one should know how long it take to write a paper (the understandable one). Thus, one should appreciate that he took his time and his knowledge to share with us.
I always like to say this - have more gratitude than attitude. Learn how to appreciate others' goodness.
Have a smiling day :~)
6:23AM! help clean garbage outside your guarden too. the air from the neighbor deffect all weather around the world!
thank the guarbage truc, would you! or where would you dumb your guabage, except you eat shit!
you your brain not one good all good or one bad all bad 9:45PM! If good i say good if cofuse thought I say ,Kar Kar
Read and think too! don't just beleive any thing! dude!
9:51 - this is 9:45 pm,
I think our brain have a lot of capability, one just need to learn how to use it. Just look around you - whatever it is that you can physically see it - it create by human being - that include going into space, land on the moon, etc. These creation are created by human brain of it imagination....think about it! Ah, learning to use one brain is an art in itself :~) So learn how to use it before it gone!
dr. peang-meth is an inspired teacher and lecturer, etc... i love reading dr. peang-meth's writings. thank you, dr. peang-meth for sharing knowledge on this khmer blog. god bless all.
10:23AM! all the creat creation you mention isn't the continue leurning from past and care and past knowledge to the future?
Or just thing about to day and your own guarden?
11:15 am, this is 10:23am - I am not fully understand your question - but here is my clarification on this - we are talking about new "soul" in this article...so my comment is should be relate to this article. We are talking about new year and new "soul" - which I'm thinking like an empty garden, where we could plan anything we want, or we can just dump garbage on it - it is our choice, thus, it is up to us to cultivate our garden on this land "soul"....
Well, when Dr. Peang-Meth talking about "today" from my understanding is that first, most of us carry a lot of anger in one way or anothers, thus - it is a heavy lod for us to carry around ~ garbage track! Thus, if we unload it, it is will become lighter for us to carry around. We have space to obsorb more new ideas and new ways to live our life! pertaining to the future! Yes, the future is not here yet! We can plan, but that shoulldn't take away all of our time from living in the present. Another point that he made is "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." - one should think of this statement carefully of what it is mean "what lies within us" - we have to think who we are. For example: if we think that we are khmer - what does it is mean for each of us for being Khmer? Now you make me think --- what is the first thing come to your mind when you said; "I am Khmer"?
I hope this would clarify your question (if I fully understand what you ar asking)!
Man! that a wonder of wishing!
Ther is no new sould we just get only one so cleane it if you can, may be!
Past give us what we are now so leurn from it don't vaste your time or repeat your mustake like an idiot!
Present! here not to enjoy too much to vaste your time, happiness only a state of mind! Work for the future so you would not get poor, sick, and look like a fool and idiot!
Ever heard a story of ant and citadel?
THank you Dr. Peng. I am your fan. I read all of your columns on here.
We love you ...sir!
Love is blind??????
Love will make you blind: No future just happy today!!!!!
We do need more Khmer peoples to think like this person whom speak and write the intellegence comments such as this one. I am applaus to you and Dr Peng-Meth in this way of thinking.
"I think that Dr. Peang-Meth has many good ideas to share with us. He share his time and knowledge - thus, whoever comes across his articles - should at least spend 10 minutes of your time - read it and think through of what you could learn from it. In addition to see whether you can apply to your daily life.
If one had gone through college, one should know how long it take to write a paper (the understandable one). Thus, one should appreciate that he took his time and his knowledge to share with us.
I always like to say this - have more gratitude than attitude. Learn how to appreciate others' goodness".
dont just accepted use your brain!
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