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Thailand Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said that Cambodia should listen and do what the UNSC has called for to settle the deadly border disputes with Thailand. -- PHOTO: REUTERS |
THAILAND - CAMBODIA should listen and do what the UN Security Council (UNSC) has called for to settle the deadly border disputes with Thailand, Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said on Tuesday.
Mr Abhisit was speaking after UNSC hosted a closed door session, at the request of Cambodia, on Monday with foreign ministers of Cambodia, Thailand and Indonesia, in an attempt to mediate the border clashes which erupted on Feb 1.
After the meeting, the UNSC called for a 'permanent ceasefire' between Thailand and Cambodia and called on the two sides to display maximum restraint and avoid any action that may aggravate the situation.
They were also called for both sides to resolve the situation peacefully and through effective dialogue.
'Now, Cambodia should listen to the UNSC's recommendations because it's Cambodia that called for the UN to step in. The country should now respect the UNSC which called for us to start dialogue in order to settle the dispute peacefully,' the premier said.
He also said he expected Cambodia will agree to talk about the issue when Asean foreign ministers meet in their annual meeting in Jakarta on Feb 22.
Now, Cambodia is wrong. Cambodia called UN for help, but Cambodia agrees with ASEA instead.
Cambodia, What Game are you doing?
Hahaha, HUN SEN you'd better of recall the 91-93 Paris Peace Agreement to the table!!
Look what Abhisit did, he thinks the world think he is/was a good guy from day one.
Reverse Psychology is what he is using.
Sam Rainsy wanted the Gov. to bring the case to the UN, is he happy with the result ?????
Abhisit,mother fucker what about ICJ 1962,do you listen to the court order.
Siam is a culprit in this from miles miles away. I’m sure UN isn’t just a body without a brain.
Dialogue with ASEAN as third party mediator, not bilaterally with Thailand.
Did this guy actually get his degree from Oxford?
UN មិនជួយក៏មិនអីដែរ ព្រោះស្រុកខ្មែរយើងមាន
នាក់ពូកែច្រើនណាស់មិនដែលរកបានរយឆ្នាំមកហើយ តែពេលនេះបង្អូនឃើញទេ សុំកុំបារម្ភ
យើងមាន ក្រុំព្រះ ចក្រ្កី ពោធិសាល នឹង តេជោ
សុទ្ទតែជានាក់ពូកែ គ្រាន់តែចង្អុលវាធ្លាក់ F16 ដល់ទៅពីរ គ្មាននាក់ណាធ្វើអីខ្មែរបានទេ។
សុំបង្អូនកុំភ័យបារម្ភណ៍ ណា តែយួនយកដី
គាត់ឱ្យគេទេ បើមិនឱ្យគេក៏មិនហានយកដែរ
ល្បែងនេះ គេហៅថាឈ្នះឈ្នះណាញោម។ សំដាច់ដាក់ចេញមកយូរហើយ ហើយលោកដើរជាមួយល្បិចនេះមួយជីវិត មើលោកនៅតែមានអំណាច ហើយល្បែងព្រះវិហារនេះសម្រាប់ កាន់អំណាច១ជីវិត។ ម្យ៉ាងពេលអនុវត្តន៍ល្បិចនេះ សំដាច់ផ្សំជាមួយជំហានគីង្គក់របស់ហាណូយដែរ។ ទាំងញោម ទាំងអាត្មាមិនបានចូលលេង ក៏អាចមើលឃើញដែរ។ ទុកឲ្យរលាយទៅឬ ប់CPPចូលមកដល់ទឹកដីសេរីនិយម ចូលមកមកដល់ផ្ទះញោមនៅEU, Canada, USA ហើយ? គួរប្ដឹងរដ្ឋអាណាចទាំងនេះ បណ្ដេចជនកុំម្មុយនីសទាំងនេះចេញទៅស្រុកវិញ ទើបល្អ កុំឲ្យពួកនេះស្គាល់តាក់តិចរបស់លទ្ធិសេរីទៀត។
អាត្មាចូលរួមជាមួយញោមៗស្នេហាជាតិ ស្រឡាញ់សេរីភាព ចង់កែប្រែសង្គមខ្មែរ៕
This is so sickening! The Siem thuggish leaders dare to call on Cambodian government to listen to the UN? While the Siem thuggish warmonger leaders are sending more troops, tanks, and guns to the Cambodian border! Now you Siem thuggish leaders want Cambodian government to settle, to talk, and to cooperate with you? This is defying all logic! Here the Siem leaders are commanding that Cambodian government must come to the table to negotiate but at the same time they bring more troops, more tanks, and more guns to Cambodian border to create hostile environment which is not conducive for any kinds of negotiation at all! Cambodian government will not be pressured into any form of negotiation whether by the use of military force by Siem thuggish warmonger leaders or by international pressure!
The Cambodian government had been patience long enough with these Siem thugs and thieves even before AH Abishit come to power! The bilateral mechanism through peaceful negotiation was used over the years and in fact the bilateral mechanism was high hope for Cambodian government to bring last peace to end the border conflict but it is the Siem thuggish warmongers leaders who destroyed it! Cambodian government had been talking and negotiation many times over the years before the war broke out!
The whole Siem-Cambodian border conflict is not Cambodian problem and it is the Siem problem for violating Cambodian sovereignty according to international law! The Siem thuggish leaders better own the fucken problem instead of playing the blame game on Cambodia! If Thailand want to be surrounded by enemies just keep doing the same thing expect different result and keep on demanding Cambodian government of the impossible such as using bilateral mechanism which the Siem thuggish that they can buy more time to create more problems for Cambodia!
Siem leaders have a choice to make and it is up them if they want to be a good neighbor or a bad neighbor! Just say no to Siem style bilateral talk and negotiation! Cambodian government is only following the international law and reserve the right to self-defense and to protect her sovereignty!
Fuck politics. just like religion, vague and always leaves it open to different intepretations. And these idiots playing politics, twisting words to their advantages, thinking people in the world are just 3 years old kids.
It's just unbelievable, this world is dominated by politics; everything we do is political irrespected to human well being. Men need to abandon politics and economy as a whole and start embrace science and technology that can actually solve the problems.
Look what this guy Thai PM said!!!
He is the one didn't abide the international law or the La Hague Court..
I told you HUN SEN is saving this for his political gain for up coming election.
He asked Abhisit to do the same. If Abhisit wants to gain political gain in Bangkok HUN SEN said "Abhisit, you need to divert the attention to the border and you must let me HUN SEN do the same thing when Cambodia have election in the future". I pad your back you must pad my back also.
Your friend,
Hun Sen,
Not Cambodian FM who keeps his words, but Thai FM must keep his words.
From now on, there is no bilateral talk in the same way as last two years talks. This time the World is watching. Cambodia will make all the negotiation’s progresses to ASEAN, the UN and the public.
Cambodia doesn’t have to speculate anything. Cambodia will continue to act according to the rule in believing that good deed will prevail.
Therefore, Kasit is better preparing for more liars to cover-up previous liars.
ល្បែងអស់ទឹកអស់ដី ល្បែងងាប់រាស្រ្ត ខ្ញុំករណាមិនលែងជាមួយទេ
These organizations are very corrupted! They are called ASEAN, UN.
I like NATO...
Hun Sen bragged he knows how to do politics- not sam rainsiy-. now where is Husn Sen's genious, smart politics with Siam; where is his Ph D skill. In fact he is smart among stupid Cambodian Hun Sen lovers and strong among powerless innocent Cambodians.
Ah Abhisit meung tdai, meung ha reang Khmen yer ma! Meung tdai pai...Meung koav chai mai?
Ah Abhisit you must dai, you created trouble with Khmer a lot! you must be death. Do you understand?
យើងត្រូវប្រកាន់ឱយខ្ជាប់ជានិច្ចថា៖ បើឯងហ៊ាន ចូល អញត្រូវតែបាញ់។ បើចង់សុខនឹងគ្នា ត្រូវនៅឱ្យស្ងៀម កុំរំកិលឱ្យសោះ។
Ah Abhisit opens his mouth and ready to suck Khmer dick! Ah Abhisit is a cock sucker. Most Thai men are gay, in Krung Thep lot of gay Thai wanted to suck Khmer dick, but aint' let them do it.
" called on the two sides to display maximum restraint and avoid any action that may aggravate the situation." (SIC)
And motherfucker display MAXIMUM forces?????
What the fuck with your PhD?
ah pler Hun Sen tver oy srok khmer ke merl ngeay pi thai neung yuon. vear kit tae krour sa vear heuy kbot jeat yuo chhnam heuy. ah Hun Sen min prom joss pi dam naeng te, tol tae mean nek na som less vear joal.
បើអាកាពិក វាធ្វើខុសនៅលើដីខ្មែរខ្មែរត្រូវតែប្រដៅវាឲ្យស្គាល់ដៃ តែខ្មែរត្រូវតែចាំល្មមឈប់ចាញ់បោកវាទៀត
ទៅ ។
This is very annoying, irritated! When both UNSC, ASEAN keep telling Cambodia to be more patient and mor negotiating...more liberal talks?? Thailand is the fucken problems?? They started all of these shits first!! As long as Thailand kept claiming or crying and wanted 4.6km of lands, it will never be solve anything..?? Thailand now wanted preah vihear delisted?? I think PM Hun Sen was right! Cambodia must prepared for long strategy, long war with Thailand!
Cambodia should buying more modern weapons from Russia or China! Thailand will not leave us alone...We must boost up our miilitary power!!
Yes, this is a real lesson learn for Cambodia. They must modernize their military so we will not be contemplating from the Thai.
Khmer Jeayden,
Abhisit, you are a liar.
2:01 AM, I support you. I don't like war. But Thai will not leave us alone.
សំដាច់, អែកអ៊ុតដំ, ឡូកជុំទៀវ, ឡូក,ឡូកស្រី, អុកញ៉ា ...
កុំបារម្មណ៍អី បើអង្គការសហប្រជាជាតិមិនជួយទេ...
មើលចុះ...! គ្រាន់តែក្រឡេក ឆេះយន្តហោះចំបាំងសៀមអស់ពីរគ្រឿងភ្លាម...
I think some of you may miss the hole point.
What Cambodia get out of this meeting, is that Thai and Cambodia must have the real road map to solve this problem peacefully !!!!
What it meants is that Cambodia dosen't have to wait 2.5 years just for the Thai Parlament to approve the minute !!!!!
If the International community see this, then they would know who cause the real headach here !!!
Cambodia should not hold any bilateral talk with unfaithful party because it has been done many rounds in the past and yield no result. Why continue talking with the crook. Cambodia is seeking trilateral talk this time.
Cambodia is doing the right thing.If one solution fails then a new solution should be use. Let's see how it goes. Let's see if the thief likes it or not.
Leave the problem as it is so that both governments can use it to enhance their grips of power.
There are more pressing problems facing each nation that each government conviniently neglects to solve.
Trade between nations to benefit the people? Nope. Settling old score is better.
What a waste of human life!
ThaiLand is doing the right things.
As long as Cambodia has VIOLATED the 23 October 1991 peace Agreement
Thailand has the rights to do so...
If Vietnam can do Thailand and Laos can do too.
There is nothing wrong with that, due to PARIS PEACE AGREEMENT.
I say Thailand's doing the great job!
Invade as much as Thai can do....
If Viet can do same as Thai and Laos, doing their part.
Thank You Thai...
Its wasting time after all of these nonsense meeting...UNSC,ASEAN? Thailand is the one keep producing problems by crying for ownership of preah vihear and the lands? Well, its up to Thailand side...to decide peace or not? Thailand coming in, the fighting will erupt..that's it! My concern is that Hun Sen must not share or spitting up half/half on new development plans! Don't be stupid sharing your bank accounts?
Correction-Hun Sen must not splitting up half and half with Thailand on that area...If he does, people will curse at his grave too..!
Ah Stupid Hor 5 Hong is an idiot for rejecting Ban Ki Moon during his visit to close the UN office related to Khmer Rouge Tribunal in Phnom Penh for fears of being tried in court as being a former Khmer Rouge Beung Trobek prison chief and now he will be rejected by UN Security Council for his broken English. This old Khmer Rouge fart needs to retire!!!!
ហ៊យន សែនមិនហ៊ានដាល់(ប្ដឹង)ពីមុន មកពី
គាត់របួសដៃម្ខាង(កាត់ដីខាងកើត) ដល់សៀមដឹង
ចំណុចខ្សោយ ស៊កពីរបីដៃក៏ដួលច្រងាប់ច្រងិល។
ចីយ៉ូ សំតិត អាចម៍ចូ!!!!!!
I agree with 3:10 AM. It's up to the thief. Peace or war. I think if the thief leader Abhisit is out, the situation might be better.
if you respected what your ancestor signed, the situation at the border wouldn't be like right now.
The only thing to settle this problem is to Let the USA and UK supply all weapons to Thailand.
And Let the China and Russia supply all weapons to Cambodia. Who ever side won; the super power won... how about that game?
Preah Vihear... Dollar one o five do you want to buy? over...
Preah Vihear... Dollar one fifty five do you want to buy? over...
Cluster, Cluster 130 do you copy? over...
let hear from Hun Sen side!
Mother fuck ah Abbhisit, your guy sent troops to invade Cambodian soil and now your guy advised us to listen to UNSC to ceade fire, but your bastard open fire always firstly after your guy said cease fire. Mother fuck, sonovabitch, a thief who stole Cambodia territory century ago. A thief from a tiny part of China. Go back to China, a stupid animal.
12:09am . Mr. Rainsy wished Mr. Hun Sen bring the Preah Vihea case to UN or UN court. But Mr. Hun does not have to act like ah Jey.
If someone hit you, bring that persong to court. But if you hit that person back, both will be arrested. Sometimes the second hitter get even more punishment by the court. Between the two, Thai and Mr. Hun, which one break the cease fire agreement first ? Isn't that Mr. Hun wanted to wage the war with Thai so he can show that his son, Dr. Manet, is a true commnader of two star general even though he is only 33 years old. Another logical reason: isn't that Khmer and the world are distracted to focus on Thai/khmer border and meanwhile allowing Yuon and Va Kim Hong to work the border in the eastern frontier.
Keep on Shoting and until UN resolved the issued. It will take another six month! LOL
Hi everyone. This message is for all 4 Mr. Big shot on the left side of the site. Let be fair. You all four Mr. Big shot ! Give land to youn but you don't want to give it to Thai Why ? Or because you think all Cambodians are dumb ?and you all smart ass ? Whatch your rear ends .Someday somebody will tell you to bend over.
Khmer just sit and wait, if they come in again start blast them up with all kind of weapons we have...untill stupid UNSC move their ass to preah vihera area...for buffer zone! Ohterwise, just keep blast them up...Fuck Asean! They can't do shit! They all on Thai side...only!
I prefer Khmer and Thai must go to war for the final stage to conquer all Old Khmer territory. Let start fighting each other to dead...
can you take this guy's picture out b/c i don't want to see him.
Both Phnom Penh and
Bangkok leaders should listen to USNC
,not just Hun Sen.
When UN Security Council talked,they
both listened.They
should not talk at
the same time.
If Hun Sen and Abhisit listened to
each other;then the
UNSC who is right
and who is wrong.
12:09 AM
Fuck you , now you put the blame on Sam Rainsy??? You are so stupit hey// Your fucking minister can't even speak proper English to put the case on the table.
Stupid dog barking on the wrong tree again.
You should blame the traitor Hun Sen for bilateral talk with the Thai since the issue just atarted 2008. You youn dog so go and fucked your self.
Cambodia is in deep shit right now if they don't fucking do something. ASEAN = Thailand
So what the use for the ASEAN to get involve, Thailand already won the the talk. We are in real deep shit.
Thank to the traitors for the bilateral talk since 2008. Now we are in deed shit, UN doesn't want to get involve.
12:09 AM
Why don't you go to the restroom and jack off yourself if your are so boring and have nothing to do huh.
"Why don't you go to the restroom and jack off yourself if your are so boring and have nothing to do huh."
No, I rather shoot my load in mother's pussy.
This idiotic PM of Thailand only know how to throw punches when his opponent is already on the ground. What can I say, he's probably one of those students that you like to stuff him in his locker. He's a true idiot. He needs to go back and start by respecting and listening to what the world court had ordered Thai to do in 1962.
The united Nations of security council has to come and see near Cambodian-thai disputed border. do not sit and listen thailand.
You do not be rigouros and not believe thailand you live too far from here, you not know about Thai national manners/ behavours.
Thai nationals are good at lying and cheating the world, if you UN cheated by Thai, and who believe in UN more.
UN has to send your secret special envoy see.
ahbullshit, stop wasting your pad thug's stinky breath on cambodia, instead tell your pad thugs people to respect the international law ie 1907, icj verdict, cambodia, etc, and stop stealing from cambodia, ok!
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