1- Politics without Principle
2- Wealth without Work
3- Pleasure without Conscience
4- Knowledge without Character
5- Commerce without Morality
6- Science without Humanity
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Royal Academician Hun Xen |
7- Worship without Sacrifice
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Dedicated to publishing sensitive information about Cambodia
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Royal Academician Hun Xen |
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Dear All,
how much can we expect from these idiots to have politic with principle? they were formers cattles robbers and chicken robbers from their own village.
These people are hungry of power and monies and they will not ever fill up their bank account because they need to pay Vietnam for their protection.
Those are him, his wife and his cronies.
ហ៊ុន សែន នោះអី!?
Sam rainsy, your master in criticise must use the skile only in your family, toulong she hate you now since you are addect hatred and anger. Rainsy if you looke down on somebody you do not have time to looke up and improve yourself, your worth nothing to khmer, you are chinese any way, your leadership skill are shite, garbage, you have nothing left, now you want jasmin revolution, to creat chaose in our community, you will get kill I sure for that, if you dare to do it you are wellcome, Will sent you to hell for sure, it tooke 500 hundred years to reunited khmer now thise garbag idiot Rainsy want to separete us, fuck you evill, demont sam Rainsy, sam sary and your cheater family,,, will sent you to lives with AH, kbot cheat Sam sary you want proof come back to phnom phen, we waiting for you rubish Sam rainsy
It is not acceptable to post these pictures. Who gives a right to look down on your government? Do you have enough evidence to back you up? I neither support Hun Sen nor Sam Rainsy, but I strongly think you (KI-media) has crossed the line.
Freedom of expression or opinion is not a crime, and there is no harm in doing that. Mr Hun Sen and his families should accept any criticism without resorting to send people to jail just expressing dissent views. If you keep suppressing people's freedom of speech people will rise up and revolt one day, like what's happening in the middle east right now.
You are wasting your time to post your comment with nonsense and irrelevant subject. Your scare tactic would not work, and deter the spirit of patriotism. Your post also fits in with the sin#1:"politics without Principle". How long will it take you to understand what's happening in the world, in the middle east?
I have no doubt you have committed other 6 sins as well. It's only a matter of time that Hun Sen regime will be toppled, and you'll certainly be affected by it. Be prepared and very scare of the change.
7:21 AM,
perhaps, you were also the one that received the degree without attending any school.
You're an idiot!
Agitate, agitate. Keep the Primordial Ocean churning until you see the end result. Is this the Fabian Socialist ideology of conflict brings progress?
7:38 AM
You're uneducated bastard!!!!!
You missed the point, perhaps, you need a translator. Who's the moron? That's the question? LOL!!!!!!!!!!
P.S Beside PM Hun Sen & his wife, who's else has received phds without going to colleges or universities?
It is not acceptable to post these pictures. Who gives a right to look down on your government? Do you have enough evidence to back you up? I neither support Hun Sen nor Sam Rainsy, but I strongly think you (KI-media) has crossed the line.
7:21 AM said,
Mniel 7:21AM, You make me laugh and pity you at the same time.
What are you going to do when you think KI has crossed the line?
Keep barging in KI blog and send stupid comment like this, or learning hard to look around and see the world situation without prejudice.
One think you have to remember clearly, Gadhafi's regime has gripped Libya for 42 years is on the brink of collapse. Nothing is permanent, HS is not as strong as Gadhafi and Vietnam will not forever be behind him. World politic changes everyday, which impacts every country in the world.
Do you know Gadhafi family are rejected by the Arab world and the Western countries. That's why his son brags the 3 plans, A B C, all but to live and die in Libya.
We will have to wait and see, and we will witness the outcome sooner than later, my friend.
Everyone! see the big tomb in front of the Hun Family?
They will be buried in it as they will follow their plans, A B and C, to live and die in Cambodia not Vietnam or China, nor western countries.
Freedom of speech has its own limit. I kind of agree with some of the comments posted above. The world is in chaos right now. The last thing I want to see is another protest, period. Don't ignore Prasat Preah Vihear!! We need to focus on wining Prasat Preah Vihear. This is not the time to criticize your own government. For Preah Vihear's sake, can we all just get along?
what happen if they post all Ki or sam rainsy family pictur on media. Thaksin he gave great lecture about economic what hapen to Rainsy, does he got any skill at all in economic, or he just got 30 years out of date degree.
Stupid shit head @ 8:06 AM,
Preah Vihear had been, has been, is and will be always Khmer. The international court already recorded it as such. Nothing and nobody can change that. It is now up to ah Hun-Sen-Viet-controlled government to claim as such!!!
P. from Lomg Beach
all sam rainsy people are masyter in criticise they will separete themself, evill possess all this skill so do Rainsy, it must be all of very stupid to win the election by spread hatred and anger, we must spread constructive not distructive like that, it only benifite to power hunger not to the Khmer people, Ki or Sam rainsy team are real ghost and blind supporter. you worry about lost land sould be in pol pot or in 1950 to 1991 not now, only idiot believe we khmer lost evry things in face we stronger evrey day except homeless Rainsy.
7:59 AM
Amen, my brother!!
Instead of attacking on your own government, why not focusing of Siem?
Siem invaded and started the war. As of right now, no one knows for sure, if Thailand and Cambodian will have the same relationship they used to. I just don't want to see any more protests especially in Cambodia. PM. Hun Sen is evil. Everybody knows that. However, this is not time.
Preah Vihear issue is only a sideshow and Mr Hun Sen has tried to manipulate the situation to his political gain. We've got the law on our side (i.e. 1962 ICJ judgement) and thus the Thai can not take the temple away from us.I'm more worrying about the eastern borders with Vietnam where thousands Sq Km of Cambodia's territories have been lost to VN, and nothing being said by the Hun Sen govt. Also,the presence of millions of Vietnamese people inside Cambodia right now poses a serious issue and one day Khmer will become a minority in our own land like Kampuchea Krom. Please think about it.
Hey fucking shit head 8:18 AM,
Go back to learn how to write English first instead of faking it ok shit head???
P. from Long Beach
all sam rainsy people are master in criticise they will separete themself, evill possess all this skill so do Rainsy, it must be all of you are very stupid to win the election by spread hatred and anger, we must spread constructive. not distructive it only benifite to power hunger not to the Khmer people, Ki or Sam rainsy teams are real ghost and blind supporter. you worry about lost land, sould be in pol pot or in 1950 to 1991 not now, only idiot believe we khmer lost every things in face we are stronger evrey day except homeless Rainsy.
8:18 AM
watch your language!
Calm Down!!!
Preah Vihear was and still is belonging to Cambodian. WE have proof from 1962 and 2008 from UNESCO. In that case, why Siem started the war on Cambodian? For now, Siem still claim that 4.7 land belongs to them. Wait & see when Cambodian goes to the international court. In the meantime, don't think that Siem will rest.
Raise you hand if you all ចង់ចុយកណ្ឌួយកូនស្រី អា ហ៊ុនសែន?
8:23 AM Long Beach
Control yourself!!!
You have so much anger in you. Whatever issues you have, keep it to yourself! LOL!!!!!!
@ 8:20 AM
I agree, and very disturbed the fact, that Cambodian will soon be minority. Like it or not, Cambodian is heading this way. We have no control over it.
7:59 AM
Amen, my brother!!
Instead of attacking on your own government, why not focusing of Siem?
Siem invaded and started the war. As of right now, no one knows for sure, if Thailand and Cambodian will have the same relationship they used to. I just don't want to see any more protests especially in Cambodia. PM. Hun Sen is evil. Everybody knows that. However, this is not time.
8:19 AM said,
And when is a good time to kick Hun Sen and his cronies out?
For the record, it's your grand mother who speak to you.
This is funny! Are all the Hun Sen's families, and relatives going to hell?
Scare will be dead.
Dare to die can survive from Hun Sen
dictator and Vietnam
taking over Cambodia.
must wake up! STAND UP!RISE UP! against
Hun Sen and Vietnam
Would Khmer people want to be like Khmer Krom,Champa,
and Lao?
Now Cambodia still
has air to breath,
the next 30 years
will be gone.
Would you believe it
or not?
6,000,000 people.
20,000 men.
Many tanks.
A lot of Viet advisers from the top officials to the bottom.
So,Khmer people must wake up!Stand up! Rise up! Against Hun sen and Vietnam in Cambodia.
20,000 Viet soldiers
This is funny! Are all the Hun Sen's families, and relatives going to hell?
8:43 AM asked.
Yes, they are going to hell in this life and the next life.
1- In this life, they will suffer a great deal when they lost their title and power. Do think of the many previous examples of Khmer leaders, including Sihanouk and Pol Pot...
2- For the next life, non of them will not be born to become a free and ordinary human being. The cosmos punishment will judge accordingly to their account of bad or evil deeds for each individual's wrong doings.
Look at every aspect of lives, the celebrity, powerful, disadvantage and outcast; all are being created with reasons.
The Hun Clan have been given an unusual opportunity to serve the needs of people. Instead they have been abused their privilege and take it for granted. They can't reverse the deeds and will have to pay for each sin they committed.
it appears that shit head at 8:42 AM there knows it all!
I hate this FUCKIN family!!
8:06AM(first comment),
You are funny and right!!
Please KI-MEDIA translte these 7 principles in khmer, using the right words that could be understood by common people.
KI = Khmer IDIOT!
KI = Khmer Instigators
may be that's better 10:11am
Dear all native Khmers in Thailand,
Your great grandparents,
grandparents and your parents are Khmers. All Khmers in Srok Khmer and Khmers around the world are our brothers and sisters. We must wake up and unite. Siem has taken our land and water and controlled up to this day. We must get our land back to Cambodia.
Million native Khmers in Thailand hold a high position in Thai government. All walk of lives of native Khmers in Thailand must realize that Thai army is your enemy. Don’t support Abhisit, Yellow shirt group and Thai army. They are the aggressors against our troops, brothers and sisters along border.
550 years we had greatly sufer, now Khmer reunion idiot Sam rainsy wnat to devide us, Sam sary are khmer traitor, right? sam sary and sam rainsy cheat and corrupt or steal our supporter money isn't it right?, the whole Sam family are lived by cheating and stealing Khmer money Isn't it right? why don't we stope thise evile barking or claiming kmher compatriot? in pol pot and befor 1993 we lived in hardshipe where was Rainsy, it absolutely clear some Khmer are stupid support this Chines vendor without reason, blindly support evill rainsy family,Rain sy he work very hards for Thai he separet us, he want to kill Hun sen 4 times, and he stooled 270,000dollar in 2003, why we stile support him, are we stupid or what? KI wake up Rainsy is chinese they never die for khmer.
Hun Sen should ask China idea on how to get rid off vietcongs that have been secretly hiding as civilians in Cambodia since 1979.If fail to do so hun sen and his families will become Khmer nation' traitor and will be facing the international court for being sold Khmer people's land to vietnam in order enrich his families and his cronies.
hun sen if you want to win abhisit on an international stage,you should send these courageous soldiers to fight at the front line instead fighting with your poor god.
What Mr Sam Rainsy has said are corrected and are true. He knew very well how bad is Hun Sen and his gang. They are national traitors. They sold everything from lands, timbers, minerals , sands, soils and Cambodian women to be Malaysian homemaid and Korea homemaids. Very soon, he will sell Cambodian young men for Vietnamese organ transplant. We need to be very quick to remove them otherwise times will be too late and everyone will be arrested by Hun Sen to send to vietnam for organ transplants.
Khmer Siem Reap
7:21 AM, is one of the stupid individual!
will you accept dollar 270,000 was miss used by srp during communt eclection in 2003, and will you accepted Rainsy father was a khmer traitor in the 1960? and will you accept that Rainsy are not 100 percent Khmer, and will you accept that you and me never heard Rainsy go to or call on UN, Franch go'v or European union to help khmer in pol pot,,, if soo, did you claim baseless groundless does it means anything to you?. by the way I do believe KI and some media are funded by Thai. who is the real people who care about the nation is it you Khmerization and KI or Sam Rainsy proof me? don't say Cambodia are more progress because of you criticise those are baseless, and the sun will rise without the roaster coccadooradoo?,
KI-Media, freedom of speech is not the right to say whatever you want.
Lying is not freedom of speech.
What are Sam Rainsy's principles? nobody knows. Sam is a selfish guy.
Cambodia needs a new leader with real principles. HRP?
សួស្ដីលោកហ៊ុនសែន !
នូវទង្វើមនុស្សធម៌ ដែលលោកហ៊ុនសែនតែងតែធ្វើការបរិចាក នូវថវិកាផ្ទាល់ខ្លួន ស្ទើតែរៀងរាល់សប្ដាហ៌ ជាពិសេសក្នុងការផ្ដល់អំណោយ ជួយដល់កងទ័ព សង់មន្ទីពេទ្យ ធ្វើវត្តអារាម ធ្វើសាលារៀន ជួយដល់ជនទុរគត សាងសង់ហេដ្ឋារចានាសម្ព័ន្ធ ជាដើម ពោលគឺច្រើនសន្ធឹកសន្ថាប់ណាស់ រាប់មិនអស់ឡើយ ។អ្វីដែលខ្ញុំចង់ដឹងគឺថា តើលោកបានប្រាក់ទាំងនេះមកពីណាមក ? ព្រោះថា បើតាមបរិមាននៃការចំណាយដ៏ច្រើនរបៀបនេះ គឺ ត្រូវមានប្រាក់រាប់រយលានតុល្លាឯណោះ
ទើបគ្រប់គ្រាន់ ។លោកធ្លាប់បាននិយាយថា
ក្រោយថ្ងៃរំដោះ ៧មករា ១៩៧៩ លោកមានតែបាទដៃទទេតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ តែ៣០ឆ្នាំ
ក្រោយមក លោកហាក់ដូចជាមានទ្រព្យសម្បត្តិរាប់រយលាន
យ៉ាងរហ័សជាទីបំផុត ។ មិនតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ
របស់លោក ម្នាក់ៗសុទ្ធតែបានក្លាយទៅជាអ្នកមានកប់ក្ដោងស្ទើតែទាំងអស់គ្នា ។ ឬមួយប្រាក់ទាំងនេះបានមកពីការធ្វើជំនួញ ?
សរុបមក ទោះបីជាលោកហ៊ានអះអាងថាទ្រព្យ
សម្បត្តិទាំងនេះ គឺជាទ្រព្យបានមកដោយសុចរិត គឺគ្មាននរណាគេជឿឡើយ ! ដូច្នេះលោកហ៊ុនសែនគួរតែ ប្រកាស់ប្រាប់ការពិតអោយគេឯង ដឹងផង ។
បើមិនដូច្នោះទេ បដិវត្តប្រជាជនប្រហែលជានឹងអាចមានវត្តមាន
នៅថ្ងៃណាមួយជាមិនខាន ៕
That is exactly Hun Sen families, relatives and friends are! 7 Sins
I think all these monkeys got their PHD from the jungle. That why they lead Cambodia just like monkeys and the way he talk just like the monkeys.
Everything has it ending and that can be said the same for Hun Sen and his families.
Attacking Hun Sen is KI Media's favorite past time.
I wouldn't be too far off to say there are Thai nationalists using this blog to sow discord among Khmer with this issue. Right now the Thai really hate Hun Sen as much or more than KI Media.
12:22 PM
You sound only yourself are a civilized, perfect man. Other people are from the jungle.
You sure know, that some of the earning PhD are not the academic levels. They are just the honorary basics, earned from their work.
Your view, the way they did and their behaviors are like monkeys.
Yes they are not perfect and good leaders, but they may try to do the best to help our country.
You are a world knowledge man, know well about the great societies and good government level. You can advise these people and you will have a real good job, did not have much time to criticize about this and that.
Please inform others, what responsibility you have done for yourself. A former general manager of the big firm in Europe or USA, former general secretary of the UN or former secretary of the White House, etc..?
Or you and like some of others are just stupid persons, used a lot of time to kick off on the air.
KI Media,
You forgot sin #8 and #9. And it is for you and Sam Rainsy.
Sin #7 should be changed to:
"You shall NOT worship other human beings."
របស់មេដឹកនាំកម្ពុជា ទាំងយប់ ទាំងថ្ងៃ មានដូចជា ៖
ពួកអាឆ្កែកញ្ជះយួន ហ៊ុន សែន, ហេងសំ រិន, ជាស៊ីម,
សុខ អាន, ហោ ណាំហុង, ឱម យ៉ិនទៀង, ចៀម យីប,
វ៉ា គិម ហុង, ស ខេង, ងួន ញ៉ឹល ។ល។ និង ។ល។
និយាយហើយនិយាយទៀតដើម្បីអោយជាតិ និងអន្តរជាតិ
ដឹងឮ ទូទាំងពិភពលោក។
អោយពួកវាស្អុយឈ្មោះ ស្អុយត្រកូលរាប់ម៉ឺនសែន ឆ្នាំ...!
ក្រោកឡើងខ្មែរគ្រប់គ្នាដល់ពេលវេលាហើយត្រូវប្រើកាំបិត, ពូថៅ, ដាវ , ខ្វែវ, ផ្គាក់, ព្រួញ, សរ, ច្បូក,លំពែង,ធ្នូ,ដំបង,
ព្រនង់, កាំភ្លើង, គ្រាប់បែក, បេសែសិប, បេសែមួយ, មីន, មីនកន្ត្រាក់, មីនបង្កប់, មីនក្លេម័រ, មីនតោន, កាំភ្លើងធំ, កាំភ្លើងត្បាល់, ក្រោកឡើងជាមួយយុទ្ធភ័ណទាំងអស់នេះ បាញ់និងកាប់ក្បាលអាឆ្កែកញ្ជះយួនសងសិកអោយខ្មែរ
Ah choy maray Ah hun sen ah kbot cheat ,Ah choy maray ah ah wa kim hong ah choy maray ah kbot cheatxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I read the commons above and really discuss with some of the commons.
The truth should be told and the should have the right to tell the truth.
Hun Sen = millions youns in srok Khmer
Hun Seen = 99 years selling Khmer national assets and land concession to foreigners, such as Beng Kok, Kos Pich, Kos Pos, Phnom Bokor, Angkor Wat, Dey Krohorm, Tonle Sap and many land concessions
Hun Sen = Corruption and land grabbing from the poor
Hun Sen = deforestation in Cambodia
Hun Sen = Traitor of the Khmer people and Khmer public enemy number ONE
Hun Sen = slave to youn
Now Hun Sen still in power, he think
he is GOD,after he fall off from power he must except the traitor and
he will die with no place to buried.
We have to wait and see.
The majority blogger in this article
have more positive blogs in cursing Hun Sen families,I've never seen before.That's GREAT!. BE UNITED TO BEAT SOME MAD....
The more blogger wake up,stand up,rise up against MAD DOG in Cambodia,the more wind of change coming soon to Burma,Thailand,Khmer
land,and Vietnam.
AH 10:11AM
Why everyone keeps addressing Hun Sen as "Mr. Hun Sen"? Please address as "IDIOT"!!!! He is on the verge of destroying our country and torturing our people daily.....!!!
He and his cronies must be brought to justice for all the thing they have done.....!!!
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