Monday, January 03, 2011

[Thai Defense minister] Gen Prawit blamed for 7 Thais' arrest

Prawit Wongsuwon (Photo: TNA)
Bangkok Post

Chaiwat Sinsuwong, a core leader of Thailand Patriot Network, claimed on Monday that he had received information that Defence Minister Prawit Wongsuwon was behind the arrest of the seven Thais by Cambodian troops on Dec 29.

He said Gen Prawit had contacted a Cambodian commander of a border army division, asking they arrest the Thais, who include a yellow-shirt network co-leader Veera Somkwamkid and a Democrat MP.

Mr Chaiwat said he had instructed yellow-shirts in the provinces planning to join rally against Cambodia at Government House to instead head directly to Sa Kaeo province.

He said that after the mass rally in Sa Kaeo tomorrow, the yellow-shirts will regroup at Government House in Bangkok to continue their protest.

It was reported that the yellow-shirts gathered at Government House were dismantling the rally tents and packing their belongings in preparation for joining the planned rally in Sa Kaeo tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

pad thugs are a bunch of retired, bygone era of siems who dream of stealing preah vihear from cambodia. and they have nothing better to do anymore, so they go into trouble-maker in thailand society everywhere and they want to include cambodia in their trouble-making scheme in thailand. pad thugs are nothing, they are a bunch of unruly people that near their last section of their life on earth as the get a lot older and older. they want to make as much trouble as they can and with the support of their blind gov't they are doing just that!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

siem pad thugs are stupid, senile people. they are not aware that their action reveal to the world that it is thailand's internal, political problem, and not really a problem with cambodia, etc... if thailand respect the international treaty of 1907 in regards to the border issue, etc, then there is no problem in the first place. the issue is thailand with their crazy pad thugs people do not respect the international treaty. they are narcissitic people as they only think about their interest, etc, without regard how cambodia think about their greed, stupid way like that! and they still want cambodia to cooperate or agree with them? give me a break! go back to nanchoa province of china already, really! give back all of the original khmerland back to cambodia, ok!

Anonymous said...

Ah Siam thugs is continuing the same tactic as YIAY CHI TA CHI when they sent to provoks Khmer in Prasat Preah Vihear.
They want to re-raise the sentiment voices to support Abhi-Shit Gov't, this trick playing is dangerous indeed. While Ah Siamese usuing bad trick on us Ah Yuon Healthier geting more prosprious economically, they open more trade chanal between Kampuchea/Yuon.

Anonymous said...

-we need mental toughness to be eficiency leader.
-leader should have higher standard.
- he should be capable inlfuent people positively by demostrate himself willing to serve. Must let people know he is there for them so that people will listen and work hard for his command.
- Leader must be strickness and discipline.
He must make it clear betweent punishment and rewards.
Mr. sam rainsy don't have that quality. Mr Sam rainsy,he is very kind, and a significant selfe importance over service, he tend to be peac relax and easy and interest in comfort complacence zone, this will only attract weaker, weaker, and wearker people. he Mr. Sam rainsy is very, very, and very weakness leader. he must prepared to change, yes he must chang himselfe first that the first step to be winner characteristice. sorry if it means to insult you, but every body needs feed back.

Anonymous said...

If they crossed into the Cambomdian border illegal, Cambodia has the right to arrest them, that is ok. The problem is . a lot of Vietnamesse are living in Cambodia illegal but Cambodia has NO eyes to see them because they are Slave of Viet.

Anonymous said...

1:31 AM,
why you blame Sam Rainsy this topic is only Thai and Khmer only. You can not speak with restricted topic. Your boss is blind, you are blind like them too. Viet are living illegal near your house, you don't see them or Kan Douch Youn you Chouy Srourl made you blind too?

Anonymous said...

instead of complaining about viet illegally living and legally doing businesses in cambodia, why not do something about it if you're so to make a difference. any suggestion?

Anonymous said...

Thai invade Cambodia Mr.Hun Xen won't go to UN but only 7 Thai invade Cambodia Thai government go to UN. Why doesn’t Hun XEn care about his country and people like Thai do? I think Hun Xen afraid of losing his power than losing his Country and Cambodians.

Why doesn’t Hun Xen scream about 7 millions Vietnamese in Cambodia? It is nearly 50% of total Cambodia population already.
God will punish Mr. Hun Xen and his family soon because of his sins that he and his family created in their life.

He and his family can't escape eternity punish in hell. He can't bribe God with his wealth at all. You killed a lot of people, you make a lot of people suffer and you know God do has eyes. God will punishing you for eternity and lock you and your family in hell forever.

When you and your family die they can't bring that billions of dollars to bribe Hell at all.

Hun Xen, the people that you killed they come to you and your family every night.
Hun Sen forces everyone that work at TV station, Radio station and News paper to pro him only even he do very very wrong things for the Nation, Cambodia and Cambodian. The media in Cambodia must say nice thing about him even He killed and chop the whole Cambodia give to Thai or Viet. Today Mr. Hun Sen imports over 5 millions Vietnamese into Cambodia legally with make up to 40% of Vietnamese in total Cambodia population. Soon Vietnamese will declare Cambodia belong to them.

Hun Sen is killing Khmer nation. Hun Sen murdered over 5000 Cambodians at 1997. He is a criminal against Humanity. Hun Sen makes real Cambodians suffer everyday.

You have power and kill a lot of Khmer but you are powerless fighting against your own ageing everyday. Soon your time is over and you can't escape death at all. Your power, your wealth and the people that kiss your ass won't help you at that time.
Rattana Keo,


All Khmer nationalist we are going to die once day. Please don't scare of Mr.Hun Xen blackmail and his evil. We shall die in good name rather living as his slaves. We shall die in the name of patriot rather in the name of traitor as Mr. Hun Xen and his family plus his followers. God will stand by us all.

Anonymous said...

Taksin is close dearly friend to Hun Sen.He will want to be Vietnam slave like Hun Sen.The Red Shirt Taksin supporters in Bangkok
give message to Khmer slave Viet commander to arrest those seven Thais in Khmer-Thai border or not?
The Khmer proverb said,"the homeland ghost gives a hand,the jungle ghost not dare to go in".
Mr.Taksin just keeps quiet,sleeps well,and eats well in a peaceful place.

Anonymous said...

Yep, i agree! Thailand submit letter to UN because of 7 Thais arrested by cambodian soldiers, but Hun Sen did nothing when Thailand invaded Preah vihera lands..? Hun Sen done nothing with our border from the EAST..??