Saturday, January 01, 2011

"Who's responsible for the loss of Khmer land?" - Poem in Khmer by Chea Bun

Originally posted on the Free Press Magazine Online


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hun Sen is innocent and has nothing to do in letting Yuon have Khmer's island and land.

Anonymous said...

It is all up to you Khmers, if you are still supid and dumb, you will be homeless, landless and live under Ah Youns or Ah Siems control. Just look at Khmer Krom and Khmer Surin.

Anonymous said...

Any pieces of good news people will share 2 to 3 freinds, and any bad news they will share 12 to 13 friends, and any supper bad news they will shared to millions, and make millions felt down to the lowest level as the story goes, it up set and brougd fearful fast heart bitting to millions of them. Please help, educate, share wishdom, and be the one who carried the light to inspire people to reach more greater life. Regards

Anonymous said...

here's my advice, make change, and you can't lose your territory anymore. yes, make it different and hard for people to steal from you. it's up to you, you know!

Anonymous said...

គឺជាបក្សប្រឆាំងសម រង្ស៊ី ដែលតុលាការជាន់ខ្ពស់បាន
វិនិច្ឆ័យទោសឱ្យមេវាជាប់គុក ជាប់ច្រវាក់ ចំនួនដប់ពីរ ឆ្នាំ។

សមត្ថកិច្ច នៃរដ្ធាភិបាលខិតខំប្រឹង ការពារទឹកដីមិនឱ្យបាត់ ១ មីលីម៉ែត្រឡើយ សុំកុំជឿពួកអាចោរសាមាន្យគណៈបក្ស
សម រង្សី អគតិ, ល្ងង់ខ្លៅ, អវិជ្ជា មិនស្គាល់ប្រវត្តិសាស្ត្រ
វង្វេងផែនទីអស់នេះអី ។
គ្មានបាត់ទឹកដី ១មីលីម៉ែត្រដូចពួកអាក្បត់ជាតិថានោះទេ...

Anonymous said...

Dear this is a righting sentences it's not a poem as the compilling.
The subject pick-up is good, but you need to learn more how to compose Khmer poem.
nice try !

Anonymous said...

i urge all khmers ppls stop calling their leaders as Somdick .in my opinion,currently khmer's leaders are bushit useless.they do anything just to please their boss [Youn].

Anonymous said...

3:44 is right Khmer has not lost 1mm of land to Yourn because you can not do any thing with 1mm of land.
Try a few hundreds or thousand KM2
Hun sen keeps saying that Khmer does not loss any land because he ne go to school s he does not know how big Khmer land is/was

Anonymous said...

The Vietnam set its goal,made it plans,set it schedules,what to do,when to do,and how to accomplish it.
Since Dai Viet,(name after it freed from China).Jayavarman VII attempted to take it over twice,but failed.
The Champa was divided into three Kingdoms.It took first kingdom,Dai Viet king used his daughter to trap Cham king;cham king lost his kingdom to Dai Viet;the second,and the third Cham kingdom lost the same things.Dai Viet used the same tricks to catch Cham kings.
Champa lost the whole three kingdoms
.Dai Viet became Annam kingdom.

Chey Chetha Khmer king fell in love with beautiful Annam daughter king,he gave some pieces of Khmer land to train Annam soldiers in 17 century.The Annam kings used women as tools in his
politic styles.
Khmer lost Khmer Krom from Khmer kings and French mistakes.
Leave the Khmer loss of Khmer lands
to Thai and Lao.
Chea Bun,keep up with your work.Your poem made sense to me.
Vietnam govt is breaking Khmer politics into a lot of groups and provoking many tricks to weaken the others ones and one group strong by supporting anythings this group wants.
Vietnam is investing
everything in Cambodia that have 99 years in contracts.
-Seven rubber fields in seven provinces.
-There are 10,000 Viet troops living as workers.
-6,000,000 Viet citizens everywhere in Cambodia.
-Banks of Vietnam
anywhere in Cambodia.
-Big and small companies.
-Khmer people provinces along with Vietnam having VN cards.
-Vietnamese citizens without controlling.
This what I am going to say," the state of Cambodia,but the 1,8035 kilometer square belong to Viet.
Who are responsible for the loss of Khmer Land to Vietnam? Sihanouk(greedy monarchy and power),Hun Sen(power,money,supporting by Vietcong),Heng Samrin(Khmer Vietminh Viet slaves for life),Chea Sim(vietminh for life),Hor Nam Hong(Vietnam citizen working for it own govt)and Hnu sen relatives and friends are traitors.

Anonymous said...

Lok Chea Bun,

Congratulation with your beautiful poem, which you write from your heart and mind with true references.

We all stand up to express our freedom of speech in different ways to ease our pain from our rights are being abused. We send them as messages to many others to learn and understand what has been happening and who does what.

Please keep up the good work.

Yeay Tep

Anonymous said...

Khmer lost their land caused by dogs of Vietcong Ah Hun sen , sva kom hoch kim hong,kills his own people.


Anonymous said...

I want to add to 8:33 am , you forgot to mention the main cause. It's Pol Pot and their clans. Their regime, their action, their political caused the lost of the Khmer territory. Pol Pot was absolutely Youn's slaves.
Youn government taught their citizen that all Khmer leaders owe them money.
Under Pol Pot regime, I thought all Khmers were finished because we lost everything.No more Khmer identities under this regime. For my opinion as Khmers, we were finished since Pol Pot regime.
Luckily, God help innocent People such as Khmers. The Viet's tricks will be failed even they thought they were smart and treat Khmer people as dumb or ignorant. Now they win but they cannot win God. God will punish them because they are cruel and act as devil to Khmer innocent people.

Anonymous said...

Smart people without virtue will go to hell. Youn leaders were proud to be smart for their country by stealing and tricking another country will go to hell and their citizen never meet happiness even they can have other people's land, especially Cambodia's land. Their next generation will live with shame without mercy. And Cambodia and their citizen still exist and immortal. Youn smile today and will cry tomorrow. The Khmer spirits are always in their land and with their people.