Monday, January 03, 2011

Thai PM: Preah Vihear dispute won’t affect Thai-Cambodian relations

BANGKOK, Jan 3 (MCOT online news) - As Thai-Cambodian relations remain strained over the UNESCO according World Heritage site status to the ancient Preah Vihear temple, Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva on Monday pledged that the neighbouring countries will not let the issue affect their bilateral relations.

The Thai prime minister made his statement in response to being asked about the government's policy on Thai-Cambodian relations this year.

Mr Abhisit said he does not want to see renewed tension between the two kingdoms, but he conceded that each country has to protect its national interest.

"The current approach is ‘Do not raise the World Heritage issue (of the Preah Vihear Temple) as a problem,’" said the Thai premier. "What we earlier agreed with Cambodia is that we would let the appropriate officials talk to each other to prevent intensifying the conflict."

Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister Sok An will meet with Thai Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Suwit Khunkitti in Thailand in January, said Mr Abhisit.

“We hope to see progress in the talks to avoid rising tensions during the upcoming session of the World Heritage Committee (WHC) scheduled to be held in June,” the Thai prime minister said.

Mr Abhisit said he will not schedule new meetings with his Cambodian counterpart Mr Hun Sen to discuss the border dispute as they can meet at meetings of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).

The World Court ruled in 1962 that the Preah Vihear temple belonged to Cambodia, although its primary entrance lies in Thailand.

The historic structure has long been a point of contention between the two Asian neighbours as the exact boundary through the surrounding grounds remains in dispute, with occasional military skirmishes claiming a number of lives.

On July 7, 2008, UNESCO listed Preah Vihear temple as a World Heritage site. Under the terms of the listing, Cambodia is required to submit a management plan for WHC approval.

The WHC last July postponed its discussion of Cambodia’s management plan for the site to its meeting in Bahrain in June this year, as it was opposed by the Thai delegation which held that the plan was not submitted in accordance with standard WHC procedures.


Anonymous said...

If thai government want to make the conflict with cambodia ,it's thai lost and hanoi vietnam will gain every thing.

Anonymous said...

often, these countries failed to understand that changes are inevitable and that they have to learn to live side by side as we all shared the same borders whether we want to or not. so, they all should focus on find a sound, reasonable, solution and compromise, etc, or they know no peace in this region. can't just ignore cambodia just because others labeled us underveloped, poor, third-word, or lack or this or that, etc... if you people do that, than you are not using your head either, ok! they say two wrongs don't make it right. if you you are a true leader, than look for ways to compromise and work things out. violence is not the only way and not necessary in this day and age, really! otherwise, you will lose creditial as an effective leader of the international community, etc... thus, it is ridiculous to even boast your country as the developed, or world leader etc. country like cambodia can forgive but we never forget when you do injust to our country, etc...

Anonymous said...

-we need mental toughness to be eficiency leader.
-leader should have higher standard.
- he should be capable inlfuent people positively by demostrate himself willing to serve. Must let people know he is there for them so that people will listen and work hard for his command.
- Leader must be strickness and discipline.
He must make it clear betweent punishment and rewards.
Mr. sam rainsy don't have that quality. Mr Sam rainsy,he is very kind, and a significant selfe importance over service, he tend to be peac relax and easy and interest in comfort complacence zone, this will only attract weaker, weaker, and wearker people. he Mr. Sam rainsy is very, very, and very weakness leader. he must prepared to change, yes he must chang himselfe first that the first step to be winner characteristice. sorry if it means to insult you, but every body needs feed back. Mike

Anonymous said...