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Veera Somkwamkid (L) |
Two of the seven Thai nationals arrested in Cambodia late last month have faced additional charge, court officials said Monday.
Veera Somkwamkid, who led a People's Alliance of Democrats group called the Thailand Patriot Network, and Ratree Taiputana Taiboon, known as Veera's secretary, face additional charge, Phnom Penh Municipal Court officials, who preferred not to be named, said on Monday.
The charge was mentioned as their attempt in "collecting information which might damage Cambodia's national security," according to the court.
According to Cambodia's laws, they may face five to ten years imprisonment if found guilty.
The two, along with five other Thai nationals, including Thai Democratic Party lawmaker Panich Vikitsreth, were charged on Dec. 30 last year for illegal entry into Cambodia and unlawful entry into military zone. They may face up to 18 months in prison if found guilty.
Cambodian troops detained them following their entry into Cambodian territory in Banteay Meanchey Province on Dec. 29 last year.
Panich claimed that he had traveled to the area to investigate residents' complaints that Cambodian troops were intruding into Thailand.
Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said that the seven Thais had no intention to cause any harm to Cambodia and is seeking their release on bail.
However, Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen said Monday that no one deserved to make any intervention into the case which is now under the full authority of the Cambodian court.
Cambodian government -jordge, please do not release seven Thai, lock them in a separate room. They are illigally entered Cambodia. Now Thai starts to kill, short Cambodian people on board Khmer-Thai.
Good, the Thai is not respecting human rights. They still shoot our poor Cambodian.
Jail them forever!!
នេះគឺមុខចោរដែលមានចេតនាចូលប្លន់ និង លួចដី
ច្បាប់ចុលាឡុងកន ពួកសៀមវាដឹងច្បាស់ណាស់
ពីប្រវត្តិសាស្រ្តរបស់វា គឺពីជាង១០០០ឆ្នាំមុន ពួកវា
ជាក្រុមចោរនៃភាកខាងត្បូងនៃប្រទេសចិន ដែលនាំ
នៃមហានគរខ្មែរដែលមានឈ្មោះថា សុវណ្ណភូមិ និង
ដីមួយភាគទៀតរបស់ប្រទេសលាវ ភូមា។
ដែរ ពីព្រោះវាគ្មានអ្វីជារបស់ដូនតាវាទេ គឺសម្បត្តិដី
From Mike to all commentator, I greately apreciated your wisdom, and your greate idea to share with my comments. All of your comments were sound very respectful Khmer intelegent. frankly
I am not take side but may be I am like you are. when I read some comments in KI I found some extremist people who want to kill khmer in cpp, or leader, we lived in peace now and as you said historicaly we never have peace, it is hards very hards to make peace that why I felt up set myself when some Khmer extremist kept and tried to divide our Khmer.Please help each other, educate each other, and spreading love to each other, and chaleng positivly way to help our leader to the right deriction. we all must reunited, Sam rainsy he was too selfish, in 2003 hun sen invited hime to jiont gov't, Rainsy he denied and kept dividing Khmer from family to family, brother and sister, from vilages to vilages..... that very negative for you and me to kept sillent. Bets regards Mike
From Mike to all commentator, I greately apreciated your wisdom, and your greate idea to share with my comments. All of your comments were sound very respectful Khmer intelegent. frankly
I am not take side but may be I am like you are. when I read some comments in KI I found some extremist people who want to kill khmer in cpp, or leader, we lived in peace now and as you said historicaly we never have peace, it is hards very hards to make peace that why I felt up set myself when some Khmer extremist kept and tried to divide our Khmer.Please help each other, educate each other, and spreading love to each other, and chaleng positivly way to help our leader to the right deriction. we all must reunited, Sam rainsy he was too selfish, in 2003 hun sen invited hime to jiont gov't, Rainsy he denied and kept dividing Khmer from family to family, brother and sister, from vilages to vilages..... that very negative for you and me to kept sillent. Bets regards Mike
11:12 PM
Anonymous said...
សេចក្តីសម្ភាស លោក សយ សុភាព នឹង សម្តេចតេចោ ហ៊ុន សែន បន្តរ
សុភាព=បាទសម្តេច ហើយថ្ងៃ៧មក្ករា ជាថ្ងៃដ៏សំខាន់បំផុតសម្រាប់ប្រទេសយើង ហើយពួកប្រឆាំងទាំងនោះត្រូវតែចាប់កាត់ទោសមែនឬ?
តេចោ=គឺម៉ែនហើយ ព្រោះឯងដឹងទេ សម្តេចឪជានាក់ឱ្យវៀតកុង
មកនៅស្រុកយើងមុនគេ ហើយវៀតកុងជានាក់បង្កើតខ្មែរក្រហម ក្រោយពីលុលណុលទម្លាក់សម្តេចឪ ។ ហើយវៀតកុងជាមេអង្គការ របស់ខ្មែរក្រហម ពេញទី បន្ទាប់ពីឈ្នះសង្គ្រាម។ កាលនោះខ្ញុំក៏ជាមេទាហានខ្មែរក្រហមម្នាក់ដែរដោយល្បិចកល ចិន នឹង
វៀតកុង គេឱ្យខ្មែរក្រហមទៅវ៉ៃយួន គេសញ្ជូនខ្ញុំទៅដែរ តែខ្ញុំ មើលទៅមិនឈ្នះគេហើយខ្លាចងាប់ចោល ជុំទាវធុំ គ៏ដាក់អាវុធ្ធចុះចូលនឺងវៀតណាមទៅ។សួរថាតើ វៀតកុង យួន នឹងវៀតណាម នោះវាខុសគ្នាត្រង់ណា?
សុភាព=បាទសម្តេច វាតែមួយទេ ហើយមេដឹកនាំគេក៏តែមួយដែរ តែខ្ញុំមិនហ៊ានហៅវៀតណាមថា អាក្រទប ឬវៀតកុងនឹងយួន ទៀតឡើយសម្តេច បើខ្ញុំនៅប្រើពាក្យទាំងនោះ
សម្តេចពិតជាមិនឱ្យខ្ញុំនៅនិយាយក្នុងទូរទស្សន៍ បាយន្តទៀតទេមើលទៅ។ ចុះរឿងនោះវាយ៉ាងណាទៀតសម្តេច?
តេចោ=អើកុំនិយាយពាក្យទាំងនោះត្រូវហើយ។ ហើយកាលនោះ ខ្ញុំជាមេទាហានខ្មែរក្រហមស្រាប់ គេក៏ចាត់តាំងឱ្យខ្ញុំធ្វើជាមេដឹកនាំម្នាក់ដែរក្នុងចំនោមនាក់ដឹកនាំមួយចំនួន ដែលមានលោក ប៉ែន សុវ៉ាន់ជារដ្ធមន្ត្រីមិនចេះ ធ្វើក្បាលយួនខ្លួនខ្មែរដូចខ្ញុំ។ ហើយចាប់តាំងពីថ្ងៃ៧មក្ករា នោះមក វាជាសំណាងដ៏សែនល្អរបស់ខ្ញុំ ដែលខ្ញុំមិនអាចបំភ្លេចបានឡើយ ទោះជាវៀតណាមគេឱ្យ វៀតកុងបញ្ជាឱ្យខ្មែរក្រហមសម្លាប់ខ្មែររាប់លាន រួចគេបែរជាធ្វើល្អឱ្យយួនមកវ៉ៃខ្មែរក្រហមថាជួយរុំដោះខ្មែរក៏ដោយ។ ឯបក្សប្រឆាំងចោទថាយួនឈ្លានពាន យកស្រុកខ្មែរក៏ដោយ ក៏ខ្ញុំមិនខ្វល់ទាំងអស់។ ព្រោះគេពិតជាជួយខ្ញុំមែន ដូចនាក់ទាំងអស់ដឹងស្រាប់ហើយ។ល្អដែរបើគ្មាន ខ្មែរក្រហមក៏គ្មានយួនវ៉ៃរុំដោះ នោះក៏គ្មាន តេចោ ហុន សែន ដែរ តែបញ្ហាទាំងនេះ ចៅហ្វាយខ្ញុំ ជានាក់បង្កើតទាំងអស់ ដូច្នេះខ្ញុំត្រូវតែ
សុភាព=បាទសម្តេច រឿងពិតមិនអាចបំភ្លេចបានឡើយ ហើយខ្ញុំដឹងថា នាក់ជុំនាន់សម្តេច ដូចជា ចាន់ ស៊ី នឹង រស់ សាម៉ៃនឹងមួយចំនួនទៀត ដូចជាចៅហ្វាយសម្តេចសម្លាប់ចោលទាំងអស់ហើយ
នឹង ប៉ែន សុវ៉ាន់ គេដាក់គុករួចបញ្ឈរជើងព្រោះមិនព្រមស្តាប់ បញ្ជាចៅហ្វាយ តើមានទេសម្តេច?
តេចោ= មានហើយ ព្រោះពួកគេមិនចេះក្រឡាខ្លួនដូចជា
តេចោ ដូច្នេះមានតែថ្ងៃ៧មក្ករានេះដែលធ្វើឱ្យ ខ្ញុំក្លាយជាតេចោមកដល់សព្វថ្ងៃនេះ ហើយចៅហ្វាយគេជួយការពារខ្ញុំរហូតមក តាំងពីនៅផ្ទះខ្ញុំសុទ្ធតែនាក់ជុំនាញពិសែសមក ពីហាន់ណូយ ដូច្នេះបើនាក់ណាដែលប្រឆាំង ត្រូវតែឱ្យតុលាការកាត់ទោស កុំខំប្រឹងអី ធ្វើតេចោមិនបែកទេ។បើខ្លាំងតេចោមិនឱ្យចូល ស្រុក បើ
ចង់ធ្វើអីតេចោ សុំអញ្ជើញ ខ្ញុំជួយមិនបានទេ។
សុភាព=ហាៗហាៗ ជួយមិនបានទេ ជ័យយោ សម្តេចតេចោ។
រឿងពិតជួនកាលធ្វើឱ្យនាក់សប្បាយ រីករាយ អស្ចារ៍ តែ
រឿងពិតជួនកាលធ្វើឱ្យនាក់ខឹង មួរម៉ៅ ចាប់ដាក់គុក ឬ
សម្លាប់ផងក៏មាន តែបើដឹងខុសហើយកែនោះវាល្អបំផុត។
តែត្រូវចាំថាបើយើងស្អប់គេៗក៏ស្អប់យើងដែរ ។ពិបាកត្រង់
មើលឃើញនឹងស្តាប់ឮដូចគ្នា តែចុងក្រោយមានគំនិតខុស
គ្នាស្រឡាស់។ មនុស្សម្នាក់ពិតជាសម្លាប់គេមែនតែនៅមុខ
សុំអរគុណដល់មិត្តនាក់អានអាំងអស់ នឹងសុំអរគុណ
ចំពោះ ខេអាយ ដែលបានដាក់ នៅលើវឹបសៃ របស់នាក់។ អរគុណច្រើនណា សុខសប្បាយគ្រប់ៗគ្នា
To all Ki team and SRP company member and all Cambodian, shall we look to the future and visualize to see our Country Cambodia, do we have any hope or believe that Sam Rainsy will he be tough, strict, and discipline enough to lead us to victory?. So far was Mr. Sam Rainsy absolutely saying, acting and fighting for Khmer against Yourn and its slaves? Was he, Rainsy talk and act heart to heart to remove Hun Sen for the oppressing Khmer and absolutely willing to help to serve and die for Khmer? Now is time, for us clearly see, Rainsy he went to Viet border right at the time while Thai waging war to kill us he intentionally stop ah Yourn and ah kbot jeat Hun Xen from stealing our land.
MR. Sam Sarry left tone of money for Rainsy, he lived tope wealthy in Franc since he was very, very young, His father was highly educated and was doubted Kbot jeat by corrupters and low educated people, Japan kick this gangster out, Rainsy got good education, he use to be a finance mister 1993 to 1994 and we knew at that time was the worst of the year that Cambodia export to the maximum of logging, Rainsy he provided licent to cut the trees, and he Rainsy order million of passport that Hun Xen proclaimed out of date, the stupid can't used it, Hun Xen also claimed, He Rainsy appointed tax collectors with huge some of moneys in exchange for the positions, Now we clearly see Rainsy was badly, badly corrupt. But he so poor compare to a young nephew of ah Hun XeN! Can you see how corrupt ah Hun Xen and family are?
He, Rainsy lead mass demonstration in 1998, he lead hundreds more demonstration against abusive lawless Garment factories, 73 was closed within a years later, He call on international to stop direct donation to the corrupted hunger Cambodians government of ah Hun Xen. Now we all absolutely understand Sam Rainsy is trying to stop dirty trick of ah Xhmer from growing evil. Ah Yourn and its slaves make Khmer weaker, weaker, and weaker then they will create anarchy in our society for the people to hate each other, Ah Yourn are trying their best to make Khmer poorer, poorer and poorer.
Ah Kwack Hun Xen and thugs cheat a lot of money from us, it never enough for them, He Rainsy family will do everything possible to stopping the corrupting wealthy, and gain power to serve all Khmer, was Rainsy’s family are pure Khmer? Does he care about Khmer or money and power? Thousand of Khmer are much smarter than Rainsy why we need him, because Rainsy he’s really, really love Khmer. Why not we share ours Talent now, why wait, and is he alone strong enough to dealt with Viet-Yourn, if that why we cannot be separated as, Khmer ???. Let kick ah Yourn ah Siam choymaray, ok Mike.!
that asshole pad thugs leaders is no mistake in tresspassing cambodia on purpose with intention to provoke cambodia. how many times had that asshole pad thugs leaders did it? too many times already, if you ask khmer citizens, etc! book him the longest! he can enjoy prey sar hilton!
come on be nice, let's show them hospitality - something they didn't do to us in 1979. There's plenty of room left at Prey Sar!
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