Sunday, January 09, 2011

Thai soldiers shooting on 11 Cambodians, 1 died

08 January 2011
By Sok Sophalmony
Radio Free Asia
Translated from Khmer by Soy
Click here to read the article in Khmer

Thai soldiers shot on 11 Cambodians, causing 1 death and 1 injured, while these Cambodians were crossing the border from Cambodia’s Oddar Meanchey province to work as wood loggers in Tapraya district, Sakaeo province, Thailand.

Vat Han, the Banteay Chhmar commune chief, located in Thmor Puok district, Banteay Meanchey province, reported that Cambodian border defense troops have indicated that Thai soldiers shot on Cambodians in the morning of 07 January.

Vat Han added: “The information indicated that there was a fatal injury: one dead among the 11 villagers, 7 of whom come from my village. They left q from our village, Dangrek village, and they went to border post 27, then they cross the border post to enter Thai territories. The information indicated that they went to log wood in Thailand and the Thai troops surrounded them and shot them.”

The Thmor Puok local authority indicated that there were 11 Cambodians who sustained the shooting of Thai troops, they live in Banteay Chhmar and Kok Romiet communes, Thmor Puok district, Banteay Meanchey province: “Border [officials] reported that [the incident took place] near Thmor Sor, close to border post 28. What we know is that there was one dead and one injured. The Thais shoot them inside Thailand’s Tapraya district. I don’t know the victim’s last name, but his first name is Sambath. He is between 33 and 35. The other victim is Seut, he was injured but I don’t know if it serious or not.”

Chan Kosal, the Bantey Meanchey provincial police commissioner, said that the body of the Cambodian man assassinated by the Thai soldiers is still inside Thai territories, and the Cambodian authority is asking Thailand to return his body back home for funeral.


Anonymous said...

You are coward, inhumane and unlawful. You never live in peace. God, Buddha knows how you did.

Anonymous said...

Your stupid Khmers, if Ah Thais shoot your people, shoot them back, why put them in jail? How long Khmers will become smart people like Youns and Siems?

Anonymous said...

Thai soldier shot khmer people because thai want khmer to jump up beet them back but khmer hold on thier temper.may be hold on ,not last longer ,if time 's out .stuck will come.

Anonymous said...

All Khmers should know who is your enemies, not khmer people. You must be united to survive. Khmer Leaders have to think deep what to do , not fight each other. It is very painful to see our people hurt or kill by foreigners.

Anonymous said...

hun sen is a dog,and i am not just talking about any kind of dog,i'm talking a vishes killers dog and if you looked at a dog life they only known to have one master and he will do any thing to protect his master.never trust viet,you don't know what they can do to us.

Anonymous said...

we know it is illegal to enter Thailand for logging, but killing them is very cruel. I wish Cambodian government express stronger reaction to the Thai Government.

Anonymous said...

Oh my God, not again...

Anonymous said...

Thai and Youn want to muder Khmer every day.
In 1981 one afternoon when I was in Khao I dang Camp .I saw with with own eyes and with American medical staff team .Thai soldier guard shoot many Khmer who are just want to come in to stay under united nation Care. Our tear dropped with very sorrow .They murder Khmer every day, month, Where the law to protect our people life. At the outside world even the dogs or cats were killed by anyone, these people were punished by the law.
Why do they allow all these murder to kill until now?

The Cambodian Government must act quickly and strongly for murder case other why, all our nation life's were cheap than animal including Khmer government member also.

We arrested them for the law.
They kill us more than thirty years.

Kon Khmer

Anonymous said...

Thai has enjoyed shooting at khmers and no one put the STOP at it. Shame at khmers leaders

Anonymous said...

Since the are countless Cambodian people are dying at the hand Siem military thugs along Cambodia-Siem border and it is about time that Cambodian government commission a memorial site along the border with big monument dedicate to Siem atrocity committed on the Cambodian people like the one at Choeung Ek!

Anonymous said...

where are the human rights people to look into this evil act by siem! if they continue to kill khmer civilian like this, next time khmer soldiers will shoot back at their illegal people as well. watch, it's only a matter of time, i think! they chose not to use the law! they will soon learn from them like this, you know!

Anonymous said...

let the 7 illegal siems rot in prey sar after this shooting on khmer civilians!

Anonymous said...

we must do what ever it takes to our people lives. If they used guns as the result to solve the problems that is on going, we too must stand up and protecting our interest. We know that the Siem and Youn are no friend to us. Please stop beleiving in them. One advise for all Khmer People,if they shoot us, shoot them back. if they take our land, let's go take their land back. stop being pussy taking that pounds.fuck them all. let do it and quit talking shit like ah HUN SEN that only used words and did nothings for us. they shot our people. kill the 7 Thai that we captured. forget about the diplomates.

Anonymous said...

They took our land and People
Khmer sorin,sisaket,Buriram...Khmer kampuchea krom,koh tral.. and kill khmer every month and day .What is the world are we living in.

Gorvernment took khmer rouge leader to the court.why do they took these evil unhumabeing in the court? Many years killing.

If they cannot do that.Why donot they take and shoot them back.
We have suffered and lost enought. Human right should make a stupa put along the border for all inocnt Cambodian lives were kill by thai solder.

To stop them.Maybe we have no choice shoot them back.


Anonymous said...

Fucken Siems. The 7 Thai violated our border and we arrested them and put them on trial. We were so humane toward them. When we Khmer violated their border they shoot and killed us. WE should shoot and kill the bastard Thai trepassers from now on.

Anonymous said...

you FUCKEN want to know what the fuck i think???....KHMER SHOULD HAVE NO PITY AND SHOOT BACK AT NOT JUST THAT ONE PERSON WHO CROSS THE BORDER BUT THEIR WHOLE FUCKEN FAMILY. Quit trying to hold back on being calm towards those BITCHES because they only gonna take it ask a WEAKNESS,i fucken starting to want to hate this shit. KHMER STEP UP TO THESE FUCKEN LOOSER AZZ THAI AND STEP DOWN ON THEM.

Anonymous said...

Who set up this stupid border ?
You can't separate us Khmer from each other for another decade.
Late or soon we will reunite and live together in peace and defend the territorial of our ancestors.

Anonymous said...

The Traitor dictator Hun Xen is the dog!!!
Siams and youn kill khmer people everyday and have no probleme with the dictaor regime under ah Traitor Hun Xen,because the traitor Hun Xen want to kill the own people too!!!!
Hun Xen kills khmer people one by one everyday!!!
So we all khmer have to stand up!!!

Anonymous said...

The Traitor dictator Hun Xen is the dog!!!
Siams and youn kill khmer people everyday and have no probleme with the dictaor regime under ah Traitor Hun Xen,because the traitor Hun Xen want to kill the own people too!!!!
Hun Xen kills khmer people one by one everyday!!!
So we all khmer have to stand up!!!

Anonymous said...

Thai soldiers have been barbaric for a long time.They have treated khmer unfairly, and have killed khmers in cold blood.

Khmer refugees were shot and killed on the spot.The UN had tried to reduce abuse with physical harm by Thai soldiers frequently.

Thai government shows interest and cares for its citizens,but Cambodian government is the opposite.Many lives lost due to search for job and survival as those have been neglected by RGC.
In addition to that,land grabbing and land leases to foreigners resulted in khmer desparation and leave Cambodia.

Please imagine that if anyone can live at home or country safety and securely,would he/she leave the place or his/her country origin?
Definitely NOT at anyone pleasure, so please RGC takes these social issues seriously!.

Be NOT angry with anyone who criticise but patiently observe that how power abuses affect citizens' live.

Let's NOT loose yourselve with power,and the bad affects become irreversible.


Anonymous said...

5:28PM , I agree with you.

We all know and agree that tomorrow ( future ) Yuon and Thai going to play game on Khmer blood.

It is time for all Khmer home and abroad to stand up as a big Khmer fimily to fight to proctect our lives and our last land.

It is time for all Khmer to take a big action before it is too late.

Khmer love Khmer.

Anonymous said...

How can we stop and punish these evil murder.

they wre the killer and look down our nation.

what the chicken they are.shooting the unarm people(unhumanbeing).

Must/Must be stopped period.

kon khmer.

Anonymous said...

Where are those civilised, pompous Thais in the media and politics every time unarmed Khmer civilians are shot and killed? Wherever you are your silence speaks volumes about your double standard and hypocrisy!

Is this how you back up your claim of fraternity/sibling bond between the two countries?

Yeay Vomeat

Anonymous said...

សេចក្តីសម្ភាស លោក សយ សុភាព នឹង សម្តេចតេជោហ៊ុន សែន បន្តរ
សុភាព=បាទសម្តេច ​ក្នុងរយៈពេលកន្លងមក ឃើញថាមិនមានបញ្ហាអ្វីជាមួយយួនសោះ តែជាមួយសៀមដូចជាមានរឿងមិនចេះចប់ តើវា
តេជោ= អើ សៀមវាខូចណាស់ គឺវាចង់បានព្រះវិហ៊ាឃើង នឹង​ ដីមួយចំនួនថាជារបស់វា ហើយវាលើកទ័ពពិសែសមកដល់ទៅប្រាំពីរនាក់
ចូលមកបំពានខុសច្បាប់​ តែទាហ៊ានឃើងចាប់បានជាចំណាប់ខ្មាំងទាំងអស់
អត់មានរត់រួចមួយទេ តែប៉ុណ្ណេះមិនលែងងាយៗទេចាំមើលទៅ។ ហើយយើងត្រូវតែនិយាយពីខាងលិច កុំនិយាយខាងកើតដាច់ខាត។ ឯខ្មែរឃើងទៅធ្វើការនៅស្រុកសៀមរាប់ម៉ឺននាក់ ខ្លះក៏អត់មានច្បាប់ដែរ តែខ្ញុំមិនឱ្យគាត់ទៅឯណា រឿងនាក់ឯងទេ ខ្ញុំជួយមិនបាន បើសៀមចង់ចាប់ឬសម្លាប់ប៉ុន្មានក៏ខ្ញុំមិនដែលខ្វល់ដែរ។
សុភាព=បាទសម្តេច ជួនកាលគេសម្លាប់ខ្មែរយើងមែនតែខ្មែរនៅតែ ទៅព្រោះអត់ដីធ្វើស្រែមកពីសម្តេចយកដីគាត់ឱ្យទៅយួនអស់ ទេដឹង?
តេជោ=កុំភ្លើលើករឿងដីអស់នោះមក​និយាយទៀត គឺអាញ់ជួលឱ្យគេមាន​កុងត្រា៩៩ឆ្នាំត្រឹមត្រូវទាំងអស់ ដើម្បីឱ្យគេជួយក៏ សាងស្រុក ឯងឃើញទេវារីកចម្រើនប៉ុនណា? តាំងពីសូន ឡើងដល់ជិត១០លាននាក់ទៅហើយ តែក្នុងរយៈ៣២ឆ្នាំប៉ុណ្ណោះ ចាំ៣២ឆ្នាំទៀតបានឯងដឹងច្បាស់ហើយ។
សុភាព= បាទសម្តេច រីកចម្រើនមាន ជ័យយោ!ជ័យយោ!ហើយយួនវាល្អយ៉ាងណាសម្តេច?
តេជោ=ចំណែកយួនយើងបានប្រាប់ហើយថាគឺជាមហាមិត្ត នឺង
ជាចៅហ្វាយដ៏សំខាន់នៃជីវិតរបស់ខ្ញុំ គេល្អនឹងខ្ញុំណាស់ ហើយប្រជាជនគេមកនៅស្រុកយើងនេះ
រាប់លាននាក់ស្របច្បាប់ទាំងអស់ សូម្បីតែម្នាក់ក៏គ្មានខុសដែរ
ព្រោះមុនគេមក គេធ្វើកាតប្រជាជន់រួយហើយ ខ្លះគេដូរឈ្មោះជាខ្មែរ
រួចស្រេច ហើយគេអាចមានសិទ្ធិលើស ពីប្រជាជនយើងទៅទៀត
ព្រោះប្រជាជនយើងខ្លះ​អត់មានកាតកាន់ ហើយមិនអាចបោះឆ្នោតបាន​ ទេ ជាពិសេសពួកនោះជាពួកប្រឆាំង កុំខ្វល់នឹងវាអី។
សុភាព=បាទសម្តេច ខ្លះអត់បានបោះឆ្នោតមែន ចុះមានខ្មែរយើងទៅធ្វើការនៅវៀតណាមទេសម្តេច?
តេជោ=តាមពិតពីមុនខ្មែរយើងមិនដែលទៅធ្វើការនៅវៀតណាមទេ ហើយខ្មែរយើងក៏មិនដែលនឹកចង់ទៅធ្វើការនៅយួនដែរ បើឱ្យទៅក៏មិនទៅដែរ ព្រោះគេមិនជួលតែតាមពិតចៅហ្វាយខ្ញុំគេ មិនឱយទៅទេ បើកូនចៅគេមកនៅខ្មែរបានតាមចិត្ត ឯដីក៏គេមិនចង់បាន ទេ តែខ្មែរយើងធ្វើស្រែពុំបានផលនៅតាមទល់ដែន ខ្ញុំក៏ឱ្យ ស្វា គឹមហុង កាត់ឱ្យគេទៅ ដើម្បីទុកជាសាគុណដែលគេជួយឱ្យខ្ញុំមានអំណាច នឹងគង់វង់រហូតមកនេះ។
សុភាព=បាទសម្តេច ចុះបើ ស្វា គីមហុង កាត់ដីនោះឱ្យវៀតណាមចុះក្រឡាផ្ទៃដែលមាន ១៨១០៣៥ គីឡូការ៉េ
តេជោ=អើ លេខវានៅតែចំនួនដដែល មិនបាច់ដូរទេ គ្មាននាក់ណាអាចបញ្ជាក់ដឹងបានឡើយ បើពួក
ប្រឆាំងចង់សើរើក៏គ្មានសមត្តិភាពអីដែរ ព្រោះទល់ដែនខ្ញុំមិនឱ្យទៅជាន់ផងធ្វើអីកើតទៅ វាស្រេចតែហ៊ុន សែនទេ។
សុភាព=បាទសម្តេច ហើយថ្ងៃ៧មក្ករា ជាថ្ងៃដ៏សំខាន់បំផុតសម្រាប់ ប្រទេសយើង ហើយពួកប្រឆាំងទាំងនោះត្រូវតែចាប់កាត់ទោសមែនឬ?
តេជោ= បន្តរថ្ងៃក្រោយ

Anonymous said...

Thai so afraid of Hoon Xen. They dare not to arrest Cambodian. They just shoot to kill.................

Anonymous said...

Thais soldiers r true fags, they like to shoot at unarm civilians.

Anonymous said...

First step

This news are truth or false to make angry to make hate to make pronationality.

I used to met many of news is Cambodia that had status of evidence looklike "Somebody told somethings" !!!????

Anonymous said...

Everyone will look down on you if your parent doesn't care about you and this will happen when Khmer have leader like Hun Xen who abuses his own country men. If Khmer wants respect from their neighbor they have to CHANGE the current leader.

THAI and YOUN treat us worst than a DOG.

It is time for change for a better leader.

Khmer GA.