Saturday, January 01, 2011

Thai officials conduct investigation to secure release of Thai detainees in Cambodia

BANGKOK, Jan 1 (MCOT online news) – The Thai government has assigned officials to inspect the area where seven Thais were taken into custody by the Cambodian army Wednesday to gather information to contest a court trial in Phnom Penh, Secretary-General to the Foreign Minister Chavanont Intarakomalsut said on New Year’s Day.

The investigation by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Royal Thai Survey Department will determine if the group intruded into Cambodian territory and how far. If they trespassed as far as one kilometre as said in some news report, it is deemed an offense, Mr Chavanont said.

The Thai government continues to help seven Thais including Bangkok Democrat MP Panich Vikitsreth and members of the so-called 'Yellow Shirt' People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) protest movement after they were detained by Cambodian troops Wednesday as they inspected the border of Thailand’s Sa Kaeo province and Cambodia's Banteay Meanchey province.

They have been held in prison after they were charged by the Court with illegal entry and illegally entering a military base along the border, crimes which in Cambodia carry penalties of up to six months and one year, respectively.

MP Panich’s wife Phachareeporn Vikitsreth on Saturday flew to visit her husband. It was expected that she would be allowed to see him in one or two days.

Mr Chavanont said next week when the case is brought to court, it will become clearer and the Thai-retained lawyer can seek bail immediately. It depends upon the court whether to grant bail or not.

The Thai government is not ignoring to help the seven detainees. Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya met his Cambodian counterpart Hor Namhong seeking cooperation and Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva is concerned and ordered securing their quick release.

However, the issue will not have an impact on the relations of the two countries, the secretary-general said.


Anonymous said...

Release all khmers people from your jail first idiot! I hope khmer soldier shoot and killed all thai tresspass next time! don't hesitate...

Anonymous said...

You already said that those 7 Thai people have been about 1000 meters inside Cambodia and you saw those pictures too. No need to investigate .

Anonymous said...

i told you, the 7 siems illegal were looking for thaksin in cambodia!

Anonymous said...

Please all people who share in KI bloge
Any pieces of good news people will share 2 to 3 freinds, and any bad news they will share 12 to 13 friends, and any supper bad news they will shared to millions, and make millions felt down to the lowest level as the story goes, it up set and brougd fearful fast heart bitting to millions of them. Please help, educate, share wishdom, and be the one who carried the light to inspire people to reach more greater life. Regards

Anonymous said...

and let us not forget, and they plot to steal preah vihear temple from cambodia too, you know! like they KR said, 7 troublemakers done is better for society and country!

Anonymous said...

Two people wanted to
sleep in the middle;
They were just arguing each other who would be slept in the center;we needed a judge,the UN.If the United Nation would ignore this matter,Khmer govt should decide what it would want.
I was looked so blue in my heart with Khmer govt at the East side,Viet-Khmer border,Hun Sen govt did not catch Vietcongs who encroached 100 meters in Kompong Cham.
Six million Vietnamese citizens
live peacefully without bails;ten thousand Viet soldiers were hiding in seven rubber fields in seven provinces.Could he see,know it?
Cambodia takes side like this,hates Thai,loves Vietnam.
Khmer won't be safe country,Thai will treat Khmer pretty bad.
I wish Hun Sen will release seven Thai and Thai should release Khmer from jails.
So, Khmer and Thai are able to live peace and prosperity.

Anonymous said...

Cambodian Govts should not listening to Thai demanding/order, until our people release from jail in Thailand! Stop be gentle with Thailand, because they never respect us, they shoot at our people first before they asking...

Anonymous said...

Should burn 2 coffins with a picture of Panich Vikitsreth and PAD co-leader Veera Somkwamkid on it instead.

Should burn 2 coffins with a picture of Panich Vikitsreth and PAD co-leader Veera Somkwamkid on it instead.

Should burn 2 coffins with a picture of Panich Vikitsreth and PAD co-leader Veera Somkwamkid on it instead.

Should burn 2 coffins with a picture of Panich Vikitsreth and PAD co-leader Veera Somkwamkid on it instead.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen should realize that Thai soldier open fire at khmer unarmed people firt before they asking...where are you going?? Thailand never obey the Human Rights Laws at all..? Khmer People got killed, raped by Thai soldier daily along the border. I urge khmer soldier to open their eyes and help protecting our people!!Shoot back at those Thai black soldiers!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

just rape these 7 fucking thai, and make them clean the Jail. charge money from food they eat and space they stay.

Anonymous said...

Why Khmer are always lazy to investiget on the Thai killed Khmer.

Anonymous said...

When Thai killed thousands of khmers since 1975 to today why don't Thai bring that to UN? Why? If you ask people that used to stay at the Thai Camp they will agree with me that Thai killed thousands of khmers life including defendless women, children and elderly of cambodian. United Nation! Where is the justice for khmers life that have been murdered by Thai army???

Anonymous said...

siem must be crazy to repeat illegal activity in khmerland! pad thugs are a bunch of terrorists, you know! just look at their activities! they did that inside their country and they think they can do the same in cambodia. i say put them all in prey sar!