Wednesday, February 02, 2011

3 Reasons Why the Social Media Movement Won't Come to Cambodia

1 Feb
Originally posted at:

BROOKLYN, NY – If only Egypt’s Mubarak government was as strong as its iconic pyramids, the administration might withstand the ‘million-man march.’ But these were built by the pharaohs and Mubarak is far from saintly through the eyes of the general populace. So as the inevitable nears, voices are emerging throughout cyberspace on how the role of social media, namely Twitter and Facebook have aided in the movement that will likely see a new Egypt in the coming days. Can revolutions be televised through these new unconventional forms of medias? We have seen it through Neda’s Iran (RIP) last year and recently in Tunisia. But can ‘tweets’ and ‘likes’ unravel another long serving ruler, Prime Minister Hun Sen of Cambodia?

In a recent telephone interview via Candlelight Radio Program, outspoken government critic and leader of the opposition party, Sam Rainsy, believes Cambodia has all the same ingredients for the next Egypt uprising. He cites five sources as the root: 1) extreme poverty 2) social injustice 3) inflation 4) unemployment and 5) corruption. Many observers will agree to these realities, which are a common set of problems found in most developing nations, but to allude of a similar fate like Egypt is premature and unrealistic.

In my view there are three reasons why the social media movement will not come to Cambodia.

According to Google Data, there were only 74,000 Internet users in the Kingdom in 2008. Looking at the percentage ratio between users and the overall population, that figure is a microscopic atom at 0.005%. Now compared that to Iran (31%), Egypt (17%), and Tunisia (27%), respectively, Cambodia’s majority rural population has a long way before they can utilize social medias to create social changes to their local and national governments. And it doesn’t help when the country has one of the highest Internet rates in all of ASEAN.

When was the last time you received a tweet from a Cambodia-based journalist, human rights activist, or university student? No, I am not talking about a retweet of an article from sources like Phnom Penh Post or KI-Media. The Khmer Twitter community is almost non-existent; and there are probably more Khmer celebrities fan page accounts on Facebook than anything else. This is critical because its these individuals who are on the ground that served as the first line of information when countries like Egypt, Tunisia and Iran first reached our television and newspapers.

Despite having the reputation of one of the most free and open press countries in the region, Cambodia still has a culture of fear. Perhaps its root was inherited through the Khmer Rouge genocidal regime of the mid-1970s, then later affirmed through Hun Sen’s strong arm tactics. But try dispersing informational leaflets of the 1997 grenade attack, January 7th Liberation Day or even sharing a Global Witness report through e-mail, the government’s specially created Press and Quick Reaction Unit will be on your tail faster than Looney Tune’s coyote and road runner. But instead of the regular script, Wile E (the government) will get you. Case in point: Seng Kunakar. In order for similar movements to occur in Cambodia, the government must be able to have a higher tolerability to the criticisms from its people.


Anonymous said...

It's true, but will change will Hun Sen down.

son of a farmer said...

I undeniably agree with about the culture of fearful death after KR's regime.

Anonymous said...

The critical mass, at, at the intersection of technology and far, far, from being hit by the Cambodian population...
But isn't great to know that you're a part of that pioneer leading the for a Cambodian digital future?

KI and all of us here who are readers, commentators, and contributors to the online dissent are a part of a new journey in Khmer history.

Anonymous said...

Most fucking khmers are still living in the stone age, they still use tree leaves to wipe their asses or in most cases, don't clean their asses at all. You ask them about Facebook and Twitters, chances are that at least 80% of them wouldn't know what the fuckiing you're talking about. If you rely on these fuckers to bring down Hun San, it will take at least another 100 years.

Anonymous said...

Never say NEVER! I'm sure once upon a time, Egypt and Tunisia was like this too, but look at them now. The world is changing, people are getting smarter, no one can stand oppression forever.

Over 30 years in power is the longest in Asia and second longest in the world. Something will give.. if he (HUN SEN) continue to live by his evil, careless greed and blindness, it will one day eat him up alive.

Anonymous said...

But when it happens in Cambodia, it will not be peaceful like Tunisia nor Egypt, It will be very bloody because of Yourns agents turn Khmer against each other.

Anonymous said...

One more reason,

Foreign influrence.

Eyptian, claimed something to do with Israel.

Cambodian, claimed it cause of hanoi?

Khmer Israel said...

Satan knows that his time is short. Look like he is rallying his armies to set up his One World Government.

Most of the readers are blinded not know what really is behind the instability in Middle East and around the world. I believe that we are living in the Beginning of the End. Another words, your worldview which you are trying to promote on this blog will come of an End.

Islamic Empire was the 7 in Middle East power. The bible prophesied that the 8 Empire will rise from the 7 to bring the man of sin into the scene to deceive the whole world to follow him. So I believe that Islam is the Anti-Christ of the end of this age.

Islam's goal is to conquer the whole world. Islam don't believe in democracy. Don't be fool. They are the great "Satan" not Israel or United States.

Anonymous said...

The people mind can
run fast than anything in the world.
People mind is able
to change 50,000 times in twenty four
hours.The people mind
much stronger than
nuclear bomb.
Khmer people can change their minds
in a second to drag
Hun Sen out of power
if they want to.

Anonymous said...

Many people who are unhappy with Hun Sen know about the 3 reasons too, that is why they turn to the leaflets dropping to relieve their frustrations.
KI can only reach the people who have access to the internet, which is a small percentage.
90% of the educated people don’t support HS; if they do it is just for the easy ride. They bail out in no time when HS goes down.
The question is how do we get those educated people to stand up for their right like the opposition party members?

Anonymous said...

KI know how respond to the postings that criticize them.
But they don’t know how to weed out the annoying repetitive postings that can lower their viewership rating.
KI, your hard work would be a waste if you allow these
repetitive pesky postings to go on.

Anonymous said...

I disagree. Most Khmers have cell phones, i.e the transporation is there we just need to learn how to deliver the products.